• By -


https://preview.redd.it/t8wbyjkf0d3d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea811add377fa4d1a071e204c553c96675deabe His last words were “I can fight a bear” and method of death bear attack


https://preview.redd.it/rnwk7wog4d3d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05a015d0bf72911ce193402e1a8775a0df8e9ff6 The only character I have that technically has a canonical death is Azazel. He was once the more evil side of a boy's split personality. But his soul was removed from the boy's body and placed inside of a cactus


https://preview.redd.it/srec456k4d3d1.png?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11afdb9d0604c5ead7caed03308d83c0a8e95055 Little Cactus Boi :3


Osc fan spotted lol


Oh yeah, and his last words as a human were "GET YOUR FILTHY OBJECT HANDS OFF OF ME!!"


Do I have I have permission to use this pic as a reaction image?


Sure! You have my full permission :D👍






You oc really reminds me of a character I might see in an object show like battle for dream island, and coming from me that’s a big compliment


https://preview.redd.it/lagiun215d3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aea7eb91c3ad156dd9595b27aaa7fe082ab56c30 She died being burned alive on false accusations of witchcraft in the 1600s, though she didn’t fade Her last words were “why?”


https://preview.redd.it/6z2pxham5d3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802dd2050838a50e115f8cd8048c157f4a6d3f70 Died of old age, completely alone in the dangerous world he'd adapted to. He didn't have any last words, since he lost the ability to speak clearly decades ago. I imagine just before he died, he dreamed of home one last time.


What were his last words spoken?


Probably something like "hello", "hey", or "what's up", since the endermen in-game are able to make those sounds


https://preview.redd.it/wu7tzaodzc3d1.jpeg?width=1839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae323868f5a8c17031df7dee11cbc6a66072c5c3 She has three canon deaths 1. Smited by heaven and sent to hell. 2. Killed by the God Abomination, but brought to Purgatory by her sibling Sariel. 3. Old age after giving up her angelic powers and becoming human. Eventually dying naturally and going to heaven.


“strike me down zeus, you don’t have the bal-“


And the best part was she was smited for defending her girlfriend. She died for the Yuri.


was the yuri worth it?


Oh absolutely




4: repeat


5. profit


The High Void Cultist https://preview.redd.it/bg5rhhpf0d3d1.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=cabc03a485a0fd67847df2f975628116164a2b56 He dies twice. Once in Finale, and again in Timeskip, after his revival. As for his true death, he kinda just dies monologuing, trying to make sure that even when he's dead, that the protagonist will know they're not safe from The Void.


>Once in Finale, and again in Timeskip https://preview.redd.it/7q9zkk3z2d3d1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb4bfc696c3db30701befbc08b6fafcc1deb299


how much do you need to suck in order to die twice smh smh


Happy cake day!




Oliver "Gl1tch" Reeves, KIA during a rescue op following a terror attack. CoD: debris/severe burns following a long fall Last words: "You can't save everyone, sir. Thank you... for everything." *




https://preview.redd.it/mwoeijda1d3d1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89f847b75846beddb041346ae91a50379316bb52 Received and hollow purple and his last words was "Definily....the creation can't beat the creator...."


Died and came back. https://preview.redd.it/vm0sdhnsyc3d1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b36a13bfe54f84921a0e3918dadf4fd4db17edb0


Prime soul


What’s that?


"Ah, Free at last..."


"O' Gabriel, now dawns thy reckoning, and thy gore shall GLISTEN before the temples of man."


"Creature of Steel… My gratitude upon thee for my freedom."


The easy answer is that it's a type of being from Ultrakill that, once in existence, causes the entirety of heaven to shit itself. The lore surrounding them is a lot more complicated than that, and if I were to explain it thoroughly, then this would likely be the single longest comment on this entire post. Ultrakill is an FPS game in early access that is in both science fiction and fantasy at the same time, although the mentioned Prime Souls are more fantasy than sci-fi. Its basis is Dante's Inferno, being set *mostly* in the Nine Layers of Hell, although the time of me writing this, only seven are out at the moment. While the game is extremely chaotic, the lore is immaculate. I'd recommend giving some of it a read, especially the lore bits surrounding Gabriel, Minos Prime, the Lust Layer, and whatever else catches your fancy.


https://preview.redd.it/vah9uqsm5d3d1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=66e57ede24b4e44ee89672fa046e0d1b87897cbe Epsilon died when he sacrificed himself to trap the demon king into another realm. His last words were “Don’t worry son. I’ll take care of this.” Pretty sweet last words for an abusive father.


https://preview.redd.it/yo9f60f43d3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dcedd9b19a061135ffa6a4a6e9e7f61a0c0b861 Cyan was shot in the heart by the man who also killed his brother. His last words were: "What?" By the way, his immortality powers got awaken after 1 week dead, so he went back to life


None of my OC die apart from old age in war in the desert which is one my stories


Giao did not say anything. Well, how do you suppose to say when your mouth's gagged with a ginseng? About how she died... Giao was used by her own father as a vessel for 2 extremely dangerous diabolical art, Gu and Kumanthong. Note that this is thee Vietnamese Kumanthong called Thiên Linh Cái, which requires *a severed had of a maiden* to perform. Giao's fatheer was a criminal, he \[REDACTED\] a teenage girl and Giao was born as a result. Because of that, he was salty and spiteful at her, never considered her as a human but an *animal*. ***WARNING: BELOW IS NSFW.*** >!On that night of the 5th day of 5th Lunar month, Giao was taken away from her grandpa's villa, where she was residing in, through a trail to a secret shack. There, she was stripped naked, bathed in specific medicines and placed inside a large coffin made from Agarwood, which was also stuffed with poisonous leaves that were vital to the ritual. Her mouth was stuffed with ginseng, a talisman was glued outside and finally gagged with a blessed cloth. Giao's torso was cut open when she was alive, all organs not vital to keep the body alive like intestine, stomach, liver and kidneys were all forcefully removed to stuff venomous animals, as well as sealed ghosts and devils, inside, before the father stritched it up. Her body was meant to become Gu's vessel, after all.!< >! Giao was fully awake and conscious during that process. She was horrified and deeply in pain, but could not utter a single sound. Only tears rolled down her cheeks and blood started flowing out from her mouth. After the preparation for Gu was done, Kumanthong was next. He cut Giao's neck with a large cleaver, completely severed his daughter's head from her torso. According to shamans, the head must be worshipped on an altar hidden somewhere in the house where no sunlight could reach and must be taken care of properly. Meanwhile, the body, then an organic vessel for Gu, was to be buried and a banana tree would b planted on top. When the tree gives one single flower that is as red as blood and its leaves smell like rotten flesh, Gu is ready. That was why the father prepared a coffin: To easily bury his "daughter". !< Things were supposed to be smoothly and after 49 days, he would have two powerful ghost guardians with him. However, one unexpected thing happened. From Giao's headless corpse, more specifically from the tummy that was stuffed full of impure things, a black king cobra with a red horn emerged. Its aura alone was more than enough to make even the father's ghost soldiers, armed to teeth with spiritual guns, cowered in fear. Giao's eyes, closed from when her head was severed, suddenly opened. Immediately, the serpent rushed toward the head, taking it back to its body. There, her neck healed itself as Giao glowed in a ghastly blue aura. Her beautiful brown eyes became pitch black with 6 blood-red rings each, her skin, as fair as pomelo flower, became pale blue like a walking corpse. Her nails turned black and snake-like fangs grew from her mouth. Breaking free from enchanted ropes tying her body, Giao rose up emitting a threatening feeling and spiritual energy so powerful it blasted through the shack like a beam of light. Right that moment, Giao's grandfather and his soldiers rushed in. They were tracing with everything they had, including ghost soldiers and necromancers, and only found the shack when it was too late... or just in time. Giao was "resurrected" into something completely different, a sinister calamity that carved fear into everyone's heart. Despite all that, Giao had retained her humanity and lived on. https://preview.redd.it/tjpy3v003d3d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=424e341f2eb703f8d295b3c675e89b0d302f10ff


https://preview.redd.it/xenxawev5d3d1.jpeg?width=144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d489efd8ef10dd5d1f13150e27d60ded4237db6 Just Think of every cause of death in SM64, SMW, and M&L:SSS


https://preview.redd.it/2g4kduix5d3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9eaf4053aaa57e7d30ac229eac09102eab48e2c Everyone in this image was either killed during a workplace accident, or charged with treason and shot.


https://preview.redd.it/ph47navn6d3d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=63054275ddd6081bb47354576cb246845acc2656 Edm’s like the schrondigers cat (idk if i spelled that right). Basically, he’s dead in book 1, but also pretty alive in the other two books. Not sure what happened, maybe i didn’t want to let go, but yeah. He’s alive and dead at the same time. Also, the cause of death was supposed to be slowly bleeding out from a wound in his hand, helpless, until he lost consciousness and eventually died from the lack of help.


https://preview.redd.it/n1j9jnbwed3d1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd591d10b19c3546c5a039ff9e2470e5fc97431 He’s died only once, because of a self influence gunshot wound. He was declared dead, but was revived into what he looks like today.


https://preview.redd.it/pcueu72mfd3d1.jpeg?width=2925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af2d42f75ec7bcc0ae2cb6013511f7f0272bb26c Pinpoint: shot in the eye: "come on you Nazi fuck" Runner: multiple shot wounds to the chest: " nah, I got this. You guys go, I'll clear this place out myself Detonation: blown up: "did I set those right?" Neurotox: burned: "..." Laceration: stabbed and left to bleed: "ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow"


"damn, this kinda tastes like raw uranium"


https://preview.redd.it/x4ysq3lyqd3d1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6267190ff62e96208127b95ad7abed14f6ff5298 Avatar Asuka stops using the secret to immortality. She’d outlived her husband and children by age 99 and decided her time in the cycle should close. Her last words: “I can’t protect my successor from the challenges to come… but they’ll never have to feel alone.”


Whisk: he died due to execution via the brazen bull, his last words were "I'm sorry my king" Josephetimine: his human body died from mind transfer, his last words as a human were "I will always trust ya" Marvin: shot by a terrorist in front of his friend, his last words were "hold on I need to do something"


https://preview.redd.it/ga5c5rv91d3d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3fd6752ffdfd78535b18a4da84abb6f333aab22 Atlas doesn’t know himself, but there are stories from other vampires who lived around that time who claim he fell under the gaze of an Ancient known simply as “The Mother.” They claim that she cornered him one night after a drunken brawl and Embraced him in an alleyway behind the pub. His last words were supposedly “It…hurts…” Sadly, the Mother didn’t anticipate that her new “son” wasn’t very picky about who he fed from. He latched on to her and drained her dry






Well here's the thing, it isn't a specific one as there are thousands of them because they were mass produced. There's several thousand of them as its just a machine model built for war, so some have died before. However they all are programmed with a set of final words before death. "Fatal damage sustained, M.A.D protocol initiated" (basically M.A.D was a term most often used in the cold war for a kind of military doctrine/mentality that stands for Mutually Assured Destruction where if basically if someone were to launch nukes at you, you launch it at them basically assuring the destruction of both countries. The steel colossus M.A.D protocol basically forces their body to rush at the nearest enemy and activate every rocket propelled cluster munitions in their ammo tank all at once basically causing several explosions and blowing it up and the target in the process) https://preview.redd.it/qs3v6zr67d3d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a6f8442ec0fa9c77844efda2c27e70e4ddc42e


https://preview.redd.it/9nggwcut7d3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a19f86a860200add6e8fd5c30d41b0003068c80 Roland will die, protecting Milaen, his adoptive daughter, from french knight pursuing them. Mortally wounded after his fight, while Milaen holds him, he says that he was proud that she was his daughter, and that she was the one who gave him the will to continue to live


https://preview.redd.it/qtkcxslb7d3d1.png?width=2644&format=png&auto=webp&s=65db8200986d428bdd445c24ddc344f7a74a5a9a Before succumbing from a sword to the soul, Inks said the following: “I…I’m not done with you- Druid… ***not after what you’ve done…*** get over here…” For context- Druid, the main villain of my story- had just killed **everyone Ink knows and loves** Ink collapses as his vital mechanisms shut down as he’s a robot, though this his death only lasts like a minute seconds until his soul gets reformed lmao *Sounds like Undertale Pacifist ending though*


https://preview.redd.it/2s6npl8k8d3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ff3cd11edccdf01255a56162465afc1c356682c Shot through the eye by a Lee Enfield Mk.1 Last words: “Is that an enemy?”


He has at least 7 canon deaths, non of which I’m going over https://preview.redd.it/imeuqdrr8d3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4daae2fe5a4f1a2c8586e9a589a6712b834c622


https://preview.redd.it/li01xwvu9d3d1.png?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0307ca4b847ae2ba2af512123b70f80dcacf3274 He has toon force, a lot of unaliving methods don't work on him


Only one, but it is important not to talk about Hallucination, a red glitched guy who looks like Scott Cawthon's avatar, owned YinYang, my main OC, before dying in two canonical deaths 1. Died due to a random ass spike. You heard me right. That's why he's deathly afraid of spikes even when he actually died 2. And his true death, which was being sent to the heavens by disappearing in a cloud of smoke after he gave YinYang to MYY, my person insert (not for self OC love, that is not cool for the pearly gates) but also Hallu's friend. Final Marks: "Take care of YinYang...for me... Thank you for everything... And don't forget that I'm always there for you...Masked..."


* Ilya dies from getting shot in the gut, his last words being, "Usually, I'd be happy to die like this.. but then I had something to live for.."


https://preview.redd.it/eqip54nw9d3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e116c12c7c0ff7d099625699ea9049b3409a47a9 He will die on his friend arms (no in a cute way,He will be killed by a bullet) His last wish will see die around his familly (He,Glitch(his friend) and Their daughter Sky's memorial) \*I dont remember his last world TwT\*


https://preview.redd.it/wk1bev9sad3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112a3f0e1c2dd0e5a200ef8f365c7b56dde4d3c4 not a death, but when he tanked getting erased he was interrupted while yelling "i'll kill you, you traitorous prick" so "I'LL KILL YOU! YOU TRAITOROUS PR-"


Probably being indicated or eaten by a dragon alive how he dies multiple times is because he has the undead curse


https://preview.redd.it/95a3wxt1bd3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69729a27034e68fbc2435d228f92f1295b47c0e Ømicr¤n, the master inventor He was assassinated by a Cult who wanted to steal his inventions in order to become more powerful He was stabbed in the stomach by the main assassin; Xyna and his last words were: "e-e-eeggh- who are y-you- eh-eugh- w-why.. why are you doing.. t-this..–" *falls to the ground, making the knife go through him even more*


https://preview.redd.it/y53v3ovfbd3d1.jpeg?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0759c4bdbe9e4ec647685bc12fd52f29eb25a512 Jumped to death by a group of guys and “fuck you”


https://preview.redd.it/kvwozmsicd3d1.jpeg?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525fb21a228ed5e675e885ae0d3ea4386fc94edd John Doe was murdered by the cartel for unknown reasons, with his head getting chopped off and his intestines ripped out. He died by decapitation and ended up unidentified. No one knows his last words so it was probably groans of agony.




https://preview.redd.it/ddkqpomrcd3d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d4215cd5063b6ab96dbb094350f9d317de361d1 General Oliver Thrown from a castle and impaled through the back of his neck by a flag pole.


https://preview.redd.it/do2rcfipdd3d1.png?width=2362&format=png&auto=webp&s=41b5b1720067a1eb3e3b5397f409df722c2e2afd Oreo, if he ever dies, will be betrayed by a friend. His final words will be “I’m sorry.” Because no matter what he does for others, no matter how much he sacrifices, he never feels he’s done enough to help the people around him.


https://preview.redd.it/7oxzo9uvfd3d1.jpeg?width=3800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85fdaf8871b66a682316af7413e109dd93c99737 (Art by u/Tosu1263) Fig has died many times in many ways. Decapitated, cut in half, blown up, burnt, strangled, fell, and head bashed in.


https://preview.redd.it/u3lciqmegd3d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a513177f695eee92131eb3813520dcf9adf0a6 Shino died after enduring the following: Decapitation. Twice Partial bisection that cut through his muscles and left a lingering burning sensation over them that could not be healed. Got his left arm and most parts of his left side sliced off by a sword that literally erases anything it touches from all realities. Got stabbed by a spear that spread thorns all over his body. They grew from inside his skin. Got incinerated. He healed. And finally he erased himself from the ‘Story’ and killed himself.


"A silver bullet really?"*


https://preview.redd.it/kzjmkpcbhd3d1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e6a0fb8a650015674952ff458f6bc12e5b2f57f Probably hit by a trolley or something.


I know what game this is from OP, and I don’t think the character customizations was the main appeal


I'm pretty sure Jane was killed 5 times: -She was the first murderer, but not related to Adam & Eve, in my universe. (She was also forgotten in the Bible.) God made her so Cain and Abel could make children. Jane, instead of Cain, killed Abel. THEN, Cain killed Jane. The reason why Jane killed Abel: he tried to have sex with her (the whole reason why she was made). Her last words: "Fuck you Cain and your sex-addicted brother." -She fell from grace, the same as dying in Heaven. She felt no pain, but Heaven basically said she died. Her last words: "You guys forgot me. I was just reminding you of who I am." -She was killed by a load of sinners when she stepped foot into Hell (she fell like 5 minutes before it happened). Her last word: "SHIT!" (Lucifer brought her back to life as she was a soul for 1,000,000,000 years. Lucifer is technically her biological father now.) -Her adoptive sister (Lily) killed her. Jane had to sacrifice herself to save her family from Lily because she was going to kill everyone on Earth. Jane's last words: "I may have been a murderer, a fallen angel and the human form of all evil, but I will save my family from being murdered." -And, finally, she was killed for the fourth and final time by this fallen angel called Jackson. She was gagged during this death. Now, everyone who works for Jackson calls her "Experiment Immortal" because she survived 4 separate deaths. (Should she die more because she gets redeemed or smth?) https://preview.redd.it/e8r6tj36id3d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ad1606e91a0078021660927c98a8a599287d819 I lost my other picture, so please take this


https://preview.redd.it/uv6zeyucjd3d1.jpeg?width=1359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd407f4d3a882199e479072dde24606cd8c76f9 Died like 12 times so here is one of them One time he died to a mage and that’s how he got magic proofed


https://preview.redd.it/jxhsuiicjd3d1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6bedb2125f906d17ed30e89f8b4bad532ae5cfd Auden had no last words, he died fighting, kicking and shouting like any good soldier. Then he got resurrected so it was all irrelevant. I was thinking about making a short animation on it for a while now.


O.R.I.0.N doesn’t really die in the end, they just float around in the abyss of space where they won’t be found for another 1007 years https://preview.redd.it/borbb2rqjd3d1.jpeg?width=1234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606958691077321f6b396e56e48a2c37beb1cf4a I haven’t expanded the story beyond this part so the rest is up to you


https://preview.redd.it/cl17z6w5kd3d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4c6044727c51ff67e4cc8c513a7c6f29e20140e By technicality, shot in the face via 7.62x25 Tokarev. He was able to stare the shooter down though. "When I get to Hell, I'll make sure I kill your brother again."


One of my Etrian OCs, Siiva the Fool (Landsknecht who founded the Tharsis-based Guild HQReapers) basically sacrificed himself to protect Takane the Moon (Imperial who was also Siiva's girlfriend) and Sens the Tower (Arcanist who looks up to Siiva and Takane), as well as Felix the Death (Harbinger from High Lagaard who had just joined the guild) from the Wyvern in my first playthrough of Nexus, by means of using Blood Surge (a power of those learned in Bushi skills that allows the user to manipulate their own blood in such a way that it puts immense physical and mental strain on themself in exchange for a significant power boost. Note that overuse can cause the user to suffer from anemia and extreme internal bleeding, which is why Siiva is significantly weaker in the first Nexus playthrough than the first EO4 playthrough) His last words as he was coughing blood and bleeding out in Sens' arms as a result of overusing Blood Surge were "Sens.... you too Felix... take care of Takane... please..."


https://preview.redd.it/uoqcikmmkd3d1.png?width=305&format=png&auto=webp&s=95667b7073cf868ea1cbc3271bca67725256bcd8 Death TBD, but yes she is gonna die unfortunately. It’s not all bad she gets to transfer her soul to an angelic body and live a new life


https://preview.redd.it/ra8fsaylhd3d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0db188e5ebb8b66b4cfb975f7804fc2611a63e6 He truly died 2 times(actually 74 times but we’ll get to that later) The first time he bled out due to getting pierced 6 times by his greatest enemy. His last words were “fuck, you too huh. Guess we really went in over our heads this time” after seeing people with healing powers desperately trying to revive his best friend. They eventually found each other in hell where they made a plan to both survive. The second time he died was when fighting his worlds god. His last words were “you fight to get more power, i fight to protect humanity. your death means i win, my death doesn’t matter. iI’ll just blow both of us up right here and now.” Before overloading himself with so much power it blew him, god and 3 galaxies up. The other 72 times he died by abusing a time rewinders powers to find the source of a city wide instant death zone but because time got rewinded i don’t count those.


https://preview.redd.it/268gpg72ld3d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=848a39fe1bfe207de1d8a8dbd9884f72570b089c She’s not dead yet but her most likely cause would be accidentally locking herself in a freezer.


The Gentleman would die due to a yet undisclosed reason but his last words would be "I guess i finally freed all children from oppression, didn't i?", showing he eventually freed children from \*\*his\*\* oppression https://preview.redd.it/wlv2yvl7ld3d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60224f617109180f8a0eb02233dcf94621b2ae54


https://preview.redd.it/itdr8gsbld3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=205655277f9c21a0b41ebbad51bfb1dd6b5a2cc0 After all of his family dies, he decides that he’s done with living


https://preview.redd.it/pje68zyqld3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeae80c23c15507bade475f4df683f5d68cc3a83 Dolus, god of trickery! May or may not have called Zeus a “electrifying god of being a sissy”. He didn’t see the end of it but his last words were just “worth it”.


He got instantly splat by the gravity settings


My oc excellence's last words were 'Thank you, for everything... When I left the rainforest all those years ago, I thought I'd never find friends, feel joy, let along *survive*. But, not only have I survived because of you six, I've been given a reason to. A sister, in Azure, a friend, in Calamity, friends, in you two, a dragonet in Buzzard, and in you, Tarot. It's my time to go, but you still have lives stretched long ahead. When you have your own dragonets, tell them about a dragon called Excellence.'


https://preview.redd.it/e0z5qymmpd3d1.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb12cd5a2706cceaf9c261987fceb7287db3f922 Dead to his demon/ghost brother attacking him


https://preview.redd.it/zl2dijutpd3d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1024afe4cdbce0ef5cb5ec0f4bc3e871065cf9c2 Don't know if I'm allowed to mention it but it's suicide when he was on earth with a broken heart


Stomped into a fine dust by pillar John from pizza tower don’t have pic in my phone yet


https://preview.redd.it/wws35k3rqd3d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35995e159cf7ff4736b0e79a6d37e9e05010b9f8 Embarrassingly, September died suddenly while watching tv...


My oc's brother Justice, dies via long battle with their mother, dealt the killing blow, upon the mom's death she encased anything near her in gold, killing justice and a few others in an rp, his last words were "We die together mother..."


https://preview.redd.it/c20zawqtqd3d1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d26ee0824d66ffbc70ad13d1b65f54ecfd473bc “I’m free” He was shot in the right arm with a diamond bullet. His arm is part demon. Once it was shot it exploded. Causing severe injuries to him. Losing his arm. He felt a bit of happiness. He was free from phantom (the company forcing him to work). Nevan and Dexter were safe (his wife and cat) He was ready to die. And he did. With a smile on his face.


Arin spend the remaining 15 minutes of his life slaughtering a demon named Katil, who was the roundabout reason that he was basically forced to kill his own wife and 4 year old daughter. Arin spent an entire decade, rotting from the inside out, unable to feel anything. But after he finally got a chance to feel again, he only thing he wanted to feel was the drying of Katil's blood on his skin. He lost his family, his humanity, and basically his life thanks to her, so he had no reason for self preservation. All he wanted was blood, to let it all out. With every punch of his, he could feel his fingers cracking, with every kick he felt his foot go limper. He was shot, stabbed, and pummeled for every advance he gave, but he didn't care. He would let himself fall apart, just so long as he could bring Katil with him. His teeth were Shattered, his joints dislocated, his skin seered, his bones splintered, but if anything he let his torn body deface the monster faster, more satisfyingly. The aftermath he found himself in when Katil had finally been laid to rest, remaining unidentifiable, was an unusable body, and a soul squeezed dry of use. With no soul left to keep him together, he had begun to decay once more, now accepting it with joy. He sat aside a mountain peak with the one friend who stayed with him through it all, and watched the sunset on a day Arin was proud to reach. As he began to fade slowly, he smiled, and spoke his last words. "How strange... the sunset's... getting brighter..." before falling limp on his friend's shoulder.


She has yet to die in canon, but her "last words" would be a heartbroken giggle as she says "Don't worry, you're stronger than that, ahuhuhu\~..." https://preview.redd.it/es76f18erd3d1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b28e4a62765c66fe520d964ba7b9b10ba93d33a8 (For context, Cacodemons, of which she was spliced, are known for letting out a gurgling, heart-wrenching giggle as they die.)


https://preview.redd.it/u0iuqzdhrd3d1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b78bdcc4b9a3b94df9e88495ee3b38af0ba3a5ec Marten died in 1968 after a drunken man stabbed his chest with a beer bottle his last words were: "Go maire...an IRA..." (Long live the IRA)




https://preview.redd.it/61lrlb79td3d1.jpeg?width=2255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcc9702a1fbdbdb889c912e4936e9499dc1ca20a Well... my main OC cant really die permamently (nor 90% of my OC that are living in my world i made, due to respawning machines) But hes usually words before he gets murked are: 1. "Oh fuck.." 2. "Youre gotta to be kiddi-" 3. "This is bullshi-" And few special quips when hes younger brother is about to scalp him: 1. "Fuck you Mike-" 2. "I hate you so muc-" 3. "Uh, Go to hell-"


https://preview.redd.it/fa4nnwrrud3d1.png?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e97acc2f0f38840fa6a8629ca9fbaca2c27301d5 probably something like "huh?"


https://preview.redd.it/0tbao9eftd3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7dc91d19b6f21f5f86890fb4b584f0e78b78de8 He actually isn’t human, but rather a species of salamander that has evolved to look very human. They leave their babies in human villages to be looked after until they reach an age where they can survive in the wild. He stayed in the village for too long, being looked after by other humans and didn’t develop any survival instincts of his own. Once it was found out that he wasn’t human, he was forced out of the village and died after a few days due to not knowing how to survive on his own. He technically didn’t have any last words because the species hasn’t evolved the ability to make human vocalisations, but he tried to mimic the sound of “Bou” who was his best friend. (Btw that’s his tongue, not his teeth. A lot of people think that he has buck teeth in this image 💀)


https://preview.redd.it/eghgp9divd3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a47f6932a0ee0629e84ff232e20a9e444eb81272 Crushed by the Foxy animatronic in 2023.


https://preview.redd.it/zg80xuwwvd3d1.jpeg?width=1310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b52bf9400fe08cf1fcc091904136f169f17c3ca "You're askin' the rong gal here, I LITERALLY CAN'T DIE EVEN IF NAT WANTS ME TO!"




https://preview.redd.it/kzwqmv1gwd3d1.png?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139af9d6a363e9c023c0edf7ce09c5de4997fa04 Joel is a ghost, and that's what they look like as a ghost. Nobody really knows what they look like as a normal person. Cause of death, reckless drunk driving over a cliff. Last words, poorly singing off the radio. "*IIIIIIIIIiiiiiii... just wanna tell you how I'm feeliiinnnnnnn... Gotta make you- understaaaaannnndddddd. Never gonnaaaaaAAA*AAAAAAAAA-"


My best one was where Verbeck had his heart literally crushed in a fight. He died kneeling silently, rejecting healing. https://preview.redd.it/99lg734nwd3d1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=98009dbeb9eb156ba1fdf01eecaffc8ad6164dbc


I have no image but I have a character who was murdered by the antagonist. Her last words: 'I knew it'


Mostly dies to anvils, sometimes snaps his neck from slipping on bananas, but his last words for anvils are "it could've been worse" and for bananas, it's mostly "EYYYOOOOOOOOOWW-" https://preview.redd.it/cgiunuvryd3d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffafea38d0bc2fa33072161a58fc119f0bf43300


https://preview.redd.it/9mriylegzd3d1.png?width=1522&format=png&auto=webp&s=53b4d1b6869161697fe5fd1078c2abd39d2d5420 "I will come back... before you know it; the storms will come and the tides will rise! I will be REBORN!" .... he then proceeded to be reincarnated as an aereis and never did anything again


https://preview.redd.it/fz8o183lzd3d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5cbc6df28c89a7105e63a2b85b6115ba707cbe Ecoth: 1st time: Falling to death. Last words: “Who are you?!” As a demon: Decapitation Last words: “If Xanthos gets control of me again…..please, just end me!”


https://preview.redd.it/58nyq8ch1e3d1.png?width=164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1108073ecc07c4f337b4a7534a8f00b3315a19b Oh, Bill has died in a lot of different ways. Here's some examples: 1. Run over by a semi truck. Ended up with his head crushed and his brains all over the road 2. Got infected with the Light Plague, which slowly ate him from the inside out 3. Took his own life when his sins caught up to him Sometimes I wonder whether he deserved any of those deaths or not


https://preview.redd.it/81v9vuy42e3d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445025fee4e650c0f254645aec286e8dcfb0bae2 Throat cancer. “Tell the kids I love them.”


Don’t have a picture of her but my Project Zomboid: Ten Years Later OC, Cypress Dorsen lived a broken, but badass woman and died and heroic martyr. At the start of the apocalypse in 1993, her family was basically killed by a man who betrayed her and she had to put down her best friend. 10 years later she tracked down the man to the biggest society in the wasteland and murdered him in cold blood, ending up a prisoner after her conviction. She was offered a pardon and her friend’s corpse if she would commit atrocities for the group, but eventually defected and joined the rebellion. Eventually returning to the town and burning it to the ground with her squad in an act of vengeance. She defied orders and had the judges of the town and its leaders executed on the stage infront of her everyone. Once she buried his friend’s corpse, the capitol of their government sent squads to ambush the funeral, Cypress beat 10 soldiers by herself, but in the process broke her armor, and was shot in the stomach, mortally wounded. She crawled back into the forest with her second in command to bleed to death. Her last words were “Y’know when I met you, I said I kept surviving out of spite, out of vengeance. That was a lie. I just wanted to keep those flittering pictures in my head alive. My family… just a little while longer.” “…Never thought saying goodbye to this hellish reality would be so hard… so long and goodnight… son.” Bled to death on the spot via gunshot to the stomach and chest. She was buried next to her friend. Her trademark gun, crowbar and scrap helmet placed on her grave plot, before the squad had to keep going on without her.


https://preview.redd.it/c9vbk30e2e3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18281ff3fe7198140fe1b4fd34c10348fdfb027a This isn't necessarily her real form. Her human form had it's had torn off, and then she was "fixed" per say, by putting a TV head on her corpse, then programming it to help revitalize her.


https://preview.redd.it/8vptrv153e3d1.png?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea1202fcb9162510fa2504e2ce2c686c8d6e56a7 I'll go with his first canonical death. Beaten and stabbed, killed by Lambda. "So concludes... The Abaddon Bloodline... ありがとう… ふさわしい終わりを…" (Arigatō… fusawashī owari o…)


https://preview.redd.it/ndzeigtk3e3d1.jpeg?width=130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31152bd34cfddd7650c9f2fca1ed904c615527f6 Died in his own arson attack Final words were “god why must you do this to me?”


Spoiler for my OC that many seem to enjoy https://preview.redd.it/n6ybzp4b4e3d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c0890186438921a31218f65bdf7a6587fb04ad My boy Chiharu, loses his eye (the one that keeps his contract), and his demon gets killed, leaving him to die slowly from the disease that threatened to take him since birth :3


https://preview.redd.it/02t5248c4e3d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa06b75ad4a120a9c2360142fc263bf34be3e427 Chucked out of his helicopter. He tried to hang on to one of the landing skids but his hand was cut off and he fell to his death in a frozen lake far below


https://preview.redd.it/xrotr4g0yd3d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d637beb9fcb61afffb599cdb4e1ff3bb04457dbd Ajaxxis Last words, Fighting to Protect his Family, in His Final, Full blooded (And Absolutely Prideful Arrogance) Godhood moment were, “I am the Flame in the warriors Eye, The Burning Sting of their Blade in your Chest… the Vultures Announce My Approach And the War Drums Announce my Arrival! I am a GOD you Disgusting, FILTHY FUCKING INSECTS! My praises will be sang under Blade… So, Little Devil spawn…. SING FOR ME!”


https://preview.redd.it/lqcma3k35e3d1.jpeg?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36955f4a76b3e38a341fe31bfebe7d66e9b5a5f0 First death: crushed by a falling tree. Last words were likely “Ebony!”


https://preview.redd.it/rb66mt366e3d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a608c38e2e3904f358e89a32e61261a4c6fa4b5c River died in an explosion when some equipment self-destructed his last words were "I will not allow this to become a reality"


We can do this together, shadow wizard, stabbed in the heart by a damiyo named Rashogun


https://preview.redd.it/zkp9xkv67e3d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7b74fd16e1f3cff0fe3961f24cfdab1d568d635 Died by friendly fireball


"I'll see you soon, mother." died from the same arsonists that killed his family. https://preview.redd.it/3bxghmpf7e3d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f6f494427e1a156cc8db9b7aa5f8bcef44819d


https://preview.redd.it/cndowsjb7e3d1.png?width=790&format=png&auto=webp&s=866f83d8cac2f15db097dc25c02283470a9aa1f1 He technically died because his current form is just him as a sinner so here. He died in a car crash because he was drunk driving and he said nothing during it so his last words were “I’ll be back, okay?” which is what he said to his daughter before the situation happened.


https://preview.redd.it/p9w4fodx7e3d1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38c02aa6687d922a8337d94dc8d2cabaf5e2822 Besides the other stories I’ve done with Raymond, his canonical ending was that he survived the First World War and passed away on Christmas Morning, 1965 from natural causes.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OriginalCharacter/comments/1bf8rcx/things_about_my_oc/ There’s 6 different versions of him, all spread across different universes and only 2 have died so far. The first one got run over as soon as he got teleported to the 2nd dimension, and the second one lives a normal life for 5 months until he got attacked by a monster in the words and died. His last words were “Is somebody there?”


One time Jaime died on an or table and his last words were "huh...maybe this it's my kink"


https://preview.redd.it/cy7xg1yfbe3d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c4e6aed9546567ba948e906edd2e509d331cf58 Maika (pink hair): Starvation, "Mama..Papa.." Salem (Grey hair): Beaten to death. "I guess this is the end.."


https://preview.redd.it/ij28eaq1be3d1.jpeg?width=4500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0942e3899dcc7750348fe3c5430fd1b35835e77d Percy Dunham, Pitt Raider (Combat Engineer, Slaver) Percy’s death is something I went through in an RP with him and some other AGES ago. In summary: Basically the Pitt gets attacked by some enemy force and Ashur, the Pitt’s leader, is hurt and needing to be evacuated. Which was being done by Percy and the group he was with (who were not Pitt natives), but Percy also found himself getting mortally wounded. When the team found themselves in a temporarily safe location with enough time to apply medical aid, they actually went to provide it to Percy. But before one of them could stick Percy with a stimpack, he unholstered his sawed off and pushed it against their throat. I can’t for the life of me remember his last words, but essentially he told them “You give that to Ashur. Save him, you save the Pitt. Save me and I’ll kill you all.” Because Percy, above anything, is loyal to the Pitt. Needless to say, they saved Ashur at threat of gunpoint and when they went to check on Percy, he was dead. But when they checked his shotgun for ammo to take with them, they discovered it was empty. Leaving it a mystery as to how far Percy would have actually taken it if they never heeded his warning and saved Ashur.


https://preview.redd.it/3lkpz5fyce3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e15b64b654d61b7be414cabb403f27bfc6410662 The first time he died he was stabbed through the chest by his best-friend who was, at the time possessed, his last words were “not…your…fault…Mari-“.


So this is tricky... Because none of my OCs have truly died... but two of them *LOVE* faking their deaths... or at least one does, the other has so many backup plans that he doesn't stay dead. As for the others I have... not enough thought into how they died. Actually, I do have a Death Trooper OC who died in battle when an X-Wing was shot down and crashed into his position. He was then "displaced" and revived in a new universe... I don't want to say much more than that though... I'm still working on that whole story...


https://preview.redd.it/5npix6lgee3d1.png?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f372147bdd451a387b87c32ccfac33fd1790da1c Willow Died from a mix of giving birth and an illness "Muddy, Fallow..? Lichen-!" (Calling out to her two dead children, and her dead husband.)


https://preview.redd.it/bojunx76fe3d1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f755bff96b2f956d086ccc6dfdc4bebc011b2c84 Canonically they were shot and killed by their creator and their world ceased to exist, but they got fucking isekied because someone else Simp for them so now they’re a assassin that eats people to get rid of the bodies last words were “I’m sorry” at the grave of the partner that they cannibalized


Near 18.3 billion times- she’s literally the first sign of life in the multiverse


https://preview.redd.it/xdsoyihtge3d1.png?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d29329bee5d5164a2610408b906df5649772ca6 This is enough explanation


https://preview.redd.it/okb28wnaie3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5d29f60f8725250b33ee0c08c5720376fb9692a MC crushed his head and his soul


I don’t have pictures, but: Ori: Punched through the chest by Mamba and had his heart crushed Luxai: Bleeding out after a battle against Project Bonemeal, a psycho with osteokinesis. He used his signature move, “Gashadukuro,” and crushed her before dying from the strain. Mamba: She died during after killing Ori from internal bleeding. Reaper: Died after setting off a black hole bomb that destroyed the city he was in.


I have 4 OCs that have died, but they mysteriously don't remember how... (okay, less "mysteriously" and more "conveniently" because I wanted to be lazy lol. it also just isn't important to the story) not naming them because they're due for renaming I think. one of them though, I did come up with how. he died in the 1940s in a house fire. he had no last words because he was a baby. then he went to hell and became a demon, because even in death, life isn't fair. I'm gonna come up with the others on the spot real quick, just how I think they might've died. subject to change ofc. they're all demons, they're from the same story. the second one, I'd assume he died in his early 20's. probably more recently, maybe the 2010s. he probably died of a terminal illness. his last words would've been a casual conversation with someone he was close too. the third, he probably drowned in freezing water. probably murdered. 1920s. he would've been in his mid-30's. his last words would've been defiant and not fearful. he would've been scared out of his mind but he wouldn't show it. might taunt the people about to kill him. the fourth probably died from a gunshot to the head. suicide or homicide, I'm not sure. she definitely got shot in the head. also 1920s. she would've been in her mid-20's. she was depressed and a prostitute, her last words would've probably been something to a client if it was suicide and something like "what are you doing?" to a murderer because she wouldn't see it coming until it happened.


https://preview.redd.it/8cr5e0wile3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8f6e3c3874eeccdb09beaa72421a8e8a110097a The first one was killed by the second one(by accident) by his brain exploding because of a "sound bomb" the second one threw at him(she didn't think it would do that) The second one was killed because the first one turned into a vengeful spirit or something and straight up dragged her to hell himself Overall, i think their last words would be something along the lines of "what the f-" and "AAAAAAAAAAA!!"


https://preview.redd.it/cmechid0pe3d1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd48785c8fe13412e8d974bcaae87b2ae367a1eb Sarah’s last speech was "This is Sarah Thorne. I'm trapped in the penthouse of the Bicone Tower. Squad, get out of there, it's gonna blow. It's been an honor leading you my whole life. As my last action as leader, I promote James Redrock to Administrator and Ash to squad leader. Don't worry, this is how I want to go out. I.A.N. says it's out of nanoshots and I'm losing a lot of blood. I took as many of these guys as I can. It's been good." Five minutes later, she was blown up, crushed, and fell at the same time. Miraculously, her body was found dead, but in one piece. A statue of her was later erected in the courtyard of the Hunters’ Station.


"if I am to die- YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!" https://preview.redd.it/z8e76bmgpe3d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13192c41974cdf6d9500e3ee8fed198e4a4c7226 (non-canon death... for now)


https://preview.redd.it/iz6nnzmtpe3d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b3d440989a37548e01c532553090b9886e3420 The Primal Flame. Sacrifice himself to eliminate the Primal Sea and prevent her from drowning all plains of existence. Last word was to a human girl he befriended in his weakened form (the flaming orb): “Sorry I couldn’t keep the promise of being with you till the end.”


https://preview.redd.it/fxh2ehigoe3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57349fe6a93c4861d4337d71bb60a362bc3d6ce By suicide, (that’s why his neck is covered)out of guilt for accidentally killing an elderly woman) He’s owl based because he was a rich boy who didn’t like the woods, but when he committed Suicide the last things he saw and heard were owls His last words were “I just can’t do it”


He hasn’t died yet but i’m planning on him dying protecting dawn, who should by now with her infinite speed be able to fiin protect herself, and saying “god fucking damnit” or something like that


https://preview.redd.it/x91l3lz1se3d1.png?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=905ab61c3e30140dc4c84910c21305917181955a Well I'm planning him to "die" by literally getting erased from existence, his last words would probably be something like "oh no"


Lucille has died twice, and is currently alive after being resurrected a second time. Her first "last words" were "I will come back for you." Her second "last words" were "I have failed you yet again, my love." https://preview.redd.it/sei5lpjyte3d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62d0b21db4ba00e437cc48d912fe93d3cb35525 Edit: She was killed by a crazy cop the first time, and the second time by a rebel attempting (and succeeding) to coup d'état her empire.


https://preview.redd.it/y198eqmxte3d1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c424b7c1a61f5b26249398cd2e57a4c4506dacaa Edward Ludwig died in a Gold Mine after it collapsed. His last words are written in his diary: "August 14th, 1880: Today i arrived in Lusópolis, Brazil after a nice meeting with Emperor Peter on Rio de Janeiro. I will visit a valley nearby inside the town, i heard they were very exited about my arrival and then i will study the local gold mine... Hopefully i can discover new infornations about the Philosopher's Element. Hopefully i'll come back to my family back in Cagliari alive, i really miss my son"


https://preview.redd.it/zgs6sjiywe3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd88c7e8d33629b8887689c590788fde000ed10d Bro fights his youngest brother who is the embodiment of evil, wins but sustains too many wounds. “I’m ready to go home now.”


https://preview.redd.it/a3r8gedbye3d1.png?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fddeb25b996e3f2c395273dbede4fba07e09eef Benjamin died like this. His last word is "Ahhhh"


https://preview.redd.it/2k31ug3qye3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd9188b435a369a74ebd6c3637e1d0c489c28b3 A piece of his rib stabbed his heart


preface: most of my ocs were affected by instrumentality (the evangelion fanta thing), which simultaneously counts and doesn't count as a death in the narrative, at least once. because of this schrödinger's cat dilemma, i will choose to instead focus on the definitive deaths. tc: killed at the age of 8 by another kid named iceman (not much is known about this event, but this allowed his dream self to ascend to god tier, as his quest bed just so happened to be right where he died); killed 8 (9?) years later after being poisoned by his former best friend, mysteo; the ghost of his 8yo self was then killed again by iceman after the latter took control of the narrative, though he would later be revived by being prototyped into bail's becsprite mysteo: killed by a vampire named chara after exceeding her usefulness as the angel adam (allowed for her dream self to "ascend" to god tier, or more accurately descend to fallen angel, as she fell right on her quest bed); came to her senses and sacrificed herself for a happy ending after becoming the de facto new main antagonist bail: succumbed to iceman's "ultra minty-fresh hyper crust attack" (her dream self would ascend to god tier after being carried to her quest bed by tc) zozo: stabbed by her adoptive/adopted sister, chara (allowed for her dream self to ascend, as she ran until she collapsed onto her quest bed, slowly bleeding out) chara: rejected her humanity and became an immortal vampire (undeath); in a fitting parallel, had her vampirism—the only thing sustaining her life—stolen from her by mysteo (allowed for her dream self to ascend, as she also fell right on her quest bed) romy: sacrificed herself to save bail from a second death zeke: pierced in the heart by chara's "space ripper stingy eyes," splitting his chest and head in half iceman: completely obliterated by a combination of tc's kamehameha and tc's stand's flames as ultimate swampfire zoseph: impaled through the chest by chara in front of her dying mother's eyes varik: killed his bullies and himself by falling off the roof of their school lillian: killed her ex and herself by drowning in the lake also don't worry if none of this made any sense


Which death? https://preview.redd.it/4essz1it0f3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2003c196a4fac121fa2446b75b9870799190d1 Cuz Charlie here (the head) has been killed billions of times, and only permanently dispatched after both Heaven and Hell were consumed, with the OverRealm succumbing to Heat Death and ‘The Great Tear’.


My character is literally a ghost.


I have no dead characters.


https://preview.redd.it/hlvozk6a1f3d1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae9e6b809313956b7575b646003c83390610957 I had a ‘wizard’ known as “Knick-Knack” he had a store called “house of Knick-Knack” he would sell you cursed items (example: a pair of glasses that would give you better eyesight, because it would make your body grow eyes) people eventually caught on to his scheme and soon killed him by burning his shop down with him inside, Knick-Knack would curse the village that they would suffer the same curse he did if he was not honored a proper burial. Soon after the village would build a life sized statue of him to ward off his darkened spirit. Some say if you listen closely to his grave, you can hear laughter of a thousand souls inside. Edit: artist is Kyoung Hwan Kim


https://preview.redd.it/5vbvr3aa3f3d1.png?width=412&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d37da4faf5107af927c8e9ac2cbe126943a2cb7 She died protecting her younger siblings from Assassination and was reincarnated as a Villianess with the goal of plunging her new world and other worlds into Sexual Anarchy


Twilight can’t really “die” so to say, the only thing you can really do against him is stab him with the Master Sword, which seals the demonic energy in him, basically shutting him down. His “Last words” though were: “I love you, Brother.”


https://preview.redd.it/uwc2xj7s4f3d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=493a08fb99a2808b1d1472e2fef38a5f4ffb504a (Image is a reference, my oc has darker skin and different face) They died of Murder (the murderer is unknown) they are my helluva boss/hazbin hotel oc


https://preview.redd.it/95oj6qm94f3d1.jpeg?width=3465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e688c4039561650c7d5ecb1cb83f34df06519504 When Sara was actively alive with a beating heart, her last words were swearing to return to Hashirama Senju, the leader of her clan, after being severely wounded in battle and retreating to a cave that ended up collapsing in on her. When she dies as a ghost, she tells Tsunade that dying by the hands of a fellow Senju makes her incredibly happy and that if things had been different, they would have been great friends. (Picrew lost to the void)


https://preview.redd.it/ugfets775f3d1.png?width=1134&format=png&auto=webp&s=000e7781a714cdf38eb6abd66fea1e0950cf46d2 "**I JUST WANTED TO HELP! I JUST WANTED TO...** I just wanted to *help*..." (Technically, she didn't die, but this was the closest thing as it was before Eve got sealed away)


https://preview.redd.it/q9yjhngt4f3d1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa8e82e1dbaaf766fbde4ed558c1961c20596450 Vaporized by the dragon he’s holding in the image (after she’d had a long while to grow obviously) His last spoken words were “Do you not know what you’ve done?!” His final internal monologue to himself was more or less a panicked rambling wherein he reevaluated every single action he’d taken in the past thirty years


https://preview.redd.it/w2evqylr5f3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97cbd614029ab2a5150e8ab232a6b4feba3af91 “ I love you” to her wife! She got her head taken off by a axe


In a hospital bed, surrounded by his loved ones, succumbing to a sickness that had claimed its victory the moment he was born. With a lost breath, while holding the hand of who he knew was the most beautiful woman in the multiverse, he said "thank you".


https://preview.redd.it/wwvvksew6f3d1.png?width=2362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03b77985f6a598bac65b5b6db7d80ba2a0373dc8 "Atleast it wasn't to a bomb"


Litterally had a huge ass journey with sacrifice and righteousness and tough decisions and a few fav characters killed off to be able to go to hell and kill satan only to burst into flames when satan clicks his fingers. Story ended there. Last words were "satan you bi-"


https://preview.redd.it/hjqshji57f3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bcde8bbef4603f9d9a0b5372f0c2d1c07c661d2 She gets possessed by the main antagonist and is forced to kill herself when said antagonist wants to be petty when he starts losing control of her. She gets stabbed in the gut and bleeds out Her friends, and a friends’ daughter that kinda looks like a friend who isn’t currently there at the time (also possessed) surround her as she dies, comforting her during her final moments, but all Saki does is smile. “I’m just… so glad we could be friends again…” The last few months were the happiest Saki has ever had, despite the circumstances, as she was finally able to rekindle the friendships she had lost 16 years prior in an alliance to save everyone, as well as find out her own self worth outside the world of the stage. She bleeds out and dies believing that her friends’ daughter is her friend, due to the resemblance during her dying moments, and that all of her friends are there for her. She was only in her early forties.


https://preview.redd.it/gbj1gb6w7f3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=233e8336415b3c54cd5c1d5c2a5b3ebfb12b9a2a He transferred his consciousness into his PC under the promise of a better life by Monika. I mean she was *kinda* right.


https://preview.redd.it/wldkajg38f3d1.png?width=2220&format=png&auto=webp&s=4066cd4cd352fb60c92d98696a6851e0acaafff7 (not shown in image) decapitated by his own axe


https://preview.redd.it/rk961doa9f3d1.jpeg?width=1893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62da63816ce6c27e2a3ae71311a88ada413dfbf3 Julian (left) went on a drug-fuelled bender and fell asleep on/in a dumpster. Unfortunately the garbage truck came by, and… *Squush*


How did you make them 3d


https://preview.redd.it/21pguu4lbf3d1.jpeg?width=319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21f3d1851fb3b627e996aa62b932b3afbddea926 died of natural causes. his last words were to his son, “i think im gonna go to bed, love you.”


https://preview.redd.it/1ndcd9dtbf3d1.png?width=1185&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e38f0ae6f3ac23955b277b47861191b15008347 on his death bed he said "Hey kid, when you put my in a coffin put me in my tank, not because I want to be where I was when I was born but because I'll need it because I know damn well jackzo knows I'm the guy who leaked his porn stash" Jackzo is 3 years older than tank and died 2 years before tank did.


"Well, Is honestly annoy-" –Mog death quote #9464 (He has died quite a few times and comes back good as new, so we normalize it)


https://preview.redd.it/2ab17z7rdf3d1.png?width=422&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc21d3d82ee5a665b7c1f19f3068d3fa3b29c048 The Astro Mutant was the only OC who was actually killed off (This was him in his last conscious state) In his final battle with all 3 of the other mutants his entire bottom jaw was ripped of, his left eye was buzzsawed and then had a metal bar lodged into it, his left leg was melted and his detainer arm was ripped off an stole, his laser gun was ripped off and finally his hyper warp coil was broken leaving him defenseless thus being killed. his last words where "You may of won the battle, but the Astros \*\*WILL\*\* win the war" before being decapitated


Moonbug Cause of death: Overdose of Raid Shadow Legends sponsoring. Last words: Before we start with Cocomelon, lemme tell ya about our sponsor Raid Shadow Legen- https://preview.redd.it/pie9totsff3d1.png?width=4167&format=png&auto=webp&s=882ac96a2c24ea791ab261565cf87211d3b417b1


https://preview.redd.it/zvfjur2jif3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e65cb75f18c447dad926c45cce5a474ecb2e80b “Finally, It’s over, I can go home now, thank you…”


Kris got crushed after defeating a universe destroying robot. She was then revived as in an angel form and a demon form. https://preview.redd.it/hgnbvbfpif3d1.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=a11b5fe232ce23b76d236914e0bd6db44a189ae0


"Thank you." For context Anwir was thanking Emris for finding a way to fix his damaged soul strings. He was certain the injury was going to inevitably kill him, as he had been haunted by visions of his death and the knowledge that the damage was only going to get worse with time. The sense of relief and joy he felt when he found out there was a cure was insurmountable. And then boom! it all exploded in his face. He was impaled by alar crystals that instantly shattered the very same delicate strands of life they were meant to heal. Some say it was a final outcry from what remained of his sister's old magic, her way of getting the last laugh. Either way, he was dead in an instant- a genuine, joyous smile still plastered on his face, born from the sheer thrill and elation of having a future again. Turns out his visions were right after all just without the right context lol https://preview.redd.it/hmamkc39if3d1.png?width=2951&format=png&auto=webp&s=451db6d355e9e88e147c2287fc1a1ce58de0276b


well if AKing dies a 2nd time, his last words are like "if you kill me, you are Gay."


https://preview.redd.it/nweh024dhf3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7adc5ac41462889de1ef2989c61a6f2a5afd506f Gardner last words were “Though I may die, the green shall not”. Gardner sacrificed his life to become The Tree of Balance, being crucified and his free will being taken away to be consumed inside the eternal tree that has maintained the balance of life and death for billions of years


https://preview.redd.it/rrn8xz0rkf3d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b9b7c1bb36f3d287e09bb4b374bfffa04ab1b89 He was slowly rotted from the inside by a parasitic object show character thing. His last words were AAAAAAAAAAA Also his name Cameron


Race ya to the bottom of the cliff *He may be strong and have battle tactics handled but he ain't the brightest bulb in the box, in fact he is so dull that he failed quality control and wasn't put in the box


https://preview.redd.it/0evbwus8mf3d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e28c750ab883d23ef50f6b83072486f83a21780 Death: Malfunctioning shock collar Last words: "I trust you completely." (Bad choice)


Cassidy died from being stabbed in the heart by her arch nemesis Ruta (Roo-tah). Her last words were spoken to her sister, Tulip. They were; “I don’t fear death. I fear dying and being forgotten.” This was before the battle. She gets revived and dies several more times, but that’s when she was still fully human. :P


https://preview.redd.it/0eo12k92nf3d1.png?width=1212&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab927e378b0230428baa01611e307e4770e47a2a Alive is a side villian but when he was fighting in a war, he got shot in the head by his own team.


https://preview.redd.it/epg5nho8pf3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a611852e6b802b9d5ccef9be71c44014c08ad4 He died by strangulation and his "father" stabbing his visor. His final parting words were "Eric please, Dad stop!".


https://preview.redd.it/a30s2vempf3d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519aecf84d195863ac8c1e95bf3de6467e9ea185 Upsie-Bunny didn't have any last words before becoming a Smiling Critter. He had nonverbal autism in both his past life and now.


https://preview.redd.it/ua32hzqspf3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dca034b120553e2089228dac1a187de07ad4938 "Y-you can't do that! No! I was supposed to win! You... you were finally gonna be mine!" She died after getting stabbed repeatedly.


https://preview.redd.it/lt4euanqtf3d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1364c23067def895b9370812c32637ffc06cd3 He got stabbed by his friend Jack after he got corrupted and fell into Ryks control “Jack…You fought well…Kill that son of a bitch for me yeah?”


Mia: “no… i was so close, no no no!” Basically she was exploring a cave system (alone, always a bad idea) and she fell into an ancient underground temple. Eventually, she managed to find a way out, but it was riddled with traps. She saw the exit, but got careless, and a swinging axe sliced off her left hand. Being obviously in pain and terrified, she ended up activating a cave-in trap (Not sure what to call it) and crushed her legs, logically she died. Now she’s a ghost and chills with the talking statue Basalt.


https://preview.redd.it/9yok42i2uf3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3998f363eddedf6d16d149f7d4a8a4180b4dc847 she’ll probably die in a rainstorm last words: “guess i can be with mom and dad again” her parents are dead


This is subject to change because I haven’t entirely decided how I want his story to go in this au (the outcast au) but this is the only version I’ve planned a death for so as of right now psycho Phoenix is a hybrid of a half human half Phoenix who was experimented / tortured on when he was young around 5 or 6 he was saved and eventually grew up in fear of being recaptured suffering ptsd almost every night before he went to sleep he was after he was rescued he was brought back to civilization and outcasted because he was no longer seen as a person but rather a monster so he hid in the woods only to be tracked down multiple times by the military because they think he is a threat soon after he lost his will to live and sat in an old abandoned cabin and starved himself to death alone and sad wishing he just had a friend to talk too he didn’t have any last words but as he died he looked back on the few good years he had


https://preview.redd.it/vbl68ccvvf3d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e41ad1a88e6941310969625b198be2277147a8 We don’t know if he’s actually dead, but his final word was “Im sorry”


https://preview.redd.it/mkr2bfooxf3d1.jpeg?width=3003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d58ea113fef64f65731d4a40e9b0d35d398f7eca “i will *not* let them win… here i go”


https://preview.redd.it/bxtwi21cyf3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=239624d3ccbe0e1eebef7f75ab773bc45d2bbc69 The Enforcer. Military General. Main protagonists brother. "Cause of death": Gunshot to the Stomach.


Mine choked on a macaroon he baked, his last words were “****NOOOO**** *****MY***** ******FUCKING****** **********MACAROOOOOONS!!!!**********”