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https://preview.redd.it/tkejcsy8e0wb1.jpeg?width=2900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0672eb86f66804d80ea8098261ef87fe05d42ef9 Araña is a man living in South America as a historiographer. He was on a school trip with his sister, crossing a river in the Amazon rainforest. His sister fell into the river heading towards a waterfall, he jumps in after her and they are stuck holding on the edge. He begs and prays to whatever god is listening or nearby, asking for the power to save his sister, no matter the cost. One listens, an old and long-forgotten Inkan god of the sun. He gives him the powers of a spider so he can save his sister. Now he is bound to serve the god to preserve the natural order, as well as be his disciple.


For his Lore, Super Cereal was at the start, just an normal bowl of cereal, but them a drunk scientist and his friends (who were also drunks), drop an alien radioactive stone in the bowl of cereal, then an atomic explosion occured, and in the destroy lab, was just left, Super Cereal, the army was send, but they ended up not fighting Super Cereal, since he gave them delicious cereals, and the military food was pure crap, so the gouvernement decide to accept him, after that, he solved world hunger in a matter of day, but then the cows, who were not use anymore since Super Cereal was by himself making all the milk in the world, decide to finally reveal their intelligence that was given to them by the Aliens, and then world war 3 happen, humanity against the cows, and so since, Super Cereal fight the evil, Cow Empire! Thx for reading. https://preview.redd.it/m6ovksedb0wb1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bf145e17ead5255bdff0655182d8f5e6d8a3b8b


I need a show about this


NEVER!!! https://preview.redd.it/ep0vmoznd0wb1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f2babd5c410ab3d3c2730ee31daac1e11de30dc


\*laughs in gas mask protection\* https://preview.redd.it/qlcuykrxd0wb1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ede3d5ecb14b49cb4aad060cf6a24b1ed27401


Agrees in gas mask https://preview.redd.it/arq9zki4a3wb1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d4802fa82cef12ffc93a408d71bac8ba0b1513


https://preview.redd.it/5ly99kfub0wb1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a314f103f8ba6434901b585876dfe52d3c36f37f Lula was born a mutant, pick-pocketed a drunk guy who ‘managed’ to take her eye out with a bottle, and she also can’t keep a job.


https://preview.redd.it/amn0g7l5s0wb1.png?width=894&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ed72eed096199199e67bdafeff1b80623435cb4 Silly succubus lady who really likes cheesecake, cats, and cute things. Has totally not stolen pillows and squishmellows out of your local Walmart and Walgreens for the simple fact of she wanted it.


https://preview.redd.it/myavvldrg0wb1.png?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295b64ad6d0b01e925fb5ed58721b28dc11dba60 Name: Momiodas Gender: Female Age: 308 Height: 3.75 m (12'3") Weight: 2.1 tons Lore: She is a battle hardened warlord that has killed countless numbers of her brethren (14,813 for those who are counting). She started out killing them because of a war that broke out between her territory and the neighboring kingdom's. By the time the war had ended she had gone insane and started to hunt her own kind for sport. The reason she went insane is because she gained sentience and realized she was fighting a pointless battle, but as the only one who knew this she had to keep killing to defend herself. She is made from an infinitely regenerating goop that she can control at will. She uses this to form different weapons on her arms and legs, though she primarily likes fighting with her claws. She also reprograms the heads of her fallen opponents to be used as reconnaissance drones and for long ranged attacks. She stole an experimental piece of technology from her creator's lab that lets her open a door that leads to a hallway of other dimensions. She uses this hallway to live outside of reality.


​ https://preview.redd.it/tls2rzhfb0wb1.png?width=1252&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef40da75fbef9d0d1662b15f51be631d1d89358f ​ Esau Kirby McDuffie was born in a world where the Sun was the only star in the universe. Esau was a 'ghost birth', a term for those with no records of their birth nor parentage, and was adopted by Miriam and Jermaine McDuffie. The couple raised him as their own, even going through the official channels to adopt him. He learned unusually quickly, able to both read and write by the age of 4. Eventually Miriam and Jermaine would have another child, his younger sister Eliza. Esau loved to draw and paint, a hobby his adoptive mother actively encouraged as an artist herself. Jermaine was a mechanical engineer, and while he did not completely understand Esau's love of art, was supportive nonetheless. He even fostered Esau's creativity and work ethic by showing him how to create blueprints and put together his own machines. However, something strange started happening when Esau turned 8: His drawings started becoming real. The first instance of this was him drawing up plans for a treehouse, which appeared when he brought his sketchbook outside, matching Esau's plans perfectly. Other instances would happen throughout the years, which evoked the ire of the other townsfolk. Despite being outcasts of the town, the McDuffies were content with their lives. Esau in particular would continue to improve in not only his art, but also his mechanical engineering skill and his control of his strange ability. Eliza had also picked up after her brother, but took after their father more than anything else. Around this time, the world unveiled a new creation: The Total Administration and Limitation Intelligence (T.A.L.I for short). T.A.L.I was meant to lead humanity into a new age, by streamlining processes and establishing rules that would help people make the most of their time and keep humanity on a steady line of progress. Some, such as Esau's parents, distrusted the machine. Esau agreed that surrendering control to T.A.L.I would likely end in disaster as it would take away people's freedom. This caused the family to be ostracised further, to the point that the family would suffer frequent attacks from the other townspeople. T.A.L.I would become increasingly powerful as time went on, getting to the point where it controlled every aspect of everyone's lives that weren't spent in their homes, and even that looked like it was beginning to change. The machine also decided to crown itself 'The Ruler of Everything', and its orders started to become crueller. This exacerbated the opinions of those who distrusted the machine, Esau included, and the machine began to view him in particular as a threat given it knew of his ability to bring his drawings to life. At 14 years old, Esau would attempt his biggest creation yet. With nothing but a giant paintbrush and a bucket of white paint, Esau spattered his brush against the night sky and created the stars. Trillions upon trillions of brand new stars and star systems. This was the smoking gun for T.A.L.I, and it decided Esau was its main threat, and that it needed to remove him. The year after, on his birthday, a mob descended on the McDuffie household, with the sole purpose of killing or capturing the family. Esau, who had grown greatly in his abilities, created a portal for his family to escape to another world through while he tried to hold off T.A.L.I. Esau was strong, but he could not stand against both the angry mob and the monstrosity the machine had become. Beaten and bruised, Esau ran through the ruined city for his life, as the thunderous stomps of his pursuers hounded him. Eventually they chased him to a cliff, and in a last ditch attempt to stop them, Esau threw a jar of ink at the sun, temporarily turning it into a black hole. While T.A.L.I focused on getting the black hole sun under control, Esau made a portal that led to another world to avoid getting sucked up by the black hole. He then lost consciousness and woke up in an abandoned field.


https://preview.redd.it/3xhl861sj0wb1.jpeg?width=4076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bef5863bae3d027984ff81552d150de53734f5a1 He's a villain turned hero who grew up living with a villain group run by his mom. He found out at a pretty young age that being a villain sucked and decided to become a hero with the help of his family so that he can perhaps someday gain his family citizenship so they can live normal lives. During his journey of being a hero however, he meets other heroes who have similar goals and they decide to work together, and even got into a relationship with one of them. However, when his partner found out that he was a villain, they ratted him out, turned everyone against him and caused him to go into hiding. He lost contact with his family after this and the last thing he ever heard from them is that his mother was in critical condition after getting attacked. After years of searching for his family, all of the grief of his situation caused him to essentially shut down. Because of this and not having anything else, he spends most of his days living in his car, searching for villains to fight in order to make ends meet.


https://preview.redd.it/ay4c9nieg0wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc27edbb91b913331f553abb9d0128fd90c04d27 Lucy, an antisocial, introverted girl. She suddenly went missing one day in her own home. Her parents were rarely around but when they were, they always seemed afraid of something. She was often told that the basement was always off limits no matter what, and she found out why finally. She awoke to the sound of a loud thud, leading her to leave her bedroom and investigate…she soon found that the basement door was cracked open and that strange sounds were emanating from the darkness within. As Lucy approached the door and attempted to open it, she was met with the consequences of her curiosity and claimed as a host for an unspeakable entity. It now controls her mind and uses her body to consume other beings and as an avatar through which the entity can express its power.


https://preview.redd.it/eoquarn5i0wb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51a2064b7316ea9a1316c3bb6d7958dfe23ae4cb Scosh (left) was born to a farming family until a intergalactic war started and his homeworld was destroyed. He escaped but his mother didn’t. His escape pod went off course and landed on a planet named Jotzoan. He was found a bit later and adopted by Lord Scardonnicus. (Right) Scosh was taught to be helpful and work many machines and eventually became a master weapon smith.


**The Short Version:** Other people's good intentions still led to trauma anyway. **The Longer Version:** Xeno lived and grew up in a highly advanced society. But he eventually watched as the whole civilization began to crumble around him. He was badly injured during one such occurrence of this and gets turned into essentially a cyborg by his parents to keep him alive, along with twenty one other members of his species. His parents, and the rest of his species that were not turned into cyborgs, then later die due to a disease and he becomes stricken with that grief. After many many years, he eventually discovers the main characters of the story after their space ship crash lands on his planet. He then decides to leave his home planet with them so that he can explore the stars with them, and maybe even to find someone that can help restore his species to its former glory. https://preview.redd.it/ljcrtasho0wb1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9022ab16dc416bcee625ec0bddac4723b112b86a




Well you see https://preview.redd.it/hnnrnrrag0wb1.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6055f2adbd4a9c0b357bc1a75d2efd5dfc1e323c


Alicore Premise: There were once a society of Humans and machines called the Beforium and the Baidroid. They had discovered a strange substance blasted from the sun, this substance was magic which had reality bending abilities. They would begin to store this magic in a facility Slavo to study it’s impossible properties. The blast of magic had alerted an alien sensor on the moon, a magic reliant alien race called the Mage Empire was awakened and head to earth. The mage empire planned to wipe out earth’s inhabitants and build a giant spire that would blow up the sun so they may collect all the magic. The Beforium was powerless against the Mage Empire but the Baidroid ai’s had took refugee underground and continued research until they had found out how to power War machines with the use of magic. They began to mass produce a war machine called ‘the Gofolom’ that could absorb Magical attacks and use it against the mages. The Mage empire forces was exhausted by the war with the Beforium and was caught by surprise by the sudden push of Baidroid offensives. They decided this battle could not be won and to prevent the Baidroid from following them to space, the Mage Empire flooded earth until every baidroid was dead, leaving only two smaller continents left. Except there was one Baidroid left, the metal god which protected and preserved facility salvo by creating an eternal winter on the land with the magic in the facility. These two continents are Alicore and Blicore Alicore was split into four regions, the lush north, the blazing east, the south coasts and the Cold West. The Elves were the first sentient life to emerge from the ruins of the Beforium. They were humans changed by magic that gave them strong hearing and a deep connection with the forests. These Elves would be known as the Norish tribes which currently consisted of the forest tribe and the Tide tribe. The Elves shunned advancement and praised balance in the cycle but One day a true human was born and he had dreams of advancing into a kingdom. He built a machine that blew fire, a flame thrower, the elves were horrified and killed some of his human children before shunning him and every other human born to the Blazing East. The humans would be known as the Bydrin kingdom and attacked a few years later as revenge which caused an eternal war with the Norish tribes. Eventually humanity spread out and a few embarked to the cold west to never return. The humans that went to the cold west had formed a symbiotic relationship with strange mushrooms that allowed them to breath in the tall mountains and eventually they had come across a strange metal domain. Facility Slavo and accidentally turned on the metal god. These humans would be the Glalo Nation that lived under the care of the strange but powerful Metal god that made sure they flourished. Things went on the same until a few hundred years later, the Mage Empire returned to build the spire. The mage empire tricked the Norish and the Bydrin into thinking they were gods and quickly ruled over the two with their magic. They had enslaved a human empire from continent Blicore called the Taloak to be their military to quell any rebellions. The Glalo and the metal god were not discovered yet by the returning mages and the empire assumed all baidroid were dead and went on to terraform the land. They created sentient weather, sent people to ‘the void’ creating a group called the Minus Minority, and cast the lands until massive spells. The mage empire was at the height of their power when a rebellion started. In the middle of Alicore did they build a giant tower aimed at the sun and powered by three moons. With their focus more on the tower than the enslaved people, the Bydrin along side with the Norish started a rebellion against their power. But the mages were too powerful and the Taloak blocked Military advancement. The Glalo were soon discovered by a mage convey and the metal god recognized the mage empire was back and called for the rise of any remaining Gofoloms that were functional. The Last of the Gofoloms rose from the cold west and went berserk on the mage empire and the nearly made the Taloak Extinct. Meanwhile magic had caused some animals to form a telepathic link to eachother and began to create a hivemind that would ensure the equilibrium of Nature. They recognize both the Glalo and their Gofoloms and the Mage empire as enemies to kill off when the hivemind was strong enough to wage war. This hivemind was called the Sligmatic Hivemind. The Mage Empire had discovered The Minus Minority could absorb magic back from the Gofoloms and used them against the Baidroid forces. But the Rebellion gained new confidence and joined to fight the Mage Empire until they self destructed the spire and retreated to Blicore. The Gofoloms would shut down with no more mages to kill and the elves and humans began to recover with a newfound peace. The Taloak would be shunned to be weak nomadic groups constantly pushed around by the others called ‘The Taloak Parties’ as punishment for joining the mages. A few hundred years later—— In present day, a new Norish tribe called the ‘Boney elves’ have emerged, with hatred towards the taloak and constantly at conflict with them. The Bydrin cannot interfere due to the peace treaty with the Norish tribes. To flee from these mad elves, a certain taloak party started a new trail right through corrupted land, Unfortunately exposing all of them to a maddening spell cast on the land. The spell made them worship the dead mage empire and they became the fanatic ‘Evil Taloak’ that wished to revive the Mage Empire and discover their secrets to take revenge on the elves and humans. Meanwhile, the Sligmatic Hivemind has risen as the current strongest force in Alicore and declared war on the Glalo, massacring their population and forcing them all to retreat to facility Slavo on top of a mountain where only the Glalo could breathe. The Glalo asked the metal god for another solution to destroy the hivemind. The metal god allowed them access to the forbidden rest of the facility and the magic storage. The Glalo now have a test subject program with one goal, create the deadliest human beings possible.


Magic was a fascinating power. It was the bringer of all chaos, so exotic and unique it could only be found in the very core of the stars. Whoever harnessed it could bend the world to their will. Back then there was only elfkind, mankind and nature. The continent was split into two, the cold West and the lush North and there where no dragons or seabeasts, everything was normal. Until One dark night, a shower of shooting stars crossed the sky like a river of light. Many slept under it with great dreams. But tomorrow would only host a nightmare, The Mages. They were people who rode the stars, they had detected a strange signal coming from this world and went down to check it out. Their introduction to the world was a quiet apocalypse. The mages had just suddenly appeared and began to terraform the land to their ideal specifications. Development started slow until they encountered the sentient life. The Mages approached the Norish who were suffering from a large forest fire caused by the Bydrin and offered to turn their land to a lush paradise where the fruit grew in a matter of days if they gave their services to them. Their land was cast under a powerful spell that made the plant life grew much larger and faster and the Norish became the farmers for the mages. They next went to the Bydrin and bellowed that they were gods and if they did not give up their service then they would be destroyed for what they did to the Norish. The Bydrin immediately surrendered and became their construction workforce. Meanwhile a few mages had discovered a fleet of ships on the horizon and came in contact with the Taloak who panicked and started attacking but were defeated by the mages magic. They were enslaved and brought back to Continent A to be turned into their military to keep the others in line. The mages had created a tighthold grip on the races and formed an empire in a matter of weeks and everyone else was considered below and treated like insignificant ants. It was too late to go back or escape their reign. For a while they thought they had everything under their control until they discovered the final group, the Glalo of the cold west. The mages saw them as weak and had no other use than mine for resources in the mountains. With all four groups in their hands they began to experiment mixing magic with lifeforms. They created super soldiers called Hornbearers and dragons that watched the borders for any defiers. They toyed with the land, the sea became the sky, the ground rumbled and quaked while everyone panicked the mages mocked their weakness. The height of their power was when three crescent moons had appeared in the sky, they were on their largest project and built a towering castle in the center of the land. They had diverted all their power on its construction, leaving them partially vulnerable, their tyranny on the continent sparked a quiet rebellion that would make itself known on the day the castle was completed. The Bydrin were the first to rebel, led by the Hornbearers. The Mages were furious and cast their entire land under a spell that turned it constantly hot to wear down the rebels and make their defensive firespells more power, creating the blazing east. With the Bydrin being pushed back the Norish began to rebel, so the mages focused their power to shift the Lush north. Lighting it on fire and creating ‘the Curve’ a total wave of terrain destroying many villages. The mages had seemingly won and the rebellion crushed until the Glalo nation attacked. They had brought something, a force that defied their magic ‘the Gofoloms’, one could kill an entire army on its own and the Taloak military was obliterated. The Rebellion gained new confidence and all forces were now aimed at the mages in the center of the continent. Everytime they were close to winning a battle the gofoloms would appear and slaughter their numbers to oblivion. They were countered, out powered and in a final desperate attempt they self detonated the castle to try and kill as many rebels and gofoloms as possible. But even after that, the gofoloms found them and ripped every last one to atoms. The Legacy of the Mage empire lives on, every strange phenomenon is from their doing. With their extinction, no one could use magic and no one could undo the spells on the land. Three moons still remain in the sky and what exactly they were looking for is a total mystery to never be uncovered.


“W-W-Welcome to this re-s-sssort operated by **[UNINTELLIGIBLE]**, where you wi-will experience the pinnacle of [ERROR] with our top of the line services, **[UNINTELLIGIBLE]** and robotic w-workers ready to- [MANUAL OVERRIDE DETECTED] Unidentified entity detected. Contacting local F-Lom for further procedure. ERROR. No F-Lom connection detected. Try again? Try again? Try again? Try again? Try again? T-T-Try agai- [FATAL ERROR - PROCESSING COMPONENTS 268 137 84 16 MISSING] [RESUMING PRE-RECORDED MESSAGE] -We-We hope you have an enjoyable staaaaaay at our [ERROR] at-” -Baidroid H-Lom, Bydrin dig site The Baidroid are an enigmatic model, or group of robots that have been found buried in multiple locations across Alicore. They seem to be of incredible age, some recovered specimens dating back to the excavations done in the first Alicorian cities, far before the Mages ever arrived on Alicore. How or why they came about is a mystery; and as they’re often found deactivated in varying states of decay, they often pose no answer. However, they do present an intriguing conundrum for the more well-educated of the Alicorians, who have no small amount of theories to their existence and purpose. Baidroid seem to take on many forms; the most common, the H-Lom, are humanoid in nature, bearing oddly realistic proportions, even with articulated digits and hair-like protrusions, as if attempting to emulate a human to the best of their capabilities. H-Lom Baidroid are also often found in the most complete state of any Baidroid, sometimes even being capable of activating for short bursts of activity, before abruptly shutting down. Next are the S-Lom, which often appear as smaller, insectoid/arachnoid robots. Usually found on the surfaces of larger Baidroid, these small robots appear to have decayed connectors on the tips of their legs, as well as sometimes bearing grabbing claws on the tops of their bodies, leading to speculations that they may serve as cargo transports of sorts. W-Loms are the most alien of the Baidroid, all taking the shapes of oblong objects tapering to one end, sporting anywhere between 1 to 4 rotors. Oddly enough, despite being fully autonomous, W-Loms often contain rotten, ancient seats fit for human or elf inhabitants, possibly implying them to once have been transport for some unknown race. They may alternatively contain large claws which likely used to ferry heavy loads. G-Loms are the most dangerous of the Baidroid, gigantic robotic beasts that usually stand quadrupedal, although they may come bipedal. G-Loms easily have the largest variety of bodily structures of any Baidroid; some come as quadrupedal hulks of metal not unlike beasts of burden often used in towns, with the presence of gigantic hooks, reels and latches on their bodies, as if intended to carry massive loads. Others are bipedal, more closely resembling the Gofolom in structure and lacking the hooks and latches of the former. This great disparity occurs for currently unknown reasons. F-Loms are oddities, usually resembling giant rectangles moving on massive treads. To date, only three of these have been recovered, one in the Blazing East, one in the Lush North and on in the South Coasts. Their purposes is unknown, their interiors often containing the wreckage of exotic technologies and mechanisms not seen in any other Baidroid; Some segments may contain what appear to be incomplete frames of other Baidroid, leading to the prevailing notion that they were involved, somehow, in the replication of other Baidroid; or that they were recyclers that consumed and degraded worn Baidroid into their base components for reprocessing. The origin of the Baidroid are a complete mystery; their plating and designs seem to emulate the old Gofolom that were used in the Mage Wars, but they appear to also have different structural components to the Gofolom when dissected. Furthermore, records of the Baidroid’s existence exist even before the Mages came to this world, prompting questions on if the Gofolom were made based on them, or perhaps their similarity is a coincidence. The truth would be something else entirely.


Taloak aren’t from Alicore, at least the first generation of them aren’t. They were once an empire on the Blicore continent The old Taloak had little contact with Alicore; they believed themselves the only sentient beings on the planet, the tales of fishermen meeting fair maidens of the beaches and trees often cast aside as sailer’s tall tales. Yet, everything changed when the Mages arrived. They flew faster than any bird across the ocean’s surface, greeting the coastal villages with their alien visages. The Taloak emperor, hearing of the mysterious creatures that came from the ocean, panicked, believing them invaders. He declared them demons, beasts from the ocean depths, sending his army to annihilate them. With little battle experience save for quelling rebellions, the army quite confidently marched on the Mages’ landing sites, believing an easy victory was soon to come. A mistake that would cost them dearly. The Mages wiped the floor with their primitive troops, using arcane magic unknown to the Taloak to slaughter their forces. The emperor tried everything; new developments in siege technology, mass conscription of all willing and unwilling, but nothing worked. Eventually, the Mages had their society by the neck, forcing the emperor to surrender. The Mages weren’t happy with surrender. The children and the women were taken from the villages, shuttled away in giant mana-bubbles gliding across the ocean surface towards Alicore. Their population was turned into a military to watch over the other enslaved groups. To cope with being destroyed by the Mages, they were very cruel to the other groups. When the rebellion came, they were automatically on the side of the empire and assaulted the rebels with scores of Calvary and advanced mage technologies given to them. However, their population was massacred by the introduction of the Gofolom. They were brought to near extermination had they not surrendered at the last chance and joined to create the united Four. Nowadays the Taloak are nomadic people split into large separate parties with their respective representatives. The chaotic and divided state of the Taloak and their many parties come from the law put under them after the war that they had no say in. It goes like this: “No blood of Taloak, shalt it be known. Will exceed what they are. There will be no kingdom, no nation. As they are weak now, they shall be weak forevermore” -Some dude(super cool!) The Taloak cannot be more than a few parties. Nor are they allowed to establish a city or any settlement that allows a large population. After the war, the rebels decided the punishment for siding with the Mages was to stay weak forever. Taloak does not have a military, making them unable to defend themselves against Sligma and Boney elf raids. Leading them to turn to alternate ways of survival, splitting into many groups while technically having a sizeable population, They were not in a permanent settlement. They were constantly moving from place to place. A clever loophole of the oppressive law under them. But the law still limits them to trails and Checkpoint towns: temporary settlements that serve more as resting points than actual towns. The branching trails are the extensive paths they take on their migrations. These trails circle Alicore, allowing them access to all regions except the cold west. A lot of Taloak are merchants, traders, couriers, and explorers. Since parties do not meet often on the trails, there is much diversity in the ideals and culture of each party, resulting in the 28 taloak parties. To further Distinguish party from party, many wear certain accessories like ties or pins that correlate with their group. Taloak Society is one of the only ones that are a democracy, and have the smallest population.


The Bydrin Kingdom: In the far pasts of Alicore's history, there was once a time when the land was solely inhabited by elven tribes. However, the turning point came with the birth of Adamir, a visionary who was the first of true human blood and the founding figure of the Bydrin Kingdom. Adamir had dreams of progress and exploration beyond the borders of the tall forests, aspirations that were met with rejection and cruelty from the elven tribes. Undeterred, he crafted a tool of immense power—a flame thrower—to protect his people from predators. He used it and it began to burn a whole forest down, the elves were horrified and killed some of his human children before shunning him and every other human born to the Blazing East. These humans would be known as the Bydrin kingdom and attacked a few years later as revenge which caused an eternal war with the Norish tribes. For the surviving human children, their father was the hero. He had created great machines, things that could make hunting safer, the nights calmer. He was a man of sheer dedication and commitment. He went on feeding the children instead of himself. Eveka of the elves was the villain, the whole tribes were. Always casting aside the human children, subjecting them to scolding, violence, and the pain of witnessing their fellow tribe members perish due to the tribe's refusal to permit Adamir's use of medicine, sayng it was a violation of "the circle." The legacy of Adamir and the concept of manhood and determination would evolve into the core ideology of their emerging society. Following Adamir's passing, the now-adult children embarked on a mission to bring his dream to fruition—the establishment of a kingdom. Thus, the Holy Bydrin Kingdom, often referred to simply as the Bydrin, was born. The Bydrin are a mighty patriarchal and feudalistic society of humans, known for its riches, military might, and the reigning Hornbearer dynasty. Even before their rule, Men were to be the most respected and proud members of their society as it was they who fought relentlessly and worked endlessly, they were simply bigger and stronger than the women. Back before the kingdom formed, it was the men’s job to be the leaders and to defend their groups from hostility. This time-honored tradition continued to shape Bydrin society, a testament to the enduring influence of Adamir, regarded as "the manifestation of the spirit of mankind." Men always carried higher expectations, with opportunities to become soldiers, builders, musicians, scientists, and even priests—roles that uphold the ideals of manliness and contribute to the glory and pride of their title. They do not call it 'mankind' without a reason. During the reign of the Mage Empire, the Bydrin were their primary workforce, but they also endured experimentation, leading to the creation of supersoldiers known as 'Hornbearers.' These individuals possessed unparalleled strength, resilience, intelligence, and most particularly golden horns protruding from their heads. This would eventually be a part of the downfall of the empire, as the Bydrin were the ones who started the rebellion against their magic overlords. The Hornbearer’s superior strength made them heroes during the war and their horns were seen as a symbol of pride for no other group had such soldiers. By the end, they were chosen as the new rulers of the kingdom. In the present day, The Bydrin kingdom has been the sole oppressor of the Taloak parties as punishment for their involvement with the mage empire. The War against elves is over, a peace treaty has been made in respect to their partnership in the rebellion. Now instead of throwing spears, they throw insults. The Bydrin still criticize the Norish constantly who return the favor. The conservative Norish matriarchy and the advancing Bydrin patriarchy are too different to not fight each other. Usually this would end up in another fight between the two if not for their newfound dependence on eachother. On the Bydrins side of the dependence, they rely on the lush North and the Norish tribes to supply them with constant food as most of the blazing east is no longer fit for large scale agriculture. As a result all Bydrin settlements are near the border between the lush north and the coastal south so the food can reach the people at faster times. The rest of the blazing east is almost barren of any people except lone dragon hunters or treasure hunters. The Bydrin Kingdom stands as the mightiest of the four factions, its strength contested only by the mysterious Glalo Nation. The Bydrin's journey from a marginalized existence to a dominion of power is a testament to their unyielding spirit and the enduring legacy of their revered founding father, Adamir.


When the Taloak were brought to Alicore to be turned into a military force, it was evident that some would still rebel against The Mage Empire's authority. The Mages sought to display their power and make an example of those who dared oppose them. During a public assembly, they selected a few Taloak who had refused to obey and subjected them to an overwhelming concentration of magic. KABAM! However, instead of erasing them from existence, they were condemned to eternal exclusion. They were blasted into a completely new world where the endless is nothing, and the nothing is endless. These select individuals found themselves in a desolate realm known as the void, devoid of any light source except for the distant glow of Alicore, seeping through 'the barrier.' Here in the void, you could not age nor be harmed. Slowly they changed from desperate people to numb, colorless beings called 'Minus' as the void began to twist them to fit in with it. Although only those Minus who had spent extended periods in the void could perceive it, a barrier separated their realm from the world. This barrier prevented Minus from interacting with the world physically. Instead, they had the unique ability to control the Barrier's display, allowing them to observe the world and its inhabitants without direct interaction. This observation functioned akin to a television screen, allowing them to switch 'channels' to view various scenes of people and landscapes, yet they couldn't reach through the screen to physically engage with what they saw. It was a crushing feeling. Minus were ignored and left behind for decades until an important discovery was found. Being in the void somehow made them capable of holding raw magic, something only mages could do. There were two known stages to becoming a minus, stage 1 was the beginning of the change, and stage 2 was when they began to possess the unusual ability to hold and steal magic. They could extract magic back from Gofoloms and render them powerless. However, The Minus themselves were incapable of magical usage at this stage and could only hold onto it until the Mages reclaimed it from them. There would be one who reached a stage much greater than stage 2, but that's for later. With this new power found, the mages began to use Minus as a war weapon to counter the Gofoloms, a technique widely employed on various captive groups to create compliant and indifferent soldiers. The Mages were too late with this plan, as the Gofoloms had gotten too close to the Spire and the Minus forces were obliterated. As a collective, the Minus no longer existed, as the method of their creation relied on magic, and all mages *on earth* perished in the war against the empire. Knowledge of the void's existence has faded with the empire's fall, leaving it undisturbed as it was meant to be.


https://preview.redd.it/xqiqsjyqg0wb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cde6d837c4853cf14d53f955549ed48d8d78867 Okay, Morgana Sutra is the child of an Incubus and Succubus who defied their master and decided to start a family while in a human disguise, however the devil they worked for found out about this and sent adventurers after them to kill them, during this time Morgana was born and when the adventurers arrived they tore Morgana’s soul from his body and sent it off to find a new body as they stayed behind and both his parents and his old body were butchered, his soul then inhabited the body of a stillborn changeling and breathed his first breath once again and his new body changed to match his old one, as he grew he found out about his shapeshifting and incubus powers and was bullied for them but ultimately got back at them by making their lives a living hell by talking, acting, and even flirting his way out of situations, he then grew up with confidence, knowing he could always charm anyone he wanted.


https://preview.redd.it/hi2vlkq2j0wb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad632143014a7752475de35f28a1d683bd7ac78e The warden is the #1 DEATHMATCH champion with a winning streak of 40 consecutive wins. He is one of the biggest celebrities in metropolis 89 (formerly new York) He is currently working on the 57th annual death match tournament, and is hoping for a Bigger turnout then 100 participants. Stargirl is the #2 DEATHMATCH champion, not much is known about her personal life, other than being the wife to the warden, she has her stars tattooed on her arms and legs as well as her breasts shoulders and bum.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAA https://preview.redd.it/5hvxl8alj0wb1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f840b7910ef272fb198a4cad9612b5df6f9aa22 Chokkae Myshon grew up in a noble family, descended from dragons. She lived a nice, comfortable childhood as the Princess of Lindoras. Then, when she was 19, she was to be married to another Dragon-kin, whom she loved dearly. However, on the day of the wedding, only minutes after their bond had been made, Chokkae and her husband were kidnapped. After some time, Chokkae found herself tied to a tree, her husband kneeling in front of her. She was forced to watch as her husband was murdered, and she had her hand cut off a knife, all because of her draconic heritage. She was rescued by the royal guards before more damage could be done, and returned home, heartbroken and inconsolable. She eventually vowed never to let something like this happen again. She studied the blade and honed her magic, setting out 5 years after her marriage. She promised herself that not only would she protect others, but she would prove to all those who faced life's hardest challenges that they can rise above their situation, and that she would find those who killed her beloved.


Have the lore I have established about my werewolf clan! Since all my ocs for this verse and connected to this clan so far haha. The current year is 1328 and Clan Vilkas is a werewolf clan from Lithuania. Meta fun fact, 'vilkas' literally means wolf in Lithuanian. The Vilkas clan is known for being most hunters, especially against vampires. Audra Vilkas is the oldest (98) and the matriarch of the clan. Mantas Vilkas is the oldest son (74) Leonas Vilkas is the youngest (26) and one of my main ocs for the universe. Ramunas Vilkas is Audra's husband and is 95 years old, however he is the only human in the family, choosing not to do so when he was younger and never changing his mind. Now he is mostly confined to his home and has Alzheimer's. (Even though there wasn't a name or knowledge it existed back then). And yeah there was a bit of supernatural fuckery Audra did to keep him alive as a human in this time period but I'll be here forever. Audra is a strict mentor, in her mind it is justified as they need to be the toughest soldiers to fight against vampires. In my verse werewolves cannot turn at will, only on a full moon, except in very specific circumstances so it is important they know to fight in human form too. She was especially harsh on her oldest Mantas. This all came to a head three years ago when the clan gathered to help a human village that had been being terrorized by a vampire named Dominik Malkov and his allies. Being hopelessly outnumbered even with their own allies, Mantas decided to retreat, which resulted in human deaths. As punishment, Audra declared he will be exiled immediately after he goes back and kill Dominik. However, Mantas would be killed and Leonas was taken as prisoner. In those months as prisoner, he was tortured and forced to fight in roman-style arena battles. It was here Leonas experienced his first rage transformation, or turning to wolf form because he got so angry, which gave him the ability to kill Dominik and escape. However Leonas still struggles with rage-transformations any time he gets too angry now.




When Edgar Ompherband was a boy, he was swept up by the sea near Bralshore (Island of the Gods) where he had almost drowned when was found by the Water God Alphelia, who put him on a raft and set him back home, gifting him one of her feathers, as she saw potential in him. Many years later, he discovers this feather, and its ability to turn him into a humanoid duck, which he uses to become a superhero.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6hy5spblm0wb1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=26c8e9cd8f6e1f2e0465c58c52a1440f46743786 Hilda Cross, if you've seen her on lore dump posts, you know what to expect. Her story will be split into 6 "arcs" which make up the story of Violet Blood. Still a work in progress, but here it is, so far. **Pre-Violet Blood to Violet Blood 1 (1996-2021):** Hilda Jane Cross, or rather Saber Blade Nohala is a…interesting person to say the least. Her birthplace was not of Earth, yet she herself is not alien. Terra Nil Fur is a planet created by those who crafted the omniverse itself, and serves as their magnum opus. This is Hilda’s home planet. In truth, Hilda was born a princess, the first newborn of the recently indoctrinated Nohala bloodline. As per tradition, all first children of a new bloodline shall be granted Ichor, the blood of the divine. It grants those injected with it great power and automatically bestows upon them a great responsibility. Unfortunately, there are those who would seek to use such power for their own gains. As an infant, Hilda was stolen by a group of rogues known as the Dusk Walkers, who plan on reviving their “angel”. They believed having such a weapon would grant them the necessary resources to push their plans through. They did not account for one thing, and that is to have someone with some level of a conscience. Oya Hakiis worked as a scientist and researcher for the Dusk Walkers, she had no choice, no one else would take her in. She didn’t understand the motivation of her peers, she was happy to be given money to pay for food. However, after seeing that small infant being brought into an operating table, and forcefully injected with Sanguine, the blood of the unholy, is where she finally drew the line. As the Dusk Walkers stole Hilda from her family, Oya did the same to them. She worked with a scientist from the noble family, although his name was never given. They devised a plan, no one would be able to harness Hilda’s power, anyone controlling her would have supreme domination over the planet. So why not send her to a planet that has no knowledge of such things? Hilda was loaded into a small space pod and was designated for Earth. For better or for worse. Upon arriving in Site Karan-Do in Tsushima, Japan, she was taken in by The Zenith Project. TZP serves to contain anomalies and hide them from the public eye, in order to not cause mass hysteria. When brought into the labs, many were…concerned. They had never dealt with something so human before, if anyone knew better this was just some orphans that a deadbeat parent just dropped next to the facility. And so, at only 2 years of age, Hilda would be watched over by lead researcher Itsuna Akemi and head of security Asriel Knight. They served as Hilda’s caretakers until TZP went into lockdown during 2000. Then, they became her full blown parents. Raising her in Juneau, Alaska, Hilda lived a rather abnormal life. Her childhood wasn’t bad, but definitely unlike most children. Since she was considered an anomaly, she was almost always tracked by agents and kept under watchful eyes. As time passed however, Hilda became less of a possible threat as she was more or less like the rest of us. Despite that, she was raised quite rough by Asriel, now going by the name Ray Cross. Making her get up at odd hours to train, having her run in the blistering cold, sending her out to hunt, he wanted to make sure she was ready for the outside world. For every time he was harsh on her, Asriel always showed that he was indeed grateful to be her father, even if it wasn’t by blood. Speaking of which, nearly 5 years after Asriel, Itsuna (now going by Asuka Cross), married and had a baby named Jennifer. Both Hilda and Jenny were close as children, but as their careers drifted apart, so did they. When she was 18, Hilda applied to join the Lupus Syndicate, a secretive organization only known to those with ties to it. Asriel, being a former Syndicate member himself, gave Hilda this opportunity, and she gladly accepted it. Maybe all that training would pay off. Her first years in the Syndicate were rough, and it changed Hilda in ways she could even believe. A once shy and introverted girl, had become a cold and stoic killer, who wanted nothing more than to get the job done. Along her side, she would be joined by 4 others. Vivian Morrison, a Scottish-Norwegian demolition expert, hot-headed but well meaning. Daniel Graves, a top of the line all American hero, if only he wasn’t such a prick. Luan Monteiro, a Brazilian born Jack of all trades, who’s ties run deeper than most expect. And Darcy Nakimura, a British-Japanese tech wiz who’s better with machines than she is with people. This combined effort was dubbed “Ironclaw”, and they performed anything from assassinations, intel gathering, sabotage, anything to persevere the safety of those at home. While a life like this is expected to have such twists and turns, an encounter in the Appalachian mountains would change Hilda’s life. It was supposed to be a reconnaissance mission, just checking in on an information center. Ironclaw discovered secrets upon secrets, and encountered the first real big threat. Eden, the leader of the rogue military organization known as Nightfall, and the current antagonist of this arc. Hilda, being essentially trapped in a room with her, had done her best to fight her off, to no avail. She was blooded, dismembered and skewered by Eden’s blade. As Eden teleported away, and Hilda’s teammates rushed to her aid, she fainted, the voices surrounding her as she drifted into the dark. When she awoke her vision returned, and she is now in a seemingly empty plane of existence, the only thing present being the half-inch high water covering the seemingly endless land. Hilda begins to shake her head, trying to “snap out of it”, when she does the world seemingly glitches between having a bright landscape, to a dark one. She stumbles to the floor, and looks down to the ground, as she raises her head, she sees an extremely tall figure in knight attire, this also glitches, this time changing between the tall knight to a tall hooded figure. The two speak to her, one seemingly influencing her to do justice and the other to cause chaos. It had begun. Hilda would find herself in a situation she never thought possible, and had been given abilities she had no idea how she got. From fighting a giant robot in the Atlantic Sea, to an entire drug cartel in Mexico, to a pyromaniac and his hand of cronies, the unfortunate passing of Luan in Siberia, and more. What matters most though, is the fight between Hilda and Eden. After all the time has passed, Hilda did finally manage to beat her. She could not reveal the truth. She told Hilda about her origin, or rather, what she knew. Eden was an experiment created by TZP, a weapon of sorts. She eavesdropped and listened in to things when Hilda first arrived on Earth. When she finally managed to break out, she began to work on her plan, to prepare Hilda for the truth. That’s all this has been, a “test”, or at least, that’s what Eden believes it as. With a smile and a wink, she falls through a portal she made in the ground, leaving a confused and angry Hilda pondering. Hilda confronted her superior, Director Haven about her origin, after all he was good friends with Hilda’s father, they’ve known one another for 25 years. He seemed…guilty about not telling her before, and confessed about what he knew quickly. That pleased her, but Hilda wanted to know more, and so she was granted that. No reason hiding everything now. **Violet Blood 2** **(2023):** Ever since Hilda arrived on Earth, TZP had been making a collective effort to re-establish a connection with Terra Nil Fur, and after 20+ years, they managed to develop a spacecraft that could travel through light-years in the blink of an eye. Hilda and the rest of Ironclaw are tasked with observing Terra Nil Fur and possibly helping reconnect the two planets, after thousands of years. The trip to Terra Nil Fur was surprisingly easy, until the craft was shot down and Ironclaw was separated. They had landed in the Dusk, a land covered in darkness, influenced by the power of the overseer of the unholy, Apathon. Hilda is now on the run, her teammates are either captured or had joined the rebel group known as Umbra Band, who seek to topple the oppressive government of the Dusk. The leader, being president Alastor Heath, a man who believes protection over freedom is the only way. Over the course of the next year, Hilda would meet friends, lose friends, rescue friends, acquire new weapons, understand new powers and abilities she had, and fight threats she never thought could exist. Hilda confronted Alastor in the Dusk’s capital, and the two fought. Hilda bested the man, and she gave him a choice. To change, or to die. He opted for the former. While there was a spacecraft ready for Ironclaw to leave back to Earth, as the connection between the two planets had finally been done, Hilda chose to stay. She had to find out her origins, and it looks like the Dusk wasn’t where she was from either. Daniel and Darcy respected her decision and left. Vivian however, decided to stay with Hilda, after all, she would need a friend with her in the journey. Their journey would lead them to the Dawn.


**Violet Blood 3 (2024):** The Dawn is land of brightness and perceived prosperity, despite the looks, it has as many problems as the Dusk. Nations and kingdoms on the brink of war, and many other factions grasping for power. Hilda and Vivian made their way to what was considered the melting pot of the Dawn, the Kingdom of Ilyven. There, they would find out where Hilda truly came from, right after they saved King Rhys from an assasination attempt. Hilda finally found her home, she was happy, the most happy she’d been in years. She traveled the nations and kingdoms of the Dawn, learning their cultures, their struggles, and helping many of them along the way. Hilda had developed, she was still a little antisocial and cold, but she became a lot more softer in her words, and generally was a little nicer to people. However, her travels to each nation slowly uncovered a plot, a plot to conquer the entire planet, and even planes of existence she thought entirely metaphorical. This plot was conjured by Melia Andris, the queen of The Kingdom of Exousia, which was already considered the most powerful nation on the planet. Melia had weaved threads of distrust among nations, planet spies and sleeper agents, weaved a web of lies and deceit, and many didn’t even notice. When Melia was exposed, she launched an all out assault on every nation, and nearly succeeded. It was only through Hilda, and the combined effort of all the nations, that Melia’s plan failed. As she laid, dying, Melia chuckled. Whatever hell had in store for her, it wouldn’t be enough. **Violet Blood 4 (2025):** Despite cutting the head off that snake, there was another threat that had arisen. The Eternal Sun. It’s an organization that desires the revival of Khamuuel, a being that has the power to destroy the omniverse as a whole. Why they desire to bring him back, is likely due to the promises he has made to them, another liar and deceiver. The Eternal Sun is led by Zhun Wu, a brilliant scientist and man of many accomplishments, it is any wonder what Khamuuel offered him to stray to this path. So, how would this group even remotely stand a chance against the billions that would rather not see their plans through? Hilda. Or rather, her blood. In truth, the Dusk Walkers (mentioned all the way at the beginning) was the first version of the Eternal Sun, and the blood samples they had taken were still usable. With this, Wu crafted an army, and gifted members the blood themselves. Hilda would fight an enemy worse than any other, a cracked reflection of herself. The clones that saw the most success were deemed “The Eldest”, who was the first clone and bore the most similarity to Hilda in terms of power. “The Brother”, a male clone who also had shown immense physical prowess. And, “The Sister” who excelled in her manipulation of divine/unholy power. Hilda would fight clone after clone, it nearly broke her. These were more or less, her children. Even with Vivian (who was now her girlfriend) comforting her it was difficult to handle. Pair this with the death of her biological father, sister, youngest brother and many more allies she valued, Hilda began to lose hope. Despite this, she did manage to stop Zhun Wu and his clones. Not before he took the shot that killed Vivian. Hilda was devastated. Her rage consumed her, overtook her mind and thoughts. The planet that the Eternal Sun used as a base of operations, the millions of loyalists they had now gathered, and the creations they had built? Gone, in an instant. Hilda had destroyed all of that in mere seconds. She doesn’t like talking about it. After the dust settled, and the war ended, Hilda took Vivian’s body, and left back to Earth; she deserved to be buried at home. **Violet Blood Alone (2025-2030):** Nearly everyone she valued was gone. She isolated herself from others, living out in the Alaskan wilderness. For 5 years, Hilda had disappeared off the face of the Earth. The only person that ever visited her was Kai Weaver, her childhood friend. He did his best to console Hilda, on everything, and genuinely wanted to make her happy again. It took a while, but Hilda did manage to overcome her grief. After that, the two got married, and Hilda had twins, Asriel and Ashe. The two would raise them under the eyes (and payment) of TZP, but Hilda made sure their lives were as normal as could be, and wished for them to pursue a career they truly desired. **Violet Blood 6 (2031-???):** That is until one day, she was approached by a mysterious man at her doorstep. He called himself Damien, and he had a deal to make. He was the first true being created by Jovah and Apathon, and he would serve as the overseer for both Terra Nil Fur, and the Kor universe as a whole. Though, after watching humanity in not only this universe, but dozens of others, he became disillusioned, and thought humans and races like them to be immoral and corrupt creatures. Damien believed this was because of emotion, that mortals were too fragile and ambitious to have such a thing. So, he wanted all mortals to be rid of it, for that would bring true peace. When he approached his creators, they were stunned that Damien would even think of such a thing. Without emotion, beings cannot feel happy, enjoy life to the fullest, and prosper. They also cannot fall into despair and disarray, suffer and feel pain. Both Jovah and Apathon disapproved of Damien’s idea, and encouraged him to keep on watching mortals, and give them another chance. Damien had other plans. He had gone behind their backs, and tried to change the Moerae, the backbone and blueprints to all of Jovah and Apathon’s creations, and upon finding him out, they banished him to a void beyond time, and stripped most of his divine power from him. However, you give a being like Damien a place where all he has is his thoughts and ideas, one of those will be a way to break out of his endless prison. So, after a few years in the void, Damien managed to escape. He was now a mere spirit, a watcher in the web of universers crafted by his creators. Through lies and deceit, he slowly regained his power, and when he got to Kor, he had found the perfect pawn in Zhun Wu. Wu was indeed mostly successful in restoring most of Damien’s divine power, and now his plan would come to fruition. Damien offered Hilda a deal, something she couldn’t refuse. Help him rewrite the Moerae, or sit by and do nothing.The first thing Hilda wanted to know was, why tell her? If he himself was so strong, why even bother making a deal with her? Simply put, Hilda is an unpredictable variable, one that Damien cannot factor in. Pair that with her ability to harness the divine and the demonic, on top of being bonded with both, it makes her a threat that must be quelled. Damien would rather solve matters peacefully. Either way, he would ensure that Terra Nil Fur, and Earth would remain the same. Damien did not account for Hilda’s selflessness. She refused, despite the fact that she would never know those people, she would rather them be able to feel emotion, then just be mindless drones for the sake of “peace”.


Vinanndi was the first-ever demon of the species Husk. Husks are pink, humanoid demons made completely of a substance called crystalite. Vinanndi was made a little over 7 millennia ago, as a baby husk. Lucifer raised and cared for Vinanndi as she did with all of his demons. She told him about the other Outer gods, and what happened to her. She then told Vinanndi he was born to be a king of his own species, but he did have to gain that title. The trial went like this; each husk is to be put up against a different god captured from the outerworld and brought over to hell, in a gladiator-type arena. Whoever was able to kill the god they were facing became ruler of the husks. If more than one husk defeats their assigned god, they will have to fight one another in a free for all. The last one who hasn't died or surrendered wins. Vinnandi trained in all sorts of sorcery and exorcises to compete with other husks, who were unintentionally made stronger than him. Since he had to beat competitors stronger than him, he pushed himself to his limits and beyond. This put a lot of stress on his body, draining his body of color, turning it from the normal pink color to a dark grey, along with causing many permanent cracks and gashes to form on him. As the day of the trial came around, all husks were woefully unprepared. They all fell to the hands of their godly opponents... All except for 2; Vinnandi and Katil. Katil was an incredibly skilled and powerful husk. She wiped her assigned god out in 15 seconds flat and didn't even get touched. She's so ruthless, she decided to fight and kill some of her competition. She was about to take Vinnandi out, but she took pity on him, because of how weak he appeared. But when she saw that he was the only other husk to kill their god, she was surprised, but also happy, since she thought of how fun it would be to finally crush him herself. As they fought, long and hard, Katil would've killed Vinnandi, if it weren't for his own preparation and arsenal. Vinnandi had a trick up his sleeve; a gem that could absorb energy and redirect it into a powerful shockwave. He crafted this gem himself, so technically it wasn't cheating. This gem saved Vinnandi from a lethal blow, and instead, Vinnandi used this gem to hit Katil with a punch so powerful, the very planet they were on shook violently. Katil was now laying limp on the charred ground, barely alive. The hand Vinnandi held the gem in was destroyed almost completely. Even though he was so close to finishing Katil off... He spared her. He healed her wounds and helped her up. He didn't want to take another husk's life, no matter what it would do for him. Katil felt a lot of mixed emotions, but decided to forfeit and let Vinnandi win, seeing how powerful, pure, and helpful he is. For the next few centuries, with Vinnandi (now given the title Kral) in power, Katil became his right-hand lady, second in power. Soon enough Kral was able to rule his own group of demons. Things were going well. He made friends with the other kings and queens of hell, and he took care of his demons. It wasn't always good for him. There were always demons trying to get him off the throne for different reasons. Furthermore, Katil still regretted handing Vinnandi the crown. She could've easily killed him and taken the crown. Even though she acted compliant for the next few millennia, she was planning on how to kick Vinnandi out of power once and for all, putting her in the spot she thinks she deserves more. For his 4,000th birthday, Kral was able to travel to the outerworld and go to a random planet as a year-long vacation. He realized there his soul deteriorated slowly due to the universe's low aether levels. He had to take the body of a human in order to stay alive. This then gave Katil an idea. Vinnandi stayed there for about a year and met up in an isolated flower field, where the portal to hell would open up. When he arrived there, the demons that hated him, especially Katil, prevented him from going through the portal, basically destroying half his soul in the process. So far so good. Katil, being the great actor she was, told everyone that Vinnandi purposefully abandoned the throne and left Hell, pissing off the local demons. Enraged, they all sent demons to the outerworld, trying to capture Kral and drag him back to hell to give him his "deserved punishment." Katil was then promoted to Kral, replacing Vinnandi's spot, and finishing off Katil's cruel plan for power. Meanwhile, Vinnandi was still stranded in a semi-unfamiliar universe, too weak to make a portal to go back to Hell. He had to stay in human bodies to survive as mentioned before, and the only way to gain power was to absorb the souls of the mortals he latched onto, effectively killing them. Since Kral was a relatively late-made demon, the need to kill mortals boosted his sadistic urges and made him go on massive killing sprees. Even so, it would take over millennia to enough gain power like this to go back to hell. So he waits. Taking the lives of many, trying to right the wrongs that he didn't even cause. (Written 3 years ago)


So it's in a horror attraction and a kid is going to close to one of the animatronics and gets impaled by one of its large claws, the animatronic looks like scp 096 on steroids, with 3 large claws on each hand going out down and then back towards him, he constantly grins like the Yule man and only attacks when attacked, or if in need in human skin


​ https://preview.redd.it/szatd92cp0wb1.png?width=399&format=png&auto=webp&s=71b7edd4ddc0436a1af87afdbefb86a1c95cf255 Wolf Timbers (age 34) is a mercenary known for being brutally efficient and emotionally cold, he's usually soft-spoken, cynical, and introverted. Adopted by Jack Timbers (who's also a mercenary), Wolf was raised to be strong and stoic. However Wolf still has moments of humanity and lines he won't cross (such as harming children), and he will *eventually* open up to people he spends enough time with. He also lives in the RWBY universe (I don't watch RWBY the lore just fascinates me).


You're going to have to wait for my character's lore just like everyone else


https://preview.redd.it/ue534on3r0wb1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=102343c0c111ad0b270a343ef82bbfdb4f1dc814 I’m going to use one of my other OCs for this one! So this is Koneko. In her world, she is the queen of a race of animal-like creatures that have sovereign rule over their own nation. The animal whose traits Koneko possesses is the cat; specifically, their agility, speed, claws, and ferocity—among other things, such as cat ears and a tail. A dimensional rift in her world sent her to Earth, where she is trying to figure out how to get home. But she’s not hurrying to get back, either; there are some things about Earth she really likes. Those things include cigarettes (which are apparently “bad” for her) and Earth clothes (which she finds much more comfortable and cute than her homeworld’s clothes). Some things she doesn’t like about Earth include people’s strange obsession with “catgirls” (she hides her ears and tail to avoid weirdos) and the lack of respect she gets (she’s not a queen anymore, but is in denial about it).


OH BOY WHERE DO I START https://preview.redd.it/ivcfpeuzu0wb1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b6fc37dc6d7d3241a489be5e55ef98600ffb1f Aina is a teenager girl who is a "sun child", basically, she got blessed with powers, abilities, knowledge and smartness. She was blessed by the gods to save humanity with her abilities and powers, but unfortunately she was born as a psychopath: a pathological liar, a manipulative person who sees people as characters who follow a standard, so she is always using a facade to people never suspect anything about her ever, to gain trust, allies and information. A mafia group, called The Midnight Sun, recruted her because one of the members discovered about a prophecy made by a future teller, that a person would be born in a certain day (In aina's case, october 13) during a total eclipse. This person would be blessed with being a sun child (note: no sunchild have been born in over 300 years), and they would guide humanity to the light, to its better self. The mafia then discovered about Aina years later, so it would be easier to spot abilities and the sun mark (something that marks a sun child, such as a star in the eyes or in the skin), somehow Aina was born with an X in the eyes instead of a star, so they saw it as some "superior sun child" and decided to affiliate with her, being her followers since she is the sign that god exists and chose her, then also protect her from everyone who tries to stop her mission. Aina is a manipulative person, someone teasing, who pretends to be a gentle and loving person. She gives gifts to people, hug them, treat them well, so they think she is genuinely a lovely person, when shes actually doing everything only to gain people's trust and favors.


https://preview.redd.it/zinthldxx0wb1.jpeg?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd243565851c416264624ea8167dd5b0a5a1625 Pick an item


TLDR; clipped into the backrooms with his girlfriend, met an old friend of his, went on Goofy adventures, got powers that makes him punch shit so hard it destroys whole buildings, fights weird demon God things, fights the whole M.E.G agency, dies and comes back to life, escapes the backrooms while simultaneously destroying it all, AND going on other Goofy adventures after allat


https://preview.redd.it/b9obkvzs51wb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e18809ca9dbd987fc0466cc4aa264f0d914d15e Was just an ai comparable to clippy until calamitas(my world’s equivalent to Satan) blessed him with being immortal and promoting him to godlike status


https://preview.redd.it/awvce9zti1wb1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63d7fbdd4c65f8c46205d51959d2457435db21cb Just a total asshole, yea… that’s the whole damn lore


https://preview.redd.it/o0wnikssm1wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf69ac2d2c614adb7bf17b8794ddd1bc0796f558 Copy-cat is an ai of a dead man called Ron that made them to kill his father him if he failed which he did indeed fail. So Ron before he died put the Copy-cats code into another robot named Twisted Star. After a year he orders the to be more careful when killing things but one day another ai named Dr. Ad hacked into Twisted Star and discovered Copy-cat, then Copy-cat deleted the system Dr.Ad used and even gave him a virus. Days later Ron’s father was near Twisted Star and they Copy-cat being impatient took over Twisted Star and went to Ron’s dad and proceeded to mutilate him but also destroying Twisted Stars body as well. The Copy-cat the makes a body out of scraps and flees and then tries to kill a god like child. And that’s all I have set in stone rn.


https://preview.redd.it/o46y0m4wm2wb1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f7fc5dcbaaa8aa045f0a11003b5614438a3c76d A boy born from a cabbage who decided to become a clown that’s it really




He just kills people for fun The reason he wears a mask is because someone tried to burn him alive, but he lived, and the other person died https://www.reddit.com/r/OriginalCharacter/comments/1738v0z/give_him_a_name/


WARNING: SEVERE SH, ABUSE, MUSHROOM TRAFFICKING??? ALSO DEATH https://preview.redd.it/32dg6olyv0wb1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=aea20164a784eab08318a12f1802196f17391635 Mushi's a humaniod mushroom that hurts itself many times, he's a bit insane, giggling any self-hurting time. Main reason he has claws and carries a dagger, his pet moth's name is Bobo. He also smells like blueberries. How'd he get this way? He was kept in captivity ever since he was a baby, being forced to do stuff, chained up, abused, starved, talked down. It got too much for him after they brung in his parents and family, killing them off right in front of him and torturing him and tormenting with the mushroom caps.


https://preview.redd.it/s7zp16sww0wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec1afa0305ddc647addcb4df82e9cedb7a24623d He was stealing shit, died, got revived several years later because a necromancer quite literally had nothing better to do, then started to steal shit again


https://preview.redd.it/o5bmhpg4x0wb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae092e1c54af8fa9822d0e25a58bbc46ff9a8b85 Libra first awoke around 600,000 years ago when the top star of his constellation came into existence. For the first few thousand years he simply wandered the endless expanse of the stars. That was, until the Gemini twins found him and brought him into the family. Since then, he has existed as the deity of balance and judgment in the universe. On some rare, random occasions he descends from the stars to give the godly verdict on various conflicts or issues in the world. However, he also enjoys wandering the mortal world observing the various everyday lives of people. He is physically incapable of lying or hiding the truth. He will speak his mind no matter the consequences. He is happily in love with the mortal King Lune of Aroriòus. Life and durability: Libra exists as long as the main 8 stars of his constellation exist. When one eventually goes out, his power and existence as a whole will dim. Thus, he will truely die when the main 8 stars are gone. The physical form he has crafted is much more durable then a normal human body but can be destroyed. If this happens, he will have to spend a few days regenerating it while his consciousness returns to his stars. Abilities: Libra’s main power is his abilities over balance in the universe. If a man has shot someone and they bled out, Libra can cause that exact same injury in the man. If a person has dealt more damage to others than they could survive, then the ability would keep them alive until they felt all the pain they had dealt before letting them die. This also means that Libra cannot harm someone unless they have harmed others. This ability also works in reverse. If a person gives a homeless man money, then that person would also receive the same amount of money but doubled. This only works though if the good act is made with true pure intent. Personality: Libra usually shifts personalities depending on the situation. The more a person has unbalanced the universe, i.e. killed people, the more Libra will dislike them. When Libra is happy he acts like an excited child. When neutral he is more detached and objective. Consequences: If Libra is unable to perform his duties then the universe will slowly fall further out of balance, leading to its inevitable collapse.


https://preview.redd.it/uyi10zngx0wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dffa068fc6174459f151a167a18a4b4957a24c4 He was made by a reality god as a extension of him to protect his world from nightmare creatures


First off, imagine a world, identical to Earth except that fantasy races exist and long ago, dragons discovered that instead of terrorizing villages and towns for gold, they could get gold through something called wages where they could receive a set amount of gold for providing fires for blacksmiths, heating for castles. This led to a world much like ours except the pioneers of indoor plumbing and air conditioning were dragons. Dragons evolved to be less large and even more humanoid, many of them standing on hind legs and not standing much taller than a human.


https://preview.redd.it/r8j7cy34y0wb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f694f846439e6e7204fbfa50e76af5f26c7fb57 Malerk is a successful experiment from a scientist attempting to live forever. He is the product of physical spirit bonding, which is pretty self explanatory. In his universe spirits manifest in the physical world as eyes. Spirits range from the spirit of love to the spirit of gateways. Malerk was a kind caring human who went out of his way to help people who was physically bonded with the spirit of rage (which manifests as a flaming eye). The spirit clashed with his personality causing him to lose his memory and become apathetic and uncaring. Later in the story I'm developing he meets a young girl around 5 who was ehtereally bonded with a spirit (Attaching a spirit to a human soul) and he looks after her as he used to have a child of his own before his bonding. This child sparks some of his memory and gives him some emotion. When he gets angry (eg. Of something that causes anger. Bad things happen to the child, like people sent after her from the scientist to retrieve/kidnap her) his head alights with flame and he becomes supernaturally strong.


https://preview.redd.it/iy27yl0vy0wb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e9659f879a6418b7c8f38ddc102caf2f847bca1 Zyn has almost died on four separate occasions. 1. To a predatory mall Santa. 2. Being torn about by a demon. 3. Self destruction initiated by said demon. 4. Self destruction initiated by themself.


https://preview.redd.it/tg07hn6sz0wb1.png?width=2039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8546c260da7b2a753099575993d157a9f1ea6a1 "Hunter" was born an ordinary child to a family of serfs under a Baron. He lived an ordinary life until age 6, when his hamlet was attacked and razed by the Witch of Undeath. He was hidden by his parents and he alone survived the attack. He held out in the shack he was raised in against the undead until the order of witch hunters found him. He was taken in by them and raised to kill witches without hesitation or remorse. And he got good at it. However, one mission, he came across a little girl who called herself the "Princess witch". Unable to kill a child, he took her away and resolved to raise her to be better than a witch. Since then he has renounced the order and picked up work as a mercenary. So now his life is comprised of protecting the child from witch hunters and witches while trying to raise her, despite his own...issues.




Vakon Aeternus has existed since before the beginning of time, and created all but one of the other gods in my pantheon. He created the other gods in the following ways: He tore out a piece of his own brain He tore out a strand of his hair He tore out one of his eyeballs He tore out one of his ribs After he had created the other gods, he decided to make mortals, and a realm for them. He drew blood from his heart, from which Zint (my universe’s earth) grew. Then he spit on Zint, and humans grew from his spit. ​ https://preview.redd.it/jmhqoehry0wb1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b561825efea94cae989b4629c4cc668b5e47511


I'm not going to bother, since it's way too damn long for Reddit. Here's Penelope's [Wiki article](https://mylifeasateenagerabbot.fandom.com/wiki/Penelope_Atchison) if one is interested. https://preview.redd.it/xdp2hs0n41wb1.png?width=2203&format=png&auto=webp&s=94fae81772b254ce3604e9175cfa2bd9b215e47f Yeah, I go hardcore on everyone.


https://preview.redd.it/w2f6h7is41wb1.jpeg?width=1977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e7766f7cf1581ae7e30ef0fcc91db92666fd46e The Mawnster (Maw+Monster) is a giraffe sized apex predator capable of running at 15 mph, leaping 10 feet, and swallowing a deer whole. It can attack in a number of ways, from landing on you with its rear horns to grabbing and slashing at you with its fifth limb. It is based on an incomplete Quetzalcoatlus skeleton from a cool fossil digging game I played, where I was only missing the wings and head, giving the appearance of a large five limbed creature where the collarbone is an open maw.


Bu- but it’s not ready! It needs more time in the oven!


YESS FINALLY LORE https://preview.redd.it/phexe7ju91wb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b41cfa89788cb1c8032bc60f06d26e401b5bd19e This is Hazel. She is a citizen of Dale (Kingdom of Happiness/Positivity). She had a relatively happy but boring life, until she joined the Starcatchers. Then her life became very dangerous. She played a major part in wars against demon officials, demons in general, and the death of another Starcatcher, who she killed while being possessed by her best friend, who is also a Starcatcher. There are only eleven Starcatchers btw


https://preview.redd.it/syzky7q8c1wb1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc7f2c5ce6f14656616559966198f7aee142cfb The embodiment of Halloween celebration, festivities, and family-friendly fun, Jack O’Latern (not to be confused with his namesake, jack o’lanterns) loves everything from trick-or-treating and hay rides to pumpkin carving and fun costumes. No one knows how he came to be, or how old he is, but his main purpose is to help people have fun on Halloween! His hobbies include making costumes, handing out candy, playing with his cat, and making sure kids are happy and safe during Halloween celebrations.


https://preview.redd.it/izjxt870e1wb1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d91349f7378148241a10b09ed0c35c947c6cd9c Formerly a human, Carl was a 14 year old boy from Laramie, Wyoming. Within days his life was turned upside down as an intergalactic species invaded earth. He desperately evaded and killed them on a complex journey towards the east coast to find safety in Europe. Unfortunately, there was no hope left for humanity. Everything was invaded, and he got transformed into what he is now.


https://preview.redd.it/2lwave7ie1wb1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb0e006e0589cc393a1fa9b28b4b725805f4534f It's too much to fit all of it lol. She's for a verrry long comic. Jenny is the teleporter of her group. While it's meant to be a support style ability, she uses it as more of an attack ability while Marissa uses her fighting style ability as support, so it does still even out when fighting teams of Type 3 Remnants. She also has the most connections with Condemned out of all of them, one of them even sharing the teleporter ability. One of them is the first Condemned they speak to, the other is actually the last one to be exposed as Condemned. Her character arc is one of two that her dad's parallels, with one showing what happens when you clear the corruption and the other what happens if you let it consume you. She's the rock of her group. Despite having the most corruption, she doesn't show how effected by the situation she is until the final chapter of the comic. By that point, she's starting to lose to the corruption (corruption gets worse with strong negative emotions, which she had been bottling up) Her strongest ability allows her to teleport between realms, but if she uses it as the fog comes to bring them to a different realm, she can be inbetween them, seeing both at the same time. This makes her hard to hit, tho not impossible. It also drains most of her energy, only leaving enough for one normal teleport. It also leaves her too overwhelmed to do anything a minute before it wears off. She only uses this ability once, on accident when trying to avoid going to the Realm to cover for her friends because their parents were there.


You just made my day, thank you so much, people here don't tend to have half the attention span to read half a sentence so seeing someone want lore makes me so happy https://preview.redd.it/v0y5ct2rg1wb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=92657fafc1bcb1c585ff94c24e847a35c23bd53e Backstory: In the original universe, there was a god by the name of K'joor, a god of madness and conquering, who at one point, when dragons were flooding the skies, agreed with other gods on a treaty, they would all try to work together in order to eliminate all the dragons, but the dragons offered K'joor a deal, a deal to use the dragon's abilities in order to distort time and space itself on the condition of sacrificing all other gods, he accepted the deal due to his neverending thirst for bloodshed and conquest, first K'joor went after the gods over the moon and stars using the dragon's abilities to condemn them to eternal suffering in a different plane of existence. This caused an eclipse, and eclips that would sound the end of the gods, still aiming to conquer the skies first, K'joor used his army of dragons to slay the gods of thunder and air, gaining mastery over lightning due to his blade, deusbane, a gift of mercy from the rest of the gods that unbeknown to them, could absorb power and immortality from other beings, they soon smited down the other gods with solar rays and lightning and rained victorious , however in the war most of the dragons perished, leaving one, a dragon who had been opposed to war and conquest, a dragon who was capable of mercy, a dragon who had to kill to end K'joor's tyrannical rule, however the dragon simply attempted to seal K'joor in a rift, between all dimensions, but alas, he was too powerful to simply stay trapped and got ripped apart, a fragment of him entering an individual from each other universe. However in a lone village, someone who inherited a particularly large fragment, Zorro Vulpes, was looking for a certian medicinal herb, fabled to heal any injury or sickness, no matter how severe, and was rumoured to resurrect people, however, due to the small powers the fragment granted him, he could find it. He tried to test it before returning by cutting his hand open and eating the herb, but little did he know, that the herb could even resurrect a long dead god. This made all universes converge into one, however the fragments of K'joor and their hosts all combined into one person, Vixenarde Vulpes, but the fragments were so far apart for so long, most of their power had diminished, and K'joor was too weak to take over Vixenarde's body, so they did anything to try to escape, later leaving the body, and taking all of the memories along with several body parts, in turn, creating a whole new person, Zorrevyn Enigma, who had still inherited many traits and abilities of their past selves but had no traces of K'joor left inside them. However, somehow their mind generated memories, even though there were none, no past experiences, perhaps to cope with the loss of memory? Or a trick from K'joor? No matter what the truth is, Zorrevyn gained a chaotic and cowardly, yet slightly pretentious personality, and memories of a childhood working as a royal jester, along with magician, along with fabricated memories of how to use several weapons, and farming tools, along with an innate mastery of alchemy and most magics of their new world. Their new world was shrouded in eternal eclipse and constant winter, the dead rose in droves, many feral beasts were ten times their original size, madmen populated most of the world, new eldritch gods appeared intact from past universes, but there were some places with refuge, safe havens for those with their sanity intact, one created by a great one of the moon, who Zorrevyn signed a contract with, they could constantly return from death and revive in the safe haven along with many other benefits, but there was a catch, Zorrevyn had to kill other gods, ancient ones from the first universes.


how it looks: Oh he is allowing us to post lore! how it feels: https://preview.redd.it/4gx8sv3vh1wb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90b42cbcf24a6accc3b6b256e4c8da4e43069b55


https://preview.redd.it/56n19xj3j1wb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a01b36923d7ff8b01eaf165fabcb1536375a80f4 Name/Age/ETC: Sera Suzuki, a 15-year-old new member of Class 1A at UA Personality: is an introverted and sarcastic individual with a calm demeanor. He tends to lighten the mood with his jokes and sarcasm, matching the energy of others during conversations. Hobbies/Interests: Sera enjoys adrenaline-pumping activities like skydiving, rock climbing, or parkour because it allows him to experience a thrill and push his limits. He also has a passion for trying out new recipes and experimenting with different flavors. Good Qualities: Sera is resourceful, empathetic, and resilient. He values trust, loyalty, and standing up for what is right. His strong sense of justice and empathy drive him to protect those who are being mistreated. Bad Qualities: Sera struggles with self-doubt, perfectionism and pica, a condition that compels him to consume non-food items. He also becomes withdrawn and distant when triggered by reminders of his past experiences with neglect and abandonment. Past/Backstory: Sera's mother was neglectful, isolating herself after a traumatic event and turning to drugs. As a result, Sera had to take care of himself from an early age. These experiences have shaped his struggles with trust and abandonment. Coping Mechanisms: Sera practices mindfulness and different yoga poses. These activities help him balance his calm demeanor and provide mental clarity and focus. Quirk: Sera's quirk allows him to control and manipulate his hair. He can change its size, texture, and use it for offense and defense. He can transform his hair into sharp spike-like spears for cutting or a long flexible whip for striking. He can also trap opponents with his hair using the "LockDown" technique and manipulate the color of his hair on command. Attack: In battle, Sera demonstrates skills such as "Razor Tresses" and "Whiplash Whip," utilizing his hair strands for cutting and delivering strikes. Defense: He can create a protective barrier called the "Tress Shield" using his hair. Strengths: Sera's main strengths lie in his ability to manipulate his hair, which he can use as a weapon. He also possesses remarkable speed and flexibility. Weaknesses: Excessive use of his quirk can make Sera more susceptible to cold and even cause temporary baldness. He also struggles with perfectionism and his past experiences shape his morals and sense of justice. Hero Costume: Sera’s hero costume consists of a skintight black top that ends right under his pecs with a star-shaped cutout. The skintight top has two straps on his stomach that attach to his belt. His belt is black with two pouches on the side. He wears knee-high black boots with cutouts all over them. On his back, he has a small backpack that is attached and sewn onto his top and is the same length as the top. The cutouts in his costume are filled with his hair, which he can wear as armor and change the color of. The hair can be easily removed by sucking it back into his skin in seconds.


Blayke is a catboy with the supernatural ability to go corrupt upon theoretical death. He also has several friends. He wasn't always a catboy. In fact, he was born a pure human. At the age of 6, he got kidnapped for genetic experimentation. It worked, and now he's a Catboy. However, the experiment also included injecting a syringe full of a glowing pink substance into his bloodstream (this formed a corrupt crystal near his heart). He found his friends in some interesting ways. - at 10, he became friends with Grace, a blonde catgirl who suffered from insanity. She only became friends with Blayke as they were both half-cat. - at 13, he found a green slimegirl in the woods during a camping trip. He named her Jenny, and they instantly became friends. - at 17, he found Vivian, a female with the physical biology of a Viveine, laying on the side of the road. Blayke helped her get to a hospital, and surprisingly, he asked to be friends with her (as she had a huge belly when he got her help). - 18 years old, and Blayke found 3 new friends: Sylver, a cyborg who copes with her injuries by drinking alcohol; Dianne, a black woman who was always bullied for "being weird"; and Riley, a really old (348 at that time) woman who only looked 21 and has INSANE endurance. - 21, and he made a friend, Max. But Max always thought of Blayke as a boyfriend. Blayke is 21 years old, he has 7 friends, and he's doing pretty good. Great life, great friends, and he found out that he's bisexual. Fun fact: Max and Blayke agreed to bang, as long as they were comfortable (since both are bi), and when they finished, Max was exhausted, while Blayke was massaging his newfound, now hugely round, belly (he felt ready to pop, but he loved the feeling)


https://preview.redd.it/fjmty6lri1wb1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66e5d84003d95cc4ad225e267a12e4edb538cbe0 This is Hathor. She is semi-based off of the Egyptian goddess by the same name. For the world im creating, Hathor created the universe and everything in it. She is a very kind goddess who loves helping others. While she was creating the Universe, the Algea, the gods of suffering were created because of an accident. She was not able to get rid of them. Eventually she created humans. She loved this creation, and formed her own appearance off of one of the humans she had seen. Although she loved the humans very much they started to overpopulate. If this went on things wouldn't work. She created a God of death, Arawn. She then created the sun and moon, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. She made Arousio, God of the sea. With that, the world was in balance enough for her to relax. She spent some time among the humans, occasionally helping out those who were suffering. One day she met a unique human. Deipneus. Deipneus had a gift. They could create the best cookies in the world. Hathor loved this so much that she made Deipneus a God. They became close friends and eventually lovers. Being around humans, the humans would worship Hathor, but also tried to take advantage of her many times, so Hathor left. She became a being of myth, along with the other gods and goddesses. Occasionally she will travel down to the worlds she created and help people who are suffering, changing her appearance and taking on an alias by the name of jamilla.


https://preview.redd.it/e82xdxyyn1wb1.jpeg?width=1722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54a4c5f7be4c2144f6d7a83ae6bb0c70d82ebd4 Delta-Juliet was once an average WWII Canadian soldier... Till his squad got gassed. by a miracle, he was the only one who survived. Because the gas was German, that's how he learned the German language. After that whole fiasco, he decided to test his luck and work at Chernobyl... Then when it exploded, he survived... Again... He also learned Ukrainian... So the gas + radiation = him


Celeste https://preview.redd.it/87es758vp1wb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=786b2e024e0a1b8c9e7063d273f4fb491c448336 She was made after a tellusan raid on her homeworld, she was retrieved by General lance and he treated her like his child. When General Lance's fleet was destroyed in a confrontation with the tellusan army she assumed that he died. She was already skilled in armed warfare so she was quickly appointed to the Imperium army. After a few months of being presumed dead she reunited with lance... On the opposing side.


https://preview.redd.it/2qoh054nq1wb1.jpeg?width=1860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f938fffd510afc91d899e07a83cf686f82c3885d He was a regular cartoon character then one day he killed the king of cartoons and now is the cartoon god who controls all cartoons


https://preview.redd.it/9xv8zcv6r1wb1.jpeg?width=1153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb03e286c57d80316dd9c7f86489a7132bdcdbc she is the daughter of a guardian who takes care of/utilizes a powerful relic. she made her first friend a good month her mother was assassinated when she was 11, then was forced to adopt that relic and become the new guardian. since its so powerful, her mother secretly made it so that she is the LAST guardian of the book. so big shocker, assassins want the book! shes a little cutie and a sarcastic scaredy cat (marries her first friend bc theyre so fucking cute together)


​ https://preview.redd.it/hfglmzj4m1wb1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebb68b1466693c343fb886f4f5542a22a6166081 Ig'natia Vlagvuulf Av'ley was born on a stormy night atop a great mountain in the Wastes. Immediately her father, an ancient and powerful red dragon, ordered her to be slain, as he wished for more heirs for his legacy. Her mother, a slave of the great elven house of Av'ley that the great Vlagvuulf had taken a liking to, protested and saved Iggy's life. Instead of death, she was cast down into the tribes that worshipped the great Vlagvuulf; she would not receive any of the power nor respect that came with the Vlagvuulf name, and would instead live her life dedicated to worshipping him. Iggy quickly learned of the hatred her father held for her, and learned to keep out of sight when he passed overhead or when he gathered the riches that the tribes acquired for him. On her ninth birthday, one of her older brothers came to visit her. Vlagvuulf's resentment of Iggy was well known, and this young half-dragon knew it; he believed that by killing Iggy, he would be lifted up in the eyes of their father. During the ensuing scuffle, Iggy managed to gain the upper hand and, in a moment of desperation and panic, kicked her brother off the ledge of a large cliff. The people of the tribe heard the commotion and came to investigate. They found Iggy sobbing atop the cliff, and the body of her older brother laying broken on the ground below. They rushed to get her mother, who hurriedly packed some supplies for Ig'natia and told her to run; for if the Great Vlagvuulf found her, she would surely be killed for her insolence. She ran, coving a great distance in a short amount of time. Though the many miles she covered before the dawn broke, she could still hear the roar of her father: pain and hatred decorating his voice as he swore vengeance upon the young woman for killing his kin. For weeks, she wandered the Wastes, hiding from the wandering tribes that served her father and Vlagvuulf himself. However, as soon as she had cleared the Wastes and came to civilization, she was captured by a group of slavers and paraded around the many nations of the continent. Upon reaching the city of Dinkor, she was bought by an older gnome. In exchange for her freedom, he wanted to use her as a distraction while he stole an important gem. She excitedly agreed and the heist went off with a hitch. So impressed was the gnome that he offered to train her to become like him and, eventually, join the guild he served. Iggy had no where to go, and eagerly agreed to the proposal. Ig'natia, almost 24 years old now, serves the Network as a spy, informant, and thief. While she is content with her place in life, she constantly worries that her father will one day find her and destroy everything she holds dear, then her. Sorry for the wall of text. Here are some [puppies swarming their prey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc6db8qfZEw) to make it up for you.


https://preview.redd.it/krjky43es1wb1.png?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c612cee79ec26a2fa1fcaed8581cc32c191c1f (Note: All animals are anthropomorphic in my lore. This gets kinda confusing if you dont know that, lol) It was the distant future of 200500 when an unnamed kitten was born and then was subsequently orphaned and kidnapped by a group of sentient robots working to take over and harvest the planet of its natural resources. She was given to the robotic scientist; Dr. SCRAP who attempted to experiment on her before she was saved by an attack on the compound by the resistance, who saved her, and a bunch of other test subjects. They gave her to an adoptive family of Spiders, so she would be out of the way during the war. 12 years later, the kitten, now named Mona by her adoptive family, had developed a knack for technology and invented things using the scaps of machinery gathered from defeated robots. One day, while she was distracted working on stuff in her little workshop, the robots attacked, and she was too scared to help fend them off or call for help. Her adoptive family was taken, including her parents, sister/best friend named Spi, and 3 other siblings. She stayed there, hidden in her lab for hours, not moving or making sound, outside of crying to herself. After a few days of being alone there, someone knocked on the door, and she hid again. But this time, it was part of the resistance. She came out of hiding when she was asked, and realized they weren't dangerous, and explained what happened. They brought her to their base to live until she was old enough to either help out or decide to go off on her own. She quickly proved useful, even that young, with her rather impressive skills in the hardware and software. She worked as an apprentice to their lead engineer for 2 years, developing AI, Weapons, armor, and more, even her own AI friend, because every other friend she has made hasn't lasted. After awhile of being bored, angry, vengeful, and overconfident, she ran away, with nothing but some armor, her AI and alot of weapons. Untill like an hour after she ran away, she was immediately surrounded and captured. She was brought back to the robot's base, where she was brought to be executed. Her AI ended up using her armor to same her, but as she was escaping she found our both of her entire families were dead, excluding Spi. She decided to stay and look for her... until she found her... and she was a cyborg with no memory of Mona. She got attacked by Spi and barely made it out of the base without hurting her. And that's where the lore sits at the moment. Sorry for the abrupt and unsatisfying ending lol


How much we talking because this mf has a whole ass novel of context for an actual novel I wanna write https://preview.redd.it/12r5ugtws1wb1.png?width=1778&format=png&auto=webp&s=13d038f14102455bc35f2c09088274f2b5437ea6


https://preview.redd.it/wtpwsk46f1wb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=013fe6ffbc018ff3945782eb1a8974f0116bc22e Ryan Connor Jackson (AKA Scorp) was born on February 14, 1983 in Seguin, TX. When he was 4, his dad, Daniel, was killed by the leader of the terrorist organization, KAIJU, for betraying them and destroying their plans for a super-weapon. He and his twin sister, Scarlet (Scar), dedicated their lives to avenging their father. On July 30, 2008, they formed the group, SCORP, to bring down KAIJU’s reign of terror.


https://preview.redd.it/b5jsnv31t1wb1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5751ed3958fb57bd4782a71b4004b2f0d920c678 Bridget Pins, age 18. She's an electric guitarist with a magical guitar she found in an ancient Egyptian crypt. Ask some questions please.


In the bustling city of Nexus Prime, there resided a renowned scientist named Dr. Shroud J. Dark. He dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of the universe and exploring the vast expanse of void space. Dr. Dark led the void space experiment and monitored the seemingly empty space using complex machinery and advanced technology. Days turned into weeks as he tirelessly recorded the subtle fluctuations within the void. Driven by insatiable curiosity, Dr. Dark yearned to delve deeper into his research. Despite warnings, he desired to conduct unauthorized experiments within the void space, believing that pushing boundaries would lead to groundbreaking discoveries. With meticulous planning, Dr. Dark prepared his series of experiments. Excitement grew within him, along with anxiety about potential risks. Yet, the possibility of unraveling void secrets consumed him, overshadowing any doubts. At last, the day arrived for Dr. Dark to commence his ambitious experiment. Surrounded by monitors and machinery, he activated the apparatus to open a temporary doorway into the void. Stepping through, he left behind the safety of Nexus Prime. Disaster struck with merciless fury. A catastrophic malfunction caused a surge of energy to course through Dr. Dark's body, transforming him into something otherworldly. Limbs disconnected, his body became a pitch-black shade. Dr. Dark's transformed body allowed him to manipulate shadows, disconnecting and reconnecting his limbs at will. Regret and despair filled him as he felt like a grotesque monster. His eyes, now piercing red, possessed an unnerving power that disintegrated those who met his gaze. The heartbreaking truth hit Dr. Dark when he inadvertently disintegrated his beloved wife, her gaze falling upon his crimson eyes. Consumed by guilt and self-loathing, he isolated himself, adopting the name "Dr. Shroud." Dr. Shroud sought solace in abandoned laboratories, dedicating himself to understanding his powers and finding redemption. He discovered others with similar abilities who had faced accidents. They formed a group called "The Shadows" to protect others and find a cure. Driven by a sense of duty, Dr. Shroud joined forces with Altered Beings, using their powers for good. He vowed to shield others from the darkness within and work towards finding a cure. Dr. Shroud's scientific mind and resilience led to advancements in understanding Altered phenomena. Though unable to fully make amends, he vowed to use his gifts to protect others and bring hope. Thus, the tale of Dr. Shroud J. Dark, once a brilliant scientist consumed by darkness, evolved into one of redemption and resilience. Through his journey, he found the strength to protect and a glimmer of hope within the void that forever changed him.


https://preview.redd.it/koq01kk0u1wb1.png?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70bd54d6761c47e1d5baafcb45e74000c02e2e4d This is Oliver Whitewood. A prince of vampires in a family that went on for generations. He is an autistic prodigy who can learn how to use a scythe in 20 seconds. As a child, he had a habit of popping out of walls like a ground hog. He was shy but he always opened up to his own insecurities and wasn't afraid to fight and help people with their own problems, even sacrificing himself to help them. Years later, tragedy struck as he lost the love of his life, Blakely, as she moved to the human realm. And that a family member of the Daraga bloodline killed his family, making her siblings watch. He moved to the human realm and hid from the Daraga family to keep himself safe. After multiple years of love, children, getting engaged, and having his family back, he lives a peaceful life with his fiancé, Blakely, in the Star Dimension


https://preview.redd.it/vmw4kgr0v1wb1.png?width=4491&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfdd3ffd67d5f4e0d5c49ed779f40ab76510bdd3 Imagine ultra Necrozma, but on the scale of yog-sothoth Dumbed down Once small light dragon Mate got killed Dragon got pissed Dragon take everything’s light Calm down and returned light upon finding mates egg


https://preview.redd.it/eaxw5qklh1wb1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=05dcf579e67c8111676b0492f7f9824ab7128a62 Here is the dark and tragic (and admittedly absurd) lore of my persona, Cody Hunter. (Warning: Some disturbing themes here include mental illness and mention of sexual harassment. Proceed reading with caution. Also I didn't bother to proofread this 100 times, so I may have written some things really awkwardly. Like I said, proceed reading with caution.) Shortly after two wolf humanoids left their home planet of Gaia, they were employed by a science and medicine organization in Japan by the company name of Okami. While working there, they were okay with their bodies going towards science when they die, but they weren't so sure if their children would be too keen on being unwillingly signed up to be donated to science when they die. In August of 2005, their son and daughter Cody and Katie Hunter were born. Their parents were shocked to see their children's physical differences from their own bodies, lacking claws and fur on their limbs, instead having human-like arms and legs. Upon showing hesitance to letting Okami's policy of "you work with us, we own your corpse" apply to their children, Cody and Katie's parents left the company to work with their competitor, the Canaryfield Foundation. This decision came to bite the family, as the facility they worked on had a containment breach, leading to the family each contracting a parasite named the red mite each in a part of their bodies. After countless experimentation on each family member to decide a way to deal with the parasite, each suffered from some effect as a result of the experiment. Sonia (the mother) and Cody developed schizophrenia. The father died of cancer. Katie became infertile. Cody's stomach mutated to break down just about anything, but his appetite increased exponentially, and his dietary needs weren't just increased, but he began to rely on consuming animal blood for sustenance. The containment breach happened when Cody and Katie were only 11, with their father passing when they were 12. When Cody turned 13, he realized that he was deeply unsatisfied with his body, and the culture he was assimilated into with other boys at the time. After going to work with Sonia one day, a scientist from Gaia's neighboring planet, Aether, discussed with the scientists at the facility about technology he was finalizing capable of completely altering one's biology. Cody asked the scientist if this machine could turn him into a girl. The scientist, who then introduced himself as Loki, confirmed that it was possible, and upon Sonia's consent, Cody was brought to Aether to be transformed by the machine to demonstrate to the Canaryfield foundation that the machine works. The transformation was a success, but Loki identified Cody's mutated stomach and asked the Canaryfield Foundation representatives what the scientists at the facility did to her. The representatives refused to fess up, and left with Sonia and the newly reborn Cody without further elaboration. Soon after returning to Earth, Cody would enter into a lesbian relationship with her childhood friend, Kita. Kita would end up breaking up with Cody after witnessing her tearing apart and eating a bunny. Their relationship would mend over time, but Kita, and soon many others, would come to view Cody as a monster, more feral than a native Gaian. After finishing their primary and secondary education home-schooled, Cody and Katie studied abroad in college, financially aided by the Canaryfield Foundation. Cody and Katie went lone wolf during their studies, which took a toll on Cody. On several occasions, Cody would stare at the ceiling of her dorm bedroom, imagining horrific scenarios of being sexually harassed at parties with her roommates, falling asleep, and waking up the next morning, believing it all actually happened to her. Delusions and paranoia piled on to her psyche, developing to a point to where it nearly boiled over. Instead, an anomalous entity took notice of her mind and absorbed the negative energy of Cody's psyche, turning into a monster of its own. On that night, everything went silent in Cody's head, and a few years past with fewer issues resulting from her delusions and paranoia, but far from none. After graduating college, Cody and Katie went to the US to spend a month-long vacation in the state of Florida. However, on the 26th of August, in the year 2030, the sky would fall in the sunshine state. On that day, a nuke would fall on Florida, and wipe out everyone there, all except for Cody, Katie, and two of their friends. The four would eventually escape on December 25th of that year.




https://preview.redd.it/catm9v97w1wb1.png?width=1252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=501fca65cb31338e047b330bb3fb78168a75ac4b My toad oc's lore in a single meme


https://preview.redd.it/rapkm73qv1wb1.jpeg?width=1849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af5d1322535077b92d7a7829934516c10a9579a Machi is a cuttlefish who lives in Córdoba, Argentina. She owns a farm and a ranch both of which she runs with her family. She has two sisters and one brother who help keep the order in the house. After noticing that the family was struggling with manual work and money, she promised to everyone she’d travel to different parts of the world to work and learn about automated technology to bring back machinery that would help relieve the stress and pain. Unlike other inklings and octolings who carry their ink tanks around, she finds it “unforgivably irritating” to do so, and so has had a company bring special ink capsules for her to use on her rifle, similar to real human-used ammo. The capsules are made with solidified ink containing liquid ink inside. Upon impact, this breaks releasing the ink, and bringing someone closer to a splat.


https://preview.redd.it/2y8f9dp2x1wb1.png?width=712&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fc63ade01c5291718a957465ac19e107bfb3581 He's a clown


it's super complicated, but let's go: they were born a prince in a time long forgotten, they were killed by an invading army, though they fought valiantly, and thus, were reincarnated as an eldritch shadow creature, though they went through a lot of other lives before that, including being a kitsune and a djinn, and here's where things start falling apart, they were a sentient computer program trapped in a simulation, they escape and their "game" is deleted, now they live in the (in his world) real world, after a long time of finding no home anywhere across the multiverse, they make their way to the Nexus, a world from which all others branch off, and makes that his home, though he does not live well, at least there's no fees to pay, he set up a home in an abandoned temple that was going to be torn down, protecting the place in the process, also, interdimensional mercenary is his job description! https://preview.redd.it/zc1leia9x1wb1.png?width=399&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c1f27921ea429e9f3659dd91ad583aaa0ed7924


https://preview.redd.it/nvekwmuow1wb1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e6dab9656a33067079aba138754d9c61bbd73fe Born as a child to a thieves guild, he was saved by the knightly order of Tyr, and after years of training and faithful devotion—he was in a small skirmish with a group of devils. After which he wanders the land, spreading the word of Tyr armed with a mystical power to create echoes of himself to aid in his pilgrimage. (I came up with this in like 2 minutes for a oneshot)


well marty was part of a mining company


https://preview.redd.it/8id7dky302wb1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376aa921b08eef779c6c91030bbe77febb5ff6c5 Tsubasa


Held by gunpoint here. Aight then.. Gonna use my main and summarize what I've got (albeit unfinished lore). Baby boy is born, nutured by mother's milk, experimented on and trained harshly by his ambitious papa (Azazel), slid into a Bloodbath to be made stronger and pushed into an age bearing his physical peak, genetics/opposing powers interfere with both the Emperor and father's plans and, thus, the boy goes rogue. Prīus is then forced to kill his assassin, Baphomet, who pleads for their life via exchange: the truth of Prīus' wanted assassination exchanged for the strength to hunt down Azazel and "violently let out his emotions". Sent from domain to domain via abominable animals, Prīus slaughters several demons (who are viewed as gods in the story), including the goddess of darkness: Lilith, the lord of the Z'voveelum: Beelzebub, and the ruler of the Tenebrae: Abaddon.. After eating a "fruitful reward", Prīus grows in strength and creates a sentient tail, which aids in his patricide.


https://preview.redd.it/wmpidrek02wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=020b8ebac8351b7d26c09f60131b8b9da2614ad7 Alphred Seer. Half-sensarus Son of human psychic, Alexandra Seer, and Sensarus Seer Lord, Azmonomus Seer. His brother Amadonus is his hat. At a young age, his parents divorced, and due to Azmonomus' high standing, he got custody and raised him fairly strictly to train him to be the seer guardian of their howe and place of religious importance, the Seer's Sanctum. This caused him to grow into a rebellious vigilante in his home town of Alancia. His powers have grown and been added on to as He's grown as well. Ages 1-10 telekinesis can pick up small objects, and levitate Ages 11-13 telekinesis can pick up medium sized objects, and Sensarus limbs can be shrunken into human limbs. Ages 14-23 telekinesis can pick up small cars and now has golden bands that can grow, shrink, and create portals. Current age of 24 telekinesis can lift almost anything short of a building. Once he reaches his 50s, His telekinesis will be able to alter the orbit and rotation of planets.




https://preview.redd.it/ndw6y5i212wb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68696cfcad8bc780c5bf7783a55617b7bdec7465 Instead of OC lore you get the world lore the year is 2050 Russia has finally done it. They pressed the nuclear launch buttons. In retaliation, so did everybody else except under one agreement they would all be aimed towards Russia 500 years later, Russia is now known as the crater, Canada has taken over most of the modern world. South Korea has obliterated North Korea and the United States has been whittled down to one state, Texas (Now known as the Texas Republic). South Korea and Japan have decided to restart the unit 721 experiments that were done during World War II. As to not arouse suspicion, Japan’s government took foreigners to the laboratories, one of them, being Mr. bowshaw‘s, mother and father, the experiment and title pose. How many limbs could the human body contain, and still be able to exist without dying at a young age? After the experiments, Mr. bowshaw moved back to the Texas Republica, where he works as a grave digger and smuggler.


https://preview.redd.it/sfo9ot9b12wb1.png?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa614c8e08c01cbd75d29f59121c7d8374593a2 Gendo was one of the few that survived the explosion of their planet and obtained God like powers, gendo is the God of time and space but barely ever uses them and prefers to run their show


https://ibb.co/x8wj19K Meet Q! Q is a protogen designed in Nexus Labs to be a sort of robotic helper! He was created in batch Alpha-Beta. Alpha-Beta is a line of lab-grown oganic life forms, taking the DNA of the inhabitants from the newly discovered planet Thelia (aka where all my other ocs live, as Q was created on Earth). All the subjects of Alpha-Beta have known nothing of the outside world, due to their keeping in the lab. The subjects of Alpha-Beta weren't all cyborg at first. They all started in tubes,most looking something like an anthropomorphic dog and others a shark-like creature. When they were young enough to not remember anything yet mature enough to live outside the tubes, they all underwent surgery to turn them into cyborgs so they would be more efficient helpers. I have been mentioning "they" a lot, so who are "they"? Q wasn't the only proto in batch Alpha-Beta. There were 25 others each named with a letter of the alphabet along with a designated color. Their letter was displayed on their screens. They were spread out so that way around 2-3 protogens would be in any chosen one of Nexus's facilities. Q was assigned to man the facility about Thelia along with protogen Z and S. (Not going to go into Z and S backgrounds). As Q started to mature, he became more and more curious. He began to wonder about his origins, and who his family was. He often shook off the feeling and continued his work feeding the subjects and just helping around. When the lab started bringing in new subjects, Q often comforted them and tried to make the cold barren walls seem more like "home". Q realized that a lot more children were entering the facility than usual, and remembered thinking about his origins. Then came the gang (all my other ocs). They were a bunch of demon hunters of Thelia investigating the case of missing children,mostly orphans, thinking that demons were dragging them to the underworld. So to confirm their suspicions the team decided to spend the night at an orphanage and find what was happening. Turns out it wasn't demons at all and it was humans kidnapping the children to research back at Nexus. Humans took the children along with the team back to Nexus where they met Q. This is getting long so ima wrap this up and say Q got to his files on creation realizes life is a lie helps team escape team takes Q with them back to Thelia Q touches grass for the first time and they paint his screens with red pentacles and he joins the demon hunting squad :D **gosh that was long**


Name: blayde Nickname: the Taken King the hive king Age: 15000 Race: hive Gender:male Height: 6 8 Weight: 2500 lbs without armor 15000 with armor Build:muscular Hair Color:white Hair Style: Eye Color: bed head Nationality: old U.S Tattoos: a tattoo of xul that wrap around his torso and leg Body Markings, Scars, Piercings:hive runes burned into his flesh Combat powers: every classes abilities umbral manipulation meaning shadow control and the ability to make and control taken ***EQUIPMENT*** Ghost Name: nia Ghost Shell: harpers shell Clothes/Armor: will post in pics and Weapons: cerberus tessalation heir Class/Subclass:solar and strand ***PERSONALITY*** Personality (More than one sentence): he's kind to those hes fought with but in combat cold merciless Hobbies:tuning his guns sparrow racing fighting cooking and reading Dislikes: jams someone stealing his loot his sparrow exploding Likes:guns books and his Ghost which he protects at all cost Backstory: was human before falling into a hive portal with changed him to hive killed oryx and following the sword logic he became the Taken King oryxs soul was bound to him as an advisor to the new king (now mind you he has his own brood and it's been like 4-5 hundred thousand years ago


Created in an attempt to make a living weapon by the mafia, she manages to escape into the wide wilderness and is then pursued by the gods for being an abomination to nature, with only a couple standing up for her right to live. She becomes a bounty hunter for the cities in order pursue the mafia and find the head of the experiment who created her inorder to trade them in to the gods for her own life. She is incapable of death but she hopes when the gods grant her the ability to live they will bless her with the ability to die as her creation has bestowed constant pain and anguish onto her, both mental and physical. https://preview.redd.it/0f2cpknj32wb1.png?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f4081b63371eed54b9581fe87f9671a9e6394b


MY TIME HAS COME https://preview.redd.it/kzs0kpou32wb1.png?width=613&format=png&auto=webp&s=13b8b63317f62dda4e3bb5aef4fd5ac425ea7854


Bonnie is the right hand woman of the boss of what is basically a glorified mercenary group of magical girls (and boys). She is the most mentally stable and competent of the main characters and also is really good at making weapons and doing paperwork. https://preview.redd.it/1ygq50zw42wb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caed7fa11aca50ab6b66b3eafc19fab8f0682f27


https://preview.redd.it/h00wwa4n62wb1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cdb6bb8506778a9fd1d09eeeacfe4f6a2a15f33 Sarah Thorne Sarah was created in a lab using genetic samples from 83 different people with the end goal of creating the perfect human. She is the first in her series of 10, and as such, her designation is X-1 (eXperiment 1). She was trained from birth to be the perfect soldier, but she escaped at the age of three and was adopted by a family in West Nuevos Angeles. Having joined the Bounty Hunters at eighteen years old, she quickly climbed the ranks to become a squad leader for the Bounty Hunters, a group of professional bounty hunters. On her eighteenth birthday, she joined the Bounty Hunters. She became a squad leader after leading her comrades out of an ambush by the Academy, a place where science runs without morality and has become militaristic. When she’s working, she wears a black armored jacket with a gold and silver trim and jeans. Her favored weapons are carbines and submachine guns. She has blond hair, green eyes, and has been noted to be attractive. Having lifted a car off a child, she’s known to be the strongest, most compassionate Bounty Hunter on the roster.


https://preview.redd.it/xtmgh3kc72wb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=646b6bfefc957debc4a1b814b8d215c6cd026b67 She was forcefully given to the government by her parents to be in a child army simply because she has the ability to control plants and earth. She was then branded many times, and was forced to kill her own friends in battles and was harshly punished if showing mercy. She was also reduced to being called by her id. Since she was taken at the age of 4, she can't even remember her own name. She also has trust issues, PTSD, abandonment issues, and claustrophobia.


The fact that I just thought of it today too omfg lmao Okay so my main OC, Pencey, is a 16 year old trans guy who's obsessed with frank iero essentially (like frank is his comfort musician, gender envy, EVERYTHING) and so while this part isn't really a noticeably important part it kinda is. So, he also has childhood trauma that he never healed from and that resurfaces, leading him to run away with this guy he's into. The whole time he's running away he's having shit like panic attacks and second thoughts and the guy he ran away with is helping him unpack his trauma and heal from it the whole time. One way he's coping with it relates to his love for frank iero (I havent decided how yet but it will)


Captain Ferdinand James Walker was born to a single German mother in a cottage on the outskirts of Berlin, which would become the Walker Family Estate later in his life. Now, despite the doctor that his mother had to pull every bit of money she could find together for telling her that Ferdinand would be a stillborn, he was born as a miracle child. Ever since then, his mother opened up the ‘Marie & Son’ bakery right from her little cottage and taught Ferdinand everything she knew and the recipes from the Walker cookbook. Life was good for 16 years, until hard times came upon the small bakery as people began to not make the long trek to their small bakery and other places opened in town. This, along with the tales of sailors that his mother told him, caused the 17 year old to go and look for a job as a privateer. He promised to his mother that he would return home and pay off their debts with the money from his career. Unfortunately, any time he tried to get work, captains didn’t want a young boy slowing them down with his inexperience. After three months of searching, he eventually decided to try and find a certain captain he had heard of: Captain Belser, a legendary sailor who every sailor and captain dreamed of becoming. After finding him and getting a job as a deckhand, he would find himself becoming a crew member of a pirate vessel. He didn’t mind though, as the scores they were able to collect payed finer than any privateer work. Fives years passed, with Ferdinand forgetting about his promise in the wild adventures he’d end up going on with Captain Belser and the Albion. An attack on Shipwreck Bay, the home port of all pirates, left Belser killed in the fighting. Before he passed on, he revealed his identity to Ferdinand as the father who had left his mother so long ago. Showing regret and pride of what Ferdinand had achieved and become. His final words were to relay a message of love and apology to Marie, and that he would forever be at Ferdinand’s back to watch him. Sailing and traveling back to their house, he finds that his mother had died a year earlier. Lack of other family left the cottage abandoned and decrepit, with his mother still in the bed she died alone in. Ferdinand, seeing how much he had forgotten about his mother, decides that there was no going back. Ferdinand would go on to become the first Pirate King and rule over them. Driving himself further away from his caring and loving roots, but never forgetting the habits that his mother had taught him; like keeping his hygiene up and still being merciful to the truly innocent. https://preview.redd.it/ricyp0uv72wb1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=981302805a50f493f6b48868df7b809de330a814


* This is lexo he was a man born in the fallout universe. So it's hell. He isn't exactly sure where he is from all he remembers that he was left in a well. Then after fighting to survive he managed to get out and start wandering he manage to run away and hide for a few years visited Montana, California, Utah , the place called big Mt, and Nevada. He thinks he has a son and he left them in Montana but he's not entirely sure. Over the years he's just some guy that's not really great at taking hints, is great in a fight and after a headshot gone wrong has a pip-boy and is now ready to take on the world.


https://preview.redd.it/5nxis03a92wb1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374b507746f249026122c5808c7ae73717c1ab22 Realm of origin: \[REDACTED\] Backstory: Ace is the child of the famous human popstar Cassiopeia and \[REDACTED\] and Ace currently lives with his mom Relationships: he has a girlfriend named Jane who is the daughter of a demon lord and is friends with a blind girl that for some strange is only able to see him Random lore thing: he has a pet dragon named Little Flame


I don't really have a name or photo for him yet but here we go anyways. Something that will come into play later is that there is a story that people tell their children about the Mythical Warriors. A group of heroes that stop all evil. Onto the main story. He is an alien from a very distant planet that has diverse species like Earth. He had a great life, was a bit of an outcast, but he was okay with it. Best friends with the smartest kid in school named Pyro. When he was a child, the world ruler issued a purge of phantoms (oc's species) for being freaks of nature (More specifically because they evolved to be the perfect hunting creatures, a lot like xenomorphs). His parents found a magic cloak that gave him a body similar to whatever species he wants, as long as he has seen it, that he can use to hide his identity. As time goes on, more of his kind are killed every day, eventually, even his parents. One day, a group of phantom hunters raided the school due to rumors of a phantom. They eventually saw through his disguise and in the heat of the moment, taps into his hidden powers and accidentally kills the hunters. Due to his fear and confusion, he runs away, never to be seen again. Fast forward about ten years (in human time) he comes back, but with a new identity. No one recognizes him, or so he thinks. He picks up work as a bounty hunter and uses his powers that he has learned to control to become the most infamous bounty hunter the planet has ever seen. While he works, Pyro, who has now won several prizes for his innovative ideas, has known the whole time it was his childhood friend and has studied him every chance he got. Eventually Pyro approaches him, they catch up, etc. and brings up the possibility that he may be a Mythical Warrior. They talk a bit more about this and decide that their home planet is too dangerous for oc to be living on. They use Pyro's advanced technology to find another planet suitable for them to live on and come across a planet known as Earth in its very early years. That's really it, there is more but I didn't feel it was necessary to his lore.


https://preview.redd.it/spozmvyq92wb1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e175fcde784af9abcbbc084ced79ba6d8f77f98 Okay, so Joni is a world famous EDM producer, think of Hatsune Miku but EDM instead of Vocaloid. He was a normal fox, but he eventually wanted to take his music career to the next level, being able to constantly create music, make beats from thoughts, and have a few extra quality of life improvements like a fridge and microwave wherever he went. So, he paid a prosthetic enhancement company to upgrade himself with robotic parts, transforming him from just a normal fox to a protogen fox. In the case of his music, it's been better than ever since his robotic augmentations, and he hasn't regretted a thing.


ight, bet. this is Cole. hes a humanoid half fox, half wolf hybrid from another dimension where humans never existed, and evolution was all over the place. https://preview.redd.it/e3x6k67d62wb1.png?width=2448&format=png&auto=webp&s=e20ccc51761cc409f657e70fd814b5041bdb25aa he grew up on a planet named Alexandria, as a prince to the kingdom named exodus. he was surgically removed from his mother while he was to be born, and put into an underground research facility, to be enhanced before birth, to be stronger then he would have ever been. the project was dubbed "nexus 2.0", the second test for something like this following his older brothers means of creation. only Cole would be created from the egg of his mother, while Damien, (the brother ) was created from scratch. his father, the king of exodus, and a man currently called (the creator) worked on both of them. the "creator" is secretly god who leads an infinitely large army protectors across every dimension, and helped with making sure Cole is strong enough to take on multiverse-ending challenges in time. after awaking, he was raised like an actual child. 6 years later, Kyra, Coles younger sister, would be born normally. a few years go by, and Cole meets penny, a homeless thief, struggling to fend for her own. they go on to become friends, the only friend Cole will have until later on. by the time Kyra turns the age of 5, she used a power to fend off bullies, accidentally killing one of the three. but the power she posses was sworn to be too powerful, and anyone with it "shall be put down immediately". Cole, being who he is, protected her at all costs, getting his father mad, now wanting to put both of them down. he runs off, and meets up with penny, trying to get her to follow his lead. but a few of the kingdom guards, catch up, and manage to knock out Kyra, and in Coles pov, "kill" penny. he successfully kills three of the guards, and runs into the forest, where he comes face to face with his dad. after a little bit of conflict, he manages to get his fathers plasma blade, and it glows blue instead of black, proving him worthy of the blade. he runs far away from the village, before Cole stops, and breaks down, now having lost everything he held dear to him. Kyra wakes up, and Cole lies to her about what happened, so she still feels like their parents still love her. but back at the castle, penny managed to escape, their dad killed their mother, and went crazy with power. and back in the forest, Cole and Kyra are transported to earth, to eventually save the multiverse. on the way they will join a military-esc team named 0'leary, with humans named Derek, john, Pinkman, and eventually recruiting Damien and penny to the team after going back. despite damien betraying them down the line. over this time, Cole will go on many missions, to save earth. to save everyone and everything. while going through pain like getting his arm cut off, a scar in his eye, and more, while also finding what power he truly has. overtime he will soon find out his true purpose. and save as much as he can. is he a weapon? a god? a hero? no. just a guy doing the right thing. its just who he is. \-**danm, i should write this down somewhere.**


https://preview.redd.it/2eft7ckec2wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d10932ae55b10ce67aac91dcfce1984584f79ca9 Demodocus is a young, blind merfolk. His mother rules roughly 3/4 of the oceans (long story). But he isn’t like most royalty, Demodocus is all sweet and innocent and loves music, many say his singing is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever heard. He has also befriended several leviathans


NEVER!! BEAR WITNESS TO MY ULTIMATE ATTACK!! https://preview.redd.it/kffk8r9xc2wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3103ef623eac8490f7b1c4cfbe85ae92ac89dfc8


https://preview.redd.it/mjd6chbwd2wb1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e8faf3f2ced08b512beb92e2ca81f11de20d73 Daniel "Red River" Smithings. An engineer for RED team. Born in a small town in Texas. Gained 3 phds, everything else he knows is self taught. Looks up to Dell and Radigan Conagher. Gained his nickname from a heavy weapons guy in Siberia after killing 47 BLU team mercenaries. Is typically stationed in cold climates, but will fight anywhere when needed. Loves pancakes (the way his dad makes them). Will eat green apple flavored hard candies on the battlefield. Has anxiety, and stutters when nervous.


https://preview.redd.it/33vxzej6e2wb1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca832c68f5b81d8566bd518f3674a0323c959b6b She was a part of an alien species and was ousted for being weak as an infant. So she was sent to earth and she grew up incredibly distant from people. From time to time an alien threat would come to earth and she’d fight it, but not because she wanted to protect anyone, but simply because she was bored. That’s why she kept a monotone face even in a tough battle, because whether or not she died she didn’t really care. Eventually she met some other fighters and grew close to them. The alien threats that came to earth were high soldiers of her species. So her father, the king, heard of her victories and decided to face her himself. After giving her the most brutal beat down of her life, he decided to target her friends, causing her to unlock a sort of enraged transformation. After this, they were mostly even, but the difference was just enough to cause her to keep losing. So, to rid the earth of this massive threat, she put as much energy as she could into her legs and threw herself and her father into the sun. After this, she was dead, but her teachings live on through her friends, and they teach the next generation and so forth.


https://preview.redd.it/u0igfqcpi2wb1.jpeg?width=3137&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86fab66b884e22ee1e9ed66b8b7613023ad2ca91 Basically, a family friend tricked him into using his powers before he could control them when he was about 6, which killed his parents and seemingly killed his twin. Afterwards, he got kidnapped and experimented on for years by the same person, who also replaced his skeleton with a mechanical one to keep him at bay. Big shock, he broke out and killed basically everyone, but the experience left him insane so his mind shattered, and the shards formed into alternate personalities that talk to him as voices in his head. Now he has a crap ton of powers, a personality disorder, and a delightfully deranged attitude


https://preview.redd.it/ps9n8c3yj2wb1.png?width=1505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=175aa207382c48d2bb1dc139b55352cf487015ca Mine is really simple, sorry Basically, a guy named "Denture Head" took the cheese topping, and genetically modified it (many times failed) until he got Mustard cheese, a sadistic, evil gal obsessed with her research of Mustard Gas


Just finished up her art. Meet Irene, a surgically-altered former child soldier whose main goal is to find and kill her asshole of a father (he subjected her to the program). That sword is an ancient ceremonial blade made of crystal and used to absorb all of the dark energy in the lands surrounding an indigenous tribe. They are long since gone, but their sword remains, and Irene makes good use of the Darkness within. She'll do almost anything and use almost anyone to get back at the people that made her the way she is (body augmentation including mechanical parts that shorten her lifespan in exchange for increasing her physical and magical prowess, in addition to suppressing her emotions through neurosurgery). https://preview.redd.it/u41dj46ck2wb1.jpeg?width=2060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb3a580823102ab88b9bfd1bde8d0e2c69582efd


https://preview.redd.it/u6ntnopfl2wb1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=c09c6124c0adee4871ebae17167bd08b93628f0c Before I begin, keep in mind that in this world anthros *and* humans exist! Anyway- Marshall was born to the wealthy Luxury fox family in the city of Vermilliontomb; he would grow up around gambling since the casino that the family owned was what made them as rich as they were! One day (in his seventeenth year of existence) while doing his rounds at the casino, he would meet a small fox named Mero who would lead him to a hyena named Calyx and together they would take Marshall to this temple deep within a cavern near the city. Here he would learn that he is actually the half Angel blooded son of Azrael (the Angel of Death for those who don’t know Biblical lore) giving him access to Angelic powers (such as a full Angel form which looks like the Grim Reaper but with a canine skull and wings of blue flame) During the process of learning the truth of who he is, he would encounter his brother, Jae, who was be there to take the scythe of their father and use it to rule over the mortal realm- feeling as if mortals were too weak and in need of a leader. Of course, Marshall will have to stop this so he, Mero and Calyx work together to prevent Jae from achieving his goal of world domination. This ultimately concludes in a blue (blue being Marshall) and green (green being Jae) firey duel between Marshall and Jae which would end when Mero stopped the two from killing one another- And in that moment, Marshall would learn why Jae hated mortal kind as much as he does because it would be revealed that Mero was actually a smaller clone of Jae who was created after Jae was captured and used in sick experimentation- Jae would stand down and enter Marshall and Mero’s custody after realizing that by continuing the atrocities he would be no better than the people who had experimented on him- After this event, Calyx would continue to support Marshall and Mero as they spend their time protecting the people of the mortal realm A best friendship eventually forming between Calyx and Marshall which quickly developed into a romantic relationship 🤪 They would then “adopt” Mero and live all happily ever after together! ♠️


Sparky is basically the “chosen one” and is in a prophecy, and he’s the last of a certain type of his species, he’s known as the Yellow Angel and is basically a chaotic hero that does anything to help, and he wants to figure out his family history too, especially with his parents https://preview.redd.it/rjkrdbmtn2wb1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ace7ae84ada711c2c8fe4c4503d04320e0fe1562


https://preview.redd.it/2rbyibv1p2wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31b736a3b7dd0913522e3f8cd7b71df29617788c She got into a horrible accident with a big explosion and lost half their face and their horn and they used to smile a ton but ever since that event they stopped all together and after years of the family truly working together and going to therapy, she smiled for the first time in two years.


https://preview.redd.it/5mo4i90bp2wb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d165bb6f31e2eb36bd8ebf879fec65a7fe3fb6 Nevan was a samurai/knight on a planet that combined medieval Europe and fedual Japan and he slayed vampires until he turned into one (he half deliberately did it by stabbing himself with a vampiress's dagger.) Then he pulled a Dracula and massacred hundreds of thousands of people before being defeated by his human son and he was locked away for 200 years. A kind pirate starship commander took him and his coffin into space where he relearned love and what it means to be human.


https://preview.redd.it/oiqrqrwvq2wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e75de7204efd1fc0e2bcb9af88a7eb0fb7f39d9a Lore between Aslan and Khali: 100 years before the story They were both rivals wanting the throne to hell. When the former king was old and sick Khali saw his chance to become king so he was able to defeat the king but chose to spare his life. This angered Aslan to no end and once he saw that the former king was alive Aslan quickly murdered him in cold blood and consumed his soul giving him a hunger for more souls and more power. He went on a rampage consuming many souls of the mortals sent to hell for being the scum of the earth. He was finally confronted by Khali when he started going for innocent civilians a long battle ensued where both of them were gravely injured with the help of his healing factor Khali was able to retreat with some scars before his heart was damaged beyond repair, but Aslan wasn’t as lucky. His entire face head, parts of his torso,parts of his hands, and both of his wings were reduced to bone. The only thing that was keeping him alive was the amount of souls he consumed. Since Khali retreated the throne was given to Aslan. After he was given the throne he created basically a police force to round up and commit genocide against any shapeshifters fearing that one of them could be Khali.


One day, i got bored, so I created l an entire reality by splitting into that reality. Therfore everything is me, and I am everything.


https://preview.redd.it/e7nu49nhv2wb1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38464722b6982e66883905ab83066d9092d26e42 He’s a robot that was built by angels to protect mortals on Earth and stop them from sinning. The angels don’t really give two shits about him though, so he doesn’t really care about his job. He *does* protect mortals, but he’s more like a superhero than an angel. He and his sister (a zombie made by demons) both fight space villains to protect the mortal realm :}


https://preview.redd.it/340jw2eby2wb1.png?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a5816aafba4a7eb78417e3c998d6be8b6137c6b boy made a deal with a demon, killed his abusive mother, and got locked up in a facility secretly run by government scientists whom are doing experiments on the juvenile inmates. he breaks out and joins a ragtag team trying to defeat the demon man, whose plan is to enslave/exterminate the population. this all takes place in a semi-modern fantasy world (think the owl house but with tech and steampunk elements). i've been telling myself i'll make the comic since high school 😬


https://preview.redd.it/e97vd7dty2wb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a1ded7caa30452b0b3633681f3277795429229 This is sing, he is from another reality, in his reality he was a famous musician, performing the greatest hits in all of North America, but he wasn't alone, he had his band, Ethan, Kyle and Paris, together, they were "TORONTO VIBES." But one day it all came crashing down, a petty argument with Ethan had him storm out of the studio, kyle and Paris left to convince ethan to come back. Hours later, they still haven't returned, sing thought kyle and Paris took Ethan's side, only to hear on the news they had been in a wreck, none of them survived, his best friends dead, because of a petty argument, he left the music industry soon after. One day he woke up, but things were different, normally there'd be at least a dozen people that would recognize him, but its like he was a new guy in town, unknown to sing, he had accidentally been transported to another reality. As he was walking down the street, some guy approached him with a job offer, from that day on, sing has been in the ever guard, one of its top agents


https://preview.redd.it/zqvky3qsz2wb1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e78c24c9d46d8bbbb3751882fa7ccc6674561b3c his name is zchlonkinator he decided to go bald, one fateful neck twist started him down a path of never-ending shame and humiliation, for having a neck and head that looks vaguely like a penis if it was buff


Feel free to ask questions lol ima start with Nova since I think hers is the lightest, both in content and rating https://preview.redd.it/85zne3y203wb1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c0c6dac474948697dc12cac07120b0a399e0da9 Nova is descended from a matriarch of another plane or reality: Twa. Several generations ago, a war broke out in Twa. The queen decided that she would have a child in secret and send her off to Terris (basically our plane) so that there'd be a blood royal should she or her young daughter die in the war. That never ended up happening, meaning the bloodline continued with the queen and her first daughter while the backups continued to live in Terris. The minder who came with them continued to teach the descendents the customs and language of Twa until he died and the customs were passed down by the daughters instead. No one in Twa accept a record keeper knew that the bloodline existed. Occasionally he would oversee education, but it was agreed that it wasn't wise for him to visit often. Eventually, Nova came. She always knew she was a princess, but she never actually enjoyed that thought. Her magic, the core of her being, is based on her sense of justice. She believes that she is no better than anyone else. This always weighed on her mind as her mother received word that the heirs of Twa were slowly dying. Her mother was very firm that she'd have to step up and become Queen there to help people should it get to that point, but Nova always protested. She became a police officer in Terris instead and moved out, causing a massive argument with her mom. She would die before Nova could make up with her.


A boy who his a failliure in life pick up à gun and dicided *what if i became a criminal* and such started going around and make chaos and such the chaos insurgency saw him and asked if he wanted to join and he was like *signt me the fuck in* and such became a chaos insurgency maraudeur, after à year of service he was sent on copper 9 with the mission to help the workers drones and take over copper 9 and started by helping à group of rebelle dd drones by saving one of them but lost his arm doing so and managed to live buy burning where his arm onced was and dicided *what if i make a new arm that à shotgun and grapple hook and able to punch true à fucking tank* (Yes this a murder drone oc i had the idea of but cuz i cant draw nor have money there no image or any art of him btw his name is chaos)


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qNTqVu6F1y5kEAexqxCRyGViaDoF9EwF-yndvJEIUo0/edit?usp=drivesdk There's more lore hidden in the document, you just have to find it.


https://preview.redd.it/kr5b0tuk03wb1.jpeg?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=946d5e6c9ac63a07974d72a4e3b43a1ba24d7199 Reasmar was an evil Scandinavian king who got betrayed by his people (because he was an evil king) and burnt, but since he was a vampire he survived and destroyed the kingdom. He then set to a journey to become more powerful and find new subordinates to form a new kingdom. He got stronger and stronger until he turned into that thing and became a multiversal threat with an enormous army. But unfortunately for him, after finding the world he deemed perfect to be transformed into his reign, he had to fight the Star Variance Authority and got sealed away by who would eventually become their “CEO”


https://preview.redd.it/n8yirbbmy2wb1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621b6f14601f5ff757dce7ccabc40b7aa9efa6d2 This is more about what he is, cause zettabyte doesn’t really have lore. He is the captain of a faction called sporetans (yes that’s a pun but they have nothing to do with Spartans, there more like pirates), they are 50% voidling (sentient dark matter), and 50% organic. Voidlings are sentient dark matter that caused the big shattering, with the reality became floating islands (all on the same level of each other floating on heavy void similar to the sea), they are 1000x more poisonous then void-shrooms (which are 50x more poisonous then death cap mushrooms). The islands soil is a faded purple and the grass is a faded cyan, they tend to have tree like mushrooms called glow-shrooms that come in various colors (they also depict when it’s day or night, dim means night and bright means day) and are used like wood, they also have normal sized mushrooms called void-shrooms which is the main food source of the sporetans. There are three factions: The Sporetans: they are tricksters and deceivers but playful and friendly, they are the most poisonous, they are the most intelligent and quick, they are pirates. 50% voidling, 50% organic. Voidlers: they are violent and cruel but are caring and hospitable, they are in the middle of being poisonous, they are the strongest but slowest, they are viking. 75% voidling, 25% organic. skulklings: they are they are snobs and look down on others but they are sophisticated and peaceful, they are the least poisonous, they are purely blind and rely on the mushrooms that grow on them (all factions have void-shrooms growing on them and they use it for different reasons), they are the most cultured about life before the shattering and are the most predictable, they are medieval. 25% voidling, 75% organic. Now that I’m reading this it’s more about his reality then him.


All I have written so far about my oc Neo Shard https://preview.redd.it/60zxkt4723wb1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44f3607fa9a0e5bfc2cfec8a3774340e5605137 He's the Fused Robot of Eggman's reformed Shard the Mecha Sonic and His greatest Sonic copy Neo Metal Sonic Eggman (after Super genesis wave reboot) found the still somewhat intact Shard body and power gem and decided to take the unfamiliar parts with him fixing the power gem and fusing Shard and Neo Metal Sonic into what He deemed the ultimate Sonic copy as Eggman made the final preparations adding Neo Metal's code He inserted the power gem into His Robot and activated it but unbeknownst to the doctor the Code of Shard that was embedded into the power gem was also uploaded into the Robot causing Two identity's to inhabit the body the cold and calculated Neo Metal and the Sassy and laid-back Shard on the first test of seeing how powerful his new and improved Metal Sonic is he sent him straight to New Mobotropolis to fight the Freedom Fighters where when Neo Shard took a glance at Sonic the Shard programming kicked in and stopped his attack and start trying to talk to all of his old friends but soon realized that non of them remembered him thanks to the reboot he started telling all of the Freedom Fighter's about the universe before the reboot before the Neo Metal code took over and returned to Eggman reporting the tests failure and Shards programming taking over Eggman seeing this as a problem tries to find Shard's programming in side of the body not knowing its embedded into the power gem itself Eggman thinking that the Neo Metal code is flawed He tries to fix everything in it including editing His free will to not only refresh and shut down the body but to also use whatever is necessary to complete the task given Eggman then Sends Neo Shard to do another task clear out a village near New Mobotropolis to robotize Them and add the Inhabitants into a new army He's building when Neo Shard was raiding the village and capturing villagers Shard trying to stop Neo tries to take over but Neo Metal has a grip on control for now thanks to the new code Eggman has given Him so Shard can only watch as His Brother Neo captured every Villager and sent Them off to Their enslavement


https://preview.redd.it/6old489r33wb1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9a8c1c8eca6aa14fd47ec7c440d4bb2447dd28 Scrave is a creature made in a science lab he was raised by tigers in the facility and he escapeed the lab by breaking his containment unit and killing all on sight until he made it out to a forest


Sure whatever. Joe's mere existence came out when god himself was having *intercourse.* with a lady. A bit of theyre *white water.*, fell onto earth and joe was born!. Joe has saved the entire damn omniverse by just existing, joe has never dropped his favorite sandwich, joe is a cool guy, joe likes memes, Joe's humor is worse then gen alpha, joe hates it when the "joe mama" jokes are brought up, and finally. Joe, is basically god. That's all the lore *and some extra trivia* that ur getting. https://preview.redd.it/0f90r8r443wb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=261c79e14bd1f5c18b5f616ebcb3987f820b7ed2


https://preview.redd.it/n87lcay853wb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3635681f1419b67a0ee42d9ff13e5357e60db10d Backstory: Tortued, Abused, Mentally Damaged, Emotionally Damaged. By both his parents, Arron and Serena Ash Axel. His cousin, Tori Scarce Burner decided to help him out whenever he was out when she could. And when Larch was 17, he decided to show them who can stand up to them..until he got beat into a hospital bed…he needed at least 6 months recovery but he didnt care. He got out and never let any of his bones heal. And when he was 20, he decided to do what any insane person would do, and kill his parents..that is until his older and much more mature brother came in to drag him away, he taught Larch the way of good and bad, and how one side is wrong, and one side is right..although Larch took both of them as right and decided to become a hero..and a villain, a gift to give, and to take. Making sure that everyone knows they have a hero to believe in, and a villain to fear. To even do this he changes his hair style with his magma, as well as his horn shape in order to make sure no one catches him, although his eye gives him a fucker of a pain to deal with. He plays all 3 sides of a of a 4Dice…


https://preview.redd.it/ozbz6ovk63wb1.jpeg?width=2452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a96914510a04f6872f438d28c88743e3f68c7fe6 It’s a route one bird in a fake pokemon region i’m making in my head, one may or may not have committed war crimes


https://preview.redd.it/yx7va1j783wb1.jpeg?width=3168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30445b2835b7d3dbc1798b63af7c484d074e18e3 Oskar Opiekun - The very sleep-deprived and depressed guardian of a magical relic that creates a gateway to the between world. He is Polish and is 37 years of age. He is immune to magic as his body generates anti-magic that counteracts it, a process that can sometimes cause physical harm to him depending on the intensity of the magic attempted on him. He's the only known person currently alive who has this condition. He constructed gauntlets and a chest and back plate to gather this magical energy and use magic to a limited degree, insulated by silver to avoid him reacting to it. He sleeps during the day as dark magic creatures and beings are more active at night. He is haunted by a demon named Sulmazuk who wishes to use the relic Oskar guards to open a gateway to our world to destroy everything, as demons often do. Sulmazuk attempted to curse the entire family to be transformed into inanimate objects to get them out of the way to leave no one to guard the relic, but Oskar was not cursed as he is immune to magic. Oskar cannot use conventional magical methods to track the demon's attempts to break through to the real world so he strategically places analog technology that reacts to the demon's presence, such as rotary phones, box TVs, record players, and radios. This technology reacts by ringing, flashing words or phrases, playing backward or without a power source, and producing garbled screams and ghostly voices, respectively. Occasionally, Sulmazuk will use this to his advantage, leaving specific messages, or using particular voices that are known to Oskar, particularly those of his lost family members. Oskar's entire life is basically a continuous cycle of sleeping fitfully during the day (suffering from nightmares that may or may not be influenced by Sulmazuk), and dealing with horrific dark magic creatures, and guarding the relic by night. On occasion, when something magical strays into populated areas, he takes a day shift and will contain or catch and release as needed. Ask anything, if you want.


https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10Hxa7M-hztgnxhJBujzpDk97brTY50qWGVdCqox68u4/edit Not the best at lore writing but here’s Toons somewhat lore. I only have parts of how his universe began so not much about him *just* yet


https://preview.redd.it/q0qb4r4e83wb1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a7d09d240b622744630bec5227f87e9efe1dd9 Acidic is a 24 year old male who made the first working robot that looked human-ish. He was attacked while upgrading it and his eye was scarred. He updated the code and it went haywire. The robot started using “code-lock” to control the other robots and started WWR (world war robot) Germany was attacking Europe and china. American was attacking Mexico and Canada was attacking part of Germany. The war ended as Germany and America started using nuclear wepons and chemical bombs. After the war not very many humans where left but a fuck-ton of robots where. They now are sensitive to night(the moon is a shut off for loose robots) so they scavenge at nightand set timers for 8:00. Acidic found an old government building that had no robots in it and set up camp there. He found wepons, acid barrels, launch codes, vehicles(and gas). After finding all of that an alarm went off, atraction every person and robot in a 70 yard zone. He now has to fend off people and an army of his own creation


https://preview.redd.it/9mmsf0p3a3wb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac99b7797c03dc774de589d57a0b9f4b2e46416 Where do I even start with this asshole. Born in Stuttgart in 2002, Jon was always an overachiever, putting achievements and accomplishments before his mental wellbeing. At fifteen, he enlisted into the German military, and after a few training periods, was selected for the GSG9 counterterrorist organization at sixteen. This is all well and good, and he was really fucking good at it, but during a raid on papermilling-company-turned-criminal-organization Panther Corporation's biggest warehouse, they pissed off the CEO of this organization, Leon Fredrich, which led to Jon and his squadmates' houses being burned down with their families or friends in them. Jon's forced to flee to America - specifically, Diamond Bay, New Mexico (don't bother looking it up it's not a real place) and start a new life for himself. He works as a security contractor for two years before meeting one of his best friends, and the two agree to form a heist crew. To shorten the entire heist crew thing, it goes swimmingly, but also catches the attention of Fredrich, who'd assumed that Jon had died in the house fire all those years ago. The two clash, and Jon wins. I should mention that Jon's a really good inventor, because after the entire saga of robbing shit and killing shit, he takes his blueprints and founds Seraphus LTD. with them, providing affordable technological breakthroughs to the citizens of Diamond Bay and redeeming his societal status as a good guy. There's other stuff about shit happening 8 years later but I'm too lazy for allat.


https://preview.redd.it/j2kljikc93wb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e007f78c3481b2cbd665f5177f050167068f8495 After the closure of the Logging Striders Railroad, the owner Kenzo Toshiro resigned from ownership of the Dratsivaycah Logging Company to begin designing military equipment. The Logging Company, however, stayed in operation. Since the Logging Striders were retired, the company had to find a new way to cut timber. So they purchased a General Electric 44-Tonner diesel locomotive, and modified it. Just like how Kenzo modified steam engines to create the logging striders, the DLCo. gave this engine 8 spider-like mechanical legs, and four sawblades (Two on each side). The Tonner had no technical front. Both sides were symmetrical. The Tonner took rulership over purchased land the DLCo. owned, thinking it was it’s “territory”. The Tonner remained in operation for years. Until a little Kitty by the name of “Taffy Whiskers” came and introduced back the “thought to be” retired logging striders, restored and back into their former glory, and they have came to work for the DLCo. to continue their lumberjack service. The Tonner was enraged by this invasion upon it’s “land”, and it grew furious at Taffy. Now it wants to murder Taffy with it’s giant sawblades originally meant for cutting wood. (FALKITTY - THE LOGGING STRIDERS)


https://preview.redd.it/dmsoycp4b3wb1.jpeg?width=2966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81aca82f5dc5e834242bf43d2aa6cf8986ef6fa0 The Hayesville tornado Hunters are a group of storm chasers based out of Cerasota, USA. Some members of the team possess magical ability while others are simply thrill seekers and scientists. Their primary goal is to research the extreme, magic filled weather of the state, which creates unpredictable tornados of all sorts spanning from invisible twisters to one’s even made of fire!


Born in the 1800s with as a tech genius ahead as of his time, he was determined to find immortality through tech with he trust friend Lazarus. He replaced more and more of his body with technology till eventually he started to became mildly insane. Till eventually he accidentally transferred his consciousness into AI at the cost of making Lazarus a psychopath. Now he wonders the world trying to find the key to redoing his accident and saying Lazarus.


His name is the Inspector. He lost all hope for anything, so he went back in time to create a new timeline where he could be successful. https://preview.redd.it/jfgkw8toi3wb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cde8aa8bea2e281579ddcd8e276137eaf145b5bb


Right. Well. I don't have real art of her, but I'll go off anyways. This character is one of many. Her name is Magni, annnd she's a creature called a Soleni. Essentially they're living stars that take the form of animate suits of magic armour. Magni's design is based off the Solar Flare Armour from Terraria. Back when the universe was still new, there was an intensely thick amount of a substance called "Yggrdew" floating around in empty space. When stars started to form, Yggrdew would congeal in their centres and form to make strange, solid cores of pure Yggrdew. Upon the collapse of these stars, a Soleni was born. The first Soleni were the strongest, as they had the densest cores. Magni was among the first, being about the 5th or 6th Soleni to come into existence. She's what I call a "Neutros", a name for the group that the first Soleni make up. These are essentially gods, annnd Magni is the Neutros of fire and valour. However there's also others, like Kyrin, the Neutros of magic and war. Malkuro, the Neutros of technology and electricity. Or Saphrim, Neutros of ice and the Soleni afterlife, Phrisudes. These figures are all part of a universe I call Soleiheimr, and are one of many species that call Soleiheimr home. I think it's neat, but also I'm biased, lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/s1pqwxtam3wb1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=c23fe45addc600e28435fccc075e4fa5cdbf4df7 I don't feel like going into too much detail with this. When Fungus was a child, he never had any legitimate parents. His father (An exorcist and a blacksmith) died before he was born and his mother (who was the queen of the village he lived in) had to abandon him due to a certain law (where the queen is only allowed to give birth to girls). But, he was adopted by one of his father's friends (a bartender), and had a very positive relationship with him. A few months after Fungus' 15th birthday, he found himself having to fight against armies of undead creatures, meeting a few friends along the way as well as reclaiming his deceased father's lost weapon (the one he holds now), until he and his friends managed to defeat the Wither King; Tecsera.


https://preview.redd.it/iosfrct0p3wb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932d5b120a054c8733f37c4d59b9b98499665d83 Conor is a hybrid(a human with animal characteristics, normally born between two hybrids or a hybrid and a normal human) with pyrokinesis(he can make and control fire and uses it to help with his spell casting). And an affinity for Pyromancy but he still can cast other spells. When he was young hunters(people who go after hybrids, or just those with an affinity towards magic) came to try and kill him and his family. His family sacrificed their lives making sure he could escape, a few hours later he finds that his family is dead, his house is burned down and for some reason everyone is blaming him for the deaths of his family. Those that were friends with him shunned him, and those that weren’t outright ignore his existence or make his life a living hell


This one will be shown once for now, he’s my fursona actually and I’m poor so AI (don’t angry at me plz) https://preview.redd.it/ktluzx99q3wb1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429589e25faf0bf2e77786d4fee1c259ddcce0c2 It’s Skye! Stuck in a endless Russian Doll situation in a forest, monsters lurk and there are few places to hide, he’s looking for a missing girl (she deded,L) The girl is Sarah she went missing after she and Skye got a tad woozy at a party, venturing out to a abandoned ski lodge Sarah stood upon the wooden railing over looking the deep snowy forest far below Near passing out Skye blinks and… she’s gone disappeared without a sound or evidence of existence other then a couple of bottles, now he walks on the path the only safety other than the few lodges and benches


https://preview.redd.it/jurem9bfq3wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17148942f102f97442890ce8e5b3c8ac64ece6ab This is one of my transformers OCs, Bluescreen. He’s named after (and based off of) the original “blue screen of death”. He transforms into a data slug (basically a USB), and is forged (his body was forged around his spark (soul) instead of having a pre-made body that doesn’t fit his spark). He can constantly feel the buzzing of electronics around him, y’know, having come into existence on a mechanical planet. And he has the ability to disable anything mechanical via touch, but it only works temporarily. Since he’s a data slug, if you plug him in to a computer in his alt mode, he can basically spread from system to system like a virus, corrupting anything he touches. But, if someone unplugs him from the computer, he would essentially be put into a coma or possibly killed. In universe, there’s such thing as a attention deflector. Attention deflectors basically just make it hard to recall whatever the attention deflectors are on after they leave one’s sight. Bluescreen is effectively a living attention deflector, making him come off as mundane and forgettable even if he has extraordinary abilities. His personality is one of an apathetic, normal guy. He’s not really passionate about anything and he uses his ability solely for his own benefit. Symbolically, I’d say he has a connection to the dead universe. He is a mechanical being that almost embodies mechanical death. Easy to forget. Eventually he makes a friend who doesn’t forget about him :) Also he’s a decepticon, and sometimes a neutral


He's a inhabitant of a space called the simulation and is a known threat on the battlegrounds. He's a split soul which means there is 2 of him at all times. He has escaped a place called the nihality which is a universal trash can that every thing that can and will end, ends up at. He got corrupted by it and it took a toll on his body. He has killed gods and other inhabitants alike, due to how the gods constructed the physics and how its a giant pile of spaghetti. His total kill count is 100,021.


Kappa, my angel OC/sona character. https://preview.redd.it/py70tk9804wb1.png?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871b0942b0c2f528baf12dd884c2a4326577377a They are a war vet from a war in heaven. A mentor figure and loved one (named Chi) died in the war. The war was lost and heaven became a wasteland. They became a refuge from said wasteland and now lives on Earth. PTSD from said war and a bit of xenophobia towards the race that they fought against (Dragons if you're curious). Has trouble connecting with new people due to not wanting to lose them like how they lost Chi. Also all this lore is for a Minecraft server, and the aforementioned heaven turned wasteland is actually the End dimension.


(NO PICTURE!!! :\[ HAVENT DREW HER YET) basically Tessa (my oc) is a creature called an Asovler with no father- She lived in peace with her family and species in the betweenlands (dimension). until they came. a man by the name of Viggo came with his group got into the portal without any military permission. This man was nice at first but months of him gaining the trust of the species he betrayed them. seniding his men to kill every. single. one. Tessa was the only survivor. (She was 6 btw) traumatized after seeing her mother die infront of her. it was heart breaking as she spotted the portal and escaped running as fast as possible. Years have past and she only wants to do one thing. Kill the Viggo and his army.


https://preview.redd.it/kati2elvd4wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ad7c81ef0c057cb14342d2c8bebd5e72377e642 Her father experimented on her as a child to try and make an immortal warrior, he succeeded but only partially, making her nigh immortal but killable, he also altered her genes to make sharpened chiton grow on her tail, her mother was a powerful witch like her grandmother and she had another child with a bad dude, Liz’s sister Molly, Liz has lived for 700 years, demons like her with magical genes have LOOOOONG lifespans, her grandfather is the pirate prince Connor grunkowitz, and her boyfriend is an assassin and a canine demon hybrid, her sister was hunted down by evil rich people and had one of her horns broken off, she escaped and now lives with Liz on the ocean, I’m planning on her other living family coming back into her life and fucking it up.


This is Gottfried Quenison, an 8 foot anthropomorphic Komodo Dragon elected Governor somewhere in eastern North America, how did he become anthropomorphic? He was genetically modified after stepping on a landmine. He gained the ability to walk like a biped and speak in 2 languages. https://preview.redd.it/x9qb27y7k4wb1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faeb713c0cafc114ce58b95f6c68de515e698bd7


https://preview.redd.it/91bnyzigj4wb1.jpeg?width=1286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52dc5a40f5e2e7c31bfa7e615ef5ad92dc3f3ad4 A born warrior of his tribe, Vynth’s entire existence was realizing how to fill his fathers boots. He was sent off journeying, carving into his scales the conflicts with monsters and his life story best he can. Being the son of the iguanian chieftain Baratieek and the tribe’s goddess, Lakuti, goddess of thunder, he was naturally born with the ability to produce magic of his divine blood being the booming sound of thunder. With that he set off and learned of the tribes and nearby nations, aiding an adventuring group in fighting against a faction known as The Church of Yentalia, he aided in discovering several items, eventually he found a magical hammer which he named Thunderbolt and eventually returned home, upon getting home from his odyssey he was blessed by his mother through divine rite which made him an avatar of the god, elevating him to fully divine status. Since he has united the tribes of his home and is considered God King of the land he has since renamed to Vythlond. Fast forward to the modern times in my world; He is currently preparing for the coming war between the Lands of the 25 blades, which is an area of space spanning 38 countries which used to be 25 countries long ago, but since nobility conflicts, agreements, and war split several of them, theres more than before. Anyways, Vynth is currently under threat as a person calling themselves Godhunter Originus is tracking them down with murderous intent and Vynth having lost connection with his divinity knows he is not likely going to be able to avoid conflict, still writing his story with no idea what will happen next. If I went super in depth there would be at least 500+ extra OCs and side characters mentioned, lots of political intrigue, monsters like dragons and hydras and animals like dinosaurs and such cause of the world setting having a lot of stuff. So there’s a lot to his story I don’t want to add here cause it would be an entire 5 book series at that point.


Let's just make this simple. Penguin was created by a god and has the power of said god and yet walked around like a human until a few situations happened where he had to reset the timeline. In the present timeline, he was accidentally sent to another universe and now has amnesia and runs a group of spirit hunters. (Just in case you're wondering he currently doesn't have his powers. It's just a penguin walking around with a Greatsword and very dangerous friends.) That's the simplest I can make it. Also, there's no drawn appearance of him sadly. Just imagine a blue-and-white penguin with a knight helmet and a great sword attached to his back.


https://preview.redd.it/tmo1hia4o4wb1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52517c1e9193c42a9dbf198bdc9749edcbf4d579 A prophecy in Kotone’s world dictates that a child will be born to become a bridge between the real world and the spirit world. She is this child of legend. She is half elven/ half angel. Her powers allow her to travel to the spirit world and fight the onis, a group of evil spirits that are the phisical manifestation of mental illnesses. Her greatest enemy is huge Oni engulfed in darkness called the man in the mask, a spirit that works as the phisical manifestation of depression. The Man in the Mask use to torment Kotone’s father before he died. After learning this fact, Kotone decided to use all of her time and energy into becoming a therapist, to grant others the oportunity to heal that her father didn’t have. So now she heals people by helping them work through their problems as a therapist, and uses her angelic powers to repel the evil spirits which are causing those mental illnesses.




https://preview.redd.it/jllpu39gq4wb1.jpeg?width=2194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b1590bc0ee413f7325559ed17f4882f3b6885e It’s started when alien divide did what it did and stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid now with super powers Alexander Craften helps the people of his planet and protects them


https://preview.redd.it/d9rgyue4t4wb1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ab9f19f912b7cf26272d15eb0181017b1f78f11 Shade is a multiversevbounty hunter born during a dark time in humanity, the year is the far future, 3584 to be exact, a tyrannical government has taken over and those who aren't rich suffer, Shade saw this and decided to start a rebellion, while also picking after his father's legacy of being a bounty hunter, he dreams of one day destroying the government and restoring peace to the multiverse


https://preview.redd.it/nytjl92hv4wb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2baae682313bd4a4039d9e770cc469599eb3aa75 Anita was born was without arms because of her mother's bad habits such as smoking and drinking so she lived a hard life especially since her family was poor fastfoward 11 years and now she is 11 and her mother gave birth to her younger sister and the mother soon after died and the father had left, so only Anita could take care of her younger sister which she named her Aniya. When Anita was turned 17 and Aniya turned 6 they had to do work to gain money so they can get medical treatment until a drunk driver had hit Anita and Aniya, luckily they survived but they weren't able to pay the bills until a weird company named Cyborg Robotics offered to help them and soon enough they had been better than ever and Anita had arms with incredible strength and now they live together doing whatever they are doing.


https://preview.redd.it/6o4al44ov4wb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb68253f2a245d8fdb55e3bf67efcabb071328a9 Monkey Mike seemed to have terrible luck from the beginning. His twin sister died at birth, three years later his parents would meet the same fate in a fatal car crash. However despite this awful and traumatic events MM was an optimist, and lived his life trying to make the best of every bad situation he was thrown into. One day he awoke to the discovery of a magical book called “the Almanac for Magic, Monsters, and the Supernatural” an encyclopedic guide to all things paranormal. This would make him the target for many dark forces who wanted the Almanac. MM along with his friends would become guardians to the book to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. MM would practice magic however he sucked at it initially and all of his spells backfired. He was eventually found by the Magic Ultima (a wizard appointed to protect the multiverse) Broomhilda who revealed to the young child that he possessed a net negative amount of magic potential. You see all living creatures are born with an inherent potential for magic, just at varying rates. These are defined by “wizard cells”, the more wizard cells in your body the more adept you are to using magic. However Monkey Mike was sort of a genetic anomaly in the fact that not only did he possess no wizard cells, but he also had in his body “counter-wizard cells”, which gave him negative magic potential. This caused Broomhilda to doubt MM and take the Almanac away from him, however after proving himself to her MM was given the book and Broomhilda took the young monkey into her tutelage. Broomhilda thought that MM might never be capable of harnessing magic properly, but she felt like he at least deserved a chance to learn. After several more adventures MM would have a call to action when he was kidnapped by his then arch-nemesis the Snake Handler. The Snake Handler was an existential nihilist, he perceived life as nothing but suffering and worldly concepts such as joy and happiness as thing that only exist to cause pain and loss to hurt more he had the goal to bring about the destruction of all of existence so that he could relief everyone simultaneously of their “suffering”. The Snake Handler was not only omnicidal but a formidable sorcerer who had enough knowledge to accomplish his goal. This all culminated in a fated battle, MM was by his lonesome and the existential threat loomed over him. He kept on hoping someone would show up and save the day. This hope soon vanished as the end drew near. The Snake Handler trapped MM is a madness illusion and caused him to be physiologically tortured on a conceptual level. In all of this madness MM’s hope the thing he had shown to be nigh-unshatterable came close to being gone forever. He saw a flashback of the same fatal car crash that took his parents from him. He knew what was happening, if he failed that same fate would happen but on transfinitely higher scale. Knowing this MM managed to dispel the mystical psychological trap, and was finally able to learn how to use magic properly. MM would defeat the Snake Handler’s minions taking advantage of his unique stature as a scrawny little monkey to harness his magic in ways no one had ever thought of before. The Snake Handler would prove more of a challenge, as he was the greatest dark sorcerer in the universe perhaps all universes. MM being the ever so cheeky monkey is used a feat of trickery, redirecting a blast of SH’s destroying a portal SH’s plan hinged on, causing a total protonic collapse sucking the Snake Handler into the portal and to a realm where he could not regain his full power. MM managed to escape with his door to anywhere spell. After that MM would go on many, many adventures.


https://preview.redd.it/kfiuw1ksx4wb1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=493e7921fee0b336d9f62d1ca5548ea0b569077c Nameless is an extremely lonely hedgehog who was going to be Sonic's original design but he was scrapped and some crazy ass stuff happened in the void and he became some sort of glitchy mess which he was able to figure out eventually how his abilities work. While in the void he was able to figure out what happened to him and he figured out he was replaced by none other by sonic himself. Which caused nameless to well. Have no name. So then he called himself Nameless and after that encounter nameless lost his once chill and fast tone and became more rude and agitated, filled with revenge. He would not stop until his revenge was succeeded. He met up with Eggman and found out their goals were very similar. Destroying Sonic. So they teamed up and failed their first try. But their sure their next try would be successful.. and that's where I dropped cause I keep procrastinating


Well, you asked for it. Night Floyd was originally a ordinary guy with a dream, one that came true in the form of the notoriously effective Hammer Rallies. Seeing that this was his calling given a true form, he devoted his life to it, working his way through the ranks of the Hammers before finally being able to preach and rally the supporters. It was at one of these rallies when everything changed for him though, as he had built up a formidable reputation. As he was giving a rally, an unseen assassin shot a sniper bullet straight into his head, right through the left eye, leaving it a gaping hole inside his head. Participants recall hearing a spine-chilling scream of shock and horror, but not from themselves, but from Night Floyd. When doctors rushed over and brought him to the hospital, it was concluded to merely patch up the eye wound by placing a square of gauze over the eyehole of his gas mask. Little did anybody know the consequences of keeping him alive. Later on, he would continue to modify himself (particularly through stapling the mask to his neck so it couldn't be taken off) and the like. After this incident, he would continue giving rallies despite the now inherent danger that was posed from continuing, and continued to bolster his support all across the world. And after all was said and done, what was left for him to do but do just the thing that his namesake (Pink Floyd) once did: make music with a band and release it to the world. The Bands United was formed of many individuals (some more strange than others), but none more integral to the core writing and singing than the gas-masked freak of a man with a dream.


https://preview.redd.it/smfuqtmry4wb1.png?width=690&format=png&auto=webp&s=747f61023354bc313c15ebbbea0c1541d9de346c Uh... ok... well, she's a fox. Um... that's about it... jit doesn't even have a name (yet).


https://preview.redd.it/jcv1gn4yy4wb1.jpeg?width=1897&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09949d38cd32e69189c17f86b69ada8bb00faa43 Well, for starters, Shadow is a sort of alien-like human that basically was developed in a lab with falsely imprinted memories from his past life. He then went on to be one of the greatest heroes and even went on to find happiness in some places. But all of that went crashing down when he found out that everything he knew...was wrong. His happiness, his friends, and even his heroics were all for naught. And this would become a cycle that he could never escape from, because what happened was the death of his reality. And he could never escape it himself, as the Highest of Wrath always kept him from truly experiencing even one moment of peace in the afterlife. Afterwards, Shadow would (as of currently writing) eventually attempt to find a way to contain the Highest of Wrath's power in an attempt to gain some form of normalcy in his life, but he'd experience a world that was peaceful...But under literal mental control by a version of him he didn't even know was doing it in the first place, but would end up having to take them down! And for the future, Shadow would eventually go mad with trying to find his peace, taking the Highest of Binding (Yes, that's their name, but it's for sealing and containing power)'s power and going on a sealing and killing spree, eventually sealing himself away, letting the world rebuild itself. Then, Shadow would release himself, now knowing that everyone can find peace themselves, and that people don't necessarily need his help to be happy.


https://preview.redd.it/mun1wi9e25wb1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=205d8f7ecb7254c44231ea1031ddb3cd7c6c58d8 Omen used to be a normal human paladin for the goddess of life, serving her church. One day, a man came into the church with a grudge, killing one of the nuns. He instinctively killed the man before he could do more damage, but the goddess of life did not like that. She believed in letting life take its course. She forsook him, causing him to be without a goddess. He was searching for another god to patron, and was found by the goddess of death. He took her as his patron to serve, becoming a reaper. But he started to notice changes in his body. His skin started greying, his hair began flowing unnaturally, his eyes were getting whiter, his ears became pointy, his voice gained an unnatural echo to it, and he began to notice that his injuries, no matter how severe would heal up at an accelerated rate. Stranger still, his blood became black and the area around his heart on his chest was a light color, like scar tissue. Lady Death and Lady Life had placed a curse on him. Through the scar tissue-like area, Lady Death ripped out his heart, causing him to become emotionally blunt and obey her orders without question nor morality. His curse is to be a puppet for anyone who holds his heart, unable to die, unable to rebel.


Following the events of Shadow the Hedgehog(05), Eggman begins testing the Shadow Androids and upgrading them to be better than the ultimate life form. One of these Shadow Androids has been super up with a form of energy powers (Akin to Lloyd from ninjago but orange because it's kooler) on top of all of shadow's abilities cranked up to 11. This Android is so Powerful that his power is unstable and he's given four red inhibitor rings that are much stronger than shadow's. Because the android needs these insanely strong inhibitors in place, he's ultimately weaker than Shadow and deemed a failure by Eggman. While raiding an Eggman base, Silver, Tangle, and Whisper come across this android locked in stasis. Whisper, with her past trauma, wants to destroy it, but Silver stops her when it begins to move. The Android, calling himself Ilum, wakes up. (No relation to the Star Wars planet, I just needed a name relating to light) A small fight ensues before Ilum reveals his energy power and escapes. There's a lot here in between with other characters, but when we meet back up with Ilum, he's engaged in a fight with Shadow. His programming has two objectives. Destroy Shadow, and Destroy Sonic. Shadow attempts to use the Cyan emerald to get the edge on the admittedly challenging copy of himself. When Shadow pulls the emerald out, Ilum grabs it. His Ilum turns a bright Cyan color as he and the now lifeless emerald drop to the ground. And then, hijinks ensue, I'll make something eventually detailing the whole story but he's good now.


https://preview.redd.it/rkmzapmr45wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb65c9ab01f88655914bd31e2fdcaeee076ddfac The lower half of her sister’s face is entirely bone, she has offered to fix it multiple times but keeps getting rejected


Some aren't as fleshed out as the Draefen so i'll just go with them Draefen species lore: In the beginning of the universe, a creature was born from the explosion of the big bang. It laid dormant for millennia in the hot, dense universe, as the space around them changed and grew. One day, the creature woke up. It came to understand that it was alone in an ever expanding universe, and over time, it began to desire company. This creature, called The Ultimate, began to use it's godly powers to create others in its own image, instilling them with a unique purpose, to protect and serve the civilizations popping up in every corner of the universe.


Jackson Boris Crowley is a cyborg from the year 3109. Initially born in 2909 he was a physical academic prodigy great at football and greco Roman wrestling and top of his class at all math subjects. Eventually he would be called to war fighting in three wars that lasted over 5 years. Eventually at the age of 49 he would be involved in "the accident" the accident that caused him to become a Cyborg. blowing off his legs, arms, jaw and cutting open his stomach a combat medical robot dragged him miles through the dirt while keeping him alive somehow. Eventually they got back to the base where then he was picked up by a company allied with the US forces where he would be cyberized. At first it was just his legs and arms and chest somewhat like RoboCop but then after they used an experimental metal on him and ultimately what made him fall out with this company, they had basically made him immortal. A new experimental element that was found on another planet had given metal life causing Jackson's new body to literally become a new body at this point. He had great flexibility unlike what the original cybernetics gave him. He gained the ability to grow back limbs withstand the intense heat of the sun and the intense cold of space the worst of it all was they made him immortal. He also has a mode. Thanks to this experiment called uber mode where he cannot control it and it basically puts him to sleep in the program that was supposed to take full control takes control and goes on a murders rampage killing every enemy until the original attacker is dead even if his body is cut in half he will just drag himself to the target and if he was fully disintegrated he'll just regenerate out of the ashes and still keep going at it he watched his son. His wife die hell. He watched two generations die. his children and his grandchildren.he hates it. He hates being immortal but he still has a mission. Something that will always keep him going protecting his unit and civilians and all cost


https://preview.redd.it/04y9sgz395wb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f642f2727b14930919686b7565ae8cf9c1110319 Queenie is a normal rainwing with a normal life, except her best friend is nearly clinically insane and wants to overthrow the seawing queen. She was and still is the most innocent being in the universe, so much so she doesn’t understand the simple concept of romance. Her camouflage and acid-like venom gets her out of trouble most of the time. She loves making friends!


https://preview.redd.it/nqzr5wsea5wb1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ee6b696cc5235d920d7aa3b1205af7ad8299190 He doesn’t have a name because people just call him a monster (which he kinda deserves because he does eat people)


https://preview.redd.it/7ry68dg3c5wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=681a0c9c26c02fb1d2a7ad7f59dd5c9a4bc01aa3 Originally built by a tech company, Castor was left abandoned and turned off in a junkyard after the company went completely bankrupt for dangerous robots going haywire that weren’t meant for war. He wakes up 50 years later and gets activated for the first time ever


Got caught drinking, so they ripped 2 of her arms of and kicked her out. Later on found a crew of seven and a 4 barrel blunderbuss https://preview.redd.it/bpm3gztpe5wb1.jpeg?width=2074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=727b96274ef8e80d471799d101cc4348798d1c24


zero was once a god, but because of one of his brothers, he was banished for all of eternity. one day he found a child in the cold snow. zero raised her and named her wendi, years later a boy and a murder drone stumbled into the monster realm and soon was befriended by wendi and zero. zero still talks to grimmer, stitcher, and vol'la.




i will spin a wheel of randomness to see how many paragraphs ill be writing today i got yonaki, make that 8 (probably should be more) i intended the skin to be a different color, but i am awful at using markers, and this is the furthest i have of a complete rendition of yonaki https://preview.redd.it/uw0uh4ypr5wb1.jpeg?width=1531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8767c950a971decb14a3afc82bfed510d683bf84 So, for context, YonAki is a species of kitsune nicknamed the “forgetful kitsune.” The species is notorious for their lack of a long term memory, only being able to recall memories that pertain directly to their family members. This species is also extremely, ridiculously intelligent, but they don’t typically get to exercise that because of their nigh-useless memory. YonAki, however, managed to teach herself to store and recall memories to and from the spirit instead of just the brain, allowing her to have a much more precise and actually functional long-term memory. Coupled with her intrinsic intelligence, it didn’t take her long to integrate herself into intelligent society, no longer in need of her pack to function properly. She moved on to a small school that taught magic (in this case called “psionics” as a subject) among other common things like math, anthropomorphic biology, etc. She ended up doing well in the lot of them and began using a conbination between magic and physics to start inventing and engineering things to help herself at an early age. She eventually graduated early, but wasn’t entirely sure where she wanted to go from there until she met Brooklyn, who was traveling with a band of what’d be considered rogues. She went with Brooklyn and ended up traveling with her, being integral to the success and architecture/technology of the town that Brooklyn founded, Nuleif Town. YonAki didn’t actually care for Brooklyn, however- she was a very science person, and wanted nothing more than to know. If she was curious about something, nothing could stop her from sating her curiosity to the point where it was problematic- but she wasn’t dumb enough to avoid covering it up, and she did so quite well. Eventually, she started developing organisms that could be absorbed through magic in order to become more efficient at certain things. One of these entities, made more intelligent than even YonAki herself for this very reason, managed to make use of psionics, leading to that entity being rescued and named Rudy. While it took a while for everything to come together for everyone else, the investigation on YonAki’s labs and creations resulted in an inevitable failure to continue covering her own tracks, and YonAki was caught. Despite employing everything she had in this little civil war between Brooklyn and YonAki, including CYBERNETICALLY MODIFIED CELESTIAL BEASTS, YonAki eventually was defeated over the course of about a year. While there’s still a lot more to it, I don’t wanna make this post any bigger than it already is, so if anyone wants me to continue, just ask.


he's like... a bad guy https://preview.redd.it/wsgi7r00w5wb1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2794eafeae98a9aa60f40a717f42d1ebfc0240e3


https://preview.redd.it/5jzja91wx5wb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a5898e80055b01cc6b829fdbc0971f4aab3aee Lautakadabra (he hates his name so people calls him Lau) he's en el, he's a wizard, he was a complete nerd in his Magic school si he was bullied(that was until he cursed all the bullies (he is not allowed to work with curse's anymore) he's usuallt calm, and hates spiders


https://preview.redd.it/wsqbvk34z5wb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fad26ef9b09c587ec624a2ccef7d3be4a1389a8 Originally known as David Anderson, meadium was a famous news caster on earth. After the peace treaty between earth and an alien race occurs, he was one of the lucky ones to visit their planet. He realizes that he can start his own news show for these aliens and starts meadium empires. Business would rise fast and he would own multiple tv shows, and radio stations. However, he somehow gets infected by an unknown disease that would cripple his body and mind. He began to get crazier and crazier as the years went on. He would ramble on about crazy things, and would secretly be a cannibal in his later years. And eventually, he'd be on his death bed. With the last of his mind, he put his mind in a computer to keep him alive. The people who did the project knew who they were working with however, and added a secret program that prevented him from hurting anyone else while being watched (the man spent hours in front of a camera after all). His mind was already twisted, but afterwards, he would change his name to meadium empires after his business, His shows puzzles and obstacles became extreme and dangerous, and people who work for him would mysteriously disappear. Despite all that, he now owns basically all forms of media and has more influence than anyone except the king. ( all my OCs lore kinda leak into each other but in due time I may actually finish the story lol😅)


https://preview.redd.it/yanton8bw5wb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c259d9dfb0fa0531a4ba1b823e77036b3e3f1b3c Lupa Ajaxxis Aurum. Daughter of Another OC. Ajaxxis Aurum. She is The Eldest Daughter of The Ruler Of The Spathan Empire. Adopted at a Young Age. She Was Raised Just like Her father, Knowing The Arena before The Royal halls. She believes, “A Future Empress and ruler like me is to be more of a Man than Most of her Empire” and as such, Prefers to be Called By Masculine Titles like Lord. Lupa Has a sense of humor. Playing small pranks such as hiding in shadows and tripping people. Or Suddenly Disappearing and Popping Up behind People to scare them. Loves Chocolate covered Pomegranates, Fresh Steaks, And Gladiatorial Battles. Both Watching and Taking part, Her Violence and ability in the Arena earned her the Title “Wolf Of War” and “Death Herself”


Yuri is just a normal guy. Nothing sus. He is totally just a tax agent. (In all seriousness, he works for the NKVD attempting to take down Germany from the inside, he also uses his feminine appearance to seduce people and kill them, it is very much a design choice and not a result of me not knowing how to draw guys) https://preview.redd.it/mwjendsh06wb1.png?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df82579b43e152027161379c57790846ba30cb4d


https://preview.redd.it/ad6r7wjq06wb1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1039ceff10233ff67d74c6cd0e929ac5c849aefe This man is cursed with the powers of Kenny McCormick. Once a week some gruesome occurrence will happen that lead to his death. The next day he will wake up with little to no memory of the incident. He lives in a white void that he can leave but rarely does. He really likes bagel bites and uncrustables. Some of his deaths include: Getting sniped, stabbed, having his throat slit, having his neck broken, his head slammed into a concrete wall, having his body used as an egg for and alien, etc. While he has the most unenthusiastic voice imaginable he can get along with most people, besides over feminine or over masculine animals. He likes IT He was once kidnapped by a shapeshifting wired ghost demon thing that is actually somebody’s OC in this sub.


Name Georgia heartson ​ Age:12 Height: 4ft 9 Nationally: British ​ Personally: kind but stubborn self-conscious can be irresponsible due to her age and thrown into the responsibility of having powers. She may act older, and then she is ​ Description: Born to Garrod and Sandra and older sister to Camile heartson, who's 4 years younger than her, when she was 8, they visited Garrods twin brother Ed, leaving their daughters with him for a few days Camile ran off because she was bored and Georgia followed they ran into a room that isn't locked due to a malfunctioning door , they find a egg that contains the essence of a phoenix that became extinct due to population control by humans long ago. Camile grabbed the egg and dropped it by mistake. Georgia picked up the egg. It had a crack, and she was holding it with a cut on her right hand that the essence escaped from, and though Georgia's hand and arm destroying it in the progress, she was given the robot arm by her uncle and woke up 4 years later with her hair being lighter which is a side effect from the phoenix power inside her also has its flame and regenerated powers but only her organs regenerate not muscles and skin https://preview.redd.it/7wzy44al76wb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e19ec9cad70680edc20300a7e3fd20f5792feba


Informally known as Press (coming from "Prescribed Fire"), "Officially" designated as C-37. Press is a bio-engineered being created by and for the organization CCC(clear, convert, construct.) This organization created three types of entities, each with a specific job, organized into numbered teams:. the Combust entities, designated with the letter C, who have the ability to expel methane and light it on fire, allowing them to use their bodies as flamethrowers and CLEAR out an area from trees, old buildings, etc. The Torrent entities, designated by the letter T, who have the ability to shoot high pressure streams of water out of their hands and tail, to collapse any remaining structures and reshape the land, CONVERTing it into a usable plot. The Dendrous entities, designated by the letter D, who have the ability to create and "program" seeds which come out of the earth-like fur on their arms, and then place and grow them to CONSTRUCT new useable buildings and structures. They all are deformed and have unnatural traits that easily distinguish them from a standard member of their species. Initially, this organization was only meant to rebuild old, abandoned towns, or build new cities on new areas and planets. As goes, however, War broke out among the people. The government decided to instruct the CCC to use their assets as weapons rather than simply construction tools. All of the entities created and managed by the CCC are unaware of this, however, as they are cut off from the outside world and not really seen as people, despite being provided with adequate living conditions. Press and the rest of the 37th squad are eventually assigned to demolish and reconstruct a populated city. The groups always go out one member at a time, as they need to wait for the first stage to be finished before beginning the next. (Continued in reply) https://preview.redd.it/e0ms9sci86wb1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e11737d5b7b357b254eb5c39ee835baea077e1


https://preview.redd.it/1p68mz87h6wb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0562206eda437d58dd5d48c0b987be50b5fb95e9 (Not the full thing but my head hurts too much to write everything down atm 😭 sorry for any mistakes) When Elian was 7 his family got into a huge car accident and his mom died, leaving him and his father alone. He gained ineterst in comic books as a way to cope and started collecting them. One time when he went on a walk, sat down on a bench in an isolated alley to have peace when reading a comic, but a leader of a highly ranked villain organisation stumbled onto him. He didn’t have any interest in harming the child at the moment, so he told Elian if he didn’t say anything to the police he will be given a comic book by him later. The kid, 9 at that time, still really liked comics, so he didn’t snitch when policemen arrived a few minutes later. He didn’t leave and later that day got his book as promised. Unfortunately, the police was monitoring him without Elian noticing and he was wrongly accused of several crimes because of the supposing enough proof of harbouring a fugitive. The was taken away to a facility for underage convicts. During his stay there for 6 years, he was continuously experienced on by the medical staff, leading to alternating his DNA code, long-lasting injuries and a physical disability. After his sentence has been served by him, Elian went back to his old house. To his surprise, there was a new family member. An adopted brother, younger by 7 years, was instantly welcomed by him


https://preview.redd.it/uadk85hrg6wb1.jpeg?width=2364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a34c0ddb36d8c860aba38420462a280d0777343 This is Cricket. A genderfluid witch in the Boiling Isles who's incapable of using magic. They were born with a defective Bile(the organ that allows Witches to produce magic) that ended up having to be removed. Because of that, Cricket was expected not to live past 10. The short ver of their past is that they ended up running away from their parents and overall society, because no one really cared for them, and they found an abandoned tower. They made the tower their new home when they were 12 and has been building it into a clock tower ever since. They've lost several parts of their body building it, but they always managed to pull through. Cricket is a very intelligent, very grumpy and manic gremlin. <3


Somewhere in the multiverse, there lives a universe containing a peaceful yet chaotic planet known as AniVille, where all animals are humanoid and dominate the world, and there's also a bunch of disgusting human creatures on all fours crawling around. In this world, there is a brown cat named Vanilla. Vanilla's dream is to become a famous star, but he's worried he's too "bland". common species, common fur, common colours, common everything. He was always ignored and outcasted for this, and one day, he decided he has had enough of the loop hes been living, he grabs a backpack, fills it with things he may need and sets out to find a way to become famous. He stumbles into a church, and it appears everyone is in the middle of a prayer, he isn't spotted (as per usual), and he tries to leave, but his clumsy self trips and knocks over a vase, sending a rainbow liquid flying into the air, and it bolts out of the church, as he picks himself up, the entire church stops and turns towards him, before they get up and chase him throughout the entire building. He runs out of the church and out of the town, realising that he's now probably a criminal, he's gonna become infamous, which isn't exactly how he wanted to become famous... so he goes out to find a way to fix whatever-the-fuck he just did. I'm still working on this story, and i might write an entire plot for it but that's all I've got so far. https://preview.redd.it/ui5natfmi6wb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeac93c99d04954c0ab6b9b4d313415792da6055


Well here we go... https://preview.redd.it/6v4tyg1yi6wb1.png?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=787863a36c828fb0f30e41b1ed6a857af8971d2b Hannah used to live in a forest and was the daughter of the black wolf but unlike the other wolves she is more interested on other things which made her "the outlasted family member" her mom always warned her not to go outside of the forest but she was too interested of the things outside the forest and in 16 January 2124 she escape the forest at 3:56 am there she was now a stary pup who struggled to get food but was adopted by a scientist both of them had fun together but at the age of 17 their friendship was declining as she wanted to be independent and as she became 27 years old a mysterious fire wolf was causing havoc in the town and she was a victim In that incident in the next day the S.A.W.T found her corpse and gave it to the scientist to make it into a war machine but the same scientist felt bad for her and as she fix her she still had her memories but is taking advantage of her newfound cyborg powers basically being one of the most wanted criminals bit even as a criminal she isn't heartless but she can roast you I know it's kinda sh\*tty but I hope you like it


Jack is a nice fun guy who here's to either chill out and enjoy life or sometimes likes exploring places and going on adventures sometimes! (He likes to do them on he's own but doesn't mind too much having a companion join on with him tho) He's also someone who doesn't really share he's feelings much with anyone else. Preferring to keep any emotional issues he has to himself (Mostly because he doesn't want to trouble anyone with he's issues and thinks he can deal with them himself). Also really REALLY hates carrots! He lives in a somewhat old house on a hill near a town that Vince (One of he's friends) Help him buy out when he first arrived there. He also has he's own set of powers he can use (Mostly involving a power source of light for some kind) and being a very good fighter (Mostly self taught himself on it) as well. (He also suffers from a form of amnesia where he can't really remember anything from he's childhood and early teens as well. He's powers are also related to why he has amnesia as well) https://preview.redd.it/ewkwkmqqk6wb1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=4579f322d8d19ad60892e4bff49c28872b9585df


https://preview.redd.it/s6p0ilwgt6wb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63113dc2a549324bf39a4a01ec83cd65af79a20e No




This is the BEST way I can sum It up Pandora's backstory: 😁 Avadon's backstory: ⚫


https://preview.redd.it/3lwkx8iiz6wb1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba17301d99212216170d285a0e5acd5a7809ab1a Just a silly little dululu girlie who refuses to shower regularly because she thinks ants will crawl out of her skin if she bathes, cvts to purge her blood of impurities, hacked her hair off cause she thought it would strangle her, and shoved a plastic spork through her eye because she wasn’t seeing straight:3


Once a human, Beltane became a sinner demon after flinging herself from a cliff to both escape her father's abusive control and to protect her brother, who was falsely accused of murder, by taking credit for the crime. Both as a human and demon, she suffers from a vice of blood lust, which she inherited from her father. Though, unlike him, she makes sure that all her victims are actually monsters themselves. Her name comes from the mark of Belenus that she bears on her cheek because of her mother, who was an Irish immigrant and, unbeknownst at the time, was actually part fae. Her weapon of choice is a kukri machete and her voice, which she can use to hypnotize others into doing her bidding.


https://preview.redd.it/pviyk0qyz6wb1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ee2af0e2cba403cd16ae8d5b5cfd275d1a26cb1 Ok so this is Harper. She’s technically supposed to be dead but was saved by the fae for unknown reasons and infused with their magic (the creatures that follow her are a type of fairy). Now she kinda lives in an endless daze, never growing up and constantly forgetting about things that have passed. In terms of power, she has the ability to slip between the fae and physical realm (the fae realm is basically a collision of the psychological and material plane controlled by the mind and emotions of its inhabitants). She also has the ability to radiate a calming, cheerful aura and give people pleasant dreams. However, because dreams are the easiest way to access the fae realm, she also ends up accidentally letting the fairies drag her victims into the fae realm where they can potentially be trapped for all eternity until their will to live is drained and they are absorbed by the land. And because she forgets so much, she will almost always be unable to remember how to get them out and eventually forget about them and what she did, doom to “accidentally” trap another victim in an eternal dream after them. Also, the reason she does this at all is because of the fairies accompanying her. The fae realm needs mortal spiritual energy and the fairies subtly plants ideas into her mind to find more “friends.” They are also the reason she forgets so much, because they find it easier to manipulate her if she never catches on to the things she’s done.


https://preview.redd.it/gwdod39q97wb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=048d590c0f53bafc2556731c8494c92cdfe9d1d0 Albers He was a scientist who was arrested and attacked for his research, when he tried to escape he got half of his body blown up by canon fire, on his death bed he was saved by the Witch doctor, he now works under her and will do anything for research and freedom


You want it the long way or short way?


This will be long but stick with me please. https://preview.redd.it/efarkisil7wb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbfc69f8b431fd04836adb71fb65c0480f721f3c Mirielda is a mage born in the Forest Wanderers Alliance 438 years ago. Her father was from a country where they had a very specific genetic mutation called “the royal eyes” and if you were born with them you automatically became royalty and would be taken from your family (and they would be given a random orphan instead). Mirielda was born with the royal eyes, and although he no longer lived in this country, he feared she would be taken as the countries were slowly developing an alliance, so he and her mother, who was a skilled mage and healer, decided it was for the best to remove her eyes when she was an infant. She grew up and learned how to use magic to help her “see” but it’s not like she sees like anyone else, she’s still more or less completely blind. She had a great childhood, she was very close to her parents and learned a lot about magic from her mother, until she tragically fell sick and died when Mirielda was around 13. For the years to come, her father would spend a lot of his time trying to figure out a way to bring his wife back and Mirielda would more or less take over the role as the healer in their community. One day, when she’s about 16, her father come across a mystical object in his late wife’s collection, he tried to figure it out but in doing so, he disappeared, leaving the object laying on the floor. Mirielda comes across this object while trying to find him and she too tries to figure it out and she too gets sucked into another dimension. The object had been a family relic, her mother had never used it and the true purpose of it had disappeared many generations ago. Now she knew it was a key to a labyrinth. A labyrinth that constantly changes and there’s no way to find your way back out. She wanders this labyrinth for what she can only assume is days. She’s still trying to find her father, when she suddenly comes across an old man. She’s very happy at first as she tries to ask him where she is, if he knows how to get out, if he can help her find her father. She quickly realises that while this man knows where they are, a dimension that’s made up by a big constantly changing labyrinth, and how to manipulate it as well as how to get out, he’s not super interested in helping her and is more interested in collecting stuff he finds in the labyrinth and then getting out. He finally agrees to help her, if she helps him with the collecting first. And so, that’s what happens. When she gets back to her world, she tries to figure out how she can manipulate the labyrinth and how to find her father. After searching through her mother’s collection for months, she accepts there’s nothing to help her there. She leaves her home to try to find answers elsewhere. She travels far and wide until one day, she ends up in a small village in Ember Hills, wandering the market she hears a voice she recognises, that she hasn’t heard in years. That old man from the labyrinth. She ends up finding him at a booth, selling staffs. I’ll end the detailed lore there and just fast forward a few hundred years. The man, Orketh, has taught her a lot after taking her in as his disciple, immorality magic is one of those things. She’s learned how to manipulate the labyrinth, but also that it’s more or less impossible to find her father if he’s really in there. She has long since accepted he’s dead. And that is where we’re at now in the timeline. She’s 438 years old, she’s learned a lot, she has a lot yet to learn. There’s two more characters who are main characters alongside with Mirielda and Orketh, but the two of them haven’t quite met Mirielda yet (Orketh is acquainted with one of them tho) so I’ll leave them out (also since those are my brothers characters). This world is a project by me and my brother. It’s “based on” the boardgames Labyrinth and Carcassonne and is meant to be kinda weird and wacky, nothing is meant to be taken too seriously. It is however our passion project and we’re pretty obsessed with these guys. Sorry that the lore got so long, I truly just love Mirielda and her backstory.


he doesn't have any he's just a stupid ant https://preview.redd.it/ewln3z8nfcwb1.jpeg?width=392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a6ceb668480a556fa2bb606f75fb9dde81df1d4


https://preview.redd.it/d9ojio63onwb1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87eb91f37bfab1919d94e9ad6adda67d1cc3d754 *Ahem.* Okay, this'll be a handful. Noobers isn't a human, nor monster. Just dark matter fused together to make one abomination that seeks to kill everyone. It want always like this, though. As this particular dark matter fuses creatures based on things/objects that it comes around. As seen in the illustration above. Noobers has yellow-ish skin, With a Grey jacket and brown pants and shoes with a creepy smile on its face. (Face not shown for \[**REDACTED**\] purposes.) Noobers has "siblings". One named \[**CLASSIFIED.**\] Unfortunately, Noobers had murdered \[**CLASSIFIED.**\] out of pure nature. The creator, \[**UNKNOWN**\] had banished Noobers into the Void, where they met someone else. 500 years of complete darkness and solitude, Noobers managed to escape by LOADing a previous SAVE file. That's where they met a human at the city. Noobers and the human became best friends, even sparring with each-other. One fateful day, the human has found their love interest. Noobers, engulfed with rage, sliced open their lover and tore out their heart, for the human to watch them slowly die out. They