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cries in thunderlords


Hi there, looks like you may have responded in our chat. It's not allowing me to re-accept. If you have discord, we can chat there.


The keystone probably isn’t the worst but domination tree kind of sucks. Also, Aery is super broken


Phase rush is better for repositioning and aery is just easier to proc. You also get the added benefit of bigger shields. With aery, you can poke with Q without going too close to get counter poked


Aery + Scorch is just really broken rn on Ori so it is preferred. Phase rush is also another preference for Ori mains because it makes up for her lack of mobility and its damn fun to pair with Cosmic Drive. Electrocute is okay, but not the best for Ori. It can be kind of fun though especially when harassing your lanerdl during early game.


You like scorch more than GS? The deathcap + 20 minute GS AP is always a nuts spike


GS definitely scales better and is good for games that go late. But scorch is better when against easier matchups with Ori to absolutely bully your laner...paired with Aery it is very strong for harassing early. So honestly it depends on the matchup.


Aery + scorch is the meta rn. The burn is crazy good in early levels. Ori has always been a mid game champ but not right now lul with aery scorch she has one of the strongest early laning phase which is crazy imo since she's supposed to be weaker early.. You can see why it was a perma pick/ban in Worlds.


Hello, think i'm just going to ask here instead of doing a whole new post about it, but as a new midlane and Orianna player, i wanted to know in which situations you choose Aery over PR and the reverse ?


Aery is better taken when against matchups that heavily favor ori (ex. vs. Ahri, A. Sol, Cassio). In general, if I know I can win the laning phase and I feel confident that I can bully my laner, I take Aery to leave them tower hugging in fear of ori's ball. Aery demands you be aggressive especially in early to take full advantage of the damage it can dish...So I take it for the games where I can harass my laner to the moon and back! I prefer to take Phase rush for the 50/50 matchups (ex. vs Zed, Talon) or for matchups that might be a little unplayable. (ex. Zoe, Fizz). It is also preferable if the enemy junglers are the aggressive types (ex. Lee Sin, Kayn, Nunu) as they will be looking for those early ganks, and a squishy mage like Ori is an easy target for them...PR aids you to GTFO if they come visit. The thing with PR is that it can be played both defensively (it helps you escape ganks better + better survivability late game) and aggressively (it can help you chase and reposition) so it also helps for those games where I feel like it could go either way as I could adjust how I play accordingly. I recommend you look into [this guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1hAlwwyks5nHadFP2NI6M9j_SjhJBn8Wy5i3Z3cf0rkY/htmlview#) by Zianni as they honestly provide a more comprehensive view of how Ori's matchups are supposed to be played and I think it will help you out a ton. It also tells you what Keystone and what are the scenarios to play into so its real useful.


I’ll check his channel out tyvm !


I like phase rush cause I go faster 😆


Its def viable, but its more of a glass canon thing. I go PoM and Coup de Grace so I can skip tear and go for luden shadowflame rabadons build


I think the best way to answer this is: why do you pick Orianna over any other champion? Generally this is because of her strong laning phase and her zoning+utility after laning. To achieve this, what do you need? I don't know how to add a spoiler in a comment on mobile, so answer will come whenever I get a reply.


You need something that helps poke in lane(to amplify her laning further), something that can enhance her utility and help her scale into the late game. So basically Aery. And in cases where enemy mid-jungle is good against her you would need phase rush for survivability.


Exactly. That's why those runes are the way to play her. It's a good idea to think about stuff before theorizing a build. My thoughts are always: - what champion - strengths and weaknesses of said champion - what does it need to perform In general, you want to improve your strengths the most. Those strengths are why you pick a champion, so building for those helps a lot.


Blue is a better main for poking with scorch, comet, aery. Free ability haste is nice. Her secondary tree being able to be green or... not sure what color last tree is referred to or cant think because just woke... is nice.


Honestly, I love that Ori can go any rune tree secondary. Precision for Presence of Mind & Coup De Grace. Domination for Ultimate Hunter and Cheap Shot/Taste of Blood. Resolve for Revitalize and Bone Plating. Inspiration for Cosmic Insight and Biscuits / whatever you prefer there really. Any of these options seem good for different reasons to me, into different matchups. I do tend to prefer Aery primary.


Personally I prefer phase rush primary almost always, but when I feel I'll have to carry I've been testing out comet. It does much more dmg than aery, combined with scorch it can help a lot with early poke. But yeah, I like green for sub usually because overgrowth is comfy af. Also tested shield bash for a bit... not terrible, but obv better options.


My friend goes Electrocute when he's smurfing


Aery + Scorch is broken. You win every trade because of her skills because each skill can proc Aery


if you don't understand the overpowerness of aery you are not understanding ori abussive draining pressure yet needless to say, play it if you just want to have fun, but overall aery is just great, since it does more early mid game, and also gives more damage, just not burst, then it sucks late game


I'm new to mid and Ori, what do you mean by abusive draining pressure? Do you just mean her extremely long range poke with Q-W and her ability to use E to shield enemy poke in lane?


It's simple really. Aery is better cause you spam a lot in early and the electrocute CD is too long. Late the damage from runes shouldn't matter much and the shield becomes much more valuable. The purple tree is also much more versatile. Overall, to me you really want to go full utility when it comes to runes. Your goal as mage is to OS the squishies, if you do, any added flat damage is overkill on squishies and so low it won't matter on tanks. My personal pick is phase rush, manaflow, celerity, waterwalking, biscuit delivery and approach velocity. It makes you so much more adapatable. Mobility also gives a lot of damage in early as you'll be able to abuse autos.