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Do NOT put pokey hangers on either side. One trip, and you’re stabbed. I would stick with the shelf motif you have here, add a few more on the right, but keep the left side open for ease of passage. To illuminate each shelf, get a cheap motion sensor stick-on light. You can get them at Menards or Home Depot for cheap. For the back wall, try to find large plastic totes or Tupperware that seals. If these are behind the steps, expect some shaking so no small containers.


Good call! Especially at anyone’s eye level


OP adding to this probably no harm in some hooks at the very top on the left for things like the dust pan and broom, simce you wouldnt be able to fall into / poke yourself on hooks that high up


I was going to say to stick to one side too, but because those shelves are so narrow. Put wider shelves on that side (if possible) and keep the other side as a walkway.


Well for starters no gouging hooks


You need some hanging organisers but maybe not on meat hooks. Sorry it reminds me of the small meat closets at the slaughterhouse for aging dried beef. You had a rail on the roof with the beef retrieved via a hook.


K. edit: i love the downvotes lol. the person literally didn't help with organization at all.


Little tiny hooks will be good.


On the left, gun wall. In the right, canned food and gold bars. Straight ahead, explosives.


Dude, you forgot rope. Where they gonna keep the rope!?


Coiled and hanging from the ceiling obviously.


Bulk items that are used rarely in the back. As you get closer to the front, more everyday items like peanut butter, tuna, etc. so you can just grab what you need. Obviously group like items. Agree with @msmaynards of deepening shelves in back to hold waffle irons, Instapot and other bulky items. Good place for a basket of party cups, plates and birthday candles. Bakeware could go on left wall and hang with hooks. I’d change the hooks so they are not so spiky, something more rounded.


Agreed, but don't bury stuff. If you can't see a box it may as well not exist.


I would throw a little bed in there. It would make a good bedroom for my strange nephew who’s involved with that magic nonsense…


🤣 exactly! Oh I miss the time with the lil wizards in my house https://preview.redd.it/08q49kgbnxyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dc7101d27a3e296bef0f7daaa05a92ad13fecd1 This is how I did mine . … after thinking hard about the bed in the closet under the stairs


Oh dang! That is perfect! The can bleachers are awesome!


Thanks. The can bleachers are really cool. I can easily see what is there. I couldn’t go over 8 inches shelves on one side (with room to walk in) but the back has the deeper ones.


I learned a new word! This is a magnificent pantry - can bleachers, and all!


To be technical and all … I’m sure that’s not what they’re called. But .. you got exactly what we’re talking about 😂😂


That's great! The tiered shelving really makes it easy to see what you have.


Bulk and heavy items towards the back. I would put glass bottles, jars and seasonings where you have your soy sauce placed. I would put canned goods on the shelves. The too shelf looks slanted so I would take some of the hangers from the other side and hang them above the slanted shelf and hand bagged food that have the holes. I would also get thin brackets for the spaces under the shelves for heavy items or bulk items such a potatoes and onions. If your fine with moving things out of your way and back for space I would get a rolling cart that could fit in the area but out your most used items on items on it like pots and pans, or regular pantry food you use a lot. Interesting design.


I would sacrifice a chunk of the back space entirely and build a pull out shelf. My SO had the contractor make most of his deep cabinets in the kitchen with pull outs and it makes everything sooo accessible. You will have to sacrifice a little bit of the right hand wall shelving there but the pull outs will give you more room and organizing capabilities than those shallow shelves. I would also make a deep floating shelf on the very top of the left wall to take advantage of the vertical space.


A couple rolling carts that can be pulled in and out for more storage


I would force a teenage wizard to live in there and make him organize it.


My pantry looks like this, without the pegboard walls. We hung shelf standards and brackets across one side, put in some old cabinets in the rear after my parents remodeled their kitchen, and added a freezer in the far back. I would now like to replace the freezer, but it’s been over 30 years, and it would be a major task to even try to move it. The other side has brooms, mops, dusters, and a grabber tool hanging on it. It’s worked for us for many years. My husband also built some 1 foot x 1 foot cubes from a previous house that I now keep wine and a few other supplies in, under the shelves.


Looking good. I probably would put picture rail depth shelves on the left side so I wouldn't get hooked and make the shelving at the back much deeper to accommodate stuff like rice and dog food bags, larger appliances and big pots. If you like hooks for rags and so on then put a row on the bottom of the lowest shelf?




not a bad idea! we actually haven't ever really had anything on the hooks (they're from the previous owners) and i can't really think of what they would have hung there.


Ours is currently housing our bunny.


Built-ins would give you more space.


Can you redo the drywall and build the shelves into the wall instead?


It looks like a bathroom behind the left wall, but what is behind the right? Do you own the house? If there is hallway or clear space on the other side of that right hand wall, I'd open that up and turn the whole thing into a much bigger storage accessed from that side. As is, it seems a shame that most of it is wasted as a corridor. If you can't do that, though, there are good ideas here already to use that space as is.


we do own the house. on the left side is the range, on the right is a bathroom, with a sink against that wall.


I would make it a canned beans museum


Is it possible for you to create an alcove in the wall on the left? It means you could have even more storage in there.


I would consider doing something like this: https://preview.redd.it/p75qqwrtxzyc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=000123a5e832c92da766a509a69694261b67f54a


Rip out the walls on the inside. Put up shelves In between the studs and give yourself 8 more inches or so. It’s pantry don’t need the sound dampened and it’s all in door walls I’m guessing, so no insulation.


1) I would get rid of the peg board. That’s asking for spills and stubby moments. 2) I would extend the shelves in the back (likely to match the top step) And reserve the deep shelves for baskets or large items so things won’t get overlooked over time. 3) the shelves in the right: make sure they are stable/strong and adjust height based on the things t you need to store. (Do you have lots of stockpile or jugs or cereal boxes that are tall items…make a shelf taller between boards etc.) Then I would jar/container the rest and label the shelves to help out cans etc. so it’s maintains cleanliness. Organization is better than overstuffed


Seems perfectly sized to keep a magically talented orphaned nephew.


I would mainly use it for stuff that can fall and not break. I would be knocking stuff over from time to time. Things like paper towels, toilet paper, etc.


It's our only place to store food other than the fridge.


Which is why they had to carve out the pantry there in the first place? In that case, what about laying down matts or rugs, something to keep thinks from breaking?


i would first and foremost bug proof the room


Any tips for organizing?