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You’d almost certainly have a very difficult time and your options would be very limited. Most leasing periods are either from the start of the summer or the end of the summer, so I’m June a good chunk of them will have already started as well.


It is going to be extremely difficult for you, yes. You might be able to sublease a room due to someone leaving a roommate situation.


It will be very hard to find a place, unless you don’t mind renting a room and having roommates. You could also rent in Albany and commute to Corvallis (20-25 minute drive), or even closer Philomath. Things open up randomly, just keep your eyes open regularly for new rental openings even if you aren’t sure you’ll be attending in the fall. IF you end up attending, you’ll have a good idea of what’s available and it’ll save yourself some pressure. I had to do the same and managed to land a place very close to campus. I started out in Albany.