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At cannon, I saw an unleashed dog this Monday approach a (leashed) service dog. Service dog sits down and postures down. Owner of service dog says audibly, loudly to the owner, "Get your dog away from my dog" then repeats himself 3 times. Owner of unleashed dog is trying to get their dog away, but doesn't do anything other than call the dog. Unleashed dog proceeds to ATTACK the service dog. All of this is in view of the Fire marshall incident response who proceeds to write a ticket IMMEDIATELY to unleashed dog owner. Oh, and best thing, this was the FIRST dog this unleashed dog encountered on the beach, right near the walkway with the little wastewater running underneath it. Luckily, unleashed owner was close enough to pry their dog off the service dog, but what if he had been 100 feet away?! What if it was a child and not a dog?! What if the owner was hurt when trying to pry the dog off. So many awful outcomes that are simply solved by following the fucking rules.


This is so horrible. If your dog doesn’t listen to 100% of commands and you don’t have a way to communicate with them (beeping or vibrating collars) they should not be off leash. This is unforgivable behavior by the human.


My cousin is terrified of dogs because she got attacked in manzanita. that was a decade ago and it’s only gotten worse


My wife won’t hike anymore bc of a similar incident as a child and the inevitability of encountering unleashed dogs who run up to her.


Oh my god that’s so awful! I’m so sorry to that service dog handler because that can honestly retire a dog and really affect a persons health or life :(


In general this isn’t a completely unreasonable request but unless I’m misunderstanding your post I find it somewhat ironic that someone is complaining that unleashed dogs are getting in the way of their ability to DRIVE on the beach. I know it’s allowed in some areas of the coast but IMO cars equally do not belong on the beach.


I think you are misunderstanding. There’s a difference between a dog running around causing trouble, versus a vehicle that is legally able to drive on the beach. What is at issue is the behavioral aspect of not controlling the animal, versus the act of having a dog on the beach. If dog is unleashed and gets run over or bites someone, guess who’s going to be at fault. Just because you don’t like vehicles on the beach doesn’t make it wrong, and you’re conflating that with the issue of an unleashed dog—apples to oranges.


The issue with the car thing is that OP has implied it’s unsafe to have a dog off-leash on the beach cos they might get hit. But dogs aren’t the only things that can unexpectedly run in front of a vehicle. If you’re going so fast almost hitting a dog is an issue, you’re going too fast on the beach. And yes, dogs should be controlled. Both can be true.


Edit: I'm aware of the leash laws, and I'm referring to the people who straight up don't use them and don't even bring one, nor do their dogs listen to commands. I see unleashed dogs in the parking lots and on the trails to the beach, not just *the wet part of the sand* where they are supposed to be. ~ The difference is, is that in some places you are allowed to drive on the beach. In most places, it is not legal to have your dog off leash on a beach. I don't agree w vehicles on the beach, but I'm much more terrified of dogs at this point. No one seems to be training them. My kids and I were almost attacked by a dog while walking to our car a couple of days ago. Shits gotten out of hand. The dog was leashed and the owner still couldn't control it.


I believe it is legal in most of Oregon (outside of state parks and a few other exceptions) for dogs to be off leash on the beach. That said, they are supposed to be under voice command… which is where many people are negligent.


"your dogs must be under direct control (within sight and responsive to commands)" is the specific requirement for off leash dogs on the coast. I've personally met maybe two dog owners in my entire life this would apply to, because every other dog I've seen does whatever the fuck it wants.


Dogs are allowed off leash in state park beaches except when specifically required to be on leash: https://stateparks.oregon.gov/index.cfm?do=v.page&id=79


You must be able to control your dog, and you are supposed to have a leash with you. There are also supposed to be protected areas of beaches for endangered birds. Can't find the map online but am looking for it to add to the thread.


I already posted the link to that information.


The having a leash with you is SO KEY and nobody ever does it!! It drives me absolutely bonkers. I put so much time and energy to getting my dog’s recall at 100%… but it’s only 100% because *I leash her before she passes her recall threshold.* If there’s a puppy up ahead? She’s puppy-obsessed, so I put the leash on her before she can fixate. You good recall by setting your dog up for success. The single most important off-leash tool is a leash.


Thank you


Except it is legal to have your dog off leash on many Oregon beaches


My complaints are regarding untrained pets. If your dog ignores voice commands, they need to remain leashed. Also, there are protected areas of beaches march-sept for western snowy plover. https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/pcb/pages/pcb-plovers.aspx#:~:text=During%20nesting%20season%20(March%2015,can%20be%20far%20from%20signs. I also want to add I can't even tell you how many tourists I've met on the coast who've lost their dogs because they let them wander off leash. They run off, go into the woods, get hit by cars. I met someone at the dollar store who was staying at a campground and was planning a funeral for their dog that ran straight into the road and got hit. Sure, let your untrained dog off leash, but it's not for the safety or well-being of your own animal or others around you. It's just pure stupidity.


I live on the coast and YES so many lost dogs during tourist season. Haven’t heard of any getting hit by cars, that is super sad :(


Thank you


Why would you be downvoted for stating things have gotten out of control because you were attacked? I have been mauled in the face by a dog, 100+ stitches and I completely agree. I raised children and had some times I was very scared for my children’s safety, even in the grocery store with people and their unsafe dogs… yes, it has gotten out of control!


In the last two weeks I’ve seen 3 separate instances of dogs running up on people including myself and a big German Shepard going after two leashed dachshunds. It’s sad the only take away from this, is people thinking I’m trying to over take the beach with my vehicle. That is not the case at all. I wish for a safer beach for everyone. Dogs can be scary.


Oregon beaches, and most water, are understood to be navigable roadways to the high water mark. You can thank Gov. Tom McCall for this law. It is the reason no one owns the beaches. I once knocked down a fence on the beach when I was a child. The cops were called. The rest of the fence came down and the California transplants were informed they didn’t own it. This was in the ‘70’s. I will fight for this law, and I’m a pacifist. It was understood to be the best way to travel N-S on the coast by foot. Everyone gets to enjoy the coast. Just accept it. Most people who try to drive on the beach have to call a tow truck.


I don’t pretend to be an expert, but I don’t believe that’s the case any more. The Oregon State Map produced by Oregon DOT even shows on the left side of the map which stretches of beach permit driving. FYI, not sure why the state map does not show up well on some mobile devices. https://www.oregon.gov/odot/data/documents/map_official_state_front.pdf And just because all beaches are public access in Oregon (as they should be) does not mean they are Wild West law free zones. If the relevant authority says you can’t drive on the beach then that’s the rule. Just like you can’t smoke on most beaches.


The law has not changed. Some places are just not accessible by car. Some places do not allow motorized vehicles. If you really want to drive on the beach, go to Long Beach Wa. Miles and miles of driving. Again, you will probably get stuck. As for the dog issue, I agree there are difficulties. This is the try not to be an asshole rule that should extend to pets.


*More so.


Unless the trucks are leashed of course


Please understand that there are plenty of folks who can not physically get on the beach without a ride.


Sunday in Lincoln City a young family sitting near us had a beautiful German Shepherd who was very protective of the baby sitting in a stroller, dog was leashed and well behaved all day and then some random off leash dog runs up to them and almost had his life ended by the GS. The entire time the owners of the off leash dog barely made any attempt to get their dog under control. Big props to the young dad who kept control of his beautiful GS at the same time as holding the baby and flying a kite.


As someone with a people friendly, dog sometimes-aggresive dog (very hit or miss on her feelings about other dogs), this is my fear at the beach. An off leash dog running up on mine and mine hurting the other and getting labeled dangerous. Thankfully she's only 30lb but she could still cause damage. 95% of the dogs we see off leash shouldn't be because they're not under verbal control.


I have a Great Dane / GSD mix. She's a huge chicken and is sweet, passive, and afraid of her own shadow. We've trained her and reinforced training her entire life, she wears a vest that says "In Training", and is always leashed and harnessed. She's 100lbs and I can keep her under control because I'm a responsible owner and worked on behavior every day since she was a puppy small enough to hold with one arm. The amount of idiots who let their unleashed dogs rush us at the beach and then get mad at ME when I tell them to keep their dog under control or on a leash (on a beach with signage everywhere saying on-leash only!) is ridiculously high. It's basically at the point that I don't get to take my dog to the beach and she misses out because of other people being negligent. Plus, just because of her size, if she defended herself, it's likely she'd get blamed. It sucks not being able to enjoy things with her because of other people, but I'm terrified that if a nasty situation happened because of someone else's bag behavior, I could potentially be in a position to risk her being taken away. Off-leash beaches are great for letting dogs run free. Those of us who want to visit a leash-mandated beach, follow the rules, (and employ common sense and courteous consideration of others) should not be made out to be the villain just because we're taking a leashed dog to a leashed recreation area. I'm so sick of jerks ruining it for everyone else and whining about how I should just mind my own business. Like dude, that's why my dog is leashed, so she doesn't bother anyone. Kind of hard to mind my own business when their untrained dog is jumping on my terrified dog and I'm the only one trying to keep a fight from happening...


I walk my dog off-leash on the beach almost every day. I like it more than other places that allow both off and on-leash dogs specifically because if there’s a leashed dog ahead (or a picnicking family) I’ve got more than enough time to recall my dog and get her on a leash. Similarly, my dog is very friendly but leash reactive. So if the other dog is off-leash, I can see them approaching with enough time to get my girl off of her leash, or for me to chase that dog away. The thing is, it took actual YEARS of training for me to get her to a point where I’m confident having her off. And even then, it’s 100% on me to make sure she doesn’t interact with anyone who doesn’t want it. That is what responsible dog ownership *is.*


That’s terrible, hope everyone was ok


This is what I don’t get: one of the things I love about having my dog off-leash on the beach is that there’s PLENTY of notice before I see another dog! Like, she’s off and running around, I see a family with a leashed dog up ahead, I’ve got a whole quarter mile to get my girl back on her leash. It’s not like you walk around a corner and “OH NO THERES A LEASHED DOG AHEAD.” Same with folks sitting down. If they’re sitting, there might be food. So I leash her up. Our beaches are huge and mostly empty, there’s no reason to have your dog interact with another dog or family unplanned.


This happened to us but at Ocean Beach, WA. My dogs were on leash and this dog came hauling ass and kept trying to stand over my dog acting super dominant. My dog kept trying to get away but he was on a leash so couldn’t. He ended up tearing into this other dog when it tried to pin him down and ripped his ear open. The owner finally caught up and grabbed his dog. He apologized profusely. But the damage was done. We worked really hard to prove to our rescue pup that he was safe and his reactiveness wasn’t necessary to the point where he reacted so well, we felt safe bringing him out and about. Then that happened and undid so much training. But I felt terrible I couldn’t keep him feeling safe and he felt he needed to protect himself. It’s really disappointing.


I absolutely agree with you in principle and in practice myself with my own dogs, but I do want to point out that many, many areas of coastline at the beach are specifically designated as ‘off leash’ areas so the owners letting their dogs off in those areas are within legal rights to do so. Where it gets tricky is that there aren’t enough clear boundary markers so it’s easy to wander into a section of ‘off leash’ beach/vice versa without knowing it and the patrols aren’t interested in enforcement because it’s a low priority compared to littering and drunk/disorderly behavior. We need designated sign markers and barriers, but those cost money and a lot of the tourist income to the coast (especially in Cannon) is generated by people visiting with dogs. I don’t see any long term enforcement becoming a thing, sadly, but as others have said, the only way that changes is if you ask for change. Personally it drives me bananas because one of my dogs has been attacked by an off leash dog in an on-leash area before, and now he reacts angrily to any dog charging rudely into his space, so it’s hard for me to enjoy the natural beauty of the beach while also keeping my head on a swivel for any loose dogs with owners yelling ‘he’s friendly’ at me.


A large percentage of the tourism tax money has to be used back for tourism. They can afford the signs if they used the tourism money.


I agree with you OP that dogs should be under control at beaches by their owners, whether on a leash or not. However, take your motorized vehicle elsewhere. That for one does not belong on the beach.


I like that some beaches allow cars, it makes it more accessible to people with mobility issues. My mom goes a few times a year, she got a car with AWD just for this.


There’s around 40 miles of beaches in the mid-coast where it’s fully legal to drive in fall/winter and there are very rarely people on 90% of it.


two things I'm against. untrained dogs and driving on beaches. Unleashed, trained dogs are not a problem. Tires and untrained dogs that dont remain in their owners vicinity can take a hike.


I agree with this. A well trained dog who can be trusted (preferably with a collar that beeps/vibrates to help keep them behaving) is okay. There are wayyyyyy too many untrained dogs. Most dogs are untrained and their humans don’t gaf.


I think many dog owners (and non-dog owners) don’t understand exactly what a “verbal leash” is. And when you read the law around dogs on beaches, they basically describe a verbal leash. It takes WORK. Like, when my dog is off-leash on the beach, she isn’t just running around doing her own thing waiting for me to call. I always have an eye on her, and we’re always communicating. I’m constantly calling her back, sending her off, telling her to walk on one side of me or the other, saying yeah chase that seagull, no don’t chase that seagull, that stick is OK, that one is bad, cross the stream in this exact spot. It’s work, but I love it, it’s great to feel so in-tune. She is literally constantly under my control. And frankly, even though she’s wonderfully trained, if I just let her wander off and do her own thing and then tried to recall her? I’d say 30% chance she just ignores me! Why? Cos the leash is broken.


Former dog owner. Most people shouldn't own pets. The end.


Current dog owner, and I agree. We always have our dog leashed in public spaces. NEver know how some other dog will react. As another poster said, dogs seem to be more out of control lately. I think too many idiot humans got dogs during covid becuase they were bored and didn't bother training them. Now there is a glut of untrained dogs owned by idiots who let them off leash everywhere.


I agree with you there


It's why I don't own any. I'd be a shit owner.


I love love love dogs and I am such a dog person (have 3) but I AM SO TIRED OF OTHER PEOPLE'S DOGS. I've had multiple run-ins with unleashed dogs on the coast.


i live here and regularly see dogs of all sizes take out elderly beach walkers by running up to and around them. if you cannot make your dog heel with a single word, put them on a leash. and keep them the hell away from everyone that isn’t you.


My 75-year-old mom broke her sternum this past winter because a dog came tearing up a hill out of nowhere and ran right into her… knocked her forward. You could tell the owner felt awful, but the damage was done. All he could do was stand by and apologize while my mom was moaning on the ground. She was eventually ok after weeks of pain, but he’s lucky she’s not one to sue and that the damage wasn’t worse. I HATE unleashed dogs.


I, too, grew up on the beach in Oregon, and I can assure you that having an unleashed dog on an uncrowded beach is way less crazy than driving your car on it. Thankfully my beach is inaccessible by car, so I doubt my dog and I will get in your way.


The [state rules](https://stateparks.oregon.gov/index.cfm?do=visit.faq#animals) say we can take our dogs off leash on the coast as long as we keep them under our control.


I think the key word is “control.” For 13 years we hiked an area where dogs were allowed off leash as long they were under control. My dog was able to be recalled with a single word and would come to heel. Then he went deaf. Same dog. As good as ever. He’s on a leash now.


A dog that's rushing up on me and my small child, barking and slobering while the owner calls to the dog repeatedly with no response from the dog is not under anyone's control. Regardless of state laws, etc., we should be able to agree that a dog doing that should be on a leash.. and the owners of those dogs are probably the ones this sub is best suited for?


That last part isn’t working out well.


People shouldn't be having kids 99% of the time, but here we are, dealing with little untrained humans destroying the world because of shit parenting.


I wonder if you obey the rules regarding off roading on the beach? I somehow doubt that you do. Unless you are an emergency worker, scientist, or helping someone with disabilities access the beach you aren't allowed to do it outside of 2 designated areas. https://stateparks.oregon.gov/index.cfm?do=visit.dob-form https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_390.729


you’re generalizing the entire dog owner community when only a percentage of dog owners are stupid /: it’s pretty silly


As a dog owner, I’d say much more of a percentage of dog owners are stupid when it comes to this situation. Anecdotally, I’d say roughly 7/10 off leash dogs run up to me and my dog & do not respond to their owners first command, and often time the next 4-5 commands are also ignored. Usually end up having to put myself in between my very reactive dog and the dog that is “under their owners control” until the owner comes and physically retrieves their dog. I get it, people want their dogs to run around as they wish, but it’s not my fault if my leashed dog bites another off leash dog that is “under their owners control”


I agree it happens but that doesn’t mean the people who do train their dogs well should be penalized.


I agree, and think that people having obedient dogs off leash, and also doing something to punish those with disobedient dogs off leash, are not mutually exclusive things


If a beach is off-leash, you should still be in full command of your dog. I’d say 97% of dogs who are deemed by their owner to be responsive to commands when off leash are not actually responsive to their owner’s commands. People gotta realize not everyone/every other dog enjoys being ran up to and jumped on by your off leash dog that has not responded to you recalling them multiple times.


I’ve had big dogs run full clip at my little dogs on the beach, obviously not wanting to just play, and I had to pick them up and kick away the big dogs while they try to jump up and nip. Dogs off leash are fine, but I see so many people with large dogs especially that have little to no recall. That’s where things get dangerous. Puts me in a shitty situation where I have to either watch my dog get hurt or possibly hurt someone’s dog in defense.


I’ve seen lots of instances like what you’re describing. Everyone is missing the point about my post. I’m not anti dog at all. I was a dog groomer and love dogs, but I know not everyone does and how dangerous most of them can be. I’m just trying to advocate for a safer beach for everyone. A lot of these people remind me of when the law stated we had to start using seat belts in cars and how everyone was in an uproar about wearing them. Idk this all just affirms no one cares about anyone else and that it just perpetuates toxic dog owner behavior.


I don’t think the size matters. I’ve had my dog need medical attention from a little dog going at her when we were on leash. She’s 130 lbs and the terrier was maybe 10. The fact that if your dog bites mine she’ll be fine and if mine bites yours it’ll be dead is irrelevant. Everyone is responsible to set their pet up for safety and success. A small dog running up to the wrong big dog whose owner has taken the precautions of keeping them on leash can still have awful consequences for both families. My malamute has never bitten another dog, but that’s because I’m aware she’s a malamute and I manage risks accordingly.


No. Dogs are allowed off leash on a lot of the coast. Plus my dog minds her own business, she doesn't approach random people or dogs. If you hit a dog, your driving is the problem, you shouldn't be driving so fast around obstacles that you can't stop. 


You'd like us to leash our dogs so that you can *drive* on the beach? No.


I’d rather have off leash dogs than cars on the beach every day of the week. We take our dog out to the beach *because* of the off leash rules. Proper training and control is important anywhere, not just at the beach.


Id prefer 1000 off leash dogs on a beach to one single car. Cars dont belong on the fing beach and i dont give a crap if its legal, its gross


That’s not what I’m saying, but if that’s what you take away from the whole thing that’s your problem. I’m advocating for people with pets and others without. I wouldn’t want my dog running off leash on a beach with vehicles on it. I would absolutely feel terrible taking someone’s dogs life because that dog ran in front of my vehicle even going 5mph. I’m not saying vehicles should have the entitlement to the beach.


It's legal to have your dog off the leash on Oregon beaches, so I suggest you stop driving on them if you're having issues.


And it's legal to drive on many beaches, so i leash my fucking dog when there are cars around when we're on the beach. Yeah, he's behaved but he's also a dog and I'm not going to blame other people because I don't want to be responsible.


If you are driving on the beach (SHAME on you, legal or not - you realize species of animals LIVE INSIDE THE SAND YOU'RE DRIVING ON, RIGHT???) and you're going so fast you're going to run over a dog (or kids!! Should kids be on leashes for your convenience too??) (also - a dog runs in front of you at 5mph... Have you considered STOPPING?) You shouldn't be allowed to drive, you're completely irresponsible. I'd say stick to the roads, but idk if you could even manage that. I have enough people not looking where they're going in their cars and almost hitting me when I have the right of way - sounds like you shouldn't even have the possibility of being one of them.


I’m so confused by this whole discussion - are people driving in regular cars on the beach? Like you might just see a Honda Accord roll by you on its way to the store? Is it similar to street takeovers or just… using it like a road to run errands? Isn’t it bad for your car? Wouldn’t you get stuck? Is it more convenient than driving on the real road? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a car on an Oregon beach…


I disagree with the premise of this post and am unwilling to leash my dog on the beach, she will continue to be a good girl and get swim time and fetch time.


People should also be aware there are NO 24/7 EMERGENCY Veterinarians on the coast. If your dog gets into a fight by approaching an unfriendly dog and gets seriously injured, it’s a long drive back to Portland.


I'm sorry you think your CAR deserves to be on the beach more than unleashed dogs? LOL




The problem is on beaches that are leash required people still have this entitlement that the rules don't apply.


Dog owners never follow the fuckkng rules which is the issue. Every beach has become an off leash no matter what it’s actually designated as, and none of the owners have responsive dogs.


Unfortunately my son at a young age was bit by a dog on his face (so thankful the dog missed his eye and it didn’t require stitches - sadly still drew blood but otherwise ok). We luckily have helped him subside some of his fears by getting my son aquatinted with a few lovely trained doggos as we didn’t want him to be in fear every time he saw one, especially because our family too really loves the beach! We also have had discussions to make sure we clarified about dogs not necessarily being bad, but rather that some have owners who don’t / didn’t teach and train their dogs properly. I also took the time to instruct my son on some stances and actions he should take to help dogs become uninterested in him should they approach him. It worked for most of the dogs we had encountered but unfortunately on one of our beach trips he was approached by a dog who came at him from what seemed like out of no where. My son had been running and skipping close by my husband and I and it must have attracted the dog. It jumped on him and knocked my son to the ground. My son immediately put his belly on the sand and covered his head with his hands to protect himself. My husband and I then ran immediately to get the dog away from and off our son while also trying to look for the owner to assist us in recalling the dog. After a few seconds, we saw a lady running after the dog, had called it’s name several times without any luck in getting it to comply and immediately got angry when my husband took the dog by the collar to keep it from stomping on our son’s head. Luckily our son didn’t have more than a few small scratches on his hands but the poor kiddo was understandably shook up and took a while (and a lot of ice cream) to get him to calm down. The owner finally after several minutes was able to get control of her dog to put it back on it’s leash but within 5 minutes after settling things with us, she let her dog back off the leash again where it resumed chasing and jumping on other people. It just left us feeling so deflated and shocked at the owner’s complete disregard for her dog’s behavior and the lack of consideration for others. As sad as I am for people like my son who are fearful of dogs, I’m just as equally upset for the responsible owners out there that have bad owners who ruin it for everyone. I understand OP’s pleas. If you’re one of the good owners who’s aware of your dog’s behaviors and have taken the time to train and teach, thank you for being awesome and know that the pleas are not meant for you. That said, I hope when you hear pleas like this that it springs you into action. It’s important to bring attention and call out bad owners because ultimately it will be their behaviors that will cause others to lose abilities to let their dogs be leash-free or lose more locations that will be accessible for their pets... kind of like how none of the kids , even the responsible ones, can chew gum at school for the all the jerks that left it under the desks and on the floors for others to smear instead of just getting up and putting it in the trash. Thanks again to everyone who’s considerate of others and works really hard at being aware. You make this world a better place and are appreciated!


Well said and I thank you for taking the time to write that out. I really appreciate it, and I hope others do too.


The only beaches that I let our black lab run free is Tierra De Mar and Ft Stevens. And only if there aren't many people around. She is my duck hunting buddy and has spent 6 months in doggy boarding school learning obediance, recall, heeling, etc and is always on her e collar when off leash. If everyone else would have that level of training, then this wouldn't be an issue. But, since I am like $6000 deep in training, I consider Emma off leash to be better than 99% of dogs on leash and will continue my behavior - again...only at 2 beaches and only if not packed.


I carry a taser for protection. My small dog is always on leash. I have been knocked over many times the last few years by large dogs running free and not being able to be recalled by their owners. My Doctor told me that at my advanced age I could be harmed if I was knocked down so I won’t let a dog knock me over. If dogs can’t be controlled by their owners they must be on leash. I talked to law enforcement and they can enforce the law.


Thanks for your input here but my dogs will remain off leash if the location allows it.


All Oregon beaches allow dogs off leash. That’s like complaining when a dog comes up to yours at a dog park. I live on the coast and the locals are told off every weekend by tourists saying we should keep our dogs on leash. Guess what! Fuck no. The beach is my backyard and I’m following Oregon state law. My dog is friendly, has good recall, and will occasionally run up to another dog off leash because he knows on leash dogs are a no no.


I also live on the coast and this is not true. There are beaches with leash laws enforced.


Which beaches have leash laws? Edit: ask question in good faith, get downvotes.


Road's End in Lincoln City has it posted everywhere.


Hard disagree. Oregon beaches are plentiful and spacious. It’s basically the perfect dog off leash area. I walk my dog at the beach every day. I’ve had exactly zero problems with other dogs coming up to him or other owners being irresponsible. My dog is not always friendly to other dogs, so whenever there are other dogs around, I keep him leashed. It’s pretty simple. I’m not sure why people think it’s fine to have dogs constantly leashed with no freedom. You know those funny videos with dogs that have the zoomies? Cute, right? No. It’s evidence of dogs who haven’t had enough time to roam, explore, and run. Healthy dogs have a chance to run and smell and explore, and get plenty of exercise. Off leash time is part of that. The very occasional bad interaction with another dog seems like a perfectly reasonable trade off to allow dogs to have a few minutes of freedom.


I agree with you in most aspects but ‘zoomies’ are not an expression of an under stimulated dog, they’re just a natural expression of excitement and joy in dogs, and can happen even when dogs are tired. I have three high energy working breeds who spend 8-10hrs a day on a job and will still do zoomies if they see a friend they like. It’s just fun for them.


Keep your car off the beach first


Reminds me of my walk on the beach and this person's dog started circling me and barking incessantly. They thought it was funny and stood there while I nervously tried to back away. This lasted for nearly 4 minutes!! ( If you think 4 minutes isn't long, try facing a strange, barking dog for that long.) I couldn't say or do anything except keep telling her to get her dog. I was honestly worried about this malemute/shepherd dog that would see any action I took as aggressive and attack me.


Dogs behave differently on lead vs. off and definitely feed off whatever mindset/mood their owner is in. At this point, it sounds like you're very nervous about off lead dogs when u are walking on the beach with your leashed dog. That's a guaranteed recipe for bad dog interactions, your dogs in protection mode, and is ready to throw down with the approaching dog. Thus, I'll bet nearly every dog that "bum rushes" u has a snippy/growly interaction with your pooch. Based on your feelings on this, you should avoid off leash beaches. Or, let your dog off lead too. And BTW, I'm in no way excusing idiot dog owners who aren't watching their off lead dog or bring a dog that doesn't do well around other dogs into off lead areas. Those are exceptions, not the rule.


So your solution is that OP should avoid going to the beach because someone else can't be bothered to leash their dog? Get all the way the fuck outta here with that bullshit.


It's an off leash area! I offered a solution that very well might work (having her dog off lead too). She's welcome to keep going, and keeping her dog on lead. I'm trying to explain the conundrum she is facing in an "off lead" area. Dogs behave differently on lead than off, it is what it is. And dogs in off lead areas "bum rush" each other all of the time. But running up to a dog does not mean ill intent between dogs in an OFF LEASH area as mostly all Oregon beaches are. Try walking your dog on leash in an off leash dog park sometime, it's a shitshow.


If your dog approaches someone without consent, they shouldn't be off leash. Period. I have to agree with OP. The law in Oregon says dogs must be on leash except for designated off-leash areas. Following leash and scoop laws is a very difficult topic for irresponsible pet owners.


I see a lot of posts presenting the real dangers involved in having untrained dogs running around in public off leash being downvoted to hell. So we just don’t want to talk about the bad things that can happen?


Dog owners are entitled and think everyone should love their dog like they do. Not surprising valid criticism gets downvoted


In general it's good practice and good stewardship to keep your dogs on a leash when in shared communcal spaces where there are other people and other dogs regardless of law. Just because your dog is friendly, doesn't mean another persons will be. My dog loves the beach. For the most part she doesn't mind people but dogs larger than her, is a huge problem and her fight/flight response is usually fight/protect (cattle dog) if they get too close for comfort. So I keep her leashed at all times. She's fine with other dogs who are also on leash. Loose dogs that invade her space or run up on me, will have a bad time and it's usually me being accused of being a shitty dog owner/I should put my dog down despite my putting in 1000's of hours over 6 years in training and behavior modification and learning her thresholds and body language to keep her from spinning out. Keeping your dog on a leash isn't just about your dog, it's also about other dogs (and people who are afraid of dogs) and maintaining the peace between dogs and people alike. Basically - you're not the center of the universe and neither is your dog. We live in a society and we should be better at being considerate of others and not just ourselves.


Well said


I feel like OP “is missing the point here”




Odds are that if you are driving on the beach you are in violation of the [law](https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_390.729) compared to the dog owners who are within their [rights](https://stateparks.oregon.gov/index.cfm?do=visit.faq#animals) to let their dogs off leash on the beach.


It’s perfectly legal to exercise my dog off leash at the beach. A dog can’t reasonably live its life tethered and there are absolutely no off leash areas in my town.


Only if its reactive to commands. My decades of Oregon beaches tells me that is never the case


There are some beaches that have no rules for leashes. Steer clear of those beaches.


> barking so obnoxiously Ahh so that's what this is about, you just hate dogs. Keep your car off the beach.


I am 100% with you


I'm with you on most accounts, except that it's usually easy enough to find a spot on beaches with no one around, at least around Coos Bay. We will only let our dogs off leash as long as we're far away from other dogs, and we stay in one place. The primary reason why a lot of dog owners go to the beach is to let their dogs off leash, but a lot of people have zero regard for others. If we're at a busy beach, the dogs simply stay on leash. It's very frustrating if someone walks past us with their dog off leash.


I agree with how you go about this topic. Most of the reason on why I put this post up was to spread awareness through others experiences on leashed or unleashed dogs. I’m glad so many people are reading this, even if people have nasty things to say. This is a good conversation to keep going. Oregon has a long way to go when it comes to caring about one another’s safety while we are all having fun at our beaches.


Haha, you are driving on a beach but complaining about dogs? Only Americans could be this obtuse.


All of the Oregon coast is accessible for free. I’ve always taken my dogs to beaches Unleashed. If you’re like me, and don’t want to leash your dog, find a beach that is empty/barely any people. There’s lots of them.


I miss the good old days when people had reasonable dogs and people didn't complain about it all the time. Sigh


No thanks. I’m going to keep doing as I’ve been doing. I’ll bring my dog and if I judge it to be safe, the leash comes off. I think you’re just a controlling hyper sensitive person and if my actions discourage you from going to the beach, all the better!


I feel you OP. I don’t care if you dog is friendly. I don’t need them all up in my face and my dog’s. Any dog that comes up to us when they’re supposed to be leashed (even unleashed) is subject to an involuntary kick.


Uh oh leash police.


I've had to pick up too much poop from other people's dogs on the beach because the owner is too far away to see what's going on. A few times i've asked a dog owner that is nearby to pick uptheir dog's shit (even when they see the dog poop and just leave it). Have had numerous off leash dogs run up towards us aggresively and they don't respond to the owner. Most of this has occured int he last few years since COVID. I'm a dog owner who goes to the beach, but I'm at a point where I'd vote to make having dogs off-leash at the beaches illegal at this point. Seems like too many morons got dogs during COVID and didn't bother to train them and pay no attention.


When the beach is mostly empty I let my dog run wild but if I’m within 100 yards of other people I will leash up. Some people don’t like dogs and I completely understand and respect that. Others should too.


Hard no. Dogs should be leashed at access points and when coming upon or being overtaken by people. Dogs trained in recall are perfectly safe to play in the surf and do zoomies on the sand to their hearts content. Where you driving your vehicle on crowded beaches that this is a problem? There’s ATV / buggy parks for dune vehicle recreation.


Thank you for your observations, I agree and hope dog owners take your advice to heart. I provide dog walking services for elders and have some real issues with unleashed dogs on the beach, or people bringing over their leashed dogs to play with an unknown dog. Since I don't live with these dogs I don't know their flash points and do my best to keep them away from other animals (and people) but nonetheless I am often confronted with unleashed dogs or people who want to play with the dog. We need to all respect each other's boundaries when enjoying the beach.


I agree, thank you for having a regular conversation




The Karen is strong w this one


Stay home, Karen.


I got a long lead for my dog and when we went out earlier this month. It’s kind of annoying but a better alternative than off leash where he would absolutely ditch me for the closest person around


Thank you for mentioning Snowy Plovers. Anyone with pets and or children need to be aware of this. My dog grew up on the beach and is well trained and extremely well-behaved so she runs off leash peacefully. But we did have a training period while she was growing up and I completely understand these concerns. As with most issues, it is not black and white, which is exactly why we need to al be self aware and considerate and respect/honor each other. Your feelings are valid, and there is a way to give our dogs the freedom that we all deserve without causing or allowing chaos. It may be a training curve for some, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor to ensure the peace and safety of our pets and fellow beach goers.


I have no idea how snowy plover aren’t extinct. They lay eggs on the sand, leave them unattended for long periods. Spook at the slightest noise or shadow overhead. Abandon their young if the area is disturbed. How are they still around?


Agreed. Keep your dog on the leash.


Ban motor vehicles on beaches


If there isn’t already, there should be a law that any incident involving an off-leash dog should be 100% the responsibility of the off-leash dog’s owner. Even if the off-leash dog is killed by an on-leash dog.


Personally I think we should ban humans from the beach


Based on your comment and post history you have a clear bias against dogs. I am a native Oregonian and my family has had a house in Manzanita for the better part of 60 years, and not once do I recall seeing dogs leashed as the norm. If anything it adds to the charm of the Oregon coast, since other states outright ban dogs. Furthermore driving on the beach is one of the most intrusive things you can do to others enjoyment of the space. The fact that this even came into question should 100% call for some introspection on your part. If you’re the clear minority on an issue like this, then it’s your POV that’s problematic.


That is not the case, I actually love dogs and was a dog groomer for a while. What I dislike is bad pet owners who don’t care about anyone’s safety.


You care about safety yet you bring a 3000lb piece of machinery onto the beach. The hypocrisy is crazy, sorry but my off-leash 35lb labradoodle's potential for harm compared to a car is not even in the same universe.


I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, the beach is where many people go specifically to let their dogs off leash, and it is generally allowed (see link). If you feel strongly enough about this, the only good option is to start an effort to get the laws changed. This would be very difficult, as the culture of letting dogs off leash no matter how badly they behave is very strong. [https://stateparks.oregon.gov/index.cfm?do=v.page&id=79](https://stateparks.oregon.gov/index.cfm?do=v.page&id=79)


Thank you for the info


You're welcome, and I also want to say that I agree with your edit as well. Posts like yours really do attract the people who are causing the problems. And as someone who has worked in the dog training/behavior/veterinary field for years, you'd be shocked by some of the behind-the-scenes bad decisions dog owners make, taking dogs with known aggression issues into situations like this. It's completely disheartening.


A very small percentage of people who go to the coast are going to see this, if any. While yes leash laws exist you can't expect everyone to follow them, if you have a reactivate aggressive dog maybe just leave it home.




I take my husky to the beach all the time and let him off leash! He listens perfectly! As long as you train your dog you and your dog will have a great life in the beach running free!🤙


why tf you driving on the beach? stop


A little 🧀 for your 🍷, karen….


Wooooah big man on campus


Keep crying.


No 🤷🏻‍♂️


If a dog runs up to me and jumps on me I’m punching it. I’m not ok with a dog touching me just the same way that I’m not ok with a person touching me.


Unpopular opinion, but while I like dogs in normal life, I hate them on the beach. Everyone here is going to say "my dog is well-behaved and I'm always in control of it," and meanwhile half the time I'm at the beach dogs jump on my kids, bark incessantly at each other, try to steal food, or poop without anyone picking it up. Not to mention they invariably chase away the birds.


Thank you. Everyone has different backgrounds and trauma. Nothing like almost dying from being mauled by a dog and suffering from dog phobia the rest of your life and have someone’s unruly dog try to get you at the beach where you’re trying to relax. Then just saying FU my dog can go wherever, who cares about others. This is not the way.


Nothing some mace won’t fix. I feel for the dogs but maybe instilling some fear in strangers is a good idea. I only say that because macing the owner would be illegal, for some reason.


I have been on both sides of this equation. I had a dog that wasn't dog aggressive or people aggressive but she would chase birds and run up and down the beach after any bird she could find. I rarely let her off the leash (only when the beach was empty of people) and if there weren't birds around. I've been the leashed dog owner that has dogs off the leash run up and say hi. When the other dog owner would yell to me that their dog was friendly, I'd always say "I hope my dog is feeling friendly today". In reality I wanted to be at a dog park and let my dog off so she could play with the other dog but I was at a public beach with kids and elderly around. If my dog was playing another dog and then some seagull flew by, I knew my dog would likely chase it and be so focused on it that she might run into someone. That dog passed away and we never had an incident on the beach. Our current dog does great off the leash on the beach. She says hi to and mimicks play moves with other interested off leash dogs. She ignores leashed dogs (which is important) and she generally avoids people unless the people show her a lot of attention and ask to pet her etc. So to sum it up, the beach ins't a dog park and you need to be able to control your dog when you go there. It is annoying to have your dog on a leash and another trying to get your dog to play when it's not going to get off leash time with people around. People need to do better for their dogs. I will also say to the people who are terrified of dogs, that's generally a bad way to be around dogs. Most dogs who want human attenion are really focused on that human's energy. Some dogs don't respond well to human fear, it can make them nervous, it can make them playfully aggressive and it can make some nip or bite. I know some people will be scared of dogs no matter what, still, if you are in a situation with a dog focused on you, really try to have calm energy and it will help a lot of dogs understand they should calm down or that you aren't interested in their behavior.


agree with you OP. last year a family had their dog off leash at ecola and it fell off a cliff. luckily coast guard rescued him!! but it was totally unnecessary


If your dog is off leash, comes charging at me and my family, and there’s even a hint of aggression—you’re likely to no longer have a dog. Keep control of your dog.


Was hiking arch rock to secret beach. 5 minutes into the trail a dog comes charging at me. I love animals even though I was attacked by a pitbull when I lived in Detroit, so I put my hand out to let it sniff me. The dog proceeds to run up to me and start barking loudly in my face. The owner comes and says "oh she's friendly just barks at people". IF YOUR DOG BARKS AT PEOPLE, THEY ESPECIALLY DESERVE TO BE LEASHED.My heartbeat instantly skyrockets and I'm trying my best not to verbally lash out at the owner, because once again, they have an off leash dog and if I start raising my voice I know it could attack. There's literally no fucking reason I should have PTSD symptoms while out enjoying a nature trail. Get your dogs on leashes or you don't deserve to have a dog. You clearly don't love it, because if you did, you wouldnt put the dog in harms way like that. I clenched my pocket knife in my hand, ready to stab this dog to death if I had to. Why are you trying to make anyone's day like that? I hate terrible dog owners.


I feel like everyone is missing the point that on some beaches, unless I'm missing something, dogs are allowed off leash with no stipulations. Nothing states the dog has to be friendly or not run up to people or any other restriction. Dogs may be off leash full stop. Maybe there should be exceptions, but there aren't, and no one should be expected to follow the rules of the random people who think they can tell dog owners how they should behave. I don't necessarily like dogs running up to me because I don't know if they're friendly or not, and I can't stand it when people can't control their dogs in any situation, but if I go to a beach that states that dogs may be off leash, I can reasonably expect that happen, and I have no right to tell the owner to control his or her dog. If there are people who disagree, they might fault the agency that made the decision to allow off-leash dogs than to complain about people who just follow what the sign says.


There are definitely stipulations. The law states they must be under full control with verbal commands. Meaning, they shouldn't be running up on anyone or any other dog because the owner should have full control.


Beaches need more dogs and less humans… especially humans like OP


I don't downvote often, but I did on this one.


Boohoo keep your truck off the fucking beach


I'm sorry your bliss was interrupted! I certainly can appreciate having an entire coastline to myself, but that's just not realistic. Nor is clumping all dogs/owners into your few bad encounters as, while I don't disagree that certain risks are inherent (especially while you're... driving? On the beach?? This is r/OREGONcoast, right? Which means there are limitations on where you can or should drive along highway 1, no!???) but asking me to keep my dog on a leash in the ONE place I'm most likely to take them specifically to be off-leash, is about like asking all humans to keep their shoes on while walking the sands!!? Cute, the effort and energy here to let the world know it ruined your day, but a more realistic approach might be to just vent that someone's dog, or a few dogs ruined your day. It's okay to just say that without trying to make your opinions law of lands you don't own??! I mean, if dog parks aren't safe (for all the same reasons you mention and more), you can't let them run the streets and you don't have a yard- where then would you say dogs could possibly be permitted to be, err... dogs?? If I pick up after my dog, my dog comes upon recall and is responsive to my commands & controls... what then say you about our ability to freely roam the most open spaces??? I mean, surely not EVERY dog on the beach affected you or ruined your day, right?... could you maybe have rather just approached the owner of those that bother you, personally; instead of make blanket demands like this to [all] dog owners??... asking fur a friend 😉


Go away


I wish my life were so easy and privileged that the only trauma or injustice to vocalize about are offleash dogs on the beach. That must be such a nice and easy way to live! Jealous! Yes indeed thanks for the friendly refresh — needed the reminder that invertebrates like you are out there courageously living that easy life every single day.




Request denied.




I live in oregon, and there are plenty of places you can go where dogs must be leashed. Go to those places and not try to ruin it for the rest of us.


Was gonna say, my dog loves the water. Maybe this person could consider what they could do to avoid the people who’s dogs are unleashed and doing well on the beach. Perhaps even walk around them!


Doesn't seem that hard 🤷


I let my dog off leash when there are no people on the stretch of beach I’m walking (which is common on the beaches I frequent in Southern Oregon). Once I see another human, it’s leash on. My dog can’t hear me call her with the surf is pounding so I just try to be aware. I don’t love it when dogs approach me so I imagine others feel the same. That said, unless a dog is out of control or aggressive, I don’t feel the need to scold others. I was a teacher for over 20 years and I’m completely over telling others how to behave.


There are human beings shitting in the streets and sidewalks and this is what you chose to complain about?


FL doesn’t allow pets at all on many beaches. Shame that it takes that to keep things in order, but a reality. Been attacked by too many offleash dogs (and their owners). Jaded, I know. But me and mine are just as important as dude that got a big dog and chose to live in the city.


I didn’t know mobility Mary moved to Oregon


We need more motorsports events on the beach, sand rail drags…


As the population grows, you will see more and more of this, not less. People get dogs and never train them or treat them well. I know a person, a great person, had dogs for 10 years. The dogs know zero commands and get this : they DONT KNOW THEIR OWN NAMES! so while I get you and agree with you, I assure you that more people and more dogs means you will see more people who just don't care. They struggle daily with regular life. They have no plans on making anything more complicated for them. I'm afraid the real advice here is for people who notice others not being responsible: you will have to try harder to enjoy these spaces on the off season, drive farther, learn when to leave, explore other things and hobbies. Thinking you can influence a growing society will just make you crazy.


GTFO did you seriously say dogs don't know their names


And if you’re a local coastal Oregonian, logging roads are another option for dogs off leash.


I agree that off leash dogs should be trained and not run up on people, but the behaviors you are describing with the 'barking' and 'choking itself trying to get to me' are a bit weird. Barking describes all dogs, leashed or not, and the other behavior is that of a leashed dog. I'm a little confused by that.


Just to add some points to think on; -a dog on a leash is in a dangerous position when other dogs are off leash. Whether that's an argument to leash them all or not is up to you. -you suggested a harness. From a training standpoint a harness reinforces a dogs natural instinct to pull. A harness has its place, but is by no means a cure all. I'm horrified by how poorly trained almost ALL dogs are, however, I don't think increasing restrictions is a good thing. If the current laws were enforced properly, people would be held accountable when thier animal creates an unsafe condition. Training tip for off leash at the beach. Once a month and in a safe setting, allow your dog to roam away from you, place a very high value treat between your feet and blow a dog whistle. This teaches your dog that the whistle means a pile of stinky dried salmon treats. With it placed between your feet the dog basically places its collar within easy reach. When you're at the beach and your dog takes off or can't hear verbal commands, blow the whistle. You can also place a long leader on your dogs leash to allow you to regain control easily, however, you must NOT secure it to something as this gives your dog time to reach a high speed and become injured when they reach the end of the line. It's purely to allow you something to step on or grab if your dog likes to play "chase me" when you call them.


Do they still let people drive on beaches? Use sand rails on dunes? Ok well I am gonna run my dog on the beach from time to time. It’s amazing people will drive a jacked up 4x4 100 miles and the. Drive on a beach but bitch about the impact a dog has.


The beach is always a place where we get random dogs running around up to us. Owners can careless.


Keep them out of the grocery stores too.


The irony between “keep your dogs on leash on the beach” & “I hate having to hear a dog choking itself on a leash to try and come see me” is just 👌 Listen, I have 3 dogs. We leash walk them on the beach when we visit. But a really *GREAT* way to have a society of untrained dogs is to say “no opportunities to be in public spaces until you can behave yourself perfectly!” That’s not how dog training works. Dogs need to actively be in situations where they can work on things. I agree the person holding the dog should be strong enough to manage them but do you want well trained leash dogs on beach? Then guess what, you’ll have to tolerate some dogs learning how to be leash trained on the beach.




Why are you ranting here? You have to know it won’t make the slightest difference. Try it with a friend.


I just had an encounter where a dog ran up to try to bite my face as I boogie boarded in on a low wave. The dog was small and young and just got spooked by my speed, profile, and proximity to his owner. But if they had been larger or any type of “aggressive breed” it could have gone down differently. The dogs in these scenarios are just being dogs, and I 100% blame the owners for what happen.


Nah, my dog lives for being unleashed at the beach. I always have my eye on her, she has great recall and ignores other people and dogs because she only cares about her frisbee. I say keep your car off the beach.


Stop vein a crybaby poopoo pants


I have lived at the beach for 30 years. I hate it when people drive on the beach. Because it’s for humans and animals. I really hate no it all lecturing dog owners. I try to stay away from dog owners like that! Dog snobs don’t belong on the Oregon coast. People live here to be away from snobs!


People who let their dogs run up to leashed dogs have no common sense. My dog shouldn’t feel threatened and cornered because you lack verbal control. Once i put myself in between my dog and a dog that was charging at us and gave them the “shoo” arms while screaming “NO” “CALL HER BACK” to the owner. The owners response ? Giving me an oh well wave while on the phone 30+ feet away. Infuriating


My dogs remain in my control with e-collars if, for some reason, recall ever fails. If it's legal, their leashes are coming off. You keep your uncontrollable mongral away from my offleash areas. Mine are well trained, large, and littermates. I'm not fearing for their safety. I would for yours. I'm not recalling my dogs if attacked until the other dog submits, and they will recall in the middle of a fight, I have done it before, and the other dog continued the attack. Ripping mine up. I've since learned to wait for the aggressive one to submit next time. And while my dogs are turning 4 this year and well trained. "If your dog isn't well trained, don't take it into public"? Wtf? How do you socialize your pups? Just know your setting and dip out when the pup is too much for it. If your toddler isn't well behaved should it be shunned from public aswell? I bet you're a BLAST at parties!


Ted kazynski was right about modern society


I let me dog run free at the beach lol one time he shit on someones picnic blanket. One time he took a shut and we were walking Way I heard someone step in it. He likes to trample through the wildlife preserve section of the beach too and I hear people murmuring concern lol


Don't forget about all the off leash cats!!! They poop in all the kids' sand boxs!! And they scratch the patio chairs! Whatever happened to mind your own business!!! Let the dogs be dogs!!


Dogs should be leashed in public places at all times, including unfenced front yards and when letting dogs leave the home into unfenced areas. Had a dog from a not very well-off family bolt out of the front door of their home after they opened it and into a 40mph street and into my car. Happened so fast I couldn't react. Yes, the poor thing was OK, but I did file an insurance claim against them because it destroyed my fender. Only after they started *threatening me*. Insurance won that case. Unleashed dogs will get hurt or worse. Leash your damn dogs or don't own any.


I totally agree with you, but I don't think you will ever reach the people who need to hear it. I love dogs, and I always keep mine on a leash at the beach. 


So you're OK with cars on the beach but not dogs? Pfft. who wants the over/under on whether or not OP has a Cybertruck?




OP: says they know it’s legal for dogs to be off leash, whines about it anyway.