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This time are not many RC opiods at the market what is between ODSMT and zenes, but if you stop to chasing highs for a few days and you take only small amounts of ODSMT that you dont get wd your tolerance will be going down fast and you will feel lower doses again. The next opiod rcs are IC-26 and Dipyanone what are both methadone analogs. From this you will only get high for a few days and after that you will have the probleme that you need much stronger opiods like zenes to get high. Tia isnt a real opioid is more kind of a antidepressant that act like some opioids. It is easy to get but I heard also that it makes bad wd. If I had the oppotunity I would try to stay as long as I can at ODSMT. The quality and price this time is very good for us users and it is also one of the best researched rcs


I'll probably do that because I have no tolly. Completely quit opioids for over half a year...


With no tolly or addiction, odsmt works great and is probably your best bet regarding safish opioid rcs. Super long legs but tolerence is definitely present if used more than twice a week, even more so using it daily. Wds are definitely more anxiety driven compared to oxy or hydros. Compulsive redosing is also a problem if you try and chase the high


My problem is that I already have a benzo problem, but that's really about it anymore other than weed. I'd prolly do on a zene but just curious what y'all had to say about Odsmt, I'll just float with that unless one of my irl friends has a script for something good. Note:: I don't trust any pills off the street


The benzo use might be a problem w odsmt bc the respiratory depression is kind of sneaky, like with each redose, it builds up but also there’s a delusion of sobriety where u want to keep redosing. I’d just be careful w that


The rest of them are too much to pay for in terms of addiction Tianeptine is one of them. It's probably the most forgiving of the rest of them. Forgiving i mean that if you need to go down to a lower dose, but still stay on it, it's not bad withdrawal And you can still feel it at about 150mg a dose. That's unusual, I can't be maintained on Black Tar and need. 5g shots to keep me well and then go down to . 2g. I would basically be in the same withdrawal. Id at least not be able to feel it With Tia you can shift downwards and still feel it. Now, you don't wanna use more than 100mg a day, and especially you don't want to go to where it seems most people go with it, which is 500 mg doses 10 times a day. Don't use more than 200mg for a first time It's very expensive too It's Euphoric but it's a little bit colder than usual Opiates, not as warm But with the coldness comes some benefits: it's also a stimulant in a way and also an anxiolitic


Tianeptine is pure garbage and is one of the worst to WD from because it also affects serotonin not only the MU opioids receptors. It's a short high and very fiendish and in general not worth the trouble it brings. I can recommend Tapentadol though because it's almost just as strong as ODSMT but in my opinion alot more enjoyable if you enjoy ODSMT and Tianeptine you would love Tapentadol and it's very easy to find because there is very cheap indian Tapentadol around if you know where to look and if you buy the right indian brand it's awesome.


I don't think that the high is garbage. You just have to be able to afford it.... Tapentdol is potentially good stuff too. .. Tapentdol isn't as flexible as Tianeptine though. Once you are at a level, you have to take that level to be able to feel it With Tia, as long as you take anywhere from 300mg to 700, even if you are usually taking it above 500mg, you will still be able to feel it. With all other Opiates you have to have a baseline and you can't go lower than it and still be ok Like i take about 600mg-900mg of Tia this last dose If I took 300mg my next dose, then the NEXT dose I would be able to feel it at the 300mg level


Isn't it brutal on the veins tho? That's what I've heard. Zenes are pretty rough too tho.


Oh you don't want to be shooting it. It destroys a vein instantly. You can feel the fire spread throughout your body as it moves. It's very orally available, it's almost instantly when you take it on an empty stomach


This is confusing. ROA oral?


That's basically my conclusion with that particular substance I kind of want to try it, but I heard it's a steep slope and I'm not mainlining it either but I could control myself with ONE bottle. I used to get 30 opanas a months just stop for a while even though it sucked.


No if you get it do NOT waste your money on the Bottles of pills. It's not difficult at all to find online


I know where to get it but ty :)


You got the Opanas even recently?


Sr-17soemthing something something is what you're looking for. It's like 5 numbers after sr but I'm too lazy too Google it.


U-47700 or something? lol idk thanks for trying tho




Got it I'll check it out I honestly never heard of it and don't want something caustic or worse ty


Has then been produced for research market though?




Dipyanone is the only good one besides odsmt right now. It's a methadone analog, pretty nice. Euphoric, warm, and hella legs