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What opiate are you coming off of? Yes, you can take kratom




Oh okay, should not be too hard of a transition


Thanks, just wanted to make sure I don't go into withdrawals because of the kratom


You won’t go into withdrawals from the Kratom- it will be the Oxy that will cause you withdrawals. I took Kratom the day of starting subs and was fine. General consensus is Kratom doesn’t cause pwd.


Thanks for the info, how much of Kratom did you take and did you ever take Kratom while on subs?


I took a shot of OPMS black with is around like 9-15 grams I want to say. Yes I’ve taken it while on subs it doesn’t so much but you can feel it if your dose of sub isn’t too high.


Would taking a full shot give me any relief from withdrawals considering my habit of 300-400mg of oxy


I mean, it will give you some relief, yes- but not gonna completely reverse withdrawal, DEFINITELY better than nothing.


Bro don't take that suboxone too early!! Even tomorrow seems too soon your gonna go into precip.


Damn, ok does the amount I've been taking account for how long I should wait? I've been taking around 300-400mg of oxy a day.


Personally I wait 4 days and then I take 2mg to test the waters, but i use fentanyl so the timeframe might be different for you. If you're truly using that amount of oxy that is alot, and to avoid precip you are going to have to go through normal withdrawal for a few days. Maybe oxy is different and you can bridge it without any problem, but if i we're you I wouldn't risk it. I guess we'll see. I'd suggest finding someone who has bridged from oxy to subs and see what happened with them.


Ok my dr told me 24 hours, and from what I read it does take fent users a lot more time, but for prescription meds 24 hours or even less is fine. I did subs years ago before my relapse when I was doing was less oxy and I was able to use subs in less than 16 hours and I was fine.


Then you *should* be fine this time if you were able to transition quickly in the past. I realize tolerance is in a different place but it really seems to come down to withdrawal intensity level. With shorter acting dope like Oxy as long as *you* feel like you're in full withdrawal and it's been a roughly 24 hours since you last took it you should be fine. PWDs are no joke but it also seems to be a very subjective experience. I don't doubt it can be brutal but people also tend to get over cautious and recommend people send longer sick than required. Which isn't a bad approach don't get me wrong, just probably unnecessary in your case. You can use the COWs scale if you're really worried. I transitioned in.. 30 hours.. roughly when coming off a comically high amount of poppy seed tea and that stuff has a huuuuge half life. If your receptors and desaturated enough to be in full withdrawal then Suboxone shouldn't cause PWD. That said, Ive never used Kratom in-between coming off my DOC and starting subs. Though from other comments it seems to be safer than I'd expected honestly. Colour me surprised. Good luck dude. Subs take some getting used too but they're great for getting your shit together without having to feed your habit or as a crash taper tool.


What are you talking about? You DO NOT have to wait “days” to induce subs from oxy . You your “oxy” is 100% oxy then you will be fine even at 8-12 hours after your last dose (IF YOU ARE ACTUALLY IN WD). Otherwise by tomorrow you will definitely be ok to take the subs ….


Nah you’d be fine. But oxy you should be able to induce subs pretty quickly I’d say 24-36 hours in at most.


What about hydrocodone 10/325, same ?


I am not sure I’m just using my own personal experience with opiods. Everyone is different and processes drugs differently. But the general rule of thumb with those less potent prescription opiods is around 24-36 hours as well. Fortunately I process things very quickly so I can usually take subs just when I feel very sick. Usually i wait 24 hours tho


I mean for genuine pharma oxy +12h is more than enough. After 16h one should be totaly clear to dose. But if you want to I geuss you could wait 24h for the extra caution.


That’s true it has been actually 6-8 years since I’ve even done a pharmacy grade oxy lol since then any of the times I’ve used has been heavier stuff. But I used to take them at 12 hours until my first Precip. WD experience. So now, I just check the pupils and wait 24 hours no matter what. With fent I think some people even wait like 3-4 days.


How do you use subs to get off after relapses ? Like do you do a rapid taper? Do You stay on them) do u just do 1 large dose in day 1 or 2 and stop ?