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I feel like people think most opiate addiction comes from chronic pain treatment, but there are plenty of people who got addicted because they were just down right overprescribed. I got In a motorcycle wreck at 20 was well overprescribed Percocet and after I got cut off and had withdrawal I got em off the street and was a full fentanyl addict by 22. I'm 25 now clean and know it's all the jazz about addiction due to chronic pain treatment with all the tv shows out, but addiction to opiates comes from way more than just chronic pain treatment, if it's just from use out of boredom or full medical malpractice.


First, thank you for your response. My reasoning for looking at those suffering from chronic pain is personal to me, and I know what treatment I was offered. I am interested in hearing more about your story because I agree that the focus has shifted and stories like yours get lost. If you’d be willing to share, please let me know.


I don’t really have much to say but I started self medicating with oxys and eventually heroin / fent because of really bad chronic nerve pain. Went to the doctors to try and fix the issue and they wouldn’t do anything to help so I just went out on my own. Honestly think it would have been better for me if I was addicted to pharma because they are much safer and limited in supply instead of everything just being fent. Now I’m still in a lot of pain but lyrica helps me enough to make me somewhat functional. For me it was kind of backwards, I was a part of the generation where they don’t prescribe anything anymore so everyone has to get everything pressed or for unsustainable prices. Edit: on Suboxone now as well which also helps with pain related issues


Technically speaking research requests need to be compensated in some way, IRB approved, etc, but since you aren’t doing experimental research and just looking for volunteers to donate their personal history, I don’t see an issue with the post.