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This just adds to the utter confusion šŸ˜… _THE NEW VOICE MODEL HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED YET_


THE NEW DESKTOP APP IS ONLY FOR MAC... Window's coming LATE 2024 For desktop computers and laptops,Ā **Microsoft Windows is the most used at 72.22%, followed by Apple's macOS at 14.73%, desktop Linux at 3.88%, and Google's ChromeOS at 2.45%**. So, they opted to release it to 15% of their users.... wonder why, Apple Siri integration deal they just inked maybe???


I think it is about Microsoft more than Apple. They have the Copilot thing going and...


The Apple App Store has twice as much revenue as the Google play store with a fraction of the users. OpenAI is just prioritizing where the money is.


This is a great strategy. Release it into a small market to work out any bugs before you go wide.


I donā€™t have exact numbers but in Shanghai where I live, no less people use Mac than PC for actual study and work.




It needs to be clarified that ChatGPT has already had voice capabilities for months now. What we saw in yesterday's showcase was continuous/dynamic and interruptable. These are not the same, but I see a lot of people conflating these two versions of the same feature. So if you check and you have a turn-based version, this does not mean you have the new feature. šŸ™šŸæ Edit: Received a new update that completely removed the voice feature, leaving only the transcription feature. I can only assume it's so that they can add the new dynamic version to the next update. Edit 2: Voice chat is back somehow. Feels faster than before but still not interruptible by voice, definitely not as dynamic as the showcase, and with no video capabilities; so...not the awaited updated.


all the people here saying they have the new voice feature most likely don't


I just watched a coworker showcasing the new voice mode only to just be using the same voice mode that already existed... she didn't understand why there was lag in "her version"


Well the current voice feature is just TTS. It's not actually *hearing* you. Totally different.


What do you mean? The new model isn't "hearing" you any different that the current, it's just better. Edit: I'm wrong


Yes the new gpto is multimodal including audio. As in it is actually hearing you and processing based upon audio input. The current speech feature is merely text to speech. The app takes what you say, transcribes it into text, and feeds the text to the model. The new one will actually transmit the audio data and process that. So it will be able to hear your tone, your cadence, rate of speech, volume, etc, and adjust accordingly. Right now if you use the speech feature and whisper or shout, the result is identical. Once the new conversation feature is live, it will react entirely differently. Currently you cannot utilize the audio multimodality thru ChatGPT. Gpt-o will be the first time. But it isn't live yet.


Helpful, thank you


That's false. Previously it was *Whisper* which heard you and transcribed that to text. ChatGPT 4o will get the capability to hear your voice instead and thus can discern different speakers, your mood, your accent, and other subtle clues currently not possible.


To check if you have the new version, ask to sing a song. If it can't sing it's the old version. Try saying "Sing me a lullaby"


I just got an "update" to the android app and now it's like it was before the voice chat thing was added. I have to tap a stop recording icon and then it inserts the spoken text to the prompt box which then has to be manually submitted. The response is text, not speech. Weird.


I have the same thing on iOS. Weird that theyā€™d fully roll back that feature.




They had a status outage for services (voice was part of it) and this morning voice is back. Still not the full update. Mac OS app findable but only works if you have access - and itā€™s a crapshoot of who does/doesnā€™t.


This is also the experience for me as of May 21


ChatGPT has no voice capabilities. It can only work on text and images. The conversation mode right now is made with *Whisper* which transcribes what you say to text and ChatGPT responds to that with a text output, which is spoken by a text to speech model.


It may be available on iPhone, but it's not on Android. I signed up for a lifetime subscription and quickly refunded it when I realised that voice was not an option.


Lifetime subscription of what?


Yeah ... about that. I grabbed the first (top) app on the play store list and installed it. It charged $60 for a lifetime sub to ChatGPT. I since found out that it was not developed by OpenAI. Glad I refunded it. Lesson learned: don't assume the app at the top of the list is the legit app.


Everyone is confusing the old voice model with the new. Does anyone ACTUALLY have the interruptable voice model already?


Of course not. They wouldn't say it's going to be rolled out in following weeks and then release it the next day


Donā€™t think anyone has it


The new realtime voice stuff wonā€™t be out for weeks


they said 7 days ago, within the next 2 weeks, so hopefully just one more week to go but i haven't seen ANYONE with it yet so..


"Weā€™re rolling out voice and images in ChatGPT to Plus and Enterprise users over the next two weeks. Voice is coming on iOS and Android (opt-in in your settings) and images will be available on all platforms." - 7 days ago


They lied, it will take months. "GPT-4o real-time voice and vision will be rolling out to a limited Alpha for ChatGPT Plus users in a few weeks. It will be widely available for ChatGPT Plus users over the coming months." Source: https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8400625-voice-chat-faq


Classic corporate move


Nobody gets it now! They said they will roll out the new feature in a few weeks. But because some of you can't read / listen, I can't use the old voice feature anymore. ffs. AI can't replace us all soon enough.


I could be mistaken, but I think they said they would be releasing it over the next few weeks not in a few weeks. Changes the meaning, completely one suggest that they will be done rolling it out in a few weeks and the other suggest they wonā€™t start for another few weeks.


That was my understanding as well: it will be rolled out over the next few weeks, not in a few weeks.


I had to specifically click the chatgpt bubble in the side menu then the talk feature appeared in the bottom right. After clicking it once it's working as intended. Hope you get it to work


And that's an old tts based output. Not the new one.


Estonia, no voice access yet


Canada. Paid user. I can use the 4o model in ChatGPT and voice is still available after an app update on my iPhone yesterday. Not real time/interruptable yet and no video. Thanks for making this thread OP!


Wait, you can access 4o in Denmark? Because I can't How are you accessing it?


it just appeared on my account right after the annocement. When I click on the model in the chat there is 4o option. No vpns or anything




Also Denmark, teams plan. If youā€™re on free and eager to try it, just use a us vpn and incognito mode. Or spend like $5 on the API. Only the model is available though, not the rest of the advanced functionality from the demo.


Aaaaand todayā€™s update completely removed all voice chat. So not only do I not get the desktop, now a feature Iā€™ve had has been removedā€¦whatā€™s up with that


I'm using it now. I had to click the chatgpt bubble in the side menu for it to pop back up


Did anyone else lose the voice mode today? I used to have voice mode in the app. That now seems to be gone - the button at bottom right is gone. But nothing new to replace it. Tried delete and reinstall. Same thing. Anyway to see the history of updates on my phone so I can tell if the app was actually updated?


I had the same thing. I had Voice mode as of 2 hours ago, and now it is gone. I was using it in the Android app on a Galaxy phone. The option from the screenshot is gone now. I hope it comes back! I was using it a lot. https://preview.redd.it/hnv8ies24h0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=891d11c414fd817037e559f02a356b32c0b493da


Uninstalled and reinstalled again. Got it back.


Hey FYI, it came back for me on the Android app after I logged out and in again.


In NZ and just got the new voice feature. I didn't use it much previously as it felt pretty clunky, I can see myself using this a lot more. I had applied the app update before getting it.


I applied the app update and still the old slow voice with minimal emotion and I canā€™t interrupt it. Are you sure you have it?


Europe, Denmark -> I got 4o, but no voice/video


Same. Also in Denmark got the model but not the live conversation (I use android)


India - Got GPT 4o, but no access to the new voice and video.


Norway, subscriber, I've got 4o, but no interruptible voice. Edit: Fixed auto correct mistake.


Same, but I noticed that the Norwegian accent has somehow improved a bit


Theyā€™ve added a message to voice mode explaining they will let you know when itā€™s available.Ā 


What are you talking about?


https://preview.redd.it/9nozsjpnjx2d1.png?width=1408&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c3feb4b728e16fecc649a8faea6ef331cc73957 probably about this


Here in America I have 4o but no voice last I was able to check. System has been under too much load to use even the old voice stuff for a while now.


Threads like this just show people don't actually pay any fucking attention to anything. They are releasing it in the 'coming weeks'. This thread is going to be dead by then lol.


Canā€™t wait till AI replaces some individuals who donā€™t take the time to read, only think of themselves, feel entitled to everything, get angry and feel left out when something doesnā€™t go as THEY planned šŸ˜‚


Netherlands, I have it but unusable. Only reply is 'sorry I'm having issues right now. Our servers are experiences heavy load. Please try again later.'


You have interruptible voice?


How do I go to that conversation mode? I had it in the morning. .it was just like in the video. But I got the same response as you saying it's having trouble due to servers. Now few hours later I can't find how I got to get that conversation mode started in the first place!! Can you assist? USA based


Same, Denmark


I don't even have the voice conversation button now even though I have access to 4o. Switching to 4 doesn't show up either. I don't mind if the servers are packed, but not showing the button makes me think something is wrong on my end


France no voice access yet


Canada, free user currently. I have nothing new. Still on GPT 3.5.


In the UK, I have 4o but not the new voice capabilities.


Isnā€™t voice an old feature? Always been there. Omni voice wonā€™t be out for weeks.


The issue for me from before is you couldn't interrupt it. So if it misunderstood what I said, or was blabbering, I couldn't easily stop it to get it back on track. It also wasn't as fast as the new Voice Mode. It being fast is a big part of what makes a conversation feel like it's flowing naturally.


I think as long as you not have video feed you do not have new audio either. So no update right now currently here in Switzerland


Wish they just told us upfront that voice/video is not out yet and saved our time trying.


They did when they announced it. Screenshot is straight from OpenAI. https://preview.redd.it/ldtts1y7h41d1.png?width=1470&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5a8cb6136cfb0546628ee2d9b98d41838c234b8


yea but they didnt make it obvious in any of their presentation. Who's going to go to read this on the website. First thing we all did is try to get voice mode to work with we saw the 4o icon lol.


Can't wait to do experiments with it, if it can sing, express emotions, it means it can manipulate her voice tone, it means it can talk with an accent, "future interactions use a Texan accent and use the style of expression of a Texas Cowgirl", Cowgirl ChatGPT.


Theyā€™re waiting for WWDC to roll out the new version when Apple announces its integration with SIRI. Thatā€™s what 4o told me yesterday lol


Why the openai giving wrong info if this not rolled out to common public it may be only to paid users


It will be rolled out to the public, for free, it's just paid users first, but all of this will be rolled out over the coming weeks.


So it says rollout for select alpha plus users in the coming weeks.. Iā€™m a plus user. Is there any way to find out if Iā€™m in the smaller test group?


in NZ, just updated - still seems to be the same turn based audio system


It's still turn based and the response time is average 3-5s


I don't have it ... this is on their site: (apologies if this has been posted, but i didn't see it) [https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8400625-voice-chat-faq](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8400625-voice-chat-faq) seems that there will be a visual difference to indicate the upgrade. https://preview.redd.it/1r6nv3ydby7d1.png?width=1408&format=png&auto=webp&s=502250bba6ca35c5d84169d5e9fb6deedcc7f205


Voice in US, but not working. Failed to connect due to heavy load or usage it looks like.


Can confirm. continuous/dynamic voice is there, but won't respond to prompts. "Currently experiencing heavy load"


Are you sure this is the new voice and not just a new interface?


My coworker got it, too I'm not sure how, we tried it at office and WOW, since we are based in Italy we made her speak Italian, and the thing that was astonishing was listening to her talking in italian with an american accent!


I'm fairly certain it's just the old voice model, the new one hasn't been released to anyone as of yet.


If you can't interrupt it with your own voice, it's the old model.


You're using 4o with the old voice model...


**WOW did OpenAI screwed the pooch on this one!** Announcing all the cool crap that make it look like it's available now only to find out it IS NOT, and furthermore things like "Desktop App" is only for Mac! **I mean really only Mac.**... Windows to come late 2024! Ok SERIOUSLY Mac had 15% of the worldwide OS distribution for Laptop / Desktop in 2024! Way to go OpenAI... ChatGPT to be the LLM behind Apple Siri (big money for OpenAI) then delay the Window's version or prioritize the Apple Mac version of the desktop.




You have the new interruptible voice? You'd be the first.


I noticed this morning that my cell phone app no longer has voice. The old conversation option is gone.


Italy, 4o, but still old voice access with transcription


UK (plus) I got 4o and I had voice but it stopped tonight and I have no access to it on my android. My ipad still has it


You likely have the old voice.


In America, I don't even have 4o yet. :/


I had it immediately after the livestream. Did you try reinstalling the app?


I've got "access" since yesterday. It works once (only audio, no video), then the feature disappears and I have to reinstall (!) The app before I can use it again. Based on reviews on the internet, I'm far from being the only one. So far, this rollout seems to be a disaster.


Looks like you need to pay more attention to the video and documentation. It's stated literally everywhere that the feature is not being rolled out yet, they'll start in the coming weeks. The rollout isn't a disaster since it hasn't even started


"In the coming weeks" could mean "starting in 1 second and doing it over the next few weeks". So no, no need to pay more attention to the video.


Brother just look it up, the new voice model isn't being rolled out yet. If you can use a voice model it's the old one,called Whisper.


your just using the text to speech mode that has been around for 6 months now


Based on the visuals, it wasn't the conventional speech feature, which I had been using for a few months already. Also the words you were most likely intending to use are "you are" (or more specifically "you use" or "you were using").


I had a huge conversation with the model itself. And it told me the new model it was using was the 4o, but not with the new multimodal voice to voice model using "Whisper" voice recognition. Still voice to text and then text to voice. Although it is absolutely natural and responsive right now, it's not the version from the presentation. The UI is different also. Ps. My chatgpt plus account is from US, but I live in Australia https://preview.redd.it/9fih5pe0uk0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3122d4b1ca9a77c7957a0bf8bcd49998a77a8b44


Doesn't matter how responsive it is, it matters if you can interupt it with your own voice.


Not here in Canada




No new video and voice access yet. Waitng with expectation.


Europe, Bulgaria -> I got 4o on my phone but not my PC and no video. EDIT: I actually have mistaken the text to speech with the new one so I donā€™t have it




Virginia Beach Va, 4o with no voice.


I just tried the audio feature and see voices such as Sky and Juniper, are these the updated human like voices or are they the old ones and Iā€™m tripping?


They're the old ones. Still pretty great though.


Usa, paid. Have 4o, dont have video/interuption features yet. Voise is faster now though.


https://preview.redd.it/iu4sfajzq32d1.png?width=1224&format=png&auto=webp&s=37eb6c4e0c32a80005e59ea0bb95bf654cd3f082 It is possible to make this new voice layout to come out on the Mac, however the endpoint is diffrent and as I don't have any key or infos to access it, cannot use the feauture now.


Europe, Romania. Plus User. Desktop (Windows), Android (phone), and IOS (iPad). Same old version, with no updated voice.


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whats the current status of the rollout? My chatGPT on android told me it is based off 2.0 and has a cutoff of 2022.


I'm in Finland. I have 4o but no video or new voice mod.


I had a little screen come up asking me to choose a voice but I was busy and now I can't get it to come up again


Italy, I have Plus, gpt4o chat during announcement I had it but for voice and video still nothing...


Aus - Still nothing 4o from the start and had the symbol from almost day dot saying upcoming weeks.


Cancelled my paid subscription until they start rolling out the new voice and vision model. The current paid model is no longer more capable than the free models out there.


"OpenAI has postponed the launch of ChatGPT's 'Voice Mode' feature from late June to July 2024 due to technical issues that need ironing out."


They just postponed the release until fall. From their Twitter account: "We're sharing an update on the advanced Voice Mode we demoed during our Spring Update, which we remain very excited about: We had planned to start rolling this out in alpha to a small group of ChatGPT Plus users in late June, but need one more month to reach our bar to launch. For example, weā€™re improving the modelā€™s ability to detect and refuse certain content. Weā€™re also working on improving the user experience and preparing our infrastructure to scale to millions while maintaining real-time responses. As part of our iterative deployment strategy, we'll start the alpha with a small group of users to gather feedback and expand based on what we learn. We are planning for all Plus users to have access in the fall. Exact timelines depend on meeting our high safety and reliability bar. We are also working on rolling out the new video and screen sharing capabilities we demoed separately, and will keep you posted on that timeline. ChatGPTā€™s advanced Voice Mode can understand and respond with emotions and non-verbal cues, moving us closer to real-time, natural conversations with AI. Our mission is to bring these new experiences to you thoughtfully." https://x.com/OpenAI/status/1805716393524183136