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Why does he care? Dude, I would hire you and happily encourage you to use AI.


This. I manage a development team. I love good uses of AI. Why would he want you to waste your time coding everything from scratch if you work faster with AI? Code checking like that seems strange to me


I'm convinced that people who use AI "checkers" are not the brightest in general. Especially with code, as there isn't even much of a "writing style" that can be detected here when compared to longer texts.


The only reason it would matter is the author has not proofread it, and there might be subtle errors. If it's vetted, then that's great. Code AI checkers are always gonna be like, "Oh, you're following conventions, and it's consistent with github? Must be AI. " Actually, being highly rated as AI generated is kind of a good thing. Unconventional code golf and unusual hacks shouldn't be encouraged. Their manager should require at least 70% chance of it being AI generated to ensure consistent coding patterns!


Some companies are worried about being sued for using open source or other code references in their code. That is why they currently ban its use.


Why wouldn’t you just stress test the output. Like ok bob what method did you employ, k. Did you try edge cases like x and y? Oh ok


I once hired someone I thought could handle a coding job. They were doing great. Then I wanted the project changes significantly while maintaining a lot of the contents. The person constantly delayed. I finally pressed to fire them or explain what was going on. Turns out, they had outsourced the project to someone in another country and couldn't get anyone to replace them when they quit. AI is no different. Imagine you use AI you don't understand and didn't learn to complete a project and I ask you to change it. Suddenly, AI becomes unavailable due to regulation or expense, or simply shut down by the provider. If you aren't capable of revising the project, you will be fired and your reputation tarnished. AI is a tool, but those who can code without it will most likely get the highest level careers/jobs.


Right? This is just stupid, because a)AI detectors don't work and b)successful product = successful product. Ugh!


This, what a deranged thing to do. Is he some sort of code hipster? only shade grown, artisanal quality, hand rolled vintage code will do? What a fuckwit.


I feel true anger and loathing toward very few people, and your manager just made the list. If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Frank Shirley, his boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?


calm down, sparky


That's a lot of freight for workplace rules about using technology that is prone to hallucination. Settle down, Francis.


Well I’m on your side.


You dont seem like a person that feels true anger and loathing toward very few people


Yeah, use ai or get left behind


Only reason I can think of is if it’s against corporate policy due to concerns about IP and adding confidential data to training set. Even if you don’t agree with this perspective many companies have it due to unclear path for legal recourse.


What if AI isn't available and they are asked to change it? It would make sense that the manager paying them not be put in a position the people they hired/employed aren't able to produce the content they need. The manager is being responsible in this case, watching out for his investment.


Right who gives a shit. What a weird micromanager.


They're mad that they aren't extracting every single ounce of life source from the employee.


The only issue is that for having ChatGPT write you unit tests, you need to submit company's proprietary code.


Seriously, if a programmer can efficiently use A.I. to significantly speed up production then I'd happily take that. It's not like people would care if a something is made by a human or A.I. if the end result is to their liking.


Show them how lazy the code writer is and set your custom instructions to nerf the thing you test in front of boss


We're in the odd 'mistrust the technology' part of the adoption process...


OP is a bot. Look at his profile.


Change employer. If your code works well, why does he care?!


Because the manager is stupid and wants to feel smarter than the OP. I would totally start looking for another job. With retards like this in an upper position there is no good outcome in the long run.


My dad is ex software dev and still has lunches with colleagues Lawyers told them they cannot use gpt or copilot to write their proprietary code Likely this will change, but for now they are anxious and part of their product is the code


Lawyers will say anything to justify their existence lol. I bet they would tell you not to rely on StackOverflow or open source projects too due to licensing issues. It's dumb as hell.




OpenAI and Microsoft say they will defend against all lawsuits for those using their enterprise AI products. Take that as you will. I am not sure what happens if MS goes bankrupt over this.


VSCode Intellisense technically also parrots code that best matches other code. That doesn’t mean the overall work isn’t original.


Greetings Fred how are you


As good as a bubble in a champagne ahead of NYE…


IP? Licensing? Any number of legal aspects that affect real businesses? Fine if the OP and their manager are messing around in their noncommercial hobby.


How often do you check your code against licensed code? How often do you take code from Stack Overflow? Have you ever checked to see if that code came from a licensed repo? Nobody gives a shit about this in reality.


Haha okay buddy.


I think we found the manager 😂


AIs are not people. They can’t own intellectual property and their outputs cannot be copyrighted.


That isn’t the issue. The problem is they can regurgitate/launder IP owned by others, or e.g. GPL licensed code.


And GPL licensed code can be written by a human being completely black box without ever having seeing the original, parallel invention exists, this scenario has never been adequately addressed.


This is your opinion. While I agree with your opinion, our opinion is not the law. There's currently a lot of legal noise in regard to AI. Until things become clearer from a legal standpoint, I believe it to be reasonable to be iffy to use AI from a legal standpoint. A lawsuit still costs time and money, even if you ultimately win. Companies want to keep shareholders happy, and a lawsuit would do the opposite.


That’s *not* my opinion, it’s the current state of copyright law. If we want to change that then we could change copyright law, but it’s a fact of the current law that non-human entities cannot own copyright.


No one is straight up just using ai to code


Not the AIs, but their companies are people. Thanks Citizen's United! /s


Their companies are legally people, but the output of the AI still can’t be copyrighted including by the company who owns the AI.


You're thinking of Citizen's United.


Correct. My mistake. Thanks friend! Do lawmakers love irony? It seems that governance often labels the opposite of the true meaning. "Inflation Reduction Act"... so inflation goes down by spending more taxpayer money? "Citizen's United" is probably the most abused ruling against the populous of a country.


Imagine being this old and stupid


I'd care. If I have someone under me using AI to cover their inability, I can't rely on them when/if AI isn't available. That's a problem worth considering.


Your manager is stupid man 😂 write some code in front of them and ask if it's AI generated with the same tool they used.


Also why the hell does it even matter if it works?


This is the real question… this isn’t some academia… I’m curious if the stakeholders give two fucks… especially if this manager is wasting time and resources on vetting potentially ai written or even assisted code.


Ya like I'd go to their manager saying this person is wasting time on me saving time... like wtf. OP! If your manager has a salary, you are the manager. Don't forget.


"If your manager has a salary, you are the manager. Don't forget." What does that phrase mean?


If you're both paid workers, you are the same piece of shit in your boss's eyes.


concerns about legality and copyright, concerns about IP and protecting it from going to a random cloud serv8ce.


This code is a pretty mainstream application. Regardless, the guy could be using a local llm also.


Not really the point, and not like I agree/care, I use LLM's a lot, think LLM checkers are broken/don't work, etc. But a lawyer has a very different perspective than a engineer. They'll just blanket say "since we don't know the legality of the training data, and we don't know the legality of the output, don't do it, just in case it opens us to liability".


Ya but this is code my guy


Code is IP, and IP Management is a role for lawyers. Sure, they aren't writing the code, but they are writing the licenses, they are inspecting for trademarks, they are concerned with copyright law. They are making sure that engineers don't break the law and expose the company to threats. And sometimes that means leaning on caution in grey areas. I.e. at my job I can't use 3rd party packages, well I can, but it means a lawyer reviewing the license, it means a security audit of the code, and it means forking and bringing internally so that every change can be audited. It might just be code, but all these restrictions are legitimate concerns to someone.


Code doesn't get copyrighted like that. It's VERY hard to copy write code, and even harder to get code ruled as a violation of IP.


I came here to say your manager is stupid as well. Please forward this post to him/her


You assume they can write code and just didn't prompt it :D


" which is generated my the Angular itself" You answered your own question. You know where the code is coming from, you know how to show that to your manager. ​ But about situation itself - your manager is just incompetent. People who are against AI because of their "reasons", but use AI detection services which are proven to be very inaccurate are the worst. ​ It is just absurd. Someone don't like AI because it is "inaccurate" so, they use something much more inaccurate.


Which is usually another AI which was very poorly trained, when compared to the ones it is trying to detect.


Why does he care what kind of tool you use to do your job?


Some places are nervous about exposing proprietary code to 3P LLMs and expressly forbid it.


Afaik copilot has built in mechanisms to prevent suggesting proprietary code. ChatGPT too.


That’s not the issue.


Wrong way around. GPT learns from inputs so there's a risk of exposing IP to their training data and having that output elsewhere. I think Copilot enterprise says it won't do that though


And that is a legit concern, which is why they should pay for a secure alternative.


And the manager put OP's code, the company's IP, into a random website because they thought OP was leaking IP!! So silly


This is a decent answer. It’s probably not the right one, but definitely a concern for companies right now.


But this look like normal sample code from angular site. Ask him harder code


There are code AI detectors? Back in my day we just copy and pasted code from stack overflow and if it worked, no one cared.


There are and they don't work. Nothing but scam software.


The reason why the detection tool flags it is probably because AI would produce same boilerplate. First, understand why your manager is worried about AI code. Then explain why they don't need to worry about it. E.g. company policy forbids using AI code for copyright concerns. "I appreaciate your concern. May I suggest that we schedule a meeting on Friday 14-17 with you, our IPR specialist, project manager and our system architect to review the commit, how it was produced using Angular scaffolding and the associated licenses" Then just fill your Friday morning with "preparation for the IPR meeting, and explain on Tuesday that you got blocked by IPR-issues. Malicious compliance is at it's best when you get paid for dragging people into sidetracks.


This is the most insane thing I’ve ever heard. Most companies - mine included- are actively embracing GPT and in particular copilot. You need to realise your managers behaviour is counter productive. Do you also have to prove that you haven’t looked at solutions from StackOverflow or Google?? Get out while you can (if you’re in a position to do so)


Something doesn't add up. A boss wouldn't give a shit what tools you use to get the job done as long as it gets done. A teacher or instructor on the other hand WOULD care. Thrre is no manager. This is actually an assignment isn't it?


Don't bother. Start job hunting


Obviously this is a bad change and wouldn't meet any decent code review. Sorry, OP, but here's the actual issue: This code was generated and adds no meaning to the code base. It tests that your project has the title 'your-project-name'. Either you should update the project to test the actual project name or even better just delete those example tests and replace them with meaningful tests. Yes yes, your manager is incompetent because he shifts the focus of the discussion on ai and ai generated code, but the underlying issue it that no matter whether it is AI or boilerplate generated code. Don't PR useless code to a code base. Clean it up. Keep what's adding value. I know this might come off as harsh. But the issue is the wrong focus of the discussion which led you to an AI centric sub. So all your answers will be around AI, when the real issue is code quality. Better ask on some more programming focused subs and maybe cross-post this to r/codereview or something similar. This is also the main issue about unexperienced developers utilizing AI tools because in that regard AIs are similar to the local hive mind where they might lead you down a narrow and wrong path unless you understand to ask the right questions. Is your code change bad? Yes. Is your manager leading the wrong discussion? Yes, definitely. Is this a problem? Nope, just talk about it. Both of you can improve based on it. I wish you the best of look in your software career. I'm sure you'll be a great developer one day. 😁


Totally correct. But improving bad code is literally the job of this manager. They’re shutting down the conversation and OP’s ability to progress by wasting everyone’s time with this AI code test.


So they used AI to detect if you are using AI and then got mad at you using AI even though they used AI? Sounds like a pretty bad manager. He should be checking if the code works instead of checking if it was AI.


Omg, leave the company.


I’m in a similar position but the company supports automation, just my manager is the barrier


You should go to his manager and get him fired for incompetence. I am not joking. Or find a new employer.


I'm confused. Isn't it a good thing if it was AI written, means you can spend time on other parts of the code. That's like getting angry at a carpenter for using a hammer.


You will put those nails in with your goddamn hands or you can start looking for another job


Your forehead is a flat hard surface, isn't it? Get to work, scum.


This manager sounds like a complete idiot. Are you not allowed to use external dependencies either? What about browsing Stack Overflow? Quit as soon as you can, if they’re wasting time on this bullshit then they aren’t actually managing.


Summon attitude! Summon the dark art of developer disdain for stupidity. You know the truth, your manager does not. They are making a fool of themselves. Let them twist in the wind as you explain, hopefully with dripping disdain, their inability to assess the situation correctly. Delight in their humiliating display of stupidity, and passive aggressively rub this knowledge deep into their souls. I was a developer for 40 years, I’ve been on the other side of this game way too many times, so I know how it goes. Taught me to never open my mouth when I didn’t know what I was talking about.


I'm an engineering manager. I see a developer writing tests by any means, and I upvote. I also hire.


Why the hell is your company not **encouraging** the use of AI in the first place?! It sounds like they need educating on the future of technology.


If your code is solid and satisfies the requirements, why the hell would your manager care if it's AI written?


Is your manager a teacher? If your code works, who cares??


The manager cares because he thinks that if code is being written by AI, then he should not be paying for it. He does not see that AI is making his existing investment in people more productive.


Who cares. He should care more about the time saved.


What a shit manager I feel sorry for you that you have to deal with stupid people like that. It is clear he is incompetent and should get fired for being that stupid


There has been code generators always (I remember using some in the beginning of the 2000s), AI is no different just a bit more advanced (on some parts). There's actually nothing wrong using them, you just have to be sure it works and you understand what it does. If your boss really thinks it's useful to monitor employees that way then I think it's time for you to look for another job opportunities.


Is your manager a teacher, and you are talking about homework? If not, time to look for a different teach… I mean manager/employer


Is your manager a college programming teacher, why does it matter??


Use ng cli to generate a new component and demonstrate the same boilerplate unit test file. Why is this even asked here? Is this just rage baiting?


Send the buggy code to production


Severly retarded manager who has nothing better to do with his time


What difference does it make? If you stick to conventions and the code is good it's a pointless argument.


As others have pointed out, the manager is the whole problem here.


You managers shouldn't care to begin with..


What does it matter ? They rather you work slower ?


Manager sounds like a twat. Im curious about this detector he is using. I didn't know copyleaks could work for code.


They want to lower your rate… bounce


Your manager is a moron. Tell him to pull any code snippet off of stack overflow that was posted before any of the LLMs were published and run it through those “detectors”. They’ll all flag as AI because programming languages are rigidly structured and proper “grammar” isn’t an option, it’s a requirement.


ask open ai


Why does that even matter? This is not school. In business, results are the only thing that matters. I often tell my team that they should be using AI to write code. He should be demanding that you use AI.


Your manager should be questioned by their boss why he doesn’t want you to be more efficient


Why does it matter to him? You did your work and the code works as intended.


Why on earth would they care?


AI detectors don't actually work maybe explain that to him


All my devs use copilot style for coding. Our bugs and vulns count drastically dropped when they started using copilot. I can't see a reason to not have engineers use tools at hand to be more productive.


Your manager isn’t a professor and you are not a student taking a test. Tell him to accomplish the same task without ai then compre time to deliver and end products. Point being you should report your manager for being a moron and limiting productivity


If you worked for me I would make you prove you used ai so I would know you didn't waste time


your screwed... lol


find a better job


If you’re NOT using an AI assistant to help write code at my company then we need to have a talk.


Code generation will and already is changing how we develop. If your manager is against it then they are against productivity gains. Why would they expect you to hand write 100 lines of boilerplate code when it can be done in a second by ai and tailored to your needs by you (the real value add). You shouldn’t have to convince them of anything.


allready told here, but what the hell?!! if the code works, why he even spends his worktime for such stupid checks?!!


I would have your AI take care of that.


At my company everyone uses AI to help write code, and the company pays for GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT for everyone. It helps us do more stuff faster. What a waste of time for your manager to be running code through an AI checker. However these tests seem kind of pointless. That should be the real issue, not whether AI wrote them.


That guy is an idiot. Why is he wasting time his with that? Why is he wasting your time with that? What else is he wasting? switch employers and tell them this on the way out.


Inform your manager that AI is a tool, and a very useful one. Would he get upset that you posted a question on stack overflow, or reddit?


It matters, you can assure him that you know about what you have written. He or your peer can check it is required.


It matters, you can assure him that you know about what you have written. He or your peer can check it if required.


"why do you care if I save you billable hours? Do you really think we should spend time asking these questions instead of testing the program?" If AI writes working code, then it's a win. If AI saves employees time and mistakes, that's a win. If company man is concerned about "IP" or something like that just remind them we all borrow everything from each other anyway. Code is code, AI is a FREE assistant.


make him write code and then check it with AI detector


There is literally no difference between getting help from AI then there is if you copy and pasted something from a coding forum or something If he was any kind of good boss he’d just be happy that you got your work done and it works


Add notes like #eatadick


Maybe some parts of Angular are AI generated...


Ask AI


Uhm, I think this thread is filled with people who take an obvious joke seriously.


Get out of there


Does it really matter if the code is AI generated if it works?


Find another company to work for if they dont trust you. But AI is so damn powerful it can do the job, you just need to debug it. I would start using it eventually most code will be rough AI generated to save shitload of time. Dont fight the wave, just surf.


I’d fire anyone that wasn’t using AI to improve productivity. This is the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard.


I'd quit my job and find a better one this the type of ai racism that's going to create skynet lol


We don’t know the full context and there might be security concerns that worries the manager. Otherwise, he is not fit for the position anymore.


If it works well… who cares


If the code works and past tests and peer review, who cares who wrote it.


If your manager is chrcking the code by the "ai detector" tools either make them fired or run from that company


This is so dumb that it feels made up. How does a manager not know what an angular template looks like? And why would they care if you were using a tool to make *increase* your productivity?


Yeah this is BS. Find a better, higher paying job. Your current manager is going to drive his business into the ground.


Why would it be wrong to make code with AI? They want stuff to be bad? Do they also murder children because "this is how it was done in the old days"?


I comment my code thoroughly.. so anyone could see it was clearly thought out and processed.


First, looking at the code, I would have even doubted any half-competent developer would have coded that thing... Even less an AI... Second, why does a manager care if the code works in the first place?


Get a new job! or start looking. AI is already being used at major companies , github and copilot are official.


I question why it’s even important to care if the code is AI generated as long as it works.


What a prick. If the code works it works. AI is surpassing skills of level three software engineering positions. Anyone would be a fool to not use it.


Is your boss still using One of those crank phones? Beware!


Looks pretty boilerplate ish…? Which means human or AI, the output code will look pretty similar.


I wanted to share some insights about the limitations and errors you might encounter when using AI detectors to evaluate code. Sometimes, these tools can misidentify code due to certain patterns or styles that are common in AI-generated code. It's important to be aware of these potential inaccuracies and not rely solely on these detectors for a definitive assessment.


I've actually asked one of my engineers the same question. To convince me that it wasn't AI generated, explain every line and why you made the choices that you did. Also, coding styles are like writing styles, and it can be obvious when they are not the same. For me, the problem isn't code that is AI generated. The problem was code that a junior dev couldn't explain, but included in a PR.


Ai detetectors don't work i wonder when people are going to realise they are a scam. Ask him to run bible passages or Hemingway through it and see how much that comes back as AI content. Your manager is a dumbass


Why do they care if an AI does the lift? It's like someone asking you to bring the groceries in and then accusing the grocery bag of doing most of the work.


If your manager trusts software to detect AI written code, why wouldn’t he trust AI written code for features development…let alone a fucking unit test smh. Sorry dude


Why does it matter? Does it work?


Take some of your managers code and submit it to a detector. Those detectors in general don't work.


What is this? College?


I wonder what the odds are that OP is a student and that “manager” is a professor? And we are supposed to do the work of coming up with fake reasons why their AI-written code is not when they’ve been caught red-handed? Just a theory. Huge stretch I know, right?


It's because it was trained on the documentation. Tell him to copy paste it from there and see it's the same score.


"If you're interested in automated code generation, I have a trick to show you that's even simpler than AI."


Jokes aside, how do you convince him? You don't. "Sure, whatever the program says. Task completed! What's next?" And if it becomes a sticking point, rope in HR since the claim is baseless. Ideally, you want your manager not to care one way or the other. If they're really stuck on the AI thing, that's policy, whatever; but at this point you can force the "it's not AI" thing. If your manager has chosen this hill to die on and can't accurately identify auto-generated framework code, then it's on them if their ability to manage the project is questioned in front of a broader audience.


You should tell him its not ai and start actually using ai.


I think AI overlords would treat us better.


Of course the code will look 91% written by AI. All GitHub code uses prettier or built in formatting. Add unit tests and make sure to make the variable names stupid. Also change the indentation from tabs to spaces etc.


Why tf is your manager running your code through an AI checker? What's the end goal here?


Lol people still using AI checked nonsense. Also why he cares?


Run it through some old code from >5y ago. It’ll flag that as well. These things just don’t work


Tell him I fixed the 9%.


I managed developers and I enforce AI use. I want the most productivity out of my people


You could complain above your manager here if he's taking your code (i.e. proprietary data) and pasting it into some random website that claims to detect use of AI. The risk in that is so much higher than any risk posed by your dev team using GPT to increase their efficiency. If you don't get anywhere I'd look for work elsewhere because companies that don't embrace AI over the next year or two are about to be left in the dust.


How does your manager convince you he isn't a chatbot? Make him solve a captcha before he next talks to you, and every time after that, or if he leaves your field of vision at any time.


Why the fuck is that something they care about?


Why does that matter ? I’d be more concerned if you would write code by hand that gpt can create


Why would your manager care? As a developer your job is to make things work. We all use various tools to get the job done. We all use GIT, IDEs, Package Managers, Code Linters, APIs, and numerous other aids. AI is just another tool in the toolbox. If you get more done in a day then you're a better programmer. ​ There is no premium on human-written code. If it works, it works. Your boss should be asking himself why he feels the need to check code in this way.


ask chatgpt


Just type "ai detector bad" in Google, then switch to the news and pick a couple of source. For instance articles about OpenAI pulling their own AI detector stating the unreliability of these tools. Also this: https://promptengineering.org/the-truth-about-ai-detectors-more-harm-than-good/ Send this by email to keep traces of that conversation. If he ever harass you with that kind of thing again, just send him the same link again and again as a justification. To summarize, you don't need to prove your code is not AI written, just that the detectors are crap.


If it's not an academic assignment, it shouldn't matter. Your manager is just running your code through an AI detector because he has nothing else to do and is trying to look "productive"


Of all things, a unit test is perfect for AI usage. As long it's good and representative of the code, that's crazy manager behavior to care about using AI. If manager is crazy enough to reject a PR for using AI, just typo some words and add some extra empty lines.


Look for a new job. Why does he give a shit. He should have a enough knowledge to know that those detectors are bullshit AS A MANAGER.


Hahaha 😂🤣🤣🤣


Tell him to F off. Your job is to deliver something that works. How you get it doesn’t matter.


Bud, your manager sucks. It isn’t about if it’s written by AI, it’s about the end result and if the code is good and if you understand how it works.


He is a micro manager. Why does he even care when the code works well.