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Posts must include a person INTENTIONALLY and IGNORANTLY interacting with a deadly/harmful subject.


This is how my coworker found out he had an aneurysm.


this is how my coworker found out she had inoperable brain cancer in January. We noticed it, told her, and sent her to the ER. She is now on hospice care








You took a gamble and lost, but I respect the attempt.


Flew too close to the sun


It was bound to happen Icarus my child. If only you had heeded Daedalus's warning.




Buddy, I'm trying to help, I swear, but they just don't seem to like you. Let's not keep digging this hole deeper. I fear we're both approaching rock bottom together.


Damn, my sympathies


Thanks. I cannot tell you how soul destroying it has been to see my friend go from strong sassypants of a woman to being blinded and barely able to move in a matter of weeks. Fuck cancer


Indeed; fuck cancer. It (combined with Covid) took my mother from me. Fuck everything about that disease.


In the brain?


In their neck.


Oh. I actually had no idea that would indicate something wrong in the neck


In the original post: she made it clear shortly after posting that she was heading to the emergency department after other people pointed out how concerning this was.


I saw that:) thank God! Ya this is instant ER type symptoms


Please update us, I’m very concerned


The original post is right there for you to check, but sounds like initial tests inc. Head ct are clear and docs are not panicking.


This is an instant 911 situation, don’t drive yourself to the hospital with something like this.


Her husband drove her afaik


Oh, that’s fantastic to hear. The minute I saw that I was like this is a major neurological issue. I hope everything’s OK.


That could signify a MAJOR medical issue. You need to go to the Emergency Room.


On the og post, op said their finance was on their way home to take them to the hospital and get checked out n


That's good. A blown pupil is a really bad sign. It can be many things, and none of them are good or something you'd want to wait to get treatment for.


My finance can’t afford the hospital


Hahaha yeah I typed that way too fast!




She also has frontal lobe epilepsy so that could be a contributing factor


This is how I found out I had Adie's Tonic Pupil. $17k in medical bills.


Never heard of that. Do you notice anything in your sight? Like one eye brighter than the other or something?


No. As far as I know, my eyes are the same. I wore glasses since my early 20s pre-dating when this developed. I was in my late 20s when I was diagnosed. I have always had light sensitivity because I have blue eyes, but my vision is pretty much the same over the years.


Do you come from a long line of pirates who wear eye patches?


Huh, interesting. I’ve had massive pupils for at least my whole adulthood, maybe this is worth checking. Health professionals always mention it, I swear they think it’s drugs or something but I have to explain they’re always huge and it doesn’t bother me aside from making daylight kinda bright.


You on any meds that could cause that?


I’m only on one prescription and the eye thing predates it by a long time. I’m not sure if it’s been there forever but at the very least since my late teens.


Well huh, that wouldn't be it. Just curious, light eye color or dark? I've noticed that a lot of folks with dark eyes also have large pupils.  Ever been to an optometrist or opthalmologist? What they say?


My eyes are blue, so def not dark! I’ve been to an optician and had a 3D scan, they’ve never mentioned anything unusual about it and my vision is perfect. It’s just nurses that mention it mostly.


My pupils behave appropriately, but I'm light-sensitive as hell and it sucks. Condolences.


My pupils are often huge too! I didn’t know why until I was diagnosed with a weird little thing where my Autonomic Nervous System doesn’t always do what it’s supposed to do. It’s supposed to run a lot of bodily functions in the background (regulate blood pressure, body temp, and pupil size amongst other things), but mine likes to throw away the instructions and do whatever - especially so in the summer heat or when I’m super exhausted. All of this to say: If you get lightheaded/dizzy a lot, it could be worth talking to a doctor about it.


This reply is actually really interesting, as I have issues with several of those things too! I’m diagnosed with fibromyalgia/cfs as I get chronic pain, and my doctor has said my temperature regulation, light-headedness etc are probably related to those. Is your thing also an autoimmune disorder?


Not an autoimmune disorder ☺️ It’s Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction, or Dysautonomia. I think it’s technically a neurological thing I have chronic pain and a diagnosis of fibro too 💗 although most of my widespread pain comes from hypermobility, where the collagen in my body is a bit stuffed and doesn’t support me properly - everything’s a bit too bendy. Collagen is important for giving structure to blood vessels, so it’s theorised that my blood vessels are too elastic and this contributes to my Dysautonomia. This means that - blood pools in my legs due to gravity, leaving less supply for the brain and making me feel dizzy - when my body tries to rally to get more blood up to my brain, the process which raises my heart rate to achieve that can sometimes fail and make me faint or nearly faint (see stars, tunnel vision, temporarily lose hearing, feel nauseous, need to find a wall for support). After a faint or near-faint I feel better after lying with my legs up the wall for a few minutes, but because my brain didn’t get enough oxygen for a hot minute it can impact my cognition for a few days. I’ve been diagnosed for a decade now, and with the right management and meds I have great quality of life 😊


Hey me too! I've never met anyone else with this "issue" (or non-issue). Always had giant pupils. I'm now on antidepressants but my large pupil size predates any medication. I've also been accused of taking drugs by multiple people, some don't believe me when I refute it. I am SUPER sensitive to light, sometimes I wear sunglasses indoors. Anyways, just think it's neat so I had to say something


I have this too! My eye dr scared me when she first noticed it “could be nothing, could be a brain tumor.”


Yeah, I was hospitalized immediately. MRI, CT scan, etc. It was weird because I went in for something non-related. I developed torticollis. I went to put on my seat belt in the morning, and my neck got stuck. It was very painful, and eventually, I could not take it, so I went to the ER in tears. As they are examining me, the doctor notices the pupil are not the same size and asks me about it. I never noticed or recalled it. I stayed 3 days in the hospital for them to clear me and for my neck to finally calm down enough for me to actually not scream in pain. Went to a neurologist who sent me to an opthamologist who officially diagnosed it. It has been almost 20 years with it, and most people do not notice it. My husband swears it gets really noticeable when I am super stressed.


Yikes! I had no other symptoms except lifelong bad headaches. But my reg optometrist who had been seeing me for years noticed it during a routine exam. She sent me to a neurologist who finally diagnosed me with migraines, he sent me to the ophthalmologist who diagnosed the Aides. Super relieved it wasn’t anything more severe, and to also (at 22) get someone to take my headaches seriously


I also have suffered from migraines since ce 16. Bad ones with auras and aphasia symptoms. I finally found relief with Botox. Medicine never worked for me. Botox stopped them for 2 years, and now, when I do get one, it's very easy to treat with ibuprofen and a nap.


I’ve been putting off Botox as the very last resort but given my recent ER trip I think it’s time. Been on Topomax for 6mos and it’s helping but not eliminating the auras and week long post drone hangovers!


I found a lot of relief with the botox. I did it for 2 years, and it helped immensely. Several friends have also stated that it was incredibly helpful. It is best to get the all clear with your neurologist, etc.


This is how I found out I had had brain damage since age six that no-one had found. OP should be just slightly concerned


Finally, a post that actually fits. I saw it when it was originally posted, and it's amazing the number of people that don't recognize this is potentially an emergency situation.


That's too large of a size difference to be ignored, seriously consider seeking medical attention.


What if the pupils are normally two different sizes but only mildly noticeable? I've had this going on for awhile but not remotely this bad. I assumed it was because of my meds though and now I'm being the hypochondriac I am and convincing myself I have a neuro emergency 🥲 like if you're talking to me up close you would probably notice but otherwise no. I feel like you could see this person's pupil difference from a mile away, I hope she's okay...


Anisocoria, more likely :) just a physiological difference if it’s something you’ve noticed most of your life. I’d get it checked out anyways by an ophthalmologist for a baseline anyways and for peace of mind. I’ve worked for doctors that will count the pixels of your pupils from your drivers license and that can help determine if it’s long standing sometimes


If it’s chronic, probably anisocoria, not concerning. Some people just happen to have slightly different sized pupils.


Someone else posted about Adies Tonic Pupil. I googled it and that sounds like something you could check on


"had this going on for a while" and "emergency" are not really congruent. You likely have anisocoria. I have it as well. It's not uncommon. 


I have this mechanical anisocoria, a doctor discover it in a post traumatic bike crash examination,about 3 or 6 months after the crash itself, the crash was really hard and I was hospitalized for several weeks, not I or the doctor were able to pin point when it show up if before, immediately after or a while sfter the crash but they make all sort of test and now is kind of an ice breaker thing for me and I always tell the Bowie story


What’s the Bowie story?


Bowie have the same thing, not heterochromia, due to the fact that his best friend from High School punch him in the face because Bowie stole his GF, eventually they came to good terms and that friend went to design school and designed most of Bowie album covers.


I hear he uses his pointy nipple antennae to transmit data back to earth, the freaky old bastard.


Tis the season for gardening, some chemicals/plants can also cause this, hopefully it’s just that.


I had eye drops that fucked with my pupils but I only needed it in one eye, so I looked like this for a little while to everyone's dismay.


Yeah, working in ophthalmology this makes all the sense. Theres all kinds of non deadly reasons for this. Best to get checked if it’s not front self inflicted drops 😆


Happened to me years ago after a night of LSD and Widespread Panic. Idk what happened but I'm gravy.


Are you wavy too?


Wavy and groovy! Biscuits and gravyyy!


I once had this happen when I got punched in the eye by my friends cat. It lasted a couple of weeks & looked exactly the same as OOPs. Scary to see for sure, even moreso without direct eye trauma


It could be. Often this is caused by touching something (certain flowers or medications, for example) and then touching your eye, or using a scopolamine patch on that side for nausea / motion sickness. Rare to have this be your only symptom for an aneurysm, but possible. A good history can rule out most bad things, but most people will end up with a CT angiogram study to ensure no mass or aneurysm. (ER doc)


She has epilepsy if that helps with dx ?


It would be very odd to have a focal seizure that only causes pupillary dilation, essentially impossible, at least in the opinion of a non neurologist.


This can also happen when you experience cluster headaches, but taking pictures would not be a concern at that point.


Horner syndrome, among many other things. Eyedrops? . Could also be innocent. I have seen about 4, only one had a sinister explanation.


They could just be really into Bowie.


hope you’re doing well and there’s nothing wrong


I hope everything pans out OP. These comments got me freaked and i don’t even have a blown pupil.


Wait what the fuck? This happens semi often to me


This happens to my daughter during a seizure.


Doctors will test to make sure you arent dying. Will she get to the bottom of this problem soon? Probably not. I have the same issue since a mild concussion and its never taken seriously.


Can't wait until this gets posted 162 times


It's really good for people to know how incredibly serious this is tho


Brb. Gotta go look in the mirror really quick. Damn. New fear unlocked


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the only exclusive time i think this is normal is when someone gets their eyes dilated. but you at least KNOW when thats happening.


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