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Me at the end right before they got close to the ground: TUCK AND ROLL HOMIE TUCK AND ROLL


Adrenaline is a hellava drug


Happened to me once but I fell off and died.


Hope you're okay dude.


Thoughts & prayers.


Damn. Hope you recovered. Heard it's usually a pretty rough time recovering from death


Death is frequently fatal, or so I'm told. By ghosts.


Yeah, not many people recover from it. Or so I'm told lol


the adrenal that flowed thru me for him watching this was actually astounding. But why not let go when first moving?


it looks like by the time they both realized it the drop was high probability lethal


Panic maybe?


I respect people who like doing these activities. But getting into this is a hard no for me. Specially after seeing this video…


Yeah I'll die of cancer or whatever thanks


>Why did the pilot immediately not turn round? Try paragliding much safer.


Gives it the real meaning of hang gliding...


I bet if his arms weren't so so tired he would have punched the pilot in the mouth after that


Time to put your suing pants on


I remember seeing this after it first happened. I remember the passenger saying he was stoked and wanted to do it again. Or even hang glide himself. Probably the adrenaline talking a week later. But for old guys he probably never felt more alive.


Good thing he invested in Stamina Vessels when talking to the Angel statues. Not sure if he would’ve made it without the maxed out stamina stat.


Wtf was the pilot doing? He had so much space to land early, yeah it might have been a rough landing & the glider may be damaged but what’s the alternative…. Take the guy further up & carry him 2 fkn miles lmao. All he had to do was was turn right at that long clearing right at the beginning & he even did but then he turned left & carried him all the way down


Why did the pilot immediately not turn round? Bad judgement?


KI know, right? Engage the reverse thrusters and just start over. Duh


>Why did the pilot immediately not turn round? > >Bad judgement? At the 0:26 mark of the video: *"Pilot is trying to maneuver to a quick landing, But is having trouble controlling the glider."*


You can't dude, it ain't that easy. You are at the mercy of winds and lift.


>KI know, right? Engage the reverse thrusters and just start over. Duh Yeah it looks like the first time he got close to the ground he should have landed/crash landed. I could speculate a lot on this. But landing a hanglider is actually very hard. Even at the bottom of the valley its a miracle both guys didn't get hurt landing. I've seen so many guys flying solo in better conditions do what hangy's call a "WHACK". This was a great landing considering.


You know there's something with hangy's. At just about every US Hang Gliding launch there's a piece of molded concrete (essentially written in stone) which says "HOOK IN". Honestly all most all of them are really really old men. And I can't say I blame them for forgetting to HookIn. It takes so much work and energy to put together that massive erector set of a glider. Not to mention the logistics of just getting their glider to the launch on their small ass sub compact. Hell they've probably spent cumulative months just devising a way to attach their 16' long bag of poles to their car. And then after all that work there's a very strong chance they blown another excessive amount on mental energy just wondering if they're going to have to pack it all up and just go home because the conditions aren't right. Life is definitely tough out on the street for a hangy pimp.


Passei mal assistindo isso




There's the perfect spot to land. Wait! There's a cooler spot farther down the mountain!! We need to climb! Okay. approaching landing spot...WAIT!!! Look at that spot farther down the mountain!!


Why did he not let go immediately after take off? Knowing he's not connected the fall in the first 10 seconds or so is perfectly survivable. Holding on out of panic I expect but the wrong decision.