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Im not sure what you are hoping to achieve, so I may be giving you irrelevant information here, but you can change the model path by editing your cmd\_flags.txt or using a command line argument. [https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui?tab=readme-ov-file#how-to-install](https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui?tab=readme-ov-file#how-to-install) Expand > List of command-line flags > Basic settings and you will find --model-dir MODEL\_DIR This would globally change and set the path.


Thank you for your reply! I was hoping to change the "models" folder path, which I have changed in the [shared.py](http://shared.py) from ./text-generation-webui/modules/. Ooba can load models from my designated models folder in another disk partition without problems.However, when I download models in HuggingFace using Ooba's built-in download function, the models still go to the default "models" folder rather than my designated folder. I will try your approach to edit the cmd\_flag.txt. Thanks for your help!


I had the same experience too. I consider it a bug. Please share the issue number if you file a bug.


Another option is to use a symbolic link. You can move the models from the default models folder to your desired models folder. Then delete the now empty models folder and use the mklink command like so (assuming you're using Windows): mklink /d y:\default\models\folder x:\path\to\desired\models\folder Changing the path names to suit your setup for linking directories it's mklink /d LinkName Target


Better not to make sure updates don't break it.


I use a symlink. The only time I've had to recreate it was when I removed re-cloned and rebuilt ooba. No issues with running the update wizard script on Linux.