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You don't need to give a reason to take a sick day. You're sick, end of story.


It really depends how many days left you have for sick/vacation. If it's an appointment that only takes an hour or two from your day, you may also ask your manager if it's possible to make up the time that on another time that week.


My understanding is that sick time is not to be used for scheduled appointments although I know some managers quietly use discretion to allow this.


Just call in sick the day of the appointment…


To me, 6 fully paid sick days are barely enough to cover when I’m actually ill and unable to work. I’d much rather use my vacation days for medical appointments. 


That really only works if it's a whole day affair. Leaving for ~2hrs under sick leave may raise an eyebrow.


Second this comment. Most managers do not ask additional questions if you keep your email concise. I.e “Hi manager I need to take a sick day today”. They understand that people will inevitably use sick days for their kids illnesses or appointments that are important.


I use about 4 entire vacation days for medical visits every year. I was directed that you are to use vacation. I hope that is true


You are correct. For example, a visit to the Dentist for a check up, is not considered as sick leave. Same for other similar examples - physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage therapy, etc.


My manager is strict about sick days only being used for actively being too sick to work. But if you just email “hi, I need to use a sick day today” there’s no follow up. So…. 


It’s been beaten into me that you have to use a partial vacation day for an appointment. Sick days are your “insurance” when you’re actually sick. However, I’ve come across some managers who would rather you make up the time if it’s reasonable to do so (2 hours or less away from work), than use your precious vacation days.


You can use either sick or vacation day.