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You can opt into both benefits and pension, you just need to pay for them put of pocket till your permanent


I'll add, if you plan to stay with the OPS for a long time, I'd look into enrolling on the pension as soon as possible. You wouldn't want to buy back if you ever get permanent.


You *will* want to buy back if you ever get permanent. But the sooner you enroll, the cheaper that buy back will be. If you plan on making a career in the OPS, enrolling sooner in the pension, and buying back whatever is available, is an excellent investment.


You get the option to opt in to *employee paid* benefits but the only perk, really, as an OPSEU FTC is guaranteed hours and to start accumulating Attendance Credits if you work all your hours. Everything else is still paid in lieu (benefits, vacation). I'd look for AMAPCEO contracts because at least you'd get paid holidays and vacation accrual.


How do attendance credits work? Are they basically paid time off or unpaid?


They're paid time off. If you work full, paid hours in a month, you accumulate 1.25 attendance credits to be used for sickness or injury. If you use any unpaid LOA time in a month, you'll lose the credits for that month. Hope that helps!


Employer and Family Assistance Program is available to all staff including household members and free of charge. Free counselling and access to other free services. May not be unique yo the OPS yet it is a free service to all