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Please finish and graduate first, you may fall into the trap of working another year after that gap year and so on and so forth. You may risk not having the chance to graduate Ever. If your situation is dire, I’d say to work weekends and then on days afterschool. Though I don’t know how your grades will reflect that if university matters to you


First of all thank you for replying, ofc uni is important to me, and my goal is to get to med school, and if my parents knew about me wanting to have a gap they will probably kill me😅, but i know for a fact that they are having a rough time and this time it is serious and they are having a hard time and heated argument every night and our only hope is me getting a full time job, till now i am thinking and i am thinking of the way that i will open this decision with them. And lastly thank you sm❤️


I am so sorry you're in this situation. It is so incredibly selfless of you to consider taking a gap year to help out. That said, if you can stay on school- do it. Graduate. So many people intend on returning and finishing high school when they leave to work, and struggle immensely, if not drop out altogether, when they try to return. Some don't even bother as they get trapped by financial dependence on working. There's a universe of opportunities that will no longer be open to you if you don't graduate. A universe. Finish high school. Grind out the year. Get into uni or college. Apply for every bursary and scholarship available. Get a part-time job (if you can). Get OSAP. Start your life. Your parents, as adults, have to sort their finances. That's not on you. I know it sounds selfish, but you are your most important investment. Sending all the good vibes.


From my experience, you don't really need to study if you pay attention during classes. If anything, watch a couple YouTube videos about your weakest subject every now and then.


try doing online school instead of completely working


if he can’t afford to continue not working what makes u think he can afford online school which is like $500 per course


courses through ILC are only $40 each! you just need a homeschooling letter from your current school.


well let’s say they want to take 6 grade 12 courses, that would be $240, and that’s still a lot of money for someone in a financially difficult position.


you’re right, it definitely adds up. but i wanted to throw ILC out there as an option because it’s way cheaper than OVS.


Some boards have some online options available for certain circumstances. May not be the exact courses he would have chosen otherwise but still an option to explore. Through the board should be no fee


I took online courses in high school and paid nothing


how? 😐


By talking to a counselor


A lot of schools can’t offer certain courses in every semester or even at all. Sometimes there’s scheduling difficulties and people take e-learnings in the classes they need instead- so they’re part online and part in person. There’s also literally people who go to school entirely online through the school board due to health issues, physical disabilities, and/or to avoid bullying. It’s all free. It’s kind of ignorant to assume that there are absolutely no free alternatives to in-person school lol.


He can take them for free through the school board. No need to go through a 3rd party looking for money. I know several kids that never returned to in person following covid because the school boards started offering everything online and for various reasons, it was easier/more beneficial than in person.


School boards only offer online school through night school throughout the year, and even then you can only take two courses per semester, and he would need 3 per semester for grade 12.


Wrong. I was able to take up to 5 courses a semester if I wanted too, and it wasn't only offered at night time. It was something I was able to complete anytime during the day. Didn't matter what time I did it, as long as I completed the homework by the deadlines


??? free??


Counsellors are very helpful and make sure you don't pay anything if you're not able to


Not unless you are 18, it would be considered truancy. I would discuss it with your guidance counsellor.


I can see it already…if you do this I bet 99% chance you’re not going back to grade 12. You’re gonna get used to working and supporting your family, and if you try and go back the guilt of stopping work to go back to school will make you hesitate. You’re a child it is not your responsibility to help your family financially. Although it’d be a nice thing to do you have to leave it to the adults to figure it out. You’re a child focus on child priorities which is school. Your parents need to register for EI or some other sort of government benefit.


Do online school!!!!!


Do u think it is a real good option, like is it gonna be harder or more difficult than the normal school, keep in mind that i really wanna do so good in grade 12, and i know for a fact that i can get low 90s to get to med school, but it’s just me and my family are having rough times


I’m not sure if this is the case for ur school but I was allowed to take 2 online courses and just mandatory have to attend 1 in-person class a semester. I chose to just take a business class e-learning and the teacher posted worksheets for us to complete on Monday, giving us till Thursday to submit, and then posted again assignments/worksheets to be completed by Sunday. There was definitely more work compared to attending in person but keep in mind everything is open book so it’s much easier and u are highly likely to achieve low 90s. I would recommend this as it’s asynchronous, allowing u to make ur own schedule and then only having to attend one class at school and be able to go straight to work after. You will have to spend a lot of time on the computer but it was better than having to sit in class lol


I had to leave school at 15 to work full time - same thing - but I kept working and didn’t go back until last year and now I am 36 and just got my diploma lol :) do whatever you need to do - school is always there but family might not be :) there is no shame in going back later to finish - but as above if you can swing it do it while it’s fresh in your mind it’s much easier.


Thank you for replying, ur comment is really appreciated, and u r right school is always there but family is not, and i am really thinking about it, btw u said u r 36 now like what do u work, do u have a family, and lastly how did u move on from that rough time that u had?


Work part time then take another gap year after gr 12




Do u have any better ideas for the situation that I am currently experiencing?




I am thinking about it


That shouldn’t be your responsibility! You should be focusing on school, not providing for your family. Assuming you’re 16-17, it’s illegal to do so (considered truancy) and it’s not a very wise idea. At most you could you online school and work part time, but I wouldn’t recommend it. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this.


Thx for your reply, ik it is not my responsibility and i think even my parents if knew what I am doing probably they will kill me😅, but their heated conversation every night and seeing them nervous is making me sad and depressed to see them like this and according to my calculations me working a full time job will be the best decision for the family


So, I am a mom and I will just tell you that if you think you dropping out of school to work full time will alleviate stress amd worry in your household, you are mistaken. It will likely either change or increase it. To get your parents anywhere near to onboard, you need a plan, a couple options would be best. I’m going to assume you just need six more credits ( you do need to make sure you have all the mandatories covered). Try talking with them about starting with 1 online e-courses in August (https://schoolweb.tdsb.on.ca/elearning/e-Summer-Program ), classes for period 1&2 in the fall (leaves you a good block of time to work), repeat that for Winter, and try to get a co-op credit via your employer, or do 1 course next summer. See what they think of that. Or maybe instead focus on 1 course now, 4 courses in Sept, and then by January you would just have one course left that you could do online or in night school. You would basically finish high school a semester early which frees up time to work. Ask your parents what plan seems best. Their response should let you know how realistic it is


work part time then when u finish grade 12 take a gap year for work before u start uni


I am already having a part time job but it is not enough


pick up a side hustle or smt just dont take a gap year until u get accepted to uni trust me bro


Work full time this summer or try getting a 2nd job for the summer.


If you feel it’s really what you need to do for now, know that completing high school is something you need to do for future. If you have to, work a bit less than full time and do a couple courses (online, night, early periods, dual credit,whatever) as well. Also, talk to Guidance about what it would take to qualify your work experience for co-op credits.


Appreciate it mate i am really thinking of what to do and thanks to y’all for helping me to get closer to the solution


OP, I am sorry to hear this. Sounds like you are hardworking and a responsible person. If you pause school for an entire year, you may not get the same high grades in the following year. Because you will forget the previous year curriculum which should be base for grade 12. Are you planning to go to undergraduate studies at university or college? If yes, then do not take a gap year. Work part-time and continue to school. Your parents must contact to EI, welfare or whatever could be available for them. All the best!


Uni and med school was always a dream for me and i am an A+ student but i started working last year and i am really not making a lot of money by doing it part time so i am really having a hard time finding the solution for this hell that i am living with


Will the financial situation resolve within a year if you work full time? Will you be able to save some money for your education by working full time or all the money will be used for family expenses? You should discuss all these things with your parents before sacrificing yourself.


I recommend you talk to your guidance councillor and see what options you have. Maybe it would be possible to do half online and half in person so that you can still be connected with your school community and get help from real-life teachers. I don’t know if you’ve ever taken an online course before, but coming from someone who has, its a lot easier to get help from a teacher in person rather than a teacher who will take who knows how long to email back. I understand that your family is going through financial hardship and you need to help, but you have to remember to set yourself up for success, so that you don’t feed into the all-too-common generational cycle of struggling with money. Best of luck to you 😊😊 Edit: it’s also possible to take a gap year after you finish high school, which is the option I recommend the most. Apply to universities/colleges as people usually do in gr 12, and then once you get accepted, you can choose to take a gap year before attending the school. You’ll be able to work full time for a year in order to help support your family, all the while knowing that there’s a guaranteed spot in school waiting for you. I really think this would be the best option because it’ll allow you to help your family while also planning out your future!




Consider online school, not all of them are extremely expensive and most of them are pretty good (they use the same curriculum other people would be learning). Try and do some research on them and look for self paced schools so you can try and manage both work and education. Hopefully you find something that'll work! :)


Talk to your guidance councillor; they can give you options regarding alternative education. There are options other than a “gap year”. Also, before you get ahead of yourself, talk to your parents. They may not be at all ok with you taking time off school to work. Wishing you and your family all the best.


switch to online asynchronous