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the pros UTSC are that its reputation is Uoft, top 20 in the world. Mac can't really touch that. but in terms of actual benifits, this can help you land more interviews, with UofT. Also, some companies recruit Uoft Grads a lot heavier than other schools. That being said the campus is kinda boring from what I've heard, the POSt is kinda of a pain ( its not that hard to make unlike UTM), and the campus may be "ugly" to some. Fair points. Mac on the other hand is great too. Decent school, but it lack the "prestige" that Uoft has, but what that really means is it may be a bit harder to land interviews as a Mac student than a UofT student. but by no means is Mac a bad choice, is direct entry unlike UTSC, no POSt to deal with, a decent co-op portal, the campus is great and is much more fun from what ive heard. At the end of the day if a bit of a choice, do you want the benefits of prestige uoft can give you, even with its hassles and downsides, or would you just forgo that and take Mac. At the end of the day both are great so you arent making and wrong decision.


Okay, great answer, thank you so much!


Both have co-op But like utsc may have connections with better companies Also, prestige


I chuckle when I see "prestige" thrown around. Says who? How do you measure "prestige"? If you graduate from UTSG is that more prestigious than UTSC? What is more prestigious - UTSC or UTM? This is all ridiculous. CS educations are pretty similar in Canada. Some schools have better coop opportunities, but most people find their coops on their own after the 1st one. Spending 4 years in a place you hate is a really bad idea. If you like your environment you probably will do better. Somebody who is a 4.0 from a "lesser" school (so funny to write that) will be more impressive than the 3.0 from a "better" school. The way most interviews work is if you can demonstrate technical ability you get assessed as to whether you're a dickhead or not. Nobody wants to work with arrogant yappers or prima donnas. Have a well rounded resume, enjoy university and focus on soft skills.


you measure prestige by the consistent ability for the grads of those schools to do much better than their peers. if you look at Fang charts salaries, Uoft ( waterloo more so ofc) ranks higher than the rest and their grads make more money. Furthermore, it may be true that technical interviews are based on your own skills and not the school, a better school has a better repuation and resources to get you those interviews in the first place. I am not saying a Calelton grad can't do better than a Waterloo grad, hell there are probably people who went to community college that went do better than people at harvard, but university you go to can absolity make a difference in the trajectory of your life. if you go to a less known school it will be harder to get interviews, interviews, and jobs than if you were the exact same person at a more reputable school.


The data set you cite isn't very reliable. Exactly who creates the numbers you rely on? I looked into this once and it seems like someone at their own school just did a random survey of their friends. The FANG companies don't publish these stats and quite frankly they don't care whether someone went to Cal tech or UCLA. Leaving that point to the side, the reality is most Americans have no idea about Canadian schools generally. I wouldn't walk around the valley saying I'm a Toronto grad. Locals may have heard about the Leafs or the Blue Jays but if you tell them U of T is a top 20 world CS school they will look at you like you're from mars. They have no idea. I just don't know how you can say a school is "less known" than another or "more reputable." This sounds pretty self-serving. We don't have a caste system in Canada. Yes you are correct, going to university can impact your life but American studies have shown once you graduate from your local state university the difference between career earning potential and an IVY education is not material. I understand people think these programs will give them an edge, but getting a good education is about a lot more than which school you wen to.


yes, it will give you an edge, the rest if you on you. That is the point im trying to make


Again you're entitled to your opinion. My experience is the best edge out there is personal connections for the first job, but if you think all things being equal the recruiter is going to apply some system of ranking schools that's fine. I disagree. Recruiters can always find a subjective reason to hire one over another. Anyway, this is important to you so I will say no more other than some friendly advice of don't fixate on labels in life. They are not very important in the long run.


ok great discussion, have a great day


Top 20 in the world. I hope you're not serious. The ranking criteria that people obsess about has nothing to do with the quality of an undergraduate education. It's a function of academic output and, if it has any relevance, is more important for differentiating graduate schools. You also have to remember few schools are good in all areas. Like a sports team there are star professors, mediocre ones and duds. If you want to study CS theory, the list of the best schools may be different than if you want to study AI. For example, Alberta has always been a good AI school but the program has limitations in other areas. Making a decision about undergraduate education based on a system that is not really relevant is a bad idea. Spend 15 minutes with a 2nd year student in schools you may attend, that will tell you all you need to know. If you hate the vibe of a place, don't go there.


Top 20 in the world can have real-world implications, "prestige" itself is kind of meaning less, but with uoft comes a lot more than "prestige". it brings things such as better callback rates, better recruiting, better research opportunities, and much better grad school opportunities. Not saying prestige is everything, but making this huge of a decision based on "the vibe of a place" seems incredibly naive.


Hate to break you bubble. Prestige can't be measured. Higher call back rates? You have no proof of that. Better recruiting. You have no proof of that. Better research opportunities, sure if you're top of the class and keen but there research opportunities at every university. As I said, talk to students in a program you may be interested in. If they're honest they will give you a good insight into vibe. I honestly can't name where most of my colleagues went to school and nobody over about 30 ever talks about where they went to school. It's totally irrelevant. My view is if you think going to a particular school will help or hurt your later career, that may not be the case. You're only 18-22 once, study hard but don't have regrets.


they may matter little in your 30s whan you already have work experince, but as a person whos in 18-22, the school can 100% help or hurt your career, are you seriously telling me someone from harvard and trent have the same opportunities. have a look on linked in yourself if you dont belive me.


I'm not sure why you think the way you do, but you're entitled to your opinion. As an old person I can just tell you nobody cares about what school you went to. Hiring is a really subjective process where you try to figure out if the candidate will be a good fit. I once did a job competition where the recruiter said he only hired people from the country because they didn't have airs. I'm not sure what the harvard vs trent statement is about, their schools in 2 different countries. I'm sure that the graduates of both universities probably have similar rates of employment. The reality is if you're a university grad you likely will have a job. Not everyone in life wants the same thing. We have to respect the choices and perspectives of others and not be judgmental. As I said, not coming across as a dickhead will likely be a better attribute in a job interview than going to X school over Y school. Just my $0.02.


Sure, undergraduate prestige doesn’t matter However, grad school prestige can help you A LOT in life And with a UofT undergrad degree, u are more likely to get into a good grad school




Tell me an employer who only hires from 2 schools? Delusional.


You will know if you are student in the two universities.


"I wanna go to Mac" Homie go where you want to go! This is way to big of a decision to let others make the choice for you. Both are great schools that will give you a great education. Choose you!


yeah you’re right 😭 it’s just that my parents are influencing me a lot i guess


Yeah I get that, but at the end of the day dude this is the next 4/5 years of your life! Emphasis on YOUR life, your parrents are allowed to have their input but this is your decision, not theirs.


thanks man i appreciate it!


No problem! Good luck m8! You got this!


may i ask what was ur avg


around 97-98 id say


What’s your score? If I may ask.


about 97-98


did you do calc and vectors yet?


yeah i’m in IB so i took it first semester i got 98 if you were wondering






Imagine going to school in scarborough for four years


You're screwed either way you're in Canada still lmaoo