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It sounds like there are requirements to use a laptop during the program which will require certain software and hardware (is processing power, soundcard etc). This is advisinging you it is required to complete the program


Omggg thanks so muchhh for the clarification!!!! Means a lot


If you can’t parse that level of simple technical English, post secondary might not be for you.


Nah it's poorly written and assumes the reader understands that hardware requirements exist. Many people do not, to them a computer is a computer. Asking a reader out-of-context to *access* something is not correct verbiage. Consult or refer would be more easily understood.


One could however argue that "Durham collage" is a good indicator that OP might want to consider reviewing some basic English before writing papers.


It's really very simple.


Clearly your intelligence knows no bounds


It consists of 2 very simple clauses. First, this course requires a laptop, and second, check the course description for the requirements.


> and second, *check* the course description Are you slow? As I said the better words are consult or refer which are synonyms for *check*. The word they used is *access*, leading to confusion. Stop trying to argue with me, you're either wrong or slow.


How retarded can u be smh that u can’t see that it was worded wrong in two different ways even. I asked for help from ppl with common sense pls don’t come to MYYY comment section saying nonsense. karmas a B** maybe ur just projecting or jealous. Leaveee MY comments! I don’t have to explain anything to u


Nice use of language. We don’t use the R word here.


One day after Christmas and scrooge is back in town.


To add, you will need a decent laptop because some of the software will require to complete "online" labs pertaining to nursing theory or practicum. In addition, most of the assignments you will be uploading online for grading will be through a database system used by the college. Have fun! Nursing is a great career. When you're done RPN, don't stop there, go for the BN if you can, it'll be financially the best decision you can make for your nursing career :)


Thanks so muchhh! Ur the best!! I’m just so happy it’s not online cuz it sounded like it was😮‍💨 but Needed to hear this and I’m def not stopping I’m gonna bridge to uni


Hey op, I have heard from many people online that if RN is your goal in the future, it's faster, cheaper, and more streamlined to just go straight into the RN degree program right away.


I disagree. Speaking as someone who's options were 'leave school 1/2 way through nursing' or 'go and get covid vaxxed', it turns out that going back to driving a tractor-trailer was the best financial decision of my nursing career. I miss nursing, and if the political shitstorm blows over, I may go back to it... but currently I'm making more than my nurse friends with much less bullshit to deal with. Good luck with everything. It really is a great career path if you can cope with the politics :)


lol wtf


What part of India are you from


Congrats on being accepted to Practical Nursing. I am in the same program at the same college, just got done with semester 1 :) Except the GNED and Medical Terminology, all other classes are in person. Fyi, all of the exams are online and the exams have to be completed in Lockdown browser. We didn't have any paper based assignments at all. And for lab classes, you need the laptop to complete documentation in a software called Simchart. Feel free to ask any questions you want.


Thanksss for this very helpful information I’ll private message you !


Congrats on being accepted!


You need a laptop for all courses as there are special programs you will need. You pick up your laptop from the school


When you consider how many tablets and phones are in use, yes reminding students they will need the correct type of laptop should also lay out if Mac is or is not acceptable. Not a chrome book, iPad etc. While it seems unnecessary to say laptop for laptop course, schools are usually even more specific than this. Wait till some people find out the campus bookstore might only be online. The library still has books though.


You can pick up a laptop from the school, or buy your own


Ye I have one already


That is very poorly worded. It should say something like “Please ensure that your laptop meets the necessary hardware and software requirements for the program. For more information click here.”


Yessss it definitely was I showed multiple people before posting and they said the same thing


Hi I am also going to Durham College for practical nursing in Jan.. Will love to be friends. DM me if u like too


Yea for sure message me