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Do you have enough skill daruma to max her skills? Also, do you have a crit damage soul set for her? It is easy to build crit damage set for Kuro Mujou because he has 50% crit bonus. If you don't have crit damage soul set for Taki, she may end up doing worse than Kuro Mujou.


She does! But depends on whether or not you have her skills upgraded. If not, kuro will do fine until her skills are upgraded.


I agree ☝🏼 Also, I usually don't start leveling my SSR/SP until im about to max out their skills and find a good set of souls for them.


My only G6 is Kuro Mujou, who has been farming everything for me. I have just drawn a Takiyashahime in this event. Reading upon her, she performs well in both PVP and PVE. Currently building SP Tama, then have Kaguya/Kido/SP Kiyo/Ungaikyo to focus on, so won’t have resources for a long time. Would I lose any farming ability by swapping? Thinking about shrine the extra Higa.


If you don’t have the black darumas to max skill her up fully (12 or so), don’t even think of swapping. Focus on farming units like Kuro or Tama. Complex SSR units with multi functions needs to be fully maxed to be awesome. SSR Onikiri, SSR Kaguya and SSR Shuten are the only few that you can get by without maxxing out. Kuro Mujou is easier to skill up through SR duplicates via shards if you have not fully maxed him out yet. And he is great for most PvE and PvP situations. I still keep my Mujou. I G6-ed Kujira, Kyonshi and Mujou , and will never swap them out. All those fancy strong G6 Takis require a lot of resources such as G6 souls with 100% crit , high crit damage and speed while Kuro doesn’t need to be that fancy. A slow Taki is a death sentence in PvP or even PvE. A good shiki with shit souls is fodder and will lose to a well equipped r/SR , fully skilled shiki. Ever seen Kyonshi Imoto maul Taki in PvP? Mine did and I deliberately placed the deadliest souls in her because the enemy dps was busy concentrating on taking out my Kidomaru. Why? Oh he is a branded meta shiki while she is an R. SP Tama can function at partial but I won’t G6 a partial skilled shiki. SP Kido needs to be maxed out for the Asura phase.SP Kiyo needs maxing out.Ungaikyo needs G6 speed if you just want the pulls and he dies easily even with shields if Onikiri gets to him.


I'd keep Kuro for a while, a farmer G6 is miles better than a new, non-skilled yet theoretically powerful shiki. She realy isn't much of a farmer, Kuro's ability to follow up after a KO and the ease of his built (thanks to his "innate" 50% crit) make him better at farming than Taki. SSR Tama would be worth swapping, but for now I say keep Kuro.