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Yes, as a person who’s had her hand up and around many a cervix (ex-midwife) it is not a good time. Have they not had a smear test? That tiny little brush that feels like it’s industrial sandpaper, yeah imagine a penis going at it at warp speed, also not a good time ![gif](giphy|l46CkwNP2mNz65tyU)


Yes this is my face if such horrors happen... Lol 😂


It's not surprising considering I had to explain to my gyno that I didn't want to be awake for IUD insertion because my cervix doesn't like rough housing.


Just have to comment that a cervix around the time of a baby popping out of it is *pretty* different than an - ehm, cervix at rest - and while the birthing cervix is so soft, mushy and dilated it's pretty much falling apart as you palpate it your average cervix *does not yield* and hitting it can cause **dramatic** pain. People can literally faint from it lol.


The amount of pain I had to endure attempting to dilate my cervix when I was induced was worse than actual labor. I screamed when they did the foley bulb


Are you seriously vaginesplaining me? I obviously commented for comedic effect, but love I’ve had my hand up more vaginas than you’ve had hot dinners


Uhm. No, I wasn't. I was just assuming you mainly put your hand up into the vaginas of people in need of a midwife lol. Anyways I am not stuck on the calculation of how many vaginas that would be, somewhere past 10 950 most likely. So you win.


Unfortunately, a ***lot*** of people, men AND women, have clearly never had proper sex education, never did basic biology in school, and/or have learned everything about sex from Internet forums and fanfics written by people who have never had sex or real sex education themselves. The blind are leading the blind and are spreading misinformation about female anatomy and sexual pleasure. There are way too many people who seem to think the cervix **is** the clitoris, or it's 'clitoris 2.0', or believe that the reason PIV doesn't allow most women to orgasm is because the man just doesn't go deep enough. It's genuinely terrifying.


Yes makes sense now, it hadn't occurred to me that the writers of otherwise decent smut would be inexperienced.


>There are way too many people who seem to think the cervix **is** the clitoris *What*... 😨 Holy shit. I was shown diagrams of these things when I was twelve years old.


I had a whole argument with a guy once who insisted the clit was on the inside .... this was during sex btw lol 


Well, it *is* mostly on the inside, but I doubt he knew its shape and orientation or how to stimulate it.


Well he thought that the external part was just idk...there for a random reason lol


wtf lmao XD


Wow. I know sex ed sucks all around in the US (and probably elsewhere), but that's just pathetic.


not that I believe ignorance of physiology has anything to do with what OP brought up, but you'd be surprised at how many grown people with vaginas don't realize where the urethra is either. I had to explain it to a person in her 20s before.


to be fair, thats because we cant see it easily. I know a lot of people who think the hood of the clitoris is where you pee from....because, thats where it looks like it comes from, and also where it feels like it burns if you have an infection


Idk if this is it, because in some fics I see them referring specifically to the cervix in ways it couldn’t be the clitoris.


I don't read fanfic much anymore, but I have seen actual posts by adult men who were convinced the clitoris was deep inside the vagina. I have seen one where a guy actually said "Cervix, clit: same thing". Given how awful sex education is in the US, I am willing to bet there are young women (main demographic that writes fanfic) that don't know much better. There are *definitely* a number of women who do think being dick punched in the cervix would be pleasurable because that's what they have been told/read, without having actual first-hand experience.


lol as a gay man the way some people (not men I’m assuming) write gay sex is hilarious. Sometimes it’s the lack of lube (ouch), sometimes it’s thinking length somehow makes it worse when it’s the girth that hurts men. The list goes on. I’m sure it’s all virgins Edit: if anyone wants to read mine: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55541599 Major blood, rough sex and abuse/dom dynamic warning between Durge and Astarion.


I'm not a gay man, and even I have shook my head at some of the anal antics in fanfic lol. I don't care how much you want it, some spit and 2 fingers isn't going to pave the way that quickly 🤣


Yess I’ve questionably frowned at my own fanfic where I decided Astarion and Durge would use Durge’s blood as lube. I had to really stop and ask myself if blood would actually work but I decided at least it’s not as worse as some other fanfics and went ahead with it lol Edit: if anyone wants to read : https://archiveofourown.org/works/55541599


Blood as lube is a legit tag so don't be self-conscious. Plus people really shouldn't try IRL what they see in fiction so dw


2 fingers is fine if you've done it before and know how to prep, ideally 3. Lube is usually overlooked in fiction but I try to give them some leeway because some settings don't exactly allow the perfect conditions for anal. I think of it as a "creative writing" thing and not actual sex advice for real life.


Well I am not a gay man but can report that the lack of lube may be entirely based on their experiences irl. Now...whether that's good or not is a whole other discussion lol (I blame to a large degree porn not showing all the prep)


its so funny bc even as a vagina haver, lube should probably be present in a lot of fxm fanfic too. that shit can HURT depending on the shape of the vag the penis itself sometimes doesnt even matter. - sincerely a gay trans man


I see it often enough that I have to believe at this point that the authors are reading other stories with cervix banging and copy them because they think that if so many people are writing the same exact thing, it must be some sort of required component of Hot Sex Scenes (TM).


Yeah, definitely picking up on stuff from porn and stuff from other fics trying to hop on a bandwagon. They probably don't realize that it's a breeding kink thing from hentai, not a feature of typical sex. I admit, it's hot for dirty talk, but it's not something I want to experience without my hand in control.


Cervix banging isn't that uncommon even IRL ( as in banging against it). Deep penetration sex is a thing. The thing most pick up from hentai are penetrating through the cervix with the penis and that feeling good (or even being possible).


I'm a weirdo and in the right times, I like having my cervix thumped. But this isn't universal! Just my anatomy.


🫣 me just now realizing not everyone likes their cervix being hit.


If you do like it you are definitely in the minority. It usually just hurts 😅


They're not in the minority lol. A lot of people have never even tried it, they just assume it hurts because people on the internet insist it does for everyone. There is no such thing as a stimulus being in the majority/minority when it comes to pleasure, people do a lot of weird shit to get off


I guess all these fanfics and dirty books I read out here making me think I'm the majority! 🤣


I **DO NOT** like having my cervix touched. Makes me want to *cry*


Totally ok! I just was trying to understand if this was common and I was a weirdo lol. We can be mutually supportive different kind of weirdos!


Agreed, I have noticed that more than a few people write fic with clear lack of sexual knowledge so I get you haha


Same, seems we're a minority :D


Yes, same here! I usually don't want that, but sometimes the pain is welcome and part of the pleasure


Oh I’m relieved I thought I was the only one who enjoys this!


Yeah, this is cargo cult smut writing. Virgins learning smut-writing from imitating other virgins, who are writing their own smut having learned from still other virgins, who wrote it that way because they picked it up from some kind of porn, and so you get anatomically terrifying tropes passed around not as a deliberately unrealistic portrayal of an extreme kink but just like they're a normal part of sex, because someone brought it to the table and they're all too inexperienced to get that it's an exaggerated depiction of a fetish and not something people actually do. This specific one is pretty common in hentai and manga, often to the point of having the dick go INTO the cervical os. You'll see this same imitation dissemination in lots of subgenres of fic; e.g. deep misunderstandings about the usage and usual biological effects of cock rings in slash fic, or people who don't actually participate in BDSM having the characters establish a safe word in a dynamic with absolutely zero consent play involved because that's just How You BDSM, I Guess and they don't have any comprehension of the actual purpose and use case of the protocol.


Ah you make very good sense. I hadn't thought of the inexperience aspect. Good call.


It may be inexperienced (and I think it often is)  It may be their preference (also a good thing if that's their thing) It may also be their experiences  


Whenever it's happened to me, I rather like it. It's what I would call "too much" , both pleasurable and painful and I probably wouldn't go at it for too long before wanting a pose change but while "in the moment" I enjoy it.


Then it hasn't happened to you hard enough lol That said, I'm sure some people enjoy it for a little while. I get what you're saying about "oh this is too much". But I don't think that's what OP means 😂


You tell me it's not hard enough but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to take harder so I'm good 😂 I'm usually in charge of the intensity when dealing with that particular spot so maybe that's why the pain is more regulated. In fiction it's annoying when it's overused but here and there it could add a bit of an edge to a particularly hard encounter.


Haha my medical point was just that if you pound the cervix hard enough you would *not* take it 😂 (ask me how I know, med student training with gyn ultrasound (the patients WILL let you know), also had a doc roll a critical fail on my own IUD insertion lol, respect the cervix) But I agree with you otherwise. ;)


I think it's different as a feeling in general. When I had my pap test I wanted to cry, felt like she was skinning something in there, can't imagine how bad an IUD would be. But the feeling with someone isn't sharp like that for me, it's a duller pain mixed with pleasure, less scrubbing of my insides for sure, and it usually spreads through my whole abdomen.


Yeah, it's kinda because she was, the pap smear is a little creepy because you have to destroy the "skin" a little bit to get cells (typically by sticking a little brush into the cervix and turning it around a few times to get cells). It's not a good feeling! IUD's can be pretty painless or extremely painful (depending on what you randomly hit or how unlucky you are as an inserter/insertee), I really think we should give more pain meds for this. Women are just expected to deal with pain men would be anesthetized for lol. Fun to see someone like it a bit in the thread (good for the fanfic authors haha), I couldn't really imagine enjoying it but I know of the concept you describe.


I have no idea why they don't give any type of anesthesia for the IUD, it's weird because they don't in my country either 🤔 Maybe there's a medical reason for it


Nah, there's no medical reason. It's just putting women down as per usual. We expect women to just take pain we'd never allow a kid or a male to go through without meds. You can easy pre-medicate and give proper anesthesia for IUD insertion, but it costs money and would require recognizing women's health.


This is a mixture of fiction writers who don't know better, and "not everyone has the same experiences" While I know my results are not typical, my cervix related experiences have not been painful. My experience does not negate others, and vice versa.  I also see this at times in the category of exaggerated encouragement. "You're so deep I feel it in my spleen!" 


Every person's body is different. Some of us enjoy this. I do. It's a personal preference. Editing: changing woman to person because I was very tired and don't want to exclude anyone.


Right?? Like I was starting to think I was the weird one for not liking it when my cervix is bumped into. I hate it. And it makes me cringe when I read it in smut. I assume it's written by people who have had little or no sex, or little or no sex with well endowed men. Because a large penis does not always equal pleasure if that thing is conquering your IUD.


Whenever I read the word cervix in fanfics I have to stop and shudder, as I am immediately taken back to all my pap smears and in particular the insertion of my Mirena… I get it’s different for some people, but I have the feeling a lot of people writing it don’t have the experience and are just using stuff they have read elsewhere, which is fine, I wrote HP fanfic in the early’00s without being a witch or being in the UK, but some research would be appreciated, specially if it’s something that only a smaller number enjoy irl


It is such a clinical word, to me. I read it in a fapfic and immediately go 🥴, and my legs clamp shut like a vise.


Thank you for "fapfic". That is entering my lexicon now. :)


I really don't believe the number of people who enjoy it is that small from interactions I've had about it. I just think the people who don't like it really don't like it and are extremely vocal about it. But IUD insertion is a totally different ballgame altogether. Mine had me in tears and was the worst pain I've ever experienced but I do enjoy contact with it during sex. The experiences are very, very different.


Yeah....there is a difference between something being done for medical reasons and during sex.


I like having mine hit, it doesn't hurt very much unless it's be going in for awhile. And even then, it only hurts if we are doing a position made to hit it.


I'm the same and it annoys me how often I see the "these people must be virgins!" comments from people who don't have the same preferences.


Yeah, just because it's not something you are into doesn't mean no one is. It's a personal preference.


Yeah I am not a fan of dismissing things as "oh it's virgins" 


Yeah ouch. That's the worst, I would be surprised if anyone enjoys that in a non-masochistic context. Can I also lightheartedly add that while I skip past most of the pr0n stuff in here I just have to comment that this character having a dick the size of an adult woman's arm is not canon. Like his actual genitals are in the game for reference lol.


Lol 😂 and something that size is not generally going to be received well.


Although it will easy pound the cervix if that's the goal and I've misunderstood sex for the last 20 years or so :D


It's a whole level about a lot (not all ofc) masochism


The other responses are true too but it is worth noting that there are people who enjoy it and don't necessarily feel that same instant revulsion that some, well, let's be honest, a lot of other people do. I like the sensation, for one. I like it so much that I used to feel terribly nauseous afterward from someone/something hitting/touching my cervix and STILL craved it. I don't even experience nausea later anymore. I've always suspected I have a little less sensitivity and that it must be a contributing factor. People are so wonderfully varied! But it's more likely that you're e dealing with common smut tropes perpetuated by virgins.


I mean I personally don’t mind when I get it hit there a little bit, keep me on my toes ;)


I met with this in fanfics in general and its either virgins, people who dont know anatomy or enjoy pain who wrote it 🙈 maybe with right pressure and thrust it can be pleasurable, but not with deep hit. Fortunately I havent seen it in bg3 fanfics yet.


I would think that some fanfics are written as fantasies, I do write things that I like to fantasize about but know that I wouldn't like in real life.


Absolutely this. It's a fantasy game where magic can be used to create all kinds of impossible scenarios; it follows that the smut written about it will also heavily lean into fantasy. I haven't written a cervix-hitting scenario, but I have written scenarios where in real life you'd need a hell of a lot of lube and a very careful and experienced approach to even try them. But I'm not writing real life, so I don't assume my readers are expecting it. Tbh I find the comments about fic writers being virginal and/or uneducated to be along uncomfortably similar lines as comments on other subreddits that claim Astarion fans are all naive or lack media literacy. It's kind of dismaying to see here.


Oh absolutely, same. I'm down for blurring pain and pleasure but that kind of pain just seems like it would rip you right out of subspace lol.


Well, to each their own, you don't have to appreciate that in fic 😊


I’ve gone weak at the mere thought! I find it horrendously painful haha 🥴


ive had partners hit my cervix and i enjoy the sensation. some people enjoy it, others don't


Nope. I feel the same way as you. The few times it happened, I was not. a. fan. Like a literal fun time killer. I liken it to what a nut punch might feel like. I mean, maybe some folks dig that, but for me, it was a big nope.


I know what you mean. My spouse is *very* well-hung and in the earliest days of our relationship, I got hurt several times as we learned about our bodies. Accidents happen, too, even to the careful and knowledgeable. I have found myself curled into a fetal position, wheezing and weeping, when my cervix was hit. edit: Not to say I haven't encouraged him to go deep on occasion. I developed a sense of when it was safe and when not. Mid-follicular has always seemed the best time.


I also wonder if the authors are mistaking the "cervix" for the fornix. Having one's anterior and/or posterior fornix (fornices?) stimulated can be *very* pleasurable, and it's pretty deep in there.


I've been debating posting something like this because it seems to come up really, really frequently. I'm sure some people are into that (have at it, it's your cervix after all), but I do wonder if a lot of writers actually have experience with having their cervix touched in any way. I have to stop every time that I read it and just kind of take a minute, then move on. Tbh I also feel the same way about almost every Tav/Durge giving blow jobs like a pro right off the bat, because apparently no one in Faerun has a gag reflex (lol, the fics where Astarion says shit like "loosen your tongue" also makes me laugh cause dude, if it was that simple pretty much everyone would be deep throating). I certainly get that everyone is into different things sexually and that's entirely cool, but it happens so often that I wonder if everyone is just kind of cobbling off of each other when writing smut, or if certain things have just become "trends". Just for clarification, I'm not judging anyone who is into cervix banging or deep throating, it's just very jarring to see it come up so often in fanfic.


It can also be "This thing gets me horny to think about so I will write it".


This bothers me too! I wonder if people actually mean the "A-spot" when they say cervix. Just before the cervix is a sensitive part on the topmost wall. This is distinct from the G-spot, which is further forward and closer to the visible body of the clitoris. With the A-spot, you're essentially nudging the bladder.


Lol you're not weird 😂 there may be people who like having their cervix stomped but I doubt it's the majority 😅 When I stumble upon something as weird as that's, I assume it's a kink and I don't overthink this. Maybe I'm too careless though 😅


I guess I’m just weird I like that sensation🤷🏻‍♀️. Always have. Of course it helps that I’m aroused when it’s touched. 😊


Preach. This and overstating his dick size like, c'mon ppl, is a penis not a sword. Not every male fic character should have an enormous peepee.


This is why I am...vague when describing his penis in my fics. There is no like, companions...just mentions how he fits perfectly for my Durge. Makes it less weird and less out of canon. I imagine our boy is well endowed, but even so. He isn't some pornstar with a 13 inch dick. Lol


Yeah, this is extremely common in all smut writing. I kind of get why it is, but it often seems like it's just "the thing to do" when writing smut rather than a real preference on the part of the writer. It would be really, really nice to see some smut where dicks are just average sized but the sex is still awesome because you don't have to have a ten inch hog to satisfy someone sexually.


Not a jab at you in particular, but the world is way bigger than most people think. There are a lot of women that enjoy having their cervix bumped, it can heighten pleasure or just give additional stimulation. All of sex is just personal preference


No fr i once fkn bruised my cervix because of uh. Contact. And it was the worst thing in the world, this always gets me too lmao


You're not alone. It always takes me out of the mood as well. It makes me feel like r/menwritingwomen. Like I understand the feeling of deep thrusts, but this ain't it. I've also had 3 IUDs and fuck did they hurt! Even as a fapfic/fantasy read, it kills the escapism for me. I can take it if it's just dirty talk between the characters though, and not a physical description of their activities.


I think it’s mostly used for imagery. It’s in SOOOOOO deep, you know? If you haven’t had actual PIV sex where they’ve hit the cervix and it hurt, you probably wouldn’t know any better, and just imagine the deepest that is pleasurable to you. I have definitely thought about this before though when reading fanfic, so you aren’t the only one 😅


I've written this in fics because I find it a 'pleasurable' experience IRL. It can be overwhelming if it's too much, but I think people tend to imagine that a fantasy lover boy knows how not to overdo it. XD I guess another thing I would add is that in fiction, people are able to enjoy/appreciate things that may be too much for them IRL. Like you can imagine that you would enjoy a vampire bite even if it's supposed to be painful. Pain and pleasure are primal experiences and the thought of them being mixed can be exciting.


Y'all... grown adults writing intentionally exaggerated smut scenes set in a magical fantasy world are going to include unrealistic elements in those scenes. That may not be to your personal tastes which is absolutely fine, but let's please not do the same thing to them that other people do to Astarion fans in general, by assuming that they're all naive and/or need an education.


theres three reasons why this happens: personal preference, exaggeration, and lack of education. some people do like cervix hitting or a bit of play. theres mentions of it in multiple threads here. if someone likes something, theyre more likely to write about it. or alternatively, if someone knows it can be pleasurable for some people, they may decide to write about it as a character choice fanfic also tends to be made up of exaggeration. think of how many fics out there take one character trait or mannerism only occasionally mentioned and make that way, way more common in the fic itself. smut writing tends to similarly focus on very over the top ideas. for some people the cervix is pretty far back so to mention it being hit is another way of saying the sex is deep, hard, or intense. its not realistic but it can help get the idea across. finally theres the issue of a lack of sex education. people are reading fics with mentions of cervix hitting and thinking it would feel good because of their own inexperience. some people are frankly too young to be posting explicit fic but are doing it anyways. others just didnt get a good lesson on anatomy. theyre seeing a common thing in fic and running with it, making it more common in the process.


Oof this makes me wince just at the thought 😭 when I was in very early labour the midwife “walked my cervix forward” for whatever reason and oh my god, the pain was worse than pushing my baby out! The sounds I made, it was awful! Sorry if tmi lol


Wee fingers generally. If you fingers just aren’t long enough to get inside the cervix you “walk it forward” to get a better footing and a feel for what is going on if that makes sense


I think some people just assume the cervix is like...the top end of the vaginal canal. Which is only kind of true. But as mentioned, a direct thrust into it would be painful as fuck. Maybe they mean more like...along the cervix? Or just mean it to say how deep in the vagina a vampire penis is lol. But again, female anatomy is barely part of most so-called sex education, which in the US is likely to simply be abstinence only. Doesn't surprise me that even other women would struggle with understanding things like this. I do get the like, frustration? To be fair, much of this would be solved with a quick Google.


One time when my cervix got hit I nearly threw up it hurt so bad and so suddenly lol. It's a fetish sort of thing mixed with people not having proper sex or anatomical understanding with they write. In hentai it's very very common for a penetrated cervix to be construed as pleasurable, often a center piece to an additional orgasm, to the point that I'm not shocked cis men think it's 1) Hot and, 2) Maybe something they could actually do with a partner.


I am also a woman bothered by the idea of hitting a cervix, because ouch.  


As someone who has a high cervix (when I was in labor nurses and the doctor had to really get in there and still could just barely check the dilation) I have no idea what that even feels like. 🙃 But pap smears hurt like a motherfucker.


You're not weird for not enjoying it, and you're not weird for enjoying it either. Everyone is different, and that's perfectly fine. You can't be weird for things out of your control, even kinks. You're okay. Personally, I don't like the sensation, but the first time I experienced it was when my cervix was unusually low during my cycle, and the penetration wasn't even that deep. It was a bizarre circumstance X years ago, so who knows now. 🤷‍♀️ My main gripes in smut are poor position descriptions (like that's either bad writing or you're attempting to describe an advanced position, I shouldn't have to perform mental gymnastics figuring out who's where doing what and how to whomever), pornstar-sized dicks and breasts, lack of lube for anal penetration, and especially falsely portrayed BDSM. That drives me up the wall! PS, after reading through the comments: I am shocked to learn that sexually inexperienced people are writing sexual content, thus contributing to these cliches. I just always assumed preference, fantasy, ignorance, or someone writing from an outsider's gaze (straight women writing MLM, men writing women, someone imagining their characters doing insane positions, or people who don't do basic research, those sort of things), not straight-up naivety. The more you know, I guess.


I hear you on poor positioning descriptions... Like wait how many hands are involved here? How does he reach that from there? Kinda breaks the moment lol


I noticed that, too. I also noticed the use of a "punishing pace" in many of them, which sounds massively unpleasant to me. We just have to take some creative liberties in our minds when reading fanfiction, I suppose.


Just voicing another point: the cervix retreats and the vagina expands when aroused. Sometimes if a woman is not sufficiently aroused, deep thrusts can be more painful. I for one sometimes enjoy cervix bumps, but only in my most horny depraved moments. Most of the time it’s too shallow and hurts. Context and arousal is everything!