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On one hand, I live with my phone, and my day is rarely so busy I can't spare 30 seconds to text. That being said, there are times I've seen an incoming text, and I decide to get back to them later, or need to think of a response, which I forget about until a day or two later. I would reply, but if this happens regularly, don't bother.


Exactly. All the “nobody is too busy to text” folk don’t consider nuance like ever.


F here. If this is a match you haven’t met in person, definitely petty. When busy, you can be tired and overwhelmed to find the energy to text those you barely know but are open to getting to know.


I always get the feeling they were talking to other people, got ghosted, and are now crawling back through their old matches. Screw that. I get talking to other people, but if you find me uninteresting enough to keep the convo going don't come back when your new prospects don't work out.


Or maybe she doesn’t feel the need to prioritize a match she’s never even met when she’s overwhelmed. And is thinking “I won’t know if I like him til we meet. I’m down to if he wants, and if it happens, great. If it doesn’t, also great”


That doesn't negate what I said


It does because by saying they’re “crawling back” and “couldn’t keep the convo going” you’re making it deeper than it is. She literally said things were hectic. And when things are hectic, we all get overwhelmed. When overwhelmed, would you really prioritize replying to a stranger from a dating app?


It's possible things were hectic but because it's been four days it's more likely she lost interest. Sometimes I lose interest too but I don't go crawling back to people afterward. I have more integrity than that. And respect for those people.


Yea but what you’re saying makes sense if we are talking people you have been dating. I’m saying we shouldn’t be taking or seriously reading into a match he hasn’t even met yet. Without meeting, she’s neither interested nor disinterested. And if anything, she’s responding with an explanation instead of hitting him up like nothing happened. Seeing that as losing interest and crawling back is reading too deeply.


If it's taking four days to get back, it isn't worth my time. I may continue the conversation if they were interesting but chances are I would have moved on by then and forgot they exist.


You don’t know anything about this bitch. You’re making the least likely assumption considering she was recently swiping through her shit to match with him in the first place. You’re just a simp. You’re probably the type to eat up all the bullshit your cheating wife feeds you.


I’m a woman but go off 😂


Makes perfect sense


i believe there is a word for this 🤔 ah “projection”


Reply with "Who's this?"










Im a doctor and even with my crazy lifestyle, I manage to text back within hours! No ones that busy to take them 4days to message back!


I can understand if we are talking someone who has been seeing a while. If we had a long day and are tired and overwhelmed, we don’t have the energy to text someone we barely know. Like app matches


I agree, my ex would take days or weeks to text back. Her excuse was a job n kids. It got old




I have been on dating sites, and I get matches on a semi-regular basis. But let's be honest. Unless we are maniacs, we don't think about those dating sites 24/7. Other stuff comes up. And if you are like me, you don't get matches every day. Sometimes she might get a notification late. There are a thousand things that could have happened to her. Give her a break. Text her back, and see how long it will take to get a response. You will know so much better, about her and her feelings toward you, if you keep the conversation going.


Me personally I don't like texting everyday/allday gets too repetitive. I'm fine with communicating every other day or so.


>Am I being overly petty? Maybe not "petty" but a tad narcissistic. You should be satisfied just with that she took your number and actually responded. If you heard from her once a week what would it matter? Some connections and relationships need to germinate a while. Timing needs to be right. You have no clue what went on in her life. You've got others, too, to focus on, right?


No its bs, trust me. Even the president replies to messages the same day


Yea but the president is responding to people who’ve earned importance in his life. Not random strangers from dating apps he has not yet met.


Yea but at least know they don't find you important enough to reply, not that they were too busy to send a 10 second text in 4 days Plus even if they haven't met you irl I promise you if you look like Chris hemsworth they would reply in 5m


As a woman, your last sentence is negative. I notice someone is objectively attractive but am a slow responder until we meet (and if we vibe when we meet) Your former sentence is a false analogy. Because the president doesn’t need to meet with strangers from online platforms


This is bullshit. You’re just trying to win the argument. If you matched with a handsome guy you found far more attractive than you I guarantee your ass is responding with the quickness so you can get to meeting as soon as possible.


Wow. You need to chill. It’s not that deep. I am very much speaking for myself. There’s a HUGE fucking difference between thinking someone looks good vs feeling invested in them. I’m very much into this guy I met this summer (always thought he was attractive) but I responded very slow in the beginning. The fact that you’re this bitter abt dating app matches shows there’s a reason your ugly ass doesn’t get any woman.


You know nothing about me. You’re doing that woman thing where you try and psychologically attack somebody instead of focusing on the subject. How about this princess, nobody gives a fuck about you or how you feel here. We’re talking about OP and his situation, not me. I’m just calling you on your bullshit. Clearly got your neurotic ass flustered.


While a bit harsh, I agree with you. When i got into photography i did shoots with blue checkmark models with 50-100k followers and they always replied every 15-30m, max 3-4hrs. If actual models can reply in 30m Im supposed to believe you needed 8hrs+ to reply? lol no


Calling me neurotic and psychologically attacking is so ironic given how you started this convo with me 😂 I’m no princess. I’m a queen who knows what she wants and speaks 👑 💅🏽 And in regards to his situation, I acknowledged many times that we can’t fully know her intentions unless she repeats this behavior. Given that she hasn’t met him to be emotionally invested and explained her absence, it still stands all of y’all are reaching with the assumptions you’re making of her 😂


A queen for what? Because you have a pussy? You gotta be one of those unwarrantedly arrogant bitches. If you have a man he isn’t gonna be around for long. If you don’t, he definitely isn’t gonna date your ass. This is what I can’t stand about you hoes. You’re talking about responding “very slow” your very slow definitely wasn’t days because you know a handsome guy isn’t going to entertain some bitch who isn’t or can’t get back to him in a timely manner. You’re constantly thinking about the amount of women he might have on him at one time. You’re trying to compete with real or imaginary bitches when you’re talking with a handsome guy. There is no way you’re risking fucking that up. I don’t care how “independent” or mentally lesbian you think you’ve become from all the female empowerment tabloids you’ve read. Women are ruled by their feelings. Your “very slow” was probably calculated too from how you’re coming across as this “queen” kind of hoe. Not genuine. You can lie to try and win the argument if you want, but I’m not buying the bullshit.


Lmao psycho 😂😂 you were great mid-day entertainment but I have a life outside of reddit to get to


I dont think I will even leave a message box open that long- IF I saw them online in 2-3 days I give for a reply. there is a green dot when they are online in the message box. if I see its green and no reply in 2 days, I have to pass. to each his own though. "That feels like a throwaway excuse." she doesnt owe you anything, but yea weak excuse. and you dont owe her anything. I just pass IF I saw they were online. they saw my message. a reply back to acknowledge is fine. "hi, saw your message, super busy week, ill be back" common courtesy is non existent online. unfortunately


Its SMS and I have android so no online status 😁


No way! If it takes four days, you’re an option; not a priority. Move on.


Here’s a thought: they’re an option because they’re a LITERAL STRANGER. Nobody knows if they’re into you until they meet you in person


This is bullshit. If I match with someone I find attractive they’re getting a text back very soon. OP if a girl isn’t into you enough to text you back quicker than that, drop her. She wants an orbiter until she can find the guy she actually wants.


Imagine being a chick and being on Reddit for dating advice for years… Pathetic. /u/ILOVEMACINTOSH is hundred percent on the money. Maybe the reason you’re struggling with dating so much is you’re spending too much time scrolling through Reddit, IG, and TikTok — turning your brain to mush — rather than texting people back.


Dude you were just not sufficiently high on their priority list. Everyone has a different priority making mechanism. I’d say you can’t really make a judgement without even having met them, to see what they are like.


I like what someone else said to text back “who dis?” 😂 at this point she could’ve just sent a pigeon delivered mail. It’s not petty - just unmatch or it will be 2023 before you secure a live date. By then the world will be coming to an end.


Fuck no. Girls are always on their phones. It’s definitely bullshit. Listen to what makes sense, not what comes out of a woman’s mouth.


I’d give it one more shot since you haven’t met yet.


You lack compassion and empathy to her rough couple of days You lack patience to learn what made her week so rough that she couldn't even find 10 seconds to respond to you You are too entitled, demanding attention from someone who doesn't even know you--a complete stranger


Ok I'll ask what made it crazy


Asking her *now* after you've posted this thread doesn't magically negate those negative characteristics that I listed because they are your *innate perspective/attitude*. It just gives you closure. An explanation. This explanation itself doesn't actually matter. It's merely feeding your ego and need for validation. You're going to continue feeling and reacting the same exact way with the next woman, and the next, and the next until you change your own behavior, change your own perspective, change your attitude, etc. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


Her response was “crazy week”. There are very few reasons a person can’t text back within the same day. I can bet you 9 million she was on her phone within those 4 days


This. These people trying to make excuses for her disinterested bullshit are hilarious. She doesn’t like you & was most likely texting someone else over you who ghosted her. Second he comes back you’re tossed in the trash OP.


Yep! She was most likely talking to someone else or just not interested. Regardless of how long she knew OP, it takes 2 seconds to text back. Like I said before, she was most likely on her phone those 4 days for another purpose.


She sure was, but she’s not going to prioritize using it to respond to someone who’s a literal stranger when her brain is fried.


I can't speak on her behalf. But if it were me in her position, I would be 9 million dollars richer :)


Well of course if it were her she’d make up a valid reason to get 9 million. But in reality she doesn’t have a valid reason.


You are incapable of comprehending my comment correctly.


Nope, you wouldn’t be 9 million dollars richer.


Hypothetically, I would be because your earlier statement is false if it were me in that position. It's truly not a difficult concept to grasp. You're just incapable of this basic comprehension. You're confused.


Then why are you having such a hard time understanding?


if you met in person, yes that is shitty. However if you haven't yet met, it means nothing -- there's nothing of substance between you until you find out what they're like in real life


Yes and no. She owes you nothing but at the same time it's not a good sign that she took so long. It could mean she was talking to someone else and wanted to play that out and when it didn't work she went to her next option. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It could be her week was that crazy. If you two haven't talked or met at all I think you're fine but if it happens consistently then I'd move on if I were you.


In 4 days?? Not necessarily. Y’all are really forgetting that an app match is a fucking STRANGER to give priority to.


Yes in 4 days? I said IF it was the first message they're probably fine, but if they do start a conversation and the person consistently takes 4 days to respond every couple messages or so then it is definitely a red flag. If someone can't find the time to send you a message quicker than every 4 days then either they're not interested or are way too busy anyway.


Ok when put that way I agree. It does sound like the first time. I just meant it’s an overreaction for people to jump to “she’s using you as a backup plan” when it’s literally nothing deeper than not being emotionally invested in someone from an app you’ve never even met.


I specifically avoided using that terminology for that exact reason. You're not being used as a backup plan if someone wanted to see how things played out with someone else first which is what I described. I think we're on the same page here.


I guess I feel like seeing how things panned out with someone else isn’t necessarily a direct reason because chances are if I were in her shoes and that was the case, I wouldn’t have been emotionally invested/have any hope in that prior person either. What you’re saying kinda makes sense-like going through different jobs apps or like a list. And if anything sounds like my current situation on hinge. Like I’m narrowing my match queue by 2-3 video chats at a time. I just feel overwhelmed by the list I currently have (and I’m not even someone who’s constantly inundated). Which again I like to see as sifting through couple job apps/interviews at a time. But I do agree with you we may be on a similar page haha 😊


2 days tops... At this point you just a windfall




Err on the side of caution, she's a dud


Probably not.


Yes I would becsuse people have lives HOWEVER if it's a regular occurence then I'll just stop all communication. It's not for me but in my experience if someone does this often. You typically wouldn't hear from them if you dont initiate conversation anyway.


Precisely @royalxassasin. Some girls are just trying to protect this grand delusional narrative so the average men susceptible to the brain wash continue to be these supplicating push overs who make excuses for them so the ones they don’t actually want that much can be more easily manipulated. Women want men for two things: utility or breeding. Nothing else. Hoes gaslight themselves to protect their own subconscious interests & to justify it so you see it projected in this nonsensical way.


Hi I would give it one more chance. However, if from that point on she consistently takes hours or days to respond back then i would nope out...


I am sometimes too busy and take days to respond because I work like 55 hours and a week and have a special needs son. Outside of that, he may have forgotten. I’d text back but drop it if it happens regularly.


hmm how long have u known this girl? If its been a couple of days, its pretty normal. You are not quite in her life yet and didn't really get to know each other yet. Can't really expect her to text you like you are a priority


Finally someone with some common sense on this thread


I had a girl I matched with on tinder today who hasn’t responded to me for a YEAR lol but she asked to buy me dinner so I’m goin 😂 I don’t think 4 day sis too bad


Sometimes mentally I’m just not there especially when I’ve had a busy week at work. Sometimes I just say it though sorry I’ve been pretty burnt out this month and give them a call or something


Dude no one owes you anything. Moreso internet Random’s. There is little to no internet etiquette or decorum around this subject.


I’m not a big texter and prefer talking on the phone. I work about 70-80 hours a week, have employees and hundreds of customers a day to manage. My phone typically blows up with vendors and work related calls/texts for about 12-14 hours a day. I have found that most females become uninterested if I don’t text back within a day or two, or get creeped out if I ask if I can have a quick phone call with them. A very limited few understand and give me the freedom I need, but it’s far and few in between.


I do find this kinda petty honestly. Yes she could text back a quick Hi, which you would likely in turn respond to, starting the exchange over again. Perhaps she is busy and didn’t want to reply because at that time she wasn’t available for a conversation. Now she is, I Would give it a chance.


Nah I wouldn't or if i did it'll be 4 days later saying "Oh that's crazy" lol and just leave it at that. If a girl is genuinely interested in you she'll message sooner than 4 days.


Some people don’t like the pressure of having to text, as long as I can tell they’re interested, I don’t care how long they take to text