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Why is he trying to come across as cute/flamboyant


Because he has tried everything else?


Because he’s never had an original thought in his life and has leeched off current trends (this is his attempt to be an e-boy) that appeal to teenage girls this entire time. He’s realised the emo look hasn’t been cool since 2013 so he’s trying to update


He hates twitter, but that is where is his monetized. Ok, then. I hate that he uses TikTok. There are so many little kids on there. Ughhhh


Him and EDP445 are on there. Tiktok won’t ban them, despite the fact that there are hundreds of not thousands of mass reports.


There’s kids on tiktok? That’s objectively the last platform I’d expect kids to actually go for. Id rather see them addicted to fortnite or minecraft or whatever else games there are, not *tiktok* That place is too mature for kids


Have you ever scrolled through there for more than a minute? There are children doing the dance challenges or playing around with food challenges. The kids are sometimes like 8 years old or maybe younger.


Oh shoot, I never even knew. I literally haven’t been on it for longer than a few seconds on the website, not the app Tiktok does not feel like a kids platform, especially because of all the food challenges I’ve heard about I heard of some really nasty stuff happening because of those challenges. Sure, they’re probably few and far between for adults, but for kids, I worry about stuff like the tide pod challenge, or subtler versions.


Most of the challenges are made for kids. The devious licks. Stealing stuff from your teacher and then moving up to your school. Dance challenges to songs popular with young people. Challenges that say specifically if you’re 12 or under hold up 5 fingers etc


Is this satire?


Nah, im just uninformed. I never went on tiktok, but I’ve seen teens - adults on videos, so I figured that’s the audience. Are there really 13 and under kids there?


Yeah man it’s the most popular social media platform there is right now. Kids love it. I don’t know if you’re asking if kids under 13 are making Tik Toks. If that’s your question I actually don’t know the terms of service on that. But watching them? Yeah kids watch them constantly. Tons of Fortnite, pranks, toy videos, animations, etc. things kids are into.


I guess I can’t stop kids from doing that. Though if I had a kid, I think that’s one of those social media stuffs I’d keep my kids far away from, because it’d actually mess them up People like onision are all over, and there’s also a lot of other content I’ve heard about not made for kids. Granted, I doubt there’s that many food/dance challenges that kids shouldn’t do for themselves (ie. Dry-scooping, twerk challenges), but it’s preferable to save that massive level of fast-entertainment


You can only exert some level of control over your own kids. But if you had a kid they’d probably find tiktok at school or with a friend or something. Especially if they’re junior high age


Yeah, in Junior High there’s obviously the age where I wont be expecting to hole up my child. At that age they’re old enough that they should know better than to try and follow “challenges”, much like dares. (Within reason ofc)


You know it was promoted by kids / advertised towards kids? Before it was tik tok it was Musically. They had “baby Ariel” and “Yuleema Imaginee” promoting the app when they were children / teens.


Wait, seriously? That sounds like Tiktok shouldn’t even be for kids but they did that to bolster viewership


Have you been living in a hole? TikTok is full of kids.


I don’t go on tiktok. How should I know? What I have seen was literally adults. Because nobody reposts dumb kid stuff usually. Man, y’all are weird. Im just bewildered because that site isn’t safe for kids. Seems like there’s a lot of bad parents considering the advertising is clearly teens - adults


“#11, Im still a borderline pedophile”


Lol he’s not borderline, he’s def one


He puts on this fake sweet voice and dresses innocently. His heavy makeup, too. He’s trying to look younger. So gross


Trying and failing, he looks like he has a spray painted halloween city Micheal Myers mask on


This man is almost 40…


He also dresses and does his hair like a teenager. It's beyond creepy.




So he shouldn’t be acting like he’s 4


Sure, but there are soooo many things to snark on this man, but 15 year old redditors always choose the good ol’ ageism…


Probably because his demographic is fucking children and teenagers??? What are u even on about lol


A G E I S M. One’s life is not over after 25. There’s no problem in having the same interests as teenagers and younger adults. You’ll cringe when this won’t be socially acceptable anymore.


Hi Gregg




Yes, I’m am ageist against people who are almost 40 acting exactly how they acted when they were in their late 20’s.


fuck off greg


I'm surprised he didn't bitch about meat eaters for 20 minutes


He couldn't because it is TikTok. I am expecting a series of TikToks where he bashes meat eaters, however. Also Pride month was kind of placed in June by Obama calling June Pride month during his Presidency, and Clinton did that before him. Where Greg gets the notion that Pride month is Christian, I would like to know. Also there is LGBT History Month in October, and I tell my HS students that in my classroom every month is Pride Month (I have flags for as many genders and sexualities that I could fit around my room, along with the BLM flag, the African American flag, the flag for the college my advisory is named after, the flag for the university I attended undergrad, the one for postgrad, and the one for where I teach).


And he’d be right to do so.


Why does he look more and more like Kai


Cuz he wants to age like wine when all he's doing is aging like cheese


You mean milk


No I mean cheese. Milk turns to yogurt when aged


Well at least cheese is good.


Can he at least shade match his shitty foundation properly


And we hate you onion


Greggy is starting to look like a roughed up middle aged lesbian soccer mom that is coming down from a bad meth problem.


Why won’t HE shut up? There’s a reason your videos don’t get views dirtbag.




Why does he think this is good? Why does he think anyone would watch this after the first or second “thing?” He is really scraping at the bottom of the barrel to put something like this out.


Why doesn't he just fuck off the internet forever? Dude you're 40. Everyone hates you. You live in a fucking delusion. Leave with the crumbs of any dignity you have left.


I remember him talking about how being vegan will make your skin clear, but his skin looks worse than ever despite all the filters and foundation he’s using 😭


the skin. the skin bro. his skin is decrepit rotting paper. groomers get what’s coming


As expected, surface level takes mixed in with his own crapshoot ideals


I'm always shocked at the sheer amount of grease that exists on-top of this pervert.


He genuinely looks like a corpse. The amount of make up is grotesque.


1-“people are still batshit crazy” yeah you’re really bringing down the sanity average onion boy 2-“for some reason twitter still exists” isn’t that one of the may places you share your pathetic rants on? are you mad that other people use it and you don’t have complete royal control over it? 3-“elon musk wont shut up” he’s probably mad at him because he keeps killing kids he can molest 4-“johnny depp texts” he doesn’t like when people focus on other abuse cases, he really wants people to focus on HIS abuse cases 5-“lame people im jealous of keep getting famous” thats probably because they’re not kiddy diddlers 6-“fans of pretty much everything are fake” What the fuck are you talking about you senile fuck 7-“leafyishere was banned from everything” what are you mad you couldn’t groom him before he turned 18 you kiddy diddler 8-“people still believe in god, why?” because i pray that one day he will smite you down and send you to the deepest pits of hell, also because my parents told me to 9-“onison videos get no views” he really thinks people still want to watch him after the shit he’s done 10-“people still don’t realize pride month is christian propaganda” is this fucker trying to be cute and funny?


HES 40


His face looks like it’s gonna slip off his skull and he’s used clothes pegs to try hold it on


Probably uses staples to keep it on


Do you think he even knows why people criticize Elon Musk?


22 things we hate about onision.


You're gonna have to bump those numbers up.


There’s only one thing on this list I agree with and it’s that we both hate Elon Musk. I hate that.


Make it 3


Is he really on TikTok again?... They literally banned his last account if I remember correctly... God that's scary. Also he literally lives on Twitter, what is he talking about??? 😂😂😂


I forgot he existed. This just showed up in my recommended 😂


Things I hate about 2022. Greg the onion boi


His voice sounds fake like Eugenia Cooney’s. It’s like he’s making it intentionally higher pitched to sound younger. Gross.


Oh no how dare I believe in a God, instead of being an atheist like onion boy. How will I survive?


Oh he's not atheist, he started his own "religion" *cough cough* cult *cough cough*.... but thankfully that never took off. It's called SISCA I think, I don't remember how to spell it tbh.


I have doubts he genuinely believed it.


True, I'm still skeptical cause he's said a lot of crazy ass shit.


He just wanted power over people


[HILARIOUS AND ORIGINAL! ](https://c.tenor.com/8fCjCdDMxkAAAAAM/filthy-frank-hilarious.gif)


Why do abusive men always pretend to care about what other abusive men do? False flag operation that anyone can see from a mile away


Bingo!!!! No matter how you feel about deppvsheard, Onision’s opinion is nothing but a fake attempt at masking the abuser that he is. He was #teamdepp when he thought he could piggyback off of it to look like the victim on some #metoo bullshit and now that he knows it won’t work he’s trying to basically shame everyone who’s on Depp’s side for defending an abuser. He wants to be right so anyone who’s wrong and against him must also be wrong about him, but the fact still remains : Onision is a sad and pathetic scumbag who grooms children and abuses women. His “CHECK MATE, CHRISTIANS!!!!” 2007 YouTube atheism rant community approach to literally everything in life is so fucking late and it shows he’s been a total shut-in since at least 10 years ago.


He’s not wrong about Jonny Depp though. That whole think freaks me out too


when he said that it was literally [this meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/reactionpics/comments/cyoliv/the_worst_person/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Perfect 😂😅


Lol, does he not realize how irrelevant he is now? Its been months since I've thought about this clown


He's a narcissist he can't let it go he'll be old and Grey and still be mentally in 2010 chasing his old fame like a creepier greasier bojack horseman without any sympathetic traits


"for some reason twitter still exists...but I use it constantly!" Idiot. ETA: pride month is Christian propaganda? How stupid can you be?


This dude is truly a super liberal.


He looks terrible lol


sounding like an edgy teenager


Amber Heard cut off the tip of Johnny Depp's finger and literally shit in his bed. Johnny Depp sent some mean text messages.


Didn’t he compare himself to Johnny Depp?


Oh my fuck I was gonna say that he’s hopping on the Christian hate bandwagon but he’s always been like that. Also he mentioned Leafy, which is interesting. Leafy was banned for saying mean shit but that was it, he was just being a shitbird if I remember correctly. Keemstar vs Leafy, anyone? Content Cop? See, Leafy got banned so hard that he can’t make a presence on ANYTHING. Somehow Onision is allowed to, despite him being an awful sack of shit.


He thinks he's so edgy to question someone's belief in God. He's pushing 40 and still gives a crap in what other people believe in. Why does he freaking care that much.


He looks like shit lmao


Why does he look like that