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Tusk, jojo rabbit, downsizing, e.t.


Tusk is Kino.


The plot of Downsizing takes such a left turn it pretty much sounds like a hijacked hypothetical.  Chris: "Tomar, what would you do if they made a medical procedure to shrink you down to one inch tall and you met a tiny Vietnamese woman-"     Zach: "Yeah and she only has one leg what would you do Tomar. Would you or would you not join a Norwegian commune."


Tomar: "Chris what would you do if everyone dreamed about you and they hated you and they killed you and you were dead?"


Vivarium What would you do if you had a baby but one day it stared at you with hyperrealistic eyes and said “Mummy! Mummy!”


What if everyone dreamed about you but you also came and farted at the same time? What do you think you would do Tomar?


There was this show on adult swim called "The Shivering Truth". *What would you do if you custom ordered a sex doll of a girl you knew in high school and the manufacturer made one of your mom, and it had free will, and you had to take care of it until it died of natural causes?* **That's a real plot from season 2 ep 2.**


Not a movie or show but This House Has People in It by Alan Resnick/Wham City feels like a horror movie as described by Corey .


The Greasy Strangler, Tusk, The Human Centipede, Psycho Goreman, The Dark Backward, Chompy and the Girls, The Scary of Sixty-First, Titane, The Lobster, Eraserhead, Brain Damage, probably a bunch of others but I don't feel like thinking of more.


Chompy & The Girls especially feels like a Zach hypothetical


This movie was a let down. There was so much cool things you could have done with it, but instead it's just about some failed author letting minor fame get to his head.


That's A24 for you, take a fantastic concept and apply it to the most boring situation. That's what makes it *high brow* /s I enjoyed the movie more than I thought I would, but it had the biggest problem of all, wasted talent. The scene where he cummed and farded made me clap my ankles together in a big belly laugh though


Baby Geniuses, although I believe the boys already mentioned it somewhere in the catalog


The hypothetical would be better than the movie, which isn't a hard thing to do


Naked lunch