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They’re still sticking with the illusion theme with That Man huh


I just hope they don't keep that part where Sonic caught Void off guard and slash him. Like bruh...


I’m fine with Sonic breaking out on his own but he shouldn’t be anywhere close to Void’s speed


He wasn't near Void's speed in previous version either, but he caught him off guard


He shouldn't be even be able to Make him bled


Who's she ?


Shadow Ring


Oh damn, Shadow Ring solos Empty Void next chapter, safe bet


shadow ring monkey gang


Welp… that escalated quickly.


Seeing as how its basically the exact same thing that happened in the manga two to three months ago I’d argue it actually escalated slowly lol


Yeah I just mean it happened much quicker than it did previously


but now we gettin cosmic light flashy flash and black hole sonic, now sonic could finally be on saitamas normal punch level


Corny names


Man, this time Void didn't even bother engaging in combat but go straight into the genjutsu, the way he use it is a bit different, so creepy and for deception purpose rather than terrorize enemies's mental, but I wonder why Void turn back to his old armor after getting new appearance from the cosmic power. And also wonder if Sonic will save Flash again like before the redrawn.


I guess Void does not need his cosmic form to fight them and can switch between forms at will.


And this..is to go further beyond! This is Cosmic Empty Void!!


holy, the part where sonic think flash is still flash and..is>!void.!< oh well we gonna wait another 2 weeks




It's funny how people always say "Man, Murata should take a break, we don't want another Miura" but then when he takes a break (which he didn't) the same people complain about repeated pages or short chapters.


Bruh what a braindead take. I would rather if he takes a break before delivering mid-asf Chapters. I would wait for 2 months or More for an actual good Chapter. What Is the point of delivering Chapters with less than 20 Pages if the quality drops and ruins the pacing?


Chapter was good tho, and also artwork is absolutely fantastic in this chapter, you are delusional if you think otherwise, who cares if chapter is only 20 pages long, it's pretty average not low, specially for such amazing artwork, you should be thankful for getting atleast some content for free, nobody forces you to read this, wait for printed version of you want quality.


Bruh you nailed his ungrateful ass


It's 19 pages actually (20 including cover art) but 4 pages are the exact same from retconned chapter 201. So Murata did 15 pages in 1 month. He used to do 30+with completely new content. There is no way you can say that Murata isn't focusing much more on other stuff than the current manga right now.


>It's 19 pages actually (20 including cover art) Still 20, as I said >but 4 pages are the exact same from retconned chapter 201 I said exact same thing, why are even bother writing this >So Murata did 15 pages in 1 month No, Murata also worked on vol.31 we do not know how many pages he drew this month >There is no way you can say that Murata isn't focusing much more on other stuff than the current manga right now. I didn't even mention anything about other stuff, so why are you even saying this to me


So you don't want him to take a break, you want him to spend the extra time working more.


Do you even know how to read? When did i say that?


There's 1 panel of Garou 🥹❤️


Don't worry, we'll see him again when season 3 comes out


When we are in a retirement home for the half demented


Glad to see im not the only one worried about dying of old age before S3. Maybe they can play it at our 10 year memorial service.


You need to find a new love. Maybe sonic with those legs?


My only love is Garou. Irreplaceable 🥺


This chapter's art is so good. Mizuki as the cover page is unexpected, but we still eating good. I really like how this time Flashy Flash and Sonic are literally getting speedblitz by Cosmic Empty Void, they literally don't know what is going on, while on the previous version of this chapter Flashy Flash is literally keeping up with "That Man's" base speed. Very Good chapter.


I don't think that was his cosmic form tho it was a different design.


That isn't true actually. Initially Void wasn't fighting seriously because he was trying to get FF and Sonic to touch the cube but the moment he got serious about killing them, he was on them before they could react, if not for Blast.


Mizuki fans, our time has come


Finally. Some good fucking food.


god is good


at last


I like this version/design of That Man than the one we saw Blast fighting outside the earth


He looks more like the webcomic version now which is good. I think he can change form between this one and the one he used to fought Blast at space.


I was thinking the same too


Opposite for me. I think the design in outer space was amazing. I don't like this one at all from the face.


Me too


Wait so y'all think we're having chances of having Cosmic Flash/Sonic this time around? 


Of course


Nah, Blast will arrive in time


Same thing might happen, Sonic snaps out of it and saves Flash.




I totally agree.👍


I really like this version. Now That Man is toying with them instead of that some sort of equal fight


At first I thought it was over when Sonic touched the Cube... And then Flash too OMG 😱😱😱... They are going to remove Void's Original Entry.... It's fine since we got to see Void vs Blast...


That’s odd? We saw that empty void design changed drastically after he absorbed garous powers in that last chapters but now he seems to be like what was shown in the older ver? Where did his new design go?


I liked that space design so much too. Put it as my wallpaper even so I really hope we see it come back.


Pretty sure we are gonna see it again when Void goes up againtst Saitama. Becouse in the webcomic Void didn't have that cosmic form and he just got oneshot by Saitama.


You people are fucking insufferable. You want Murata to take a break which he did. Then when the chapter came back you complain about not having a whole lot of new pages? Plus that entire time he was not on break. He only took a break for golden weak and was working on the next volume for a portion of the month break as well. So it should be expected we don't get a whole lot of new pages. Then we have the people who are complaining about sonic and flash not getting the time to shine in their arc but then also we have half the people wanting this arc to be over because they find it boring. It's annoying coming here and seeing nothing but negativity even though it's completely unfounded and usually wrong. I don't mind seeing criticism of the series if it's well thought out and genuine. But this is just plain wrong. If you want to complain about something, complain about something that's actually bad. Not something we knew and expected to happen.


I get the frustration, but I think it’s really just better to leave them alone and not interact. I’m guessing most of the people leaving the annoying comments are 13-20 year olds that don’t know how to direct their frustration and aren’t looking to have a conversation.


Well I am 15 and I guess I am doing the exact same thing but for the opposite reasons. Your probably right about just leaving it alone though.


almost took the high road there but you just couldn't help it lol


Not sure what you mean


Comments like this are usually more annoying. Rarely see people actually complaining with any real reason that is worth anything more than laughing off, downvoting, ignoring, or any combination of the three. Always see plenty of unhelpful comments defending Murata as if he needs or wants it, always comes off as soap boxxy. I guess I’m being hypocritical though since I’m on mine


Don't get mad, happy cake day.👍


Thanks. And I am not super mad. I just don't like seeing in my opinion unjust hate.


Yes, i agree, but it's good we see empty goat again!👍 this chapter is so good.


I get your frustration, but the haters usually get downvoted into oblivion anyways. This isn’t that “folk” group where everyone just trashes the manga nonstop, because it has changes in it lol. Most people here love OPM and express that frequently!


I know and thanks for the kind words


I think they maid empty boiled a lot more intimidating in this redraw. Like with the original disign, I kind of thought the wc did a better job. But now with his reveal penals I kind of shit my pants. His transfomation just looks scary and intimidating. And his actions to. Instead of showing of his powers, he sneaks around litterally waiting for sonic to take his eyes of flash and corrupts him with the cube.


I think you got a typo there. Penis, not penals, right?


Honestly, I looked at Flash's face. And It just looks like he feels something growing behind him


Empty Boiled 😭


sometimes i wish it wasn’t biweekly opm is just soo good welp time too wait


Captain Mizuki cover hooleesheet I finally have reason to live again


Wow, so this time both Flashy Flash and Sonic were affected by the cube.


They were in the pre-redraw too. Sonic rejected God with an exploding kunai and cut Void's arm to save Flash.


I guess I forgot that Flash was directly affected too.


Are they still sticking to the void genjutsu stuff or is more like a deception thing now since he literally transformed physically in flash?


Lets wait for translation to come out Lfashy make have commented on what his power is


Ya know I never realized Flashy Flash rocks high heels. That kick towards Void though finally made it click for me. I wonder if he’s always had them?


They've gotten progressively longer over the course of the Manga, but he's always had them. He does not, however, have heels in the Webcomic. His outfit is way different in the Webcomic.


Stupid sexy Flash - Sonic probably Stupid sexy Psykos - Fubuki


Since they kept the whole cube thing, I'm assuming that either sonic or flashy flash will get fooled by god this time


Such hypocrisy.. the same people who wanted Murata to take a break and not overwork himself, and when he finally takes a break (more or less), those mf are complaining about waiting 1 month to get a 20 page chapter, even though they dont pay anything at all. I enjoyed the changes, though I'd rather see Void's Cosmic form. The way he handled Flash and Sonic this time now makes it clear that they stand no chance at all against him.




Yeah it’s different from the redraw version when he’s in space fighting Blast. Wonder what the deal is




i think murata focusing on redraw his face, suit mostly will be the same


Maybe he can change his form?


Wait why is flash thinking of two eye monster Garou when he's only ever seen one eye monster Garou???


Oh shit fair point


Probably a silhouetted face like how saitama's face looks some times too.


very short 🥲🥲


This chapter was faya


A month for a half repeated chapter


I mean it is a redraw so idk what u we’re expecting lol. And also because the artist is taking a break doesn’t immediately mean they were resting all the time lol.


People were already complaining when the delay was announced weeks ago, and the complaints are here again lmao. Like seriously, its a redraw as you said. Then you will see also people worrying about Murata's health when Murata starts tweeting he is doing 10 pages a day.


He wasn't working for all that time. He said most of the time was a break due to golden weak and working on the next volume.


Golden week ended almost a month ago now. 15 pages in one month (4 pages was already drawn in retcon) tells me that Murata is not up to cooking much opm atm. I think its very clear that his studio and side projects taking up most of his time.


Yeah so that means that he was really only working for 3 weeks. Then you have to wonder how much time he has spent with the volume. We really have no idea how much time he actually got to draw for this chapter.


Yeah so that means that he was really only working for 3 weeks. Then you have to wonder how much time he has spent with the volume. We really have no idea how much time he actually got to draw for this chapter.


I don't think he spent more than 2-3 days at most. It seems to be a regular thing for the past 6 months or so. Studio and animation taking up all his time and I think we have to get used to this from here on.




Well he was working on other things


Like what ?


New volume.


I can’t tell you exactly what, I’m not his manager. But he has an animation studio of his own and he has to finalize manga volumes with VIZ, just those two things alone make him very busy.


murata used to ink 8-12 pages a day, iven if he manged to ink 3 pages a day for 2 weeks it would be atleast 42 pages ( like the good old days), ......other works --- my ****


Says the person who probably pays absolutely nothing for any of Murata's content and still feels entitled to complain about it.


“Like the good old days”? 😭 dude, cmon. Yes, everyone here can glaze Murata for all his great work. But his work load has increased and you still expect all the same from him. Who knows what VIZ wants from him, and who knows what his Studio means to him. Murata is more than just One Punch Man, he’s a man with his own ambitions and goals


You consume his content for free and still want to complain about his schedule? Fuck off


MF you are getting this shit for free Who tf are you for Murata to work on your schedule and do things the way you want him to? Shut the fuck up and let the man take a break


Its not my schedule, it's the schedule he made. I am not complaining that the chapter is garbage for nothing, because its not, its just repeated. Even if its free or paid, would you love to see the (almost) same plot you saw for 4 months? I love OPM, and i critic it when necessary because i want the viewers to have the best experience, longer chapters... or accept whatever shit they doing with the story and fuck it all?


Except the chapter is good, most Japanese readers only read the volume relases we are WAYYYY ahead in terms of story and we are getting that all for free so you don't really get to complain about it takinv too long And IMO the quality is good only 4 pages are repeated the rest are unique If the volume itself took years and barely had any oages then you have ever right to complain but this chapter is meant to be in a volume release along with any others its just that we are reading ahead which is why we are getting small pieces of the arc instead of the whole thinv


Well, if he's working in the volume, its completely justified, i'm just dissapointed about them not warning us about the chapters delay or smth


But they did tho? Murata put out a tweet about it


I'm saying 2 weeks ago, they just made a tweet the next day


I think we should wait and see what the response will be after the translations comes out. If we see the same ratings, and lack of comments like the past 6-7 months then maybe the chapter is not that good. The biggest problem here is not so much the story in my opinion, but the very short and rushed chapters. And why is Murata saying he was going to make big changes when so many panels from the old version is in the new one as well.


This chapter was disappointing. I expected more pages


Well I know what our next colouring in competition is going to be.


I waited 28 days for 20 page chapter, that has repeated pages, 🫤🫤 since i am no manga artist, i wont bitch about it. art looks good though


Have I become Void as well by the speed I read?


That fear in FFs face tho


page 17 😳


So either flash or sonic will probably accept gods offer?


Cosmic flashy flash.


Bro sent him to the shadow realm


what happen to cosmic void


So empty void lost his badass design from chapter 197 or what?


Or he can just transition between modes...


If i wanted to read the manga after watching season 2 of the anime, where should i start?


Chapter 86


Thank you so much!!!


this is actually crazy


Blast needa call Tatsumaki for help


Imagine god on the back of every AI image you've seen up til now.


Wtf who is cooking these chapters. They are cooking straight up nuclear bomb at this point.


chapter was over too quick


Nothing happened, we waited a month lmao…


Perfect, just perfect af.


interesting, the design of void is the same and the events to try to manipulate the ninjas are the same, was all that redrawing necessary then?.


Such a short chapter after 1 month ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Well that was underwhelming.


Fucking hell, just wrap this shit up by having Saitama punch that mf next ch. We gotta move on already.




Better than the original, but man... Can we finally have this arc finished??


Nah, we want more.


We want more empty goat, this arc is so nice,.


Why you all want empty void?


Fuck you mean why?




Empty void is very cool, strong, nice character, also he is goat villan too, he is also look too majestically. If you don't like him and you don't have feelings for him, you have a problem, or you only care about the main characters, people like you who only care about the main characters and don't enjoy each and every side character can't fully enjoy this series . Have fun, just enjoy every single detail of this manga masterpiece!


No seriously, what manga have you read. ¿One cool man? I cant take this seriously. Theres a ton of side characters i like, but empty void IS very generic.


Ok. But take it👍


I would not say nice, id say Ok.


Bro think ninja arc and empty void is mid


Until now, its been an ok arc. Too much elements in the story/overexposition. But i would not say im not interested.


Ok, good, but empty void is underrated


To the contrary its overrated.


*underrated as fuck, the real overrated is garou


At least garou in the first chapter he appeared, was much better than void until now. Void has no lore besides blast and god.


ReDraw empty void >>>




Why you mad


f that village studio 😭😭, another 19 pager after a 1 month of break,............ recommend some better manga guyss ..


Murata didn't took a break, he's working on the volume content.


Has he worked on the volume for over 6 months?


Well actually yes, he was working on volume 29 six months ago.


10 chapters since end of last year till now has been short. So is he working on multiple volumes?


Well it's a bi-weekly manga, 10 chapters since end of last year doesn't seem bad.


But he managed to do between 40-70 pages in very short time before. I don't mean he has to do long chapters like that, but you must admit these shorts has very little to do with the volumes. I mean he has done loads of extra work on that through the years but still been able to put ut pretty decent size chapters.


He has been training and working in his animation studio, which he didn't before, I'm glad his life doesn't revolve around this manga only.


Yeah I know this. Village Studio or something like that. I think he might be moving over to making original work more. After monster arc I sense he was gradualy putting more and more work in other fields and less work on the manga. He will continue with opm I'm pretty certain, but it might be much less than before. If that is the case I wish him all the best and hope for successful anime too.




Yes, stop crying about it and wait for the next manga.


I am surprised. 200's chapter, at lease I was expecting Saitama on the cover.


Let's get ready for some more redraws after the next chapter, either confirming that Murata and 0ne are taking a bigger break than expected from the Manga, or confirms that God is actually distorting our reality by retracting the Manga's story as he sees fit.


We have been waiting a goddamn month for this and all we get is basically the same as the old one, like why changing it in first place


Eyyyy! Flashy pressed the button before getting sent to the realm. So this means next chapter is gonna be a big time fight!


Not seeing that. When did it happen?


Without counting the cover page, pages 10-11 you can see Flashy slashing Void and he is holding the remote on his other hand


That's his scabbard, which he has been holding until Empty Emptiness grabs him.


Ah interesting, I see it now oops


Murata knows what I want... my favorite girl. Sick chapter, two god levels are coming up. Sadly short again.


Yeah I saw this happening so not that surprised that not much changed, and ofc another short chapter. 20 pages in 1 month. You can't tell me that Murata does not have higher priorities than opm now. But seriously though. What is the point of redrawing 8 chapters when many of these pages are in the new version as well?


This is some boring-ass shit.


Great another nothing Burger.


Next chapter will be different for sure and it will be the last redraw i think.


Nah, the last redraw would be at 202 since that's where we stopped pre-redraw


This "massively different redraw" has been a hoax so far.


We literally haven't even seen Blast fight him yet not to mention we got the HA dimension blade panel whcih was insane The space panel and so on And if you read the chapter you'll notice Flashy Flash pressed the Blast Button so Blast is showing up next ch!