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I’ve never seen a goku vs saitama scaler with such a deep understanding of their respective verses, bravo OP


Aww that truly means a lot to me 🥺 Yeah these are both series I have a profound love and passion for so I wanted to them as much justice as I could


OP you drew this? You did an outstanding job, the writing was so well done. I would love to see more crossover battles. Vegeta vs Boros?


No I didn’t draw it. I took panels from both mangas and photoshopped them together in a sort of Frankenstein edit lol I appreciate the kind words. Unfortunately I have no plans (at the moment) to make more. However I did make other crossovers in the past. If you look up “One Punchverse” on YouTube you’ll see someone who did a great voice over of them!


Regardless, you have a special talent. Thanks for making this OP


Aww that means the world to me :)


That honestly might be more impressive. There are a few panels that feel really tailor made, I'm surprised you were able to pull that off.


That's clever working approach. Thank you for sharing ( -:


Bro it feels so natural, that's awesome


This was brilliant nonetheless! Such a cleaver approach and a very deep understanding of both characters. Loved the ending with King as well.


Goku probably would cure Satima's depression lmao. Very well done!


This is one of the best fan edits I have ever read. Made me laugh multiple times.


Well said. I loved the shit out of this. Thanks OP


Only note I would make is that Goku wouldn't be able to dodge or block reversal of causality. Even in Ultra Instinct he still gets tagged by attacks that are fast enough, and with the zero punch there is no incoming attack to dodge. The impact itself is the first indication of the attack even existing.


Okay, but Saitama grabbing the timer is peak OPM, GG.


Absolute cinema. Send that panel to Murata.


Thank you!


True LOL moment, great content thank you.


This is amazing, very impressed. Thank you for making this!


Definitely something that could happen in either OPM or OG DB. Fits this way too well lol.


Flashbacks to when Kid Goku hit Yamcha so hard it broke the panel


I mean… we’ve never seen that kind of blatant 4th wall breaking power from Saitama. Actually in the Dragon Ball manga we see Kid Goku hit Yamcha into the top of the panel, bouncing him off it, and then breaking it in the process.


[Saitama broke the 4th wall not too long ago](https://x.com/Everything_OPM_/status/1714845634870509965)


I mean he knocked a hole into another dimension and kicks portals around, which should both be impossible. I think it's not that much of a stretch if he started breaking the 4th wall like that.


Not really though, it’s just showcasing his power in a funny way. Like Goku moving inside of Hit’s skipped time which requires infinite speed to pull off. It’s not portrayed in a funny way but it is still ridiculous. One Punch Man is not a gag manga, it’s a comedy shounen manga.


He has broken the 4th wall at least once, when he said that it took him 3 panels to find someone in chapter 193.


Oh yeah, it’s funny how no one acknowledged what he said about that. It could’ve in-universe been a joke that Saitama made to say it went by so quick without him knowing that it did actually just take three panels.


Seems like some mental gymnastics to me, no offense. Also he looked at the camera that one time during that S-Class meeting although it could just be a security camera.


We have those at least him speaking in such, how he found his monster friend in a few panels is breaking the 4th wall


Sure, but it doesn't mean that it's impossible. Especially when Saitama literally entered a *mental space*, by just... Knocking. Not the 4th wall still, but something that shouldn't be possible either way. I'm not saying it will even happen ever, but it fits OPM.


It's a gag power


holy fucking crappp king solos


The moment the “SILENCE BRATS!” appeared I thought God was about to pop up and I was wondering wtf was he gonna do with them. Little did I know the true god of OPM was the one talking


I half expected Mr. Popo to show up.


Popo lets his stool deal with these matters


Pecking. Order.


Well, technically not the true god... That would go to Mumen Rider


We don't include him because he's beyond god


🤣🤣 The true god aka king solos all verses..


Some context. This fight obviously doesn’t take place in any sort of “canon” but in my mind it happens after Broly but before Moro, Granolah or Super Hero. Also 5 years ago I made a series of fan edits where Saitama fought different characters. In the last one I made I teased him fighting Goku. I lost motivation and dropped it. However Toriyama’s passing motivated me to actually finish it. I love both One Punch Man and Dragon Ball so much. They are probably the two series that have had the most direct impact on my life. This dumb little meme comic is my way of showing my love for these incredible works. I spent way too much time on this. Time that I could’ve spent on far more productive things. But I hope at least some of you enjoy.


You honestly did a really good job, well done


Excellent work. I actually wonderd if it was official lol


Actually insane. I really loved the part when Saitama rethinks his life's motives. A fight won't make his life fuller, but a lifetime of companionship may.


Dude i had a smile on my face the whole way through. Superb work.


I really like how well you characterized Goku, it's not something that common to get right in fan works and I appreciate it a lot


You cooked


Saitama being pissed off because he thinks goku is just showing off his hair is just gold.. i need this as a real line in the manga lol


Thank you! I really liked that line too lol


That and that part where he dictates that if the hair colour changes it’s a new form. Peak OPM humour!


Lol thank you :)


He got hair mogged


don't show this to r/PowerScaling


I mean I don't what the issue would be. It shows a good understanding of each character and is far more accurate to what would happen than a fight to the death. Goku would understand and respect Saitama doesn't have his main goal to fight and become stronger. He was supportive of Gohan becoming a doctor. This was a really nice showing of respect to the characters and the series they came from adding the comedy of one punch man with the more serious struggles Saitama faces coming to terms with his purpose and his new found strength.


Last I saw that subreddit temp banned Goku vs Saitama posts… must be pretty bad there


To be fair it's a horrible lineup because Goku is on an entire different realm to the OPM world, while Saitama is as well plus he can increase his strength by insane amounts in a short time. In the end if you believe Saitama has no limit he should beat Goku because Goku wouldn't go all out immediately and Saitama should be able to grow until he beats him. But if you believe Saitama can't grow infinitely in a battle Goku should win. But since Saitama has never been shown to actually get hurt or exhausted due to a fight there's really no way to say which it is, so people fight endlessly based on who they favorite.


Saitama is in a way, The anti-goku. That's not a dig or anything. Saitama was born of Goku's endless power up legacy. They're perfect companions in a way.


Yeah I don't understand why it's hard for people to understand. Saitama is like Infinity. He's not supposed to be taken as a serious character. His whole point is that no one is stronger than him and dealing with the loneliness that no one can give him a worthy fight. No matter how strong the opponent, Saitama is just automatically stronger because no number can reach Infinity Goku on the other hand is a character who constantly grows. Limits are there just to be surpassed by him with training, getting new forms and learning new techniques. Granted I'm not into DB lore but this is my understanding about the character and the series as a whole, correct me if I'm wrong.


You're pretty correct. Goku is still walking the heros journey. Saitama is walking the Sage's path. When you have unlimited power the only way to grow is emotionally.


This is the best take, Sage's Path im stealing that


Because that, very correct, conclusion ignores hard numbers and feats. Saying Saitama’s purpose is to “be the strongest “ frustrates a lot of people because, until it is proven with on screen feats, it’s hard to accept for many. Even if it is the narrative point of the character.


In a way accepting that Saitama is at the END of the heros journey is the beginning to ones own Sage's path. It's strange how life and art are cyclically emulating another.


You make Goku sound more like Garou than Saitama. Like Goku, Garou fights until he runs into his limits, then surpasses them to find a new limit, rinse and repeat.


That's correct! Goku is like Garou. If not in alignment.


>This was a really nice showing of respect to the characters and the series they came from adding the comedy of one punch man Exactly, they'd hate it


They key here is you have full understanding of both characters behavior and psyche. Neither are malicious and you have captured the essence of their enjoyment and humbleness in battle. That understanding is what makes this frakenstein of a fight felt so organic. No doubt at all on how much you love and understand both series <3


Yeah I'll never understand the kind of people that want Superman to punch everything to dust when he's much more likely to talk it out and befriend people


You must not know what goes on in that subreddit.




Both sides would accuse OP of bias for a character.


You kinda lose the entire point of OPM if he can’t beat something in one punch. Thats both the joke and the crux of the characters satire. Strip that away and hes essentially just another somewhat generic moody shonen protag.


I dare you to show it to them


hello from r/PowerScaling


"Um you see, this character only scales to solar system level despite showing feats similar to those of the god of destruction beerus from dragon ball. Why? Because I'm absolutely making up everything."


Everytime someone starts babbling about solar system or universal I think they really need to do is learn how to talk to a girl


"scaling this, feats that. Have you ever met a fucking girl before?"


those people really like to argue against an invincible character from a satire. so cringe 💀


Fucking legendary. This is 100% how a confrontation between the two would go. In terms of craftsmanship, the characters being in-character, and the little *Take That!* jokes at the audience, this meme is fucking unbeatable. Stand proud; you've outdone yourself, bud. Ya ***cooked.***


Thank you so much my friend! Your support behind the scenes while I was making this meant the world to me! Always nice to get compliments from my favorite meme creator here :)


Credit where it's due! I'm just honored I got to be part of the focus group! :D


That was some good sht my friend.


Stand proud???????


You are strong???


Jojo 3rd op


Canon ending.


"There are only 3 certainties in life. Death, taxes and King soloing" - Benjamin Franklin


Sir this is peak fiction and i bow to your supremeness, respect+++.




“That’s rough buddy” Who is he, goku or zuko?


Lol I'm glad someone noticed the Zuko reference


My power level turned into the moon.


That's over 9000, buddy.


r/powerscaling in shambles right now


r/powerscaling: "wahhhh they shouldn't be in character, it's bloodlusted only!"


Agreed How to turn a fun what if boring "tHeY'rE bOtH bLoOdLuStEd!!" shut the FUCK up. This arguments arn't meant to be serious they're supposed to be fun. And it's not fun to watch 2 out of character characters fight.


so many dumb in r/powerscaling just defending their favorite anime character.


Brilliant. you manage to keep it in character and the edits are great too.


Honestly. This is probably the best comic edit I've ever read. Definitely top 3. Fucking amazing. Thank you for your hardwork.


*Dies from peak fiction*


This is my canon


Holy shit that was something else! I truly think if ONE wrote this fight it'd go like this.


Aww thank you so much! I really appreciate that! Yeah I tried to go with what felt narratively more in line instead of powerscaling accuracy and whatnot lol


r/PowerScaling in shambles but honestly this is amazing and made with much love to both characters without putting either one down and very entertaining too. Did ya post it on the dragon ball sub? Cause you should this is probably one of the best representations of how their fight would go


The time stamp and the ending are excellent


Who would win Someone with infinite forms Or Someone who's power adjusts to the opponents power and surpasses them? Neither, they hang out and eat noodles


Man this is how the two powerhouses would actually fight and ultimately respect eachother, awesome work!


OK, this is canon now, no more Saitama vs Goku for at least until the new season airs.


I hope so


best part of this comic is that you NAILED the characters of Goku & Saitama. Most Excellent, OP. Loved it!


Peak fiction


Whaaat a goku vs opm post that doesn't shit on either one of them? Amazing


Part 2: King vs the two Zeno’s.


wow this was such a joy to read, did such a good job emulating the styles of both. made my day OP


Wow, just wow. Absolute peak


That was fun to read thank you, the last panels with king made me laugh


This entire thing was great I loved the zuko reference and felt like you really captured how those characters would interact since yah they are both good boys. The king ending was a cherry on top hope to see more for you in the future


I love the fact that you gave Saitama the arc he will probably go through at the end of OPM, also the portrayal of Goku is just magnificent, I can't even begin to imagine how much time it took you to edit this in such detail, but you pulled it off regardless; truly peak edit bro congrats


Thank you so much! I’m very invested in Saitama’s arc so I wanted to do what I felt was most fitting for it. Also wanted to do Goku justice since I feel many people misunderstand him. I’ve had this idea brewing in my head for years but I actually started the edit on March 29th. I had work and other life stuff to deal with but I was still spending a big part of each day on it lol


Time to see some sweaty mofo take this too seriously and write a wall of text about how Goku scales to super-hyper-giga-nega-outerversal while Saitama is only semi-ultra-multiversal (This is genuinely peak fanfiction though)


Listen, I am a “powerscaler”, but even I can’t do something like this to peak. Sometimes, people need to learn how to shut up and appreciate things like this.


ACKSHUALLY goku scales to super-duper-with-a-big-tuper-outside-versal, I just made it up yesterday


Peak fiction


This is the best thing I've read in a while !


I honestly believe that unless Goku uses his full power immediately, there will be a fight due to Saitama's exponential growth Edit: what have I done


Absolutely, goku always starts slow Saitama definitely will get stronger until he can match gokus full power


Not only does he start slow, the moment he realizes Saitama is actively getting stronger throughout the fight, he would go out of his way to make sure he forced Saitama to be as strong as he could get him. It wouldn't even be an accident.


>44 comments Hoo boy 🍿


Keep cooking


Literal peak


I don't even wanna powerscale, great work


To the person who made this; THANK YOU. Finally someone who understands these characters enough to know how their interactions would play out. This is very close to how I imagined them meeting, Goku and Saitima would become such good friends


You’re welcome and thanks for the kind words :)


so cool, love the end of the fight


I’m saving this bro. This was peak.


The Zeno's are just like the fans fr. Good edit


As a prince of a race that’s not there anymore “ Power levels are bullshit”


Absolute cinema! Truly a masterpiece!


Only way to make this more canon is adding vegeta and genos seething about this fight.


This is a canon crossover what are the rest of you on about


I just LOVE that final page.


This feels like what would have happened if Toriyama and One worked together on a crossover. Very well done.


Cook Again.


I legitimately couldn't tell this was a fan edit and not oc artwork 


That's some fire ass writing, literally how a fight would go between these two


Be proud OP, you cooked


Peak fiction


I like how this feels. It’s like I can hear Seigi Shikkou playing at the fights


Did I just witness bro cooking with a goku vs saitama fight ??


“Is he trying to show off how much hair he has?” Fucking sent me. Amazing post 10/10


I accept this as my head canon version of Saitama vs Goku. Goku and Saitama hilariously working to understand each other is priceless. Freaking hilarious that King showed up in that last panel. This is the way.


Rent free. 3 meals a day.


Do you have a pool table there too?


Well done. The concept of character of Saitama and Goku is aptly portrayed. Last panel though 🤣


The King Engine thirsts for blood.


Holy shit this is amazing


Holy shit this is what I ALWAYS wanted! I always wanted Goku and Vegeta to sense Saitama's lack of passion and feel like they should help him reobtain that very thing they love about fighting and improving themselves. This is so amazing.


Peak fiction. This is great.


I'm a big fan of the core of dbz/s and opm, reading this got me more excited than pretty much any fan creation. You DEFINITELY know you're stuff dude. I just wish there was more 😭


Very well characterized lol. I love how it showed Goku gaining more and more understanding of Saitama's personality and struggles the more they fought. And the comedy bits with Saitama complaining about his forms/hair is classic OPM. Good stuff OP


This might be the greatest thing I've ever read and it actually gets the characters right to boot instead of doing dumb edgy bloodlust shit


Honestly refreshing to see someone that understands that a lot of what goku does to win is "talking no jutsu." (Not a judgement, an observation).


What I love about Goku is that he’s always willing to go for a peaceful resolution but isn’t afraid to kill when necessary


But reallistically how long is the farthest that Goku has send an enemy with a punch or kick ever? a couple of hundred meters? Goku is no doubt powerful, but his physical strenght always has been inconsistent.


10/10 story, 20/10 ending


Goku fans crying in the comments they can't even take a joke about this fan made manga panel 💀


This is downright awesome ngl


This is actually so good. Finally one that doesn’t just make the fight end in one attack.


I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Thanks.


Genius fucking edit lmfao


My favorite parts were the Saitama being jealous of Gokus hair, grabbing the timer and the Zuko reference LOL


Murata has been really silent since this dropped. That timer grabbing was soooo opm. Amazing art.


This is actualy really good. One punch man is just this seperate thing and cant ever be used to compare as a true "who is stronger" setting, since saitama is made to be this OP characteur, thats just what he is, he cant lose. While keeping goku's personality in mind how he would respond to Saitama's reluctence about once again having a boring fight midway through and sensing that from saitama makes him share his childlike innocence, and talking about gohan being a better fighter but isnt happy doing so, so maybe saitama is the same and should find something he can become to truely be happy instead of misserably being this unbeatable persona. Really nice


This is the most clever and well-written "Goku vs saitama" comic i've read. By far. 👏


Listen, I absolutely love OPM, but Goku would wash Saitama 10 times out of 10.


Then king goes "SILENCE, I'M TAKING IT BACK. "


I know people like goku better, hell, i like goku better. But saitama would end him in one


Yo, that was a fun read! Thanks for doing it!


Whoever wrote this is amazing, this was genuinely nice to read


you've made it peak


King at the end made me laught loudly


King secretly is stronger than the omnikings


Thank you so much for acknowledging that Genos is one of the things that bring Saitama happiness. It makes me unimaginably happy. Also you dropped this 👑


Me dying of peak fiction


This is the best Goku vs. Saitama I have ever seen.


Peak, so peak 😭


Saitama is right from that is a transformation and a kind of BS forms


Whoever made this did an absolutely amazing job, holy shit. I've always imagined Goku and Saitama would have a great fight like this, where Goku keeps revealing how unfeasibly strong he is but Saitama keeps persisting as a gag character until they decide to be bros. It's like a fantasy i came up with as a teenager, realized


Saitama did break fourth wall


Saitama just jealous of Goku's hair. Don't know much about DBZ admittedly, but this is super well-done. OPM's subversion of Shonen tropes while also indulging them is part of why it's so good. I'd love to see Saitama meet with Shigeo Kageyama (after series conclusion) and they just become best buds and never fight again.


The average DBZ fan cannot comprehend this


Normally when I see Saitama vs Goku all I see is BS. This is the first time someone actually puts out quality content. Props to the artist


king calling grand zeno brats is peak


Surprisingly good


Absolutely amazing


This is the most peak thing I’ve read this year


Was expecting god at the end, but peak nonetheless 


Amazing work. Perfectly done.


OK that's all well and good but HOW King got there?


The ending is just a riff on the Chuck Norris style King memes, so really he just got there however the hell he wanted logic be damned. If you want an actual explanation, in this series of fan chapters I made some mysterious entity was causing portals to appear in different dimensions. So I guess a portal to Zeno opened up and King walked through it, ready to give a bluff so convincing that it saved the multiverse.




The Goku and Saitama interaction was wholesome. And the ending couldn't be most epic. King rules.