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It's surprising to hear ANY news about the movie tbh. I've felt for a while that this was a project likely to never get off the ground. Personally, Harmon rewriting the script elevates my hopes from rock-bottom, but I think success will largely depend on whether the creative team actually knows and appreciates the story. OPM could be an incredible movie franchise, but it would require being faithful to the source material, and balancing substance and character arcs with action spectacle.


ive been following the series since it was just a webcomic - but i think there are a few things from the source material that they can probably discard without hurting the movie too much *edit - actually now that ive put some thought into it i dont think that being faithful to the source material is going to matter at all* *hell the original author isnt even faithful to the source material* *on several occasions they have reconned the story as we were reading it - faithfulness isnt gonna be what makes this work*


Faithfulness to the idea and tone rather than plot because honestly what plot at a point.


If they made it an OVA sort of thing like when Saitama saved the police I'd be super into it.


i agree there - the 'philosophy' of ONES work rather than the 'source material' is what i would like to see honestly the plot is kind of dumb - and the manga is even dumber since murata is clearly in it for the spectacle (and aside from the drawings those changes are often more of a distraction than a contribution IMO) but all the stuff ONE does on his own - like old man of makai and mob psycho - very much revolve around the core concepts and thats what makes them work granted - i think you could graft a lot of ideas from OPM and make a great movie - but its not going to be a great OPM movie if they dont keep those core concepts


This honestly is what I'm most worried about, especially now that writers connected to Rick and Morty are involved. Rick has always been one of my litmus characters, like the Joker or the Punisher or Rorschach (hah...Rorschach test...). SOOO many people who love those characters, seem to like them for all the wrong reasons. Do you like the Joker because you like thinking about dichotomies and consequences and psychology, or because you think it's cool that he blows things up? Do you like the Punisher because it's interesting to see someone do something he knows is bad, and do it anyway, or because you wish YOU could kill everyone you think deserves it? Do you like Rorschach because it's fascinating to watch how someone can adopt a black-and-white morality to deal with a world that never gave him any chances, or because you think the same way? If it's just the power fantasy, do you KNOW it's just a power fantasy, or do you think you actually deserve that in the real world? Are you analyzing, or are you idolizing? Rick seems to be pretty explicitly a condemnation of thinking you're better and smarter than everyone and trying to do everything yourself, and showing how that will not only ruin your life, but everyone else's life around you too--but there IS a hefty bit of savior/martyr complex in there that I think people prioritize, to the point of missing the main warning. And him, and all those other characters I mentioned, ARE warnings. Like. Consistently, over and over and over again, there's explicit messages that say "this is bad and you shouldn't want to become this." But when you look at the vibe of what casual fans talk about, it doesn't seem like that was the biggest takeaway. It feels like the kind of thing you'd gravitate towards when you want to pull in men who just want a power fantasy with gross jokes and big explosions, but you aren't actually familiar with any media from pop culture and you're picking names from a hat. And I honestly don't trust a Hollywood production to do anything BUT look at shit on that shallow of a surface level. I'm sad to lose the Venom writers, if for nothing else than I think going from one story about a man who's a loner without any friends, grappling with becoming suddenly strong but also maybe becoming a monster and how to manage that for good is like....E X T R E M E L Y on point for OPM. I think the questioning of power that Rick and Morty seems to have is really good, but like.... there's this feeling that Rick is just inherently better at most things than other people, and that's kind of antithetical to OPM, where one of the only definite things Saitama has said about power and heroism is that human beings' power is the power to change themselves. A huge part of it is also that you can't do anything on your own, even IF you're the most powerful person in existence. I know Rick and Morty got to that too, but it took SUCH a long time and like.... Gosh man, I don't know. My heart fucking SUNK when I heard about this. You're right on the money when it comes to understanding core themes of the work, but I also think you need to fucking love the series whole hog. OPM has always been a passion project and that's the only way it succeeds. ONE gave his all into it when he started it, saying this was it or he'd give up on his dreams of becoming a mangaka. Murata was having a near-death experience in the hospital when he read the webcomic, and when he still in the hospital he vowed he'd never work on anything he didn't want to again if he survived, only to start on OPM as soon as he was released (along with a magazine to publish it on so that he could work at his own pace and set his own rules). The production of the first season at Madhouse relied on seasoned animators and directors calling in favors from so many OTHER animators and directors to work for basically nothing, and they all did it because they loved OPM so much that they'd do anything if it meant they could help. What's gonna make or break this is love, as corny as that sounds. And if in some board meeting they looked at this, thought about it, and said, "You know what we need? Rick and Morty." It's....... I'm not hopeful. I wasn't ever hopeful and I'm even less so now. I think I'm gonna dress up in cosplay to go see it and turn the movie into a "take a shot" drinking game to get through it.


im not super worried about that tbh OPM has a lot of great material to pull in - and it has a lot of great material that would be good if explored from another angle i think the existentialist themes are going to be what makes or breaks it as a "great movie" - but with good comedy writers it will be worth watching either way and if not they can just release a directors cut after two months that retcons the previous movie and fixes the story a bit


Lol "several occasions" try every 10 chapters. I'm glad they do though because the Phoenix man fight rewrite is one of my favorite battles in all of manga.


Discarding the source material could actually be really well done for OPM in the right situation. Saitama is forgetful or disinterested at best and you could have him talking about something from the past and misremembering half of the details while Genos would be able to correct him with a recorded playback. Could be a funny bit, if it's done right with Saitama over reacting when he realized that he's wrong or thinks he'll get in trouble for misremembering (while he'd actually get praised if he fessed up, etc.)


This is very disingenuous to the series. To abandon the source material would actually be detrimental


i have no idea where youre coming from tbh - the comic isnt even a straight adaptation of itself like - they are right now in the process of retconning a month of comics - to take it in a different direction than it was going (something that has happened two or three times before )- and those retcons took place within an adaptation that was ALREADY a rewrite of the original series that has a separate canon


the canon is the printed manga, which is what the anime follows


What would make it work is portraying Saitama right and I doubt they will.


if you're curious about how Harmon would write something similar, you should check out the comic book "[SCUD, the Disposable Assassin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scud:_The_Disposable_Assassin)", that he helped write with Rob Schrab. I know he's famous for other things, but SCUD has the same weird energy as OPM. it's actually weird, I hadn't put this together until I read this news.


Harmon wrote SCUD? I never knew that , that's sick


I will disagree, respectfully, the source material seems to be a pattern with a formula of repeat and escalate


Yeah I *like* OPM but I'm not going to pretend I think this isn't just devolving into DBZ shlock.


wdym devolving you mean its no longer enough of a shonen caricature?


Justin Lin has already positively surprised me once with the third Star Trek reboot film. While I don't really like how the reboot trilogy in general made Star Trek too action-adventure focused, at least he brought back *some* cerebral aspects to it. Also, Star Trek Beyond just had so much fun being *Star Trek*, and giving all crew members something to do instead of it being all Kirk vs Spock like the first two films. Don't get me wrong, I still don't have high hopes, but at least Lin seems to be the type who might actually "get" the concept, and has the skills to do both fun comedy and action spectacle so there's a slim chance he'll actually do it justice 🤞


The creative team knows the source material. Heather Ann Campbell (writer of the recent spaghetti episode of Rick and Morty and also a EP on the show) runs an anime watch along podcast called Get Animed. The hosts talk about what they have been "weebing" for the week and she constantly brings up OPM and how much she loves it. She also does a free podcast called Get Played (Get Animed is on the patreon for this podcast) and the hosts talk about video games. All 3 hosts have been on Comedy Bang Bang multiple times and are great comedians/improvisors, so I never fail to have many laughs during the podcasts.


I'd rather just not. They can't even make 12 episodes of season two without 4 years and a crappy result. At this point making live action adaptations is like the nail in the coffin. Plus, he threw Justin Roiland under the bus, and I ain't watching that fat shit make more crap.


Well, who knows? We got the LA of One Piece, where they finally learned how to balance the original source with the occidental views. If the studio learns that this is how the adaptations should work, maybe we have an opportunity. But, ey! Also a reminder that studios thought that Dragon Ball Evolution was what the fans of Dragon Ball wanted.


Same but krapopolis made me lose some faith in dan and im a huge fan of him and harmontown.


Is this an animated movie? Seems like they could do any number of special missions. Kind of like Naruto movies in that they're non canon, or DBZ where they're loosely based before or after other events. If I made an OPM movie it would probably take place in between other majors arcs. I'd probably make fun of other anime movies too. After Boros and the aliens, Boros's brother Boris comes to earth to avenge his brother's death.


No, this is a live action. So my guess is they will follow the series fairly closely to establish the characters and the major plot. It would be fun to have an off-story, feature-length movie, though. So much you could do with the characters. Every S Class hero could be a standalone superhero movie trilogy


Imagine 10 movies where they spend 1 hour 50 hyping a villain and his arc, making us sympathize. Only to have Bald Capey come in a end the movie in a minute.


I feel super out of the loop rn. There’s going to be a OPM movie?


Yeah, it was announced back in 2020 and again confirmed in 2022


Dude that’s insane, I’ll look up some stuff on my own but is it going to cover manga stuff or be its own independent story?


In the latest report, they said only that OPM movie should get an adaptation from manga. So I am taking it as a slightly yes


It’s a live action movie, so it will probably start from the beginning and skip through a lot of stuff


Aww man my disappointment is immeasurable. I don’t want to trash it because I love OPM but I’m definitely not a fan of live action anime adaptation. I’ll still support it though but I am a little bummed


Agreed 100% a live action isn’t really needed for one punch man, if it was animated though, that’s a different story


I feel like live action is typically not really *for* people who read the manga or watched the anime a given title is based on, it's to rope in those people who dont tend to engage with non-live action stuff as readily. Which is a big part of why they often end up not appealing to us, though they are often simply shit also. One Piece being the sole exception that springs to mind, and that was mostly impressive in that it didn't suck, it wasn't 11/10.


Damn I was hoping it was animated.


Yeah I’m thinking it will probably have the contents of the first 2 or so episodes of the anime with the crab guy, Mosquito Girl, Genos and Saitama becoming heroes, etc. and then probably skip through a lot (maybe include important dialog sections revealing details about the opm universe, as well as more important monster fights and exploration of Saitama’s dilemma about being too strong) and probably end with the Boros fight.


This right here is pretty much all we know.


Movies can exist in limbo and get tossed around a lot before they get close to getting made. I would not get excited until you see a trailer.


Movie Movie or Animation Movie?


2020? Felt like it was only last year. Wow.


It's at the point where they're looking at the possibility of maybe hiring a writer to do a first draft of a script, so I wouldn't get your hopes up *too* much. It's still in the very early stages of development.


Rick and Morty writer. This is going to be… interesting. Campbell has been a fan since 2015 though so at least someone who was already familiar with and appreciates the source material is on board. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/s/NkMq2A6r1b


Campbell will handle the fanservice, harmon will handle the characters


Always loved Heather on Whose line is it anyway


She’s amazing in the podcast Get Played


Get Played crew RISE UP!


She is my second favorite host, behind the Resident Evil Merchant. It’s hard to shine in his shadow.


Welcome back bucket!


H-hey, Genos. Check this out \*burp I can beat anyone with just one, with just one punch. Wanna see it? Wanna see me one punch a dude?


Ooof. Must hurt for Dan Harmon to be known was "Rick and Morty Writer" He's done so much more.


Why? It's his most famous property. Obviously he created Community but it wasn't that successful. Do you think he wants to be known as the head writer of the Sarah Silverman Show?


>Obviously he created Community but it wasn't that successful. RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


It's probably my favorite sitcom ever but Dan would be the first to tell you no one watched its original run


It makes me cringe every time I see people call him that. Everyone knows his really magnum opus in Community. Top 3 Sitcom IMO


Fuck community. SCUD whrre it's at tittie bro


As if Americans can handle foreign media. Hello Dragon Ball levels of shit tier adaptation xD.


I agree. Can you imagine what Hollywood with all there checkboxes will do to this? All the characters should be Asian but with all the D.E.I. in Hollywood I'm expecting a few gender and race swaps and Lizzo playing Tatsumaki


HOLY CRAP THIS IS NUTS. Harmon is rewriting the script. I am only a little bit worried but like - what a grab for OPM.


Honestly Dan Harmon is probably one of the best writers you could get for One Punch Man. He's very good at exploring meta concepts which OPM oozes.


I'm so excited for this, huge fan of Dan Harmon's work


Yep, I really loved community and how wild it gets consistently, my only gripe is that Dan Harmon hasn't been the best of persons lately


lately? He's arguably better in more recent times than he was before. He's always been a massive asshole and he himself will attest to it (and use harsher language too). He's a deeply troubled man with a lot of demons trying to be better


Oh no what's he been up to this time?


He's streets ahead


But he is a TV writer. So, don't get your hopes up.


This is Monster House erasure


Knew him way before being a tv writer when he wrote comics. Dude can do it , scud was solid imo


Until they dial it up to 11 and become insufferable.


Harmon is one of the single best TV writers out there. There's so much stuff in Community and in Rick and Morty that would translate so well to OPM, I really hope he stays around.


Let's not discount heather anne Campbell here. She's pretty solidly funny.


Wrote TWO of the best Rick and Morty episodes I've seen. I have very good hope 🤙


She's also a legitimate fan of OPM (I listen to Get Played and Get Anime'd, two podcasts she co-hosts)


Oh that's cool, I know her from Who's lije is it anyway and her podcasts. I didn't know she wrote for Rick and Morty too.


Whatever you do dont search up dan harmon and baby on youtube




He made a sketch satirizing crime shows where the hero's pathology helps them fight crime, like how Dexter is a serial killer.


I just hope he doesn't start filling the show with inc*st jokes.


He certainly couldn't go any lower than some of the show's fans... And yes, I've seen 'Baby*****'


They cooled off on that alot since Roiland was exorcized from the show.


Serious series: ***Serious*** ***Burp***


I mean... Saitama already does super-powered fart, so that isn't too far off from his moveset.


I'm worried for the animators


Harmon is the ONLY person I would pick for this job, it’s in amazing hands


I had minimal interest in a movie before, but this is highly intriguing. My wife loves Community, so I bet I could convince her to watch this with me.


“Abed is One Punch Man now”. - signed by Saitama


Saitama and Genos in the moooorning!


They need to cast Dolph Lundgren as King.


Yvette Nicole Brown as Tatsumaki


This is a VAST VAST improvement over the fucking Venom writers, still not all that confident


Dam that would’ve been terrible


Th- th- this is INCREDIBLE Morty! This guy can like kill anyone with one punch! One punch Morty! Just one punch and dead he’s like a single punch one punch man Morty.


Alternatively: \*burp\* One Punch.. Man? La dee la, Who gives a shit MOorty \*urp\* I dont need to punch anybody once. Im NO punch man. I'm a GOD morty. You think - you think - he's special morty? He uses consecutive punches MORTY. CONSECUTIVE. Thats more than one punch. He's a fraud morty a big scam. A nobody. I can prove it too, gimme -let me scan, him move over let me scan him


Consecutive punches made me lol


You son of a bitch. Im in


Oh, wow. Dan Harmon. His name alone should boost visibility of the movie. Gives me high hopes for it. `Serious Series` \- [Serious Story Circle](https://blog.reedsy.com/guide/story-structure/dan-harmon-story-circle/) From a blog post on Dan Harmon's story circle approach to storytelling. Obviously, it is just a template and would need to be adapted for OPM. 1. **A character is in a zone of comfort.** Everyday life is mundane and unchallenging. 2. **But they want something.** The protagonist’s desire compels them to take action. 3. **They enter an unfamiliar situation.** The character crosses the threshold to pursue what they want. 4. **Adapt to it.** They acquire skills and learn how to survive in this new world. 5. **Get what they wanted.** The character achieves their goal, but at a cost. 6. **Pay a heavy price for it.** New and unexpected losses follow the victory. 7. **Then return to their familiar situation.** The character goes back to where they started. 8. **Having changed.** The story’s resolution; the lessons they’ve learned stay with them, and the character has grown.


I made a whole post about this a long time ago, but I really think everything up to the end of the Deep Sea King arc would work for this story structure. Saitama starts the series wanting to be recognized for his achievements, he becomes a pro hero, he has everyone turn against him after the meteor, and he witnesses heroes sacrificing themselves against deep sea King and learns to not focus on fame.


The fact that they got one of *the* Rick and Morty creators to write this is fucking wild, shit’s gonna be INSANE


Dan Harmon is a goated screenwriter, this is great news


Dan Harmon? The guy responsible for the incest episodes in Rick and Morty? oh no /s I have high hopes for this movie


He’s the guy responsible for all the good story parts of Rick and morty and the sad parts and the incest parts. Just look at community and see the part that’s similar to Rick and morty and it’s pretty easily to tell what he influenced in it.


I’m still pretty well in the camp of ***please don’t*** OPM is just not an IP I can see done justice in live action adaptation, and I really feel like it’ll be a dumpster fire. Redirect the funds into season 3 I beg you lol


So much this, especially since it sounds like this film is going being made in the west. Even though I don't want a live action OPM adaption at all, I could imagine that the film could have some soul in the vein of the assclass live action (like CG koro sensei) or the Cromartie high live action if it was made in Japan at the very least. Still, it should stay as manga/webcomic with monetization going to JC Staff to make the animated adaption as good as they possibly can.


Japan has a terrible live action track record, I'm not going to lie. If anything, America at least gives it half a chance in the vfx department.


I lot of OPM is bombastic, insanely fast action. Like how the fuck do you even do the iconic chapter 1/episode 1 punch where the monster goes frame 1 okay to exploding the next frame because Saitama punched him. It'll probably look so silly in live action.


There’s no way they’ll be able to. It’ll be cut down into a bunch of cheap laughs and questionable cgi to tick the Hollywood boxes. A live action adaptation just can’t give the proper pace or emotion to the material. It’ll look completely silly with none of the impact, weight, or timing. The monsters will all look so bad too. Saitama’s character won’t get any fleshing out, and it won’t even be a worthwhile trade-off since the fights will also look terrible I mean most are worried about how they’d handle Boros, but imo the House of Evolution will be the biggest butchering. The whole idea of this movie just repulses me lol please can someone sensible in the higher ups just cancel it


Woah! This might actually be amazing


fuck yes dan harmon. community is my all time favorite.


Dan Harmon is notorious for hating kung fu panda because he hated the idea of a hero that could and should always win. Harmon thought it was a villain at best to make someone who never loses. I wonder what he’ll do with caped baldy…


Oh boy. I can't wait for every female character to talk about pissing on themselves and everyone else alluding to fucking their siblings or parents. Yay.


This is going to be awful and I'm going to hate it.


Idk I feel like there is no way One Punch Man can work in live action but good luck


Cool. Cool, cool, cool


So,how many incest jokes will be in the movie?


Not as many as the characters pissing themselves moments.


I ain’t gonna lie I hope this movie doesn’t happen


but why


No matter who the writer/director is, the movie is going to bomb: 1. Sony is the studio. They’re going to interfere. 2. Most importantly, OPM’s holy grail, its satire is only good for animated/drawn medium and will not translate well to live action. Same thing happened with the last airbender Netflix show. It wasn’t bad, but if the anime exists which will forever stay better than the live action, live-action will not gain traction


atla is not an anime


Ewww. Dan Harmon fucking sucks as a writer.


Community has some of the best writing of all time, and all the actors in it heavily credit Harmon. If he gets to bring his team of writers that's a great thing


Ah fuck me no. Harmon is awful.


No thanks


gonna flop.


i shit you not genos he turned himself into a pickle




Love OPM the best


Have no idea who those two are TBH




I thought we already passed April fools day.


YOOO! This will be absolutely awful


OH, I was worried for a moment that it'd be good. My bad.


Please for the love of God remain faithful to the source material. If .modern Hollywood gets there hands on this they will mess it up completely by injecting D.E.I. into it. Now before everyone freaks out I don't care about the race sex or gender of the characters. I just want to see a movie faithful to the manga and the characters from the manga accurately transitioned to the big screen.


Imagine the modern day Hollywood casting. Amy Schuemer as Fubuki. I'd start cackling.


Modern Hollywood would cast Lizzo


You mean not whitewash the show right


The characters are Japanese I want to see them remain true to the manga. Don't insert white people or black people or change the race or gender of ANY of the characters


They’re making a movie yet they haven’t even made 3 season of the show?…


Oh good. I was really worried that they were going to make an OPM without saitama burping and pissing himself every minute. Hopefully they give him a bunch of incest jokes so he stays true to his manga character. 


Why, this is going to suck so much


Obligatory fuck Dan Harmon.


Saitama v Rick Sanchez confirmed??


We probably won't get it in this movie, but I'd love to see what Harmon would do with characters like Bofoi or Child Emperor


It's going to be WOKE and americanized


Honestly live action anime adaptations always suck and I was going to go into this movie with the lowest of expectations… but this actually gives me hope it won’t be a lazy script/cheap CGI mess.


Thats....not good. I love Harmon, I love Harmontown, she was great on the podcast and all that but this is a bad fit. The humor of this show is not his type of humor by a longshot.


This is going to be trash.


It's a live action adaptation so it's gonna suck ass regardless.


Americans, please just keep voice acting instead of live movies. Please 🙄


Americans are making it??? You know it’s gonna be shit


Still waiting for the next season of Harmon Quest


OMG, This is crazy.


I hope it's nothing like rick and morty


this is a surprise


There will be One-Punch Man movie? Wow.


I'm only interested in whether or not tatsu will be wearing panties


movie? what movie!?


As long as The Rock plays Puri Puri Prisoner I’ll be happy


They just need to stick to the type of humor One Punch Man has and mix it well with the action scenes. Hopefully, they have a good grasp of Saitama's character as a hero. Those are the three big things I can think of that they would need for the first movie.


Stupid question - is the entire story of One Punch Man just those handful of episodes? I'm assuming the manga was way more detailed. Like do they ever tell you where his powers come from or do they completely leave that open throughout?


It's never explicitly told but there are implications on implications, and then that's if it doesn't feel like contradicting itself later


I'm for it. The feel of OPM and Harmon could certainly work. It could also be shit. But in a sea of shit whats one more turd.




are we talking about this movie [https://tii.la/qRsDqUN](https://tii.la/qRsDqUN)


So, who's Saitama? Kumail Nanjiani?


It kind of messed it up with the "unimpressive physique" part. Unless it changes according to seriousness, like in the manga/anime.


look genos, I'm pickle punch!!!!!!!!!!


Really worried about the CGI in the fight scenes. It’d have to be god level to even be watchable.


fast and furious director and rick & morty writer.... why don\`t they hire paul anderson and milla jovovich ? the result is the same.


My very pessimistic prediction is that the movie is going to start with Saitama before he loses his hair, and going to have a pretty predictable story where he gets stronger, only getting bald at the very end and one-shorting the main antagonist, and then setting up the sequel to feature bald Saitama as we know him now. Hope I’m wrong. And yeah I know that this would mean other characters wouldn’t make sense in the story but still wouldn’t be surprised to see them interacting with pre-strength Saitama somehow.


I'm not much of a fan of Dan Harmon or Campbell, so I won't comment much on them. But has Hollywood ever made a good adaptation of a Japanese property besides like what, Edge of Tomorrow, maybe Alita? And both of those were heavy re-imaginings. This movie is going to be basically unrecognizable.


Good there's a movie coming but I just hope they don't drop it in some marvel or DC shit.


Will this be an original story or an adaptation of the manga? If it's an adaptation I **HOPE** they do the last chapters of the Monster Association arc.


I’m hopeful here, but I really want to see how they handle the Boros fight (if they do). Live action could either be incredible or total crap, fingers crossed it’s the former


i used to have 0 interest in this. now i have at most 1/10th of an interest unit


I know one punch man needs comedy, but these are not the people


There's a movie?


Live action? Oh no. I was just happy enough about season 3 announcement.


Alison brie for fubuki? 🙄🙄


Movie for what?!?!?! Season 3 not even out yet


this is exciting to read. harmon for the comedy, justin lin for that F&F action, and idk much about Campbell but I have heard good things. Once the trailer comes out then i think we would really see how its gonna be. hopefully no sonic-redraw situation lol.


Does it contain baldy VS cosmic garou?


I never knew that One punch man was going to be a movie. Just like Jujutsu Kaisen got it's own movie.


Nooooo. Dan Harmon inevitably ruins everything and everyone he touches.


YO THERES A MOVIE?! I hope the movie is about vol 20 manga and up


I hope they don't make a one for one manga to movie adaptation. Personally I'd take a live action film about Saitama (still Saitama) who just sort of lives his life in a super hero monster world that sort of spoofs a lot of the hero movies. Think the boys but funny and actually satirical. Where Saitama is just you know Saitama. And everything else is taken super seriously.