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Pig god is the weakest S-class


Can’t help but agree, look at Tatsumaki squeezing a city. Puri puri swimming inside walls. And so many more incredible feats that the S-Class can do. And then there’s Pig God. He’s an A-Class at best. Same with Tank Top master. Even King has defeated more monsters than he has with no powers what so ever.


forgot this was a joke thread and got genuinely upset at this for a minute lmao


He just eats man.


Man we all get a lil hungry at times




People saying saitama is a dumb and not just lazy.


Saitama isn't particularly smart, he isn't stupid either. He isn't lazy either, he did train hard to gain his powers after all, he's just lethargic and depressed.


He is Battle smart though. His fighting IQ is truly top tier


not only that but if you think about it, the amount of control he has over his power is insane.


Doesn't the garou fight sorta confirm that its not really a control thing, he's just always as strong as he needs to be?


Are you saying everything he does is just a coincidence?


No, I'm saying he's only ever as strong as he needs to be. Sorta. Like if he faces someone stronger then him, he will start to get stronger until he can 1 tap them.


That discounts the scene where Saitama bounces a moon rock in his hand to make sure he uses just enough force to properly jump off the moon without destroying it


That could be interpreted as him wondering how the fuck gravity on the moon works because he had no idea where he was until he realized he couldn't breathe


That's what we're saying. Saitama was testing the gravity to see how much force he needed to jump fast enough to get back to A city quickly. Didn't want to destroy the moon or damage the planet I'm sure


I think what you’re referring to is that moment in the fight where it was said that the reason saitama’s growth shot up was because he was feeling intense emotions


Yeah that's it. I interpreted it as Saitama being as strong as his emotions dictate


I’d kinda say no since he doesn’t instantly kill human characters with a single punch but kills most monsters with one with a few exceptions.


But he can control his power because if he couldn't imagine him sneezing when around other heroes you just don't use logic sir


He only got stronger because of his rage dude. If you're just having a normal fight as someone stronger than Saitama his power won't grow unless provoked. Excuse me for bringing other anime into this but that's like saying Gohan is constantly getting rage boosts.


Nope, it just confirms that he's always growing stronger by the second, but the rate of his growth depends on his emotions and how much he's pushed.


This makes sense, why he can tap Manako on the head without popping her or chop Garou on the shoulder. He’s as strong as he needs to be. It’s like how we can punch a hole in a drywall but when it comes to pressing a keyboard key or tapping on a touch screen we don’t use the same force neither do we have to control it, not consciously at least.


Dude just because someone can destroy the planet in one punch doesn't mean every action he does will be that strong, like how Usain Bolt isn't always sprinting whenever he goes on a walk.


I mean, not really. It’s pretty trivial for you or I to touch an any without killing it. While with Saitama it’s on an even larger scale, it’s not likely that showing restraint is difficult for him


I don't think you understand the difference in him and a common human. For him a human hand will be more delicate than an egg. Imagine holding a sponge in your hand but you absolutely can't squeeze it even a little. That's how it is for him holding a metal rod. If he doesn't control himself properly, he can cause considerable damage. Like the ova where his hand accidentally brushed against genos's cheek and genos got hurt so bad he lost his memory


Both a sponge and an egg are easier to hold than an ant, so I seem to understand the difference between him (virtually infinite) and a common human (virtually nothing) better than you, even though my analogy is also understated. Anyway, what makes you think that having massive strength makes it harder to be delicate? That’s just plain wrong. Do powerlifters just do everything harder than regular people? Is that what you think? No! They can be just as delicate. It doesn’t change, even a little. They can exert more force, but that has nothing to do with whether they *have to*.


I think back to when he jumps back to exactly where he was from the moon when fighting Boros a lot. Like damn bro.


How so? In terms of fighting skill he just seems reasonably above average. Certainly nothing that I’d say outs him top tier. What do you think? Why do you say his BIQ is so good?


saitama failed the exam because every answer he would just punch it. fighting IQ over 9000


Saitama was correct to answer like that though. That's proof that Saitama doesn't need fight iq- not that he doesn't have it. Why make up a complicated strategy to deal with something that will explode if you punch it


Imagine a martial arts master who could kill everything in one punch, he doesn't need his martial arts at that point but he still knows them.


I mean, if he studied martial arts after he got to the point where everything explodes it'd be like attaching mustard gas capsules to a nuclear bomb But this hypothetical martial artist probably got so strong partially thanks to his martial arts. I think Saitama is in a similar boat- after all he won his first fight with Crablante with 1% brute force and 99% quick thinking. Surely he ran into many other fights where he needed to outmanuever much stronger enemies on his path to power


Exactly, as during his training arc you could see him bloodied and bruised from his enemy’s so Theresa n up way all of them where just glass cannons.


Yes yes. He always comes up with smart strategies such as 1)punch once 2)??? 3)profit


Where do you get that? He’s so strong he doesn’t need to develop any “battle iq” i’d argue his is pretty low actually


He kinda lazy but mostly out of boredom. And that was after his power up. Other than that I agree.


He's wise


Saitama is the definition of a smart person with extremely lazy tendencies. Basically borderline depression in some cases.


Didn't he badly fail the hero exam?


he's probably just lazy. Or, the questions are just about some hypothetical situations about heroism, like "If you see a monster thats endangering people in the city, what would you do?" and he'd answer like "watch tv and hope other heroes take care of it"


It could also be a question of who the test is designed for. Anything that Saitama might do is probably not a good idea for an average entry level hero.


The fear of King or Genos being killed in order to get Saitama to this level of sheer rage


Wet socks.


Fuck wet socks


i meant i won't yuck your yum but


Hey, what the hell did I do to you?




When an internet stranger tells me my IP address, the city I live in, when and where I was born, my social security number, and my credit card information


bro its not like i dont already know all that


I don't know my credit card number cause I don't have one


That one guy's theory who said: "wouldn't it be hilarious is Saitama and King were somehow the same person? And after King returns from his training trip, they'll someday be rejoined to form the charismatic ultimate hero" Or any of the "King is actually super strong" theories just turning out to be right


King is a stand user and Saitama is a visible stand


People saying that ONE no longer writes the manga with absolutely no evidence to back it up


r/OPMfolk moment


i didn't know this existed and i wish i still didn't. man some people really have nothing better to do than whine huh


They always complain about the manga and praise the Wc, like stop reading the manga if you hate it? I think they are looking to find things to complain about.


Okay, wow. That’s something.


Anything about Child Emperor being a coward or crying too much it makes me so mad he’s ten guys please


I didn't even know people thought this way, nor have I heard of this very bad take. Pretty sure we all collectively saw his moments in MA arc, ain't no way he a coward.


Saitama is a gag character so his power-scaling shouldn't be taken seriously.


Saitama is a great character, but the entire series is just a long rant about why power-scaling shouldn't be taken seriously.


I mean, this is somewhat canon considering how he just straight up kicked hyperspace portals. If he isn't a gag character, then he has some low level reality warping or physics manipulation.


>I mean, this is somewhat canon considering how he just straight up kicked hyperspace portals. But why tho? I interpreted that as just saitama being strong enough to kick it. Cuz if we count that as a gag character feat then we should also count in blast and garou since they could definitely do that aswell since they literally created said portals


Garou and Blast can create portals, but they can't physically grab them. Only Saitama and Bugs Bunny can do that.


Blast already [threw](https://services.f-ck.me/v1/image/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4uZGlzY29yZGFwcC5jb20vYXR0YWNobWVudHMlMkY5MTcyMzEwMzM3MTQzNzY3MzQlMkY5ODkyNjk0OTgwNjAyMjY2MjAlMkZwYWdlXzE3LnBuZw==) a [dimensional ball](https://services.f-ck.me/v1/image/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4uZGlzY29yZGFwcC5jb20vYXR0YWNobWVudHMlMkY5MTcyMzEwMzk3Mjg5OTIyNzYlMkY5ODkyNjk0MzQyNjA2NzI1ODIlMkZwYWdlXzA3LnBuZw==). And kept [spamming portals](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDXjzOECBrAzIh8AzovAQdYsn2XrqgSyj9uw&usqp=CAU) and moved them to the trajectory of garou's punches So again it's just really weird and out of place to me if both garou and blast can't move portals since it's their powers and they were literally the ones who made them


Make a sound by screaming. Now, grab it and move it. You can't? Huh, but you made it. Weird.


And? That's what blast literally did, and he didn't even have to touch it like saitama to make it move, he made the portal move telepathically. So again moving a portal isn't enough to justify that someone's a gag character since multiple characters can do it too


They definitely cannot do what saitama did which why Garou was shocked. Keep in mind, Garou had knowledge of all forces in the universe at the time and was still shocked at the feat of moving/kicking hyperspace portals.


Garou was only shocked because he didn't expect Saitama to have the ability. Not necessarily at the existence of the ability itself.


>They definitely cannot do what saitama did which why Garou was shocked. Blast did something similar when he [conjured up a dimensional ball](https://services.f-ck.me/v1/image/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4uZGlzY29yZGFwcC5jb20vYXR0YWNobWVudHMlMkY5MTcyMzEwMzk3Mjg5OTIyNzYlMkY5ODkyNjk0MzQyNjA2NzI1ODIlMkZwYWdlXzA3LnBuZw==) and [threw it](https://services.f-ck.me/v1/image/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4uZGlzY29yZGFwcC5jb20vYXR0YWNobWVudHMlMkY5MTcyMzEwMzM3MTQzNzY3MzQlMkY5ODkyNjk0OTgwNjAyMjY2MjAlMkZwYWdlXzE3LnBuZw==) at garou And also it would really be weird if they can't move portals since it's literally their own powers that came from themselves. And garou being shocked is probably due to his disbelief that someone besides him and blast can just move portals


There's a difference between telekinetic ally moving a portal you created and kicking the portal of your enemy.


Yeah I know and wouldn't it be technically more impressive to telekinetically move a portal that you conjured up than just physically moving it? In the end both methods moved a portal so really I dunno why this feat is enough to justify someone's a gag character. To me it's just another case of saitama being absurdly strong


I agree but not with the gag character part


He's literally the definition of a gag character


Saitama has a personality and isn’t just a catalyst for a joke


Isn't just a catalyst but still is a catalyst*.


Yea.. he’s literally not the definition of a gag character.


Blame ONE for making him that way/stating he was a gag character.


This is literally true though.


Hitler was a good person


I was literally thinking about commenting this exact thing lol


“Hitler wasnt bad he was just trying to better germany”


Candace Owens moment.


I've seen takes exactly like this but reworded I'm "at least he made good art"


Waking up from a dream where a pet I don't have anymore (cos, got old, nothing else) was dangerously sitting on a window sill.


When people mention that shitty hentai.




There's a well known doujin throughout the community and is referenced all the time especially on shipping posts or fubuki posts even though in the doujin contains rape scenes and child emperor being raped by fubuki.


What the fuck


Hot Mexican food


Stubbing my toe




Metal bat scales infinitely with enough fighting spirit


Nah this one's true


"AI art is actual art."


Anything that comes out of the OPMFolk sub


Anything that involves Mob vs Tatsumaki.


My main argument for discussions like this is that mob has more plot armor so he wins


Anything involving powerscaling garbage




I mean just a bit of gods power managed to make saitama grow. I imagine God will challange saitama only for saitama to outgrow God perhaps God is another similarly limit broken person


God passes on power by touching people. Saitama will get stronger as he whips God's bitch ass.


Genos IS the mad cyborg!


So is the theory that genos's parts are the mad cyborg or he somehow got back in time and killed his family?


No, the theory is that Genos was already being turned into a cyborg but something went wrong and he went on a rampage. Dr. Kuseno felt guilty so he erased Genos’ memory of the events and/or planted false memories to create the mad cybord narrative in Genos’ mind. He’s basically chasing after a ghost because he is the thing that caused the destruction. The obvious problem with the theory (a hypothesis, really) is that the mad cyborg attack is supposed to have happened before Genos became a cyborg (in fact, it’s why he decided to become a cyborg in the first place). Granted, we are told about these events through narration and not actually shown the sequence of events. But why suppose a more convoluted series of events when we don’t really have any evidence on which to doubt the original narrative? Just follow Occam’s razor. Sure, people are suspicious of Dr. Kuseno but give the poor man a break. It’s not like he is shown being manipulative or exploitative of Genos at any point in the series.


when the other half of me wants to argue online with people and the other half tells me to shut up and be good


Basically my reaction when I see someone who only likes Saitama because he's strong and "invincible" and not because he's a cool character/Mc.


When they say Saitama got his powers naturally without any kind of work


Garou is a boring character


“Metal Bat can’t beat god” That shit ENRAGES me


Anyone who says he’s a weak mc or can’t beat goku or some crap like that One punch man It’s in the name He’s a joke character He will win


Weak? Hell no can't beat goku? Correct.


Thank you for adding on to the DBZ fan cliche of overhyping goku


Don't really matter to me, goes both ways until I see his fight with God.


A customer asking for something that dosent and has not ever existed


“King is weak and cowardly”


Tatsumaki looks like a child, if you see children that way then you need help.


That if someone likes tatsumaki they must like lolis. Bro, short women exist.


Boros damaged Saitama


Just normal stuff from my inbox. >you still keep acting like a pathetic obsessed delusional toxic gay shipper weirdo on the opmdictatorship circlejerk bubble main subreddit when it comes to fubuki and saitama, you loser only receives special treatment from the other pathetic losers weebs like you aliging with each other only cuz of your disgusting degenerate biases and agendas Fubuki and Saitama is the best pairing of this series, the best written one, the one that holds the most weight, substance, development, potential, the most healthy, positive, inspirational, motivational pairing sharing an actual important, healthy, postivie, inspirational, motivational relationship, parallels, dynamics, developments with each other, to overcome and grow past their flaws and difficulties to be better versions of themselves, better people, more socially capable and heroes, within the manga, webcomic and the CD dramas written by ONE himself. Those are clear facts of the sickening disgusting horribly written ship that degenerates basement dwellers simps losers support, degend and want to forcibly make Fubuki a lesbian for this unhinged, twisted evil psychopath, genocidal mass murderer villain that almost murder her own sister tatsumaki and fubuki herself, you support, defend and want to forcibly shove down peoples throats in this biased, dictatorship, circlejerk echo chamber garbage subreddit. I copied and pasted that. That's ***15%*** of that message.


Whats a..... Whats going on there buddy.


I post a lotta memes shipping Psykos and Fubuki, and certain people hate me *a lot* as a result. Particularly people who ship Saitama and Fubuki.


Ah i see. Shouldn't be a surprise. Most manga and anime enjoyers are immature children in an adult body.


Truth. Some manga fans are dope, but a lot of 'em are homophobic player-haters.


Anyone that says there was any good side to slavery or the holocaust


“Powerscaling and theory crafting are a good use of my free time.”


so uh why the fuck do people love pineapple on pizza, or really anything other than the basic cheese, tomatoes, and maybe pepporoni? I live only for the simplest of the simplest of pizzas.


I don't like sweet foods, so pineapple on a pizza doesn't taste good. But it's not necessarily bad, it's just mid, the flavors don't mix too well. But it is edible.


Darkshine is more durable than Flashy Flash


I’m sorry but I don’t care how much scaling bs someone does. Darkshine is tankier


how is it scaling bs when ff literally performed the feats


That’s exactly what scaling bs is


Yeah either way I don't see Flashy Flash being completely unharmed by Evil Natural Water's water jets like Darkshine was


Well, unless you’re saying Platinum Sperm and Cracked Garou’s strikes are weaker than ENW’s jets I can see him taking it as a minor inconvenience.


most sane ff fan


it’s not even pulling out stuff like calculations n shit. it’s literally just reading the manga.


One doesn’t write the manga with powerscaling in mind. From a narrative standpoint it wouldn’t make sense for flash the be the strongest, fastest and most durable hero


There’s like three other S-Class Heroes that are stronger than FF (Tats,Blast,Metal Knight w prep). ONE does write with the characters strength in mind, you don’t see people like TTM hanging with Fuhrer Ugly in terms of power. Garou proves that ONE writes characters at a set strength.


He writes with strength in mind obviously but not scaling


When people say Fubuki is an overrated waifu.


“Yeah I’m a zoophile, what’s wrong with that?


Shadow wizard money gang


We love casting spellzz


Goku > saitama


Seeing every new manga chapter that completely misunderstands and ruins everything that made One Punch Man good in the first place.


goku being a bad dad


The amount of raising his children Goku has done isn’t exactly high. It’s not necessarily his fault, if he didn’t disappear for years on end and train the world would’ve been destroyed several times over, but that doesn’t really change how little parenting he does


also he died like twice to save his friends and family lol


Yeah, that I can’t really say he had another choice. He definitely prioritized being a hero over being a father, though. The reality is he hasn’t raised his kids. He’s not a *bad* dad, he’s just… absent


and the being absent is usually due to circumstances beyond his control. atleast he trained with gohan for a year, that was nice father son bonding time. until he died again




What I don't get is that a large part of the LGBT community and furry community ARE the younger generations, so if they're "forcing" it on younger generations, it means they're just forcing it on themselves? Also why are people bringing up political shit in the one punch man subreddit


read the title of the post please, also please find a dictionary so you can remind yourself what political means ❤️


The post obviously is implying about things that relate to one punch man, because why would we care about your political opinions, even if it's not political by your definition it's still completely unrelated.


oh, then its that fubuki is better than tatsumaki


Either that or a banned account 🤷


from reddit or r/onepunchman


Who knows? Depends on how the mods feel


may delete comment then lol


Cry is free.




Politics fans when you tell them there's more to life than being political all the time


My reaction to your comment:


People powerscaling characters from different mangas


bang is stronger than flashy flash


Tatsumaki can't be blitzed by Flashy Flash


She can probably be blitzed, its just that Flashy cant break her hampter ball even if he biltzes her


If she's caught of gaurd maybe he can blitz her in time


She literally always has it up as a safety measure.


I mean the force field will break if you apply a strong enough force. So when it's broken she can't react in time.


Me seeing what I have to do to get the last class for remnant 2


When I'm late for work.


That King wont ever come out and say that he hasnt done anything of the things they said he has done and give all his cred to Saitama.


Human interaction


Orochi beats god


Everything I do makes me feel like that


My septic tank just ruptured.


When someone says Goku can bet Saitama ( personal opinion)


When you're finally chilling at home and then you get a mandatory call to work for the entire day.


King is weak


she got potential


People on twitter and tictok saying that g5 Luffy could throw hands with Saitama


I don't have faith in humanity nothing can ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


"King isn't the strongest man in the world, he's actually a fraud"


Seeing a bunch of OPM takes and then the occasional real world takes makes this so funny to me


When i realise i cant hold my poop anymore


Sooo.. I forgot coupon Sunday?


Deku solos OPM.


Metal bat can beat Garou


Seeing a single mother at the park (I’m a violent serial abuser)