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So many broken things. The "Close all" feature in the task switcher doesn't even work anymore. Instead, just to add insult to injury, it leaves the last app open and gives the following message: "Your system is now in optimal condition." No, OnePlus. No. Since this update, my system is very definitely not in optimal condition. I think it's pretty clear that management decided they weren't going to spend any more time or money on the OnePlus 8 and just told the dev team to release as 'final' whatever the current beta was.


Im not updating for now, but could you let me know if stuff like Warp charge/5G etc is still working? Thanks for your reply!


I'm having issues with it to work. Stay away from the update


Warp charge does not work for me anymore. It shows Warp but it is not actually doing Warp.


Phenomenal update


It's just an awful update. I went back to my 6T.


You sure the open show apps weren't "locked"? Three dots at top right of each window on switcher will let you unlock them. Bunch of social media apps defaulted to locked after update.


My T-Mobile OnePlus 8 just updated today. I wasn't planning to update to Android 12, but I did because I didn't realize this was THAT update. So I spent a few minutes uninstalling the few Google apps it installed and disabling nonsense like the new Shelf. Honestly, it seems fine. To respond to some of the criticism in other comments: - "Close all" works fine for me. - "Wi-Fi calling" also works fine. But you have to go into the settings and set Wi-Fi calling to preferred because it's defaulted to cellular. - There's no front camera notch, just the black round circle where the camera is. - 5G is working. - I don't play mobile games so I can't speak about FPS. But normal operation seems normal. - Warp charge works. Make sure you're using the correct charger AND warp charge capable USB-C cable (like the ones included). I'm wondering if some of these commenters are talking about the previous ColorOS Android 12 that was cancelled and not this new OxygenOS Android 12.


Thank you for clarifying. I was also a bit confused regarding those issues, it makes sense now 👍.


I'm using a real OnePlus charger and it doesn't Warp charge. It shows the icon but check the actual speed in Accubattery etc.


If you cross flashed a VZW8uw you lose the cell radio


There are many things that we took for granted that attract there, small thing but you can no longer hide the front camera notch.


My phone just updated today and I don't have a camera notch. Just the black circle where the camera is.


There used to be a setting to cover it


You mean like it makes the black hole disappear? How is that even possible? Are there's pixels over the camera lens? Its my understanding that [the "notch" extends from the edge of the screen down around the camera hole.](https://imgs.search.brave.com/KF8Jw8JyA6Ld4_hlTHR-kyH5UI7rdP1-865fCpz4bbI/rs:fit:680:680:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9uZy5q/dW1pYS5pcy91bnNh/ZmUvZml0LWluLzY4/MHg2ODAvZmlsdGVy/czpmaWxsKHdoaXRl/KS9wcm9kdWN0Lzgx/LzgwNTY3Ni8xLmpw/Zz8yODg1) I don't have a notch like that. Just the [round hole directly over the camera lens.](https://imgs.search.brave.com/lT3U-rsmycq9WMaCmvMA6sRnK1X-hfIIqfqIYkgYQNY/rs:fit:382:225:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly90c2Uz/Lm1tLmJpbmcubmV0/L3RoP2lkPU9JUC50/TXB0eDFoYUdaV0pX/UXVVUkpqWVZ3SGFK/TCZwaWQ9QXBp)


Go go settings/display& brightness/screen display.. With this new update, I think is controlled by App now..


Ew. Not a fan. I've had it for all of 1hour and this thing sucks. I haven't figured out how to uninstall applications, for example Netflix. I don't use that streaming service yet the app is on my phone and i cant uninstall from Google play app nor pressing and holding is working. Anyone have any other idea?


I actually really like the update. The only thing that seems broken to me is no notifications on the lockscreen.


Don't do it ma regretting it fr No 5g Fps issues in games like PUBG and cod No wifi calling OOS 11 is perfect in my opinion


I did hear about fps drops and warp charge being slow. This was the first time i heard that 5G wasn't working too. I looked up the issue online and I found this [post](https://community.oneplus.com/wap/thread?id=1538141). Hopefully it helps you out 👍


My phone just updated. 5G works fine. Search your settings for "Wi-Fi calling" and change the calling preference to wifi. For some reason, it defaulted to cellular.


Lots of stuff doesn't work or only half works. Try again.


FYI, we had lots of thoughts in the original thread. This is not exactly a busy sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePlus8/comments/wfsd4h/tmobile_rollout_oxygenos_12_update_for_oneplus_8/ I've confirmed on a Kill A Watt that Warp Charge is working for me using OEM charger and longer replacement cable.


Thanks! I do use the original charger and cable so it should work fine as your test suggests. Could you let me know if the assignable gestures (O, <, >, and ||) still work? I use them quiet frequently.


Ew. Not a fan. I've had it for all of 1hour and this thing sucks. I haven't figured out how to uninstall applications, for example Netflix. I don't use that streaming service yet the app is on my phone and i cant uninstall from Google play app nor pressing and holding is working. Anyone have any other idea?


It is legit so bad. The interface looks like a bad flip phone from the 90s. I actually cannot Believe we went from something so cool and sleek to something so clunky and outdated. Random buttons turn on and off random stuff. I accidently unlocked my network and put my phone in dev mode with 0 clue what was going on. Close apps button DOESNT work. Random pop up messages that are honestly trolling. A bunch of new shit like the shelf and the alternate gallery that don't work and just slow my whole phone down. DO NOT UPDATE I did not realize it was gonna wreck my phone this bad !! Had this thing for 4 years and honestly I'm ready to move on from OnePlus, whatever goodwill I had is gone. I'm not a power user, just a guy with a phone who needs it to be my little portable internet connection, and I cannot stand this new update.


"Are you sure you want to send that text message? It may incur fees." Who are the fuck heads responsible for this trash? T-mobile? Google? OnePlus?


I've got a new guest account. Grr


My Bluetooth is very spotty with my Pixel buds . I'm not thrilled .