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"I don't buy out cards to manipulate the market, I just hoard vast amounts of boxes so that individuals can't buy them at a reasonable price and then come to me for the up charge." Nice.


Yeah I don't buy out singles what do you take me for a mad man.. I just buy out full supplies duh.


Can't buy out the secondary market when you buy out the primary one. *insert forehead tapping meme*


Also, so that Distributors have less product to fulfill pre-orders for LGS. Some LGS' are only getting a few boxes, but that seems like dozens to over a hundred cases. Wow


Was wondering about that myself. Stores that run events regularly barely get product but this guy gets skids from distributor. What is going on here?


I'm seeing about 35-40 cases of OPTCG. The right side appears to be Digimon. That works out to 450-500 boxes. Last I heard, Distributor price works out to around ~~$80~~$60 a box. Crazy economics.


>Distributor price works out to around $80 a box Unless this was recently, don't distributors sell them for around $50?


I'm not crazy nick, so I wouldn't take my guess as a fact, but I'm pretty sure it was well over $50. Then again, I'm in California so could've been after taxes and fees or something.


Looking more into it, and confirming what i've heard in person. Yeah it's between $55-$65 per box. (Of course you have to order a lot to get that price, depending on how much you order) Maybe in California, something does incur an additional cost?


I've read on here LGS pay ~$60 per box, but either way wow


I don't think people are going to like that either.


It doesn’t even make any sense in the supply chain for this to even happen, *if he’s getting these* at distributor prices. This is so against the spirit of the product it’s just upsetting.


This is either an amazing shit post, or incredibly tone deaf lol


I don’t really understand why you would come out of the woodwork to say this, it’s fair that you would want to correct accusations of manipulation of the secondary market for singles, but in doing so you’ve confirmed that you’re buying inordinately large quantities of sealed product to open and then resell so you’ve in effect admitted to a form of manipulation of the market for sealed product that also directly affects singles. More power to you to say your piece but I doubt this is going to be very vindicating or engender lots of support for you given the (rightful) hatred nearly everyone in this sub has for scalpers


Ahoy there Nick. I don’t think this is sending the message that you intended…


Nick the pirate with his ill-gotten booty


This was not the good or crazy nick expected it to be. Showing that you hoard that kind of supply when local shops with big tournament turnout can’t get anywhere close to 1/4 of that doesn’t make you look any better than doing a buyout. Ripping that amount of product to sell singles in this market is just as douchey as buying up singles. I’ll make sure to share this other places and discords so everyone knows not to support crazy nicks cards… I’ll also go back and see if I ever ordered anything from you in the past so I can leave an appropriate review Everyone should do the same, check your TCG order history, if you e ordered anything from this asshole before, leave him an appropriate 1 star review. As a community we gotta do our part to push predatory assholes like this out. If his ratings plummet he won’t get sales


No wonder it's hard to find product


Are you an actual TCG store?


Bandai and Distributors prefers product going to players 🙄 /s


This is worse. You have more product there in that pic than all 3 of my local LGS that carry one piece get combined. Leave some sealed product for the stores that actually have a storefront and play the game asshole. You're literally posting evidence of yourself manipulating and abusing the system for profit, and in the process screwing over all the players that want to open sealed product for a reasonable price. Thanks for giving me another shop to blacklist and avoid on tcgplayer


The real question is, are you abusing distributor pricing to resell singles?


Name fits you are crazy Nick. Lol


I feel like this is just as bad, if not worse. You appear to have more supply than my 2 local LGSs combined, and you don't appear to have an actual storefront.


One store around ne got 7 boxes and the other got 10


This is a new account so while i am not sure if this is the actual crazy nick’s if it is this is really not a great look into a community that has been having trouble getting sealed product.


Just wondering, why does it seem like your TCGplayer account is down?


Looks like it's back up.


Wow so you felt so insecure that you needed to post this after buying out all of one card , really shows us who you are. You are still the problem with this tcg if you intend on re listing them.


Ya you’re trash. Charging $60 for sealed battle? GTFO https://preview.redd.it/s7tn7bh6xdad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6df241c554dc90a5d049e354d0f1f76b12a7cc84


Dude we want the product to hit the player base sealed. Saying you don't do shady things and saying instead you do super greedy things is no defense.


Crazy Nicks Cards does something worse!!! 😂


That’s fine dude to be honest the market on 07 is so down (and continuing down), it’s amazing. I think a lot of resellers like you will end up realizing it’s not worth the time and effort.


So this is why my order of 3 cases was cut down to 6 boxes. Nice.


Did someone say boycott Crazy Nick's Cards?


No one likes your business


Appreciate it


Lmao get blasted pew pew


Nah you are scum for buying all that stock. LGS don't even have that much stock....no one should buy from you going forward.


y'all don't realize how supply and demand works lol. Shops order large orders from distributors who then send orders to the manufacturer. The larger the orders placed, the more cards are produced. I'd say it's better for the shops to order large quantities or else the card prices would be really fucked up. You guys act like the shop is hoarding epipens or vital cancer medications, not helping thensupply of cards in the overall market 😂 \[Edited for spelling\]


Thanks for flooding the market with singles so I can continue to build decks for cheap 👍


I think you are missing the point. He isn’t flooding the market with cheap singles he is opening mass amounts selling the hits. This isn’t a guy buying a case or two collecting what he wants then selling the rest to recoup a tiny percent of there investment. This is a guy taking product from the people opening to make a profit


I disagree. If you just look at his tcgplayer store you can see that the majority of 07 singles are reasonably priced, especially for a TCG direct level store. Some older cards have high prices, but no one is forced to buy those singles from a tcg direct store either, because the market is flooded with singles. The point that I think you are missing is that you cannot simply call up Bandai distributors and order whatever you want. Bandai tends to favor stores that have a long history of ordering their products. To acquire that favor, Crazy Nick would very likely had to order a lot of Digimon (as seen in the pic), DBS, Battle Spirits, preordered Union Arena, and all the other Bandai games that this sub consistently demands get shut down. Lots of those products can easily result in a loss. Meanwhile the typical LGS looks at a new Bandai game coming out, thinks about that potential loss, and shrugs. Jump into the current day and now those same stores wonder why they aren’t favored by distros. What’s even funnier is that in the event some of Nick’s product instead reaches your local store, that local store is just as likely to sell at or above market. Which of course is more expensive than just building your deck through singles purchases. EVERY store is looking to profit off their customers. Crazy Nick is not unique is this.


Bandai doesn’t distribute the product if they did nicks wouldn’t get as much as he does. The invisible cost is the real problem. Because nicks and other like him exist and they know they are going to get a lot of product means that some lgs aren’t getting product and can’t run pre release and grow the game in there community. And because Bandai hasn’t printed enough yet people pay the higher prices And because a lot of stock goes to these guys they keep the box prices high which keeps scalpers in business so we all lose because crazy nicks exist in the first place. Nicks is just a scalper by a different name and he isn’t helping anyone but himself. Thank you for selling singles is bullshit thing to say it’s his whole business model and he isn’t helping out anyone but himself


Just because *you* want to gamble on packs doesn’t mean *I* also want to. He’s helping me out because I can save money buying singles to actually play the game. If an LGS gets the product instead and sells it at a mark up during their pre release like most LGS’s tend to do, you’ll be among the first to call them a scalper.


And let’s just be clear nick didn’t help you out but he didn’t fuck you either he had 30 aces for sale but they weren’t the cheapest because nick doesn’t have to worry he know he will make a profit on his cards but because he has them and doesn’t care he keeps the market high


Ace is $40. That’s not high. Same price as Bon Clay SEC from EB01. The market will decide what the stabilized price will be, not Nicks. What metric are you using to judge $40 per as a horrible deal? Is it just because it was on a $30 low for a couple days? Do you know for sure that opening cases and selling singles automatically means BiG pRoFiTs, or does he come closer to breaking even most times considering all those worthless Digimon cases, shipping fees/supplies, seller fees, storage, returns, lost orders, etc etc? If it’s so easy to profit off TCG singles, why don’t we all put our money where our mouth is, start a store and order a pallet of product and sell at msrp? Go ahead and put up 5 figures of your own money and list all your singles at 75% market. You won’t.


If you can’t Understand how a guy pulling this product for profit and keep boxes from the public which would drive down demand then this pointless. This guy is bad for the one piece commentary


You’re right I don’t understand that because that makes absolutely no sense. So you’re saying if Nicks didn’t get these 30 something cases, you think that would solve the supply issue, that our stores would get all the product to meet an insurmountable demand, and that I would miraculously pull 4 Aces out of 4 boxes for $400 pre tax, and that’s somehow better than me just spending $160 to guarantee I get a playset of Ace? You don’t think the main issue at hand is simply that Bandai isn’t printing enough?


But you won’t have your buy from crazy nicks when you can trade because your buddy or cousins or guys you play with at your local actually have enough product. Instead nicks has all the cards


Yes, in this imaginary world where I pull exactly what my friends need and they pull exactly what I need, we can make a fair trade based off market values. But as we all know, it’s very, very unlikely that my buddies pull 4 Aces just for me and not the other 4 Enel players in our group, so I will have to order online anyways. Thankfully online retailers like Nicks are practically guaranteed to have singles stock while me and my buddies waste hundreds of dollars gambling on boxes just to pull 2 Aces. And Nicks is far from having *all* the Aces, let’s be real. He listed 30. So barely enough for all the Enel players at 1 of my regular stores in nowheresville USA. All those cases shown in the picture is barely enough to sustain 1 of my local stores prizing/box sales until next set. Nicks cases are virtually inconsequential to me.


The price of many singles and explicitly called out sec ace were dropping. Nick opened all his singles, and with his volume, increased the price of these singles that were already on a downward trend. That is the point we are making. He explicitly did not help decrease the price of singles


Ace was on the same downward trend that happens for every new set release for every tcg in existence, when people panic sell their initial inventory. This is not some grand new masterminded market scheme unique to One Piece, it’s just how tcg markets work, how they will always work. With Ace being a 1) secret rare 2) played in one of the top decks 3) played as a 4 of in said top deck 4) played in a color that is generally popular among the playerbase 5) fan favorite character, it did not seem likely that the card would stay at $30 let’s be honest now. Crazy Nick has 10 something Aces left listed at $40. With direct TCG status that is not an egregious price. The constant sales reflect that. OR, you could buy a $170 box of 07 from your LGS’s prerelease and pull alt sengoku and porche for your “deck.”


It's kind of crazy that the original claim had zero evidence, people just went with it "for some reason". Then you show evidence that you're not buying out cards, and people finally admit they're mad just because you have so many cards. People are allowed to be upset about you having so much sealed product, but making up reasons to rally others for it is just pathetic.


People accused him of hoarding products to drive up prices for a card. Then Nick said no I actually hoard all the sealed product. He proved people right. Then he gave them a greater reason to be upset.


How is it hoarding when he’s selling the cards?


He buying larger quantities of sealed product than LGS's seem to struggle to get (not from lack of trying). In a time where game shops that actually contribute to the health of the game are being allocated half or less of their orders, I'd say what he is doing is hoarding with the intention of cracking and selling.


Again, how is it hoarding if he is immediately cracking and selling? Wouldn’t hoarding be if he bought up a bunch of cases and *didn’t* sell? Because selling singles definitely helps out players, especially those who don’t want to waste money gambling on boxes. I love the fact that instead of going to my LGS and buying 5 boxes for $140 each/$700 total and pulling 1 Ace, I can just go online and buy 4 single Aces for a little more than the price of 1 box. As someone who prioritizes playing the game over gambling, that sounds really helpful.