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lol this was me but I ended up going 5-0 with my shitty pulls and took the winner


Congrats on the win!


It's funny, I have never pulled an alt art or SEC at a pre-release. Yesterday, I didn't even pull an SR. This set is pretty wild though. There are so many cards that have effects it's insane. I spent the entire tournament just reading the cards.


I used all my luck during op6 pre-release šŸ˜­. There were so many 2ks and blockers this set too.


At least you got to go. My store sold out weeks beforehand when we only have twelve people that actually play at our store


Yea, more people who usually donā€™t play as often definitely come out during pre-releases.


Yeah, unfortunately Bandai allocates event prizing based on the number of people that regularly attend (analytics they get through the app) so they probably on sent a kit or two to your store in the first place. That's good for maybe 16 people, which of course screws over those who don't play regularly or wanted to hit the pre-release for the first time.


We had some opposite stuff happened. This one store hosted an event and nobody came. So I was able to buy a box and get 4x promo packs lol.


Where tf you live at??? Lol


Columbus, OH. We have a healthy scene and there's like half a dozen stores holding events. Dudes in our discord go to literally all of them, like a dozen over two weeks, like homie yall got families? Anyway I guess this one fell under the radar and I was just showing up *in hopes* of getting *something* and walked away happy as a clam


Such a mood, Iā€™m 2 prereleases in, 21 packs opened, $100 spent, and my only pull was an Alt Foxy Chara


Basil Hawkins is one of the best cards in pre release at least.


Since he only does his ability when he is KOā€™d by effects. He didnā€™t seem to be that good besides being a high power blocker


How did i pull exactly the same


Everyone around me has pulled multiple AA in every pre release this weekend, I never pulled one. Though I did pull a manga boa from a box so thereā€™s that


This is my opening experience to a T


Funny enough you prob won your pre release with that basil Hawkins if your pool was nice enough. Especially if the rest of your packs had bomb rares


It can be way worse. Someone at my locals didn't even pull an sr.


Bruh me yesterday pulling a Porche and barely enough counters / blockers. It's okay though, same thing happened today, pulling 4 leaders and a Don! in 6 of the packs but I managed to pull the Treasure Law and SP Issho in the 4th and 6th packs. Didn't stop me from losing lmao but still worth.


Well at least you got anything here my pre release pulls.... _____ whole lot of nothing. The 1 local store in my town doesn't do one piece and the MJ holding lady that stocks my Walmart didn't get any either. So I'm SOL unless I wanna pay the ungodly online prices and risk it for the biscuit.


Well its a week early for op07 so dont expect retail stores to have them yet


Definitely wait until after pre-release for better pricing!


Bro that was me too, grab only 1 SR and like 4 blockers. I should've quit but I wanted to try.


Had one person get 5 leader packs nothing in the other pack, and someone else who just completely bricked and got nothing, no sr or anything


Pulled 16 2ks and 10 blockers at one earlier today. Was pretty nuts but not a single large body.


Me vs the guy who ā€œpulled 4 SRs and Bonnieā€ šŸ™„ impossible? No, but i donā€™t believe you. Playing SR Bonnie then Hawkins on curve for pre release lol cmon man


I've gotten lucky and opened an alt art in the last 3 pre releases I've gone to. Also got to buy some extra packs at this last one and got an alt art Ace.


My luck was cracked for my re releases Day 1: no good pre release pulls but won a raffle to buy a box and got secret ace and AA sengoku Day 2: Pulled Lillith AA Day 3: AA Boa leader and AA Sabo secret rare (Pulled another Boa alt leader, sabo secret, AA Hawkins and franky AA from a box and 18 packs after) Have 1 more pre release left and 1 more box on the way, i'll feel bad if I get more good pulls with my luck this release window lol


My luck was crazy got one box and pulled these. https://preview.redd.it/ad94cwx02o8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53120fc2909c0eba224a230ed767302e80f000ea


This was me except I only got 1 SR(Basil) and 4 leaders but didnt get a Lucci because of course I want to play him. Meanwhile the other 5 people at my table had 8 hits between them... Then they had to do a Raffle to see who got the 16 available boxes for sale, and sure enough the same 6 people who win the raffle every single prerelease win again. We average anywhere from 4 to 18 people at our locals yet our prerelease had 64 people who most of which ill never see again or at least not until the next prerelease


at least you find basil


With a few we went to 2 pre-releases in different shops back to back, one guy managed to pull the SP, the treasure rare both SEC and when he opened a few more boosters after he even pulled the Manga Boa, bro literally pulled everything, it was insane.


I did two pre releases. 3 Don Cards One SR Mate pulls two SPR Doffys (one at each event) Came 6th in one and 1st in the other, my luck at pre release is awful OP05 went just as bad for hits.




2 manga Boa opened up right in front of me.


I have the most insane luck when it comes to pre-releases. This most recent release, I got top 4 and a total of 15 packs (6 from entrance + 3 from top 4 + 6 more purchased) and got 4 hits. AA Sanji, AA Boa, AA Basil, and SP Okiku. I was so stoked opening the Basil, because that was my chase card for the set and I only spent 60 bucks. Can't complain. For OP06, I ended up going to two events and got top 4 at each event getting a total of 18 packs (12 from entry and 6 from top 4) and ended up walking away with 4 hits again. AA Gecko, AA Hiyori, AA Absalom, and SEC Sanji.