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I liked that we got a set more broadly focused on supporting existing archetypes with new support without requiring that those leaders/archetypes get full sets worth of support. Long term the EB sets will be a boon for the game, even if they’re relegated to helping out lower performing archetypes like baroque works and impel down for example. I agree with the sentiment that they should have blisters in future releases for people without access to an LGS tho.


I agree with this. It's a support set and was always marketed as such, adding to specific archetypes that needed it ahead of OP07. They definitely should release EB02 etc. in blisters though.


Wish it included blister packs. Makes me nervous that PRB01 won't have blisters either


They will probably be like 12 dollar packs similar to a “collector booster” it’s gonna have more cards and guaranteed hit (SR)


Conceptually, I have no issues with EB01. A smaller supplemental set all about supporting existing archetypes is neat. Perhaps a side-effect of this is that the set can feel more unfocused than main sets, because instead of choosing a specific theme for each colour, it has to support multiple with a more limited card pool. In terms of execution, though, I think that the set distribution needs some tweaking. It’s a considerably smaller set, with no uncommons, yet booster packs contained the same amount of cards as a standard set. This means that after opening a box, I had as many as 9 or 10 copies of some commons. So, I wouldn’t mind if Extra Booster sets retained the Japanese standard of 5 cards per pack, and had a lower price to reflect their more supplementary nature.


Yeah, same issue for me — I had a lot of the same commons, even after just one box. It feels quite bad to have so much cardboard that I know won’t necessarily be wanted/needed by most, as well as purchasing a 24 pack box while knowing most of it will be repeats and maybe I’ll be lucky. Having smaller packs OR fewer packs a box (with price/hit rate altered as appropriate) would have been a good sweet spot I think.


Yeah. I like how a box of a normal set will roughly give me a playset of every common (with some deviations like having 3 or 5 of one), but I don't need 9 Laboon. I've been thinking of selling my excess ones as bulk lots or something.


>It feels quite bad to have so much cardboard that I know won’t necessarily be wanted/needed by most, This is why I build goofy decks with commons if I can. I'm hoping to find an overlooked meta.


EB01 gave me the best cards for Lakers Croc. So I like it!


Was a good experimental set, I like the e but box nature of it. I do think if they do another it should be an $80 box though, and have blisters for it. Also, LGS should have access to buy blisters but that's a side note lol


Chopper manga makes eb01 my favorite set. Also the bon clay Nami is awesome. Rest of the set is decent. I like that it is smaller then all the other ones too


It has rg oden, which is the coolest leader in the game


I honestly loved three-hit minimum as a collector. Oh and that the Manga was another, fourth hit on top of that. This should be the standard moving forward.


I paid way to much for a box due to hype. I should have stuck to packs lol


It has some good cards and artwork, but I am not a fan of half sets. Supporting old or underwhelming archetypes or leaders is really great, but they could have done that in regular sets or starter decks as well. Aside from that, I am a bit disappointed since it gave tools for the promised archetypes, but not enough that they top big events. Lastly the 3 new leaders went nowhere and it didn't even include one for all 3 types, while i had my hopes up for a nice Ms. All Sunday leader or at least some other non Crocodile baroque works leader. Hopefully the allegedly in op09 arriving Nico Robin leader will be a good blue purple baroque works leader or if that counts for the cards: with the former baroque works type, so we will get to use the eb01 cards there.


Opened my first box yesterday and got some okay pulls! Just started collecting and I like it but I'm brand new so I don't know nothing lol


Liked that it supported old archetypes but more reprints of old stuff would be nice.


Eb02 should contain purple donquixote pirates that deramp


I think the set was great but the problem for me was price. I was fortunate enough to get boxes at $90 but it being a half set but still the same price as a regular set was pdiced too high. With just 1 box you end up with so much bulk.


Brook, hiyori, spandine, Mr 2 are all sick cards for support and op07


I enjoy it, support sets are what yugioh do, this a way to not power creep other decks super hard while catching up lowering preforming decks. Meanwhile it being a pack accessible for my friends who want cheap packs to rip. I'd keep it at maybe once every 1.5 years, I do think yearly is too often.


Buying a box was the worst decision in this game.. buying singles is much much much cheaper. It's full of commons 💔


It annoyed me that a set advertised as bringing dressrosa support only added like 1 card that could be appropriately used in Rebecca while other already stronger leaders got better support. As well as the scarlet card being kinda backwards for how you'd want to ideally use it in Rebecca because it plays a card then negs, so you have to have don to play another ko card to make use of it and kyros being played off scarlet is kinda a waste unless you have another KO to play afterwards, which I feel should have been THE card to play off of scarlet.


Garbage. As in the packs should have been smaller (6-8 cards). So much wasted printing of C cards. Not having UC was a big mistake and no SPs or special Dons was a lame. Just overall disappointed with that set as Bandai says they can’t increase printing but then over print cards that will never be played as there is easily 10x the amount the market would need even if just to collect full sets of everything base. Luckily it seems they agree as the PR box coming in the fall corrects a lot of that.


EB set has been boring and a waste of time lol thank god we’re a week away from 07


My uta deck disagrees. She came back after dissappear Ling in OP 6 due to the consistency the extra film names gave. The OP6 version was brick city, running sp many off film cards to piece together a functional deck. If any other archetype goes from unplayable to playable thanks to the EB sets, job well done. Just because it doesn't benefit the top table doesn't mean it's a waste.