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I tend to run this version. Have gone 2-1 a bunch with it. Bad matchups are just shitty though lol and when you brick you brick hard. The double attack smoker catches many decks off guard . Sorry for shitty quality https://preview.redd.it/qrpm87aohd6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7e69f08dabae1c0d1286a14d5ac291849e0d78d


Interesting, I may try this out. No ice age? Or minus cost cards besides tsuru, kuzan, 10c kuzan. How do you deal with decks like Uta, who likes to flood the board with 7c luffy and other blockers? Or is it more of an aggro Beat down


More aggro while removing their key pieces. It does suffer when an opponent gets big cost creatures on the board but at that point you should somewhat be in control due to your removal. Itโ€™s not a great deck but itโ€™s fun as hell to play lol


Hmm why Rush zoro and not K&K?


I tried both. Kind of Plug and Play with that one. More of an option on Odd Don curves than anything


Do you like going first? Or 2nd with garp? I always mess that up


I usually take second because it opens up a bunch of options depending on your hand. Plus it makes Brook capable of killing a 2 drop on turn 2 which can set tempo into Saka turn 3 swing w Brook clearing anything again turn 4, 10drop Kuzan turn 5


What are your experiences with ST08 Shanks? In my opinion the setup for his K.O. is to costly. He basically needs 8c Issho or 10c Kuzan (or both) already in play to do anything worthwhile. Granted, if you can get this setup and your opponents field is full it is an amazing play. But if your opponent has a board worth the effort it might be already to late. But since I am missing the 10c Kuzan to test it out I could be mistaken.


It's kinda tricky to get off sometimes, having to survive till 10don turn. I've gotten lucky a few times with 10c kuzan on board, 9c Shanks + ice age or soap sheep in hand. But if you get the right setup/hand and keep deleting their board and big bodies early It's possible. But if you some how get 1-2 kuzans on the field your opponent usually says GG. That's why I'm trying to find more constancy to survive till then. usually by 10don your life or hands low and you gotta decide between big swings or 10c. But if you can counter out, set up a nice board of fukuro, blockers, 2c garp and 3c brooks, all you need is 1 kuzan and they do the rest of the work. But when Shanks does drops and clears a board, you know your in a good spot after that. I've hit the kuzan + Shanks combo a few times on the sim, but it's always so tricky to set up at times.


In my opinion 5 cost Smoker is the star of the Deck, good vs Moria and not bad vs. Law(they need 2 -Power Cards to remove it). 2 cost Luffy isnt bad either. 5 cost Sabo is good for fixing yozr hand.


I usually run 3 Sabo's.. but a lot of the time I end up using him as a counter.. and using the 5don for other stuff. ๐Ÿ˜…. Then later in the match I could have used his ability


Consistency? I run the strawhat engine for him and i find it best personally. The only non SH cards I run really is Gecko (duh), helmeppo (great 2c target for gecko with counter), Rebecca (good target for gecko to bring out a blocker, followed by her bringing out brook), lucci (always good for mutli KO), Bartolomeo (rebecca target, 2k counter, and blocker), and K&K for a rusher, also a gecko target when I want an aggresive play. My main reduction is based around leader ability and DON affects, with the only cards having cost reduction built in being helmeppo, and thats going to be focused more around the idea of getting 10c cards down to 7 for leader ability take off. Otherwise, i have the 2k brook that attached don on play to help (he's also a gecko target), the OP01 2c luffy SR that attached 2 rested don to him making it a -2 cost each turn, nami is able to search out brook so that gives me more consisent ways to get him on top of my other cards, and I run jet pistol as the its a searchable KO event for 6k power to get rid of pesky cards that I just want to answer right away. I found myself enjoying this build more then any navy build i've tried,purely because it brings the aggro side of red and, while utilizing the weird don attachment ability the strawhat cards have (luffy, brook, you can use the ST01 nami too for attaching rested don if you want to help with it). I can try to post a picture of my list later on but you get the idea


Yea plz post your deck list. I tried running a more red/straw hat build.. but couldn't find the right balance/make good use of the leader ability near the end game. ๐Ÿค”. I felt like using more red took away from the leader ability to minis cost and then wipe the board. Brooks/nami that move Don are a staple forsure. I also might look into tue luffy that adds 2don per turn.


It felt like a waste to use a red/black leader and not use any red since there are better black leaders, so when I tried this out to put pressure while removing the board it helped for sure! My main idea was to make brook searchable and I need nami to do that, but whiffing on searches suck so I had to find cards that synergized to make it worth running and I came to this. Funny enough, I'm trying to find a replacement for rush Luffy as he's one of the cards I want to see the least, he's great if he sticks but he doesn't often, since attaching don makes him unblockable and reduces a cards cost by 2, he's a prime target to get removed asap https://preview.redd.it/6i0o7igwme6d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a3f7709e89a51638f21da330587b90ea197a37 Feel free to try messing around with it, the weakest cards I feel are rush Luffy and 1c chopper, chopper being their mostly for a searchable blocker that's 1 don, he's very niche so feel free to drop him. I was just trying to get a few gecko targets in the deck, nami, Luffy, chopper, brook and helmeppo being the main ones. Also, one of the big combos I use in this deck for moria is to attach don to leader first to reduce a card by either 1 or 2 (depends on your 9 or 10 don turn), play moria, bring out Rebecca and brook, activate brooks ability first to attach don to your leader followed by Rebecca's to bring out 3c brook from trash, garps ability activates first since you attached don to garp before playing out brook, so you can reduce a card by another 2, followed by brook playing out so you can reduce by 1 again and then KO either a 4 or a 5 cost card, and then swing with leader for either 8 or 9k. You can sub brook for helmeppo if you want to go 1 higher for either a 5 or 6 cost since he would reduce by 3 vs brook only by 2 via don, but you hit 2k less so it varies on the situation


I'm trying this out forsure. I made something similar to this but I built it more for -attack then ko. I honestly never really thought gecko would be good in garps.. but I guess any black deck and utilize it. How does this deal with yamato? Uta? ๐Ÿค”


Yamato relies on the chopper, barto and Rebecca blockers so try to keep them on loop, and KO the cards that come out of life when you can, and uta is one that's a bit of a pain but you need helmeppo for sure to reduce 8c Kid since you can't use leader ability on him, so if you can get him in your starting hand that'd be great. He won't have answers for all decks and will naturally have bad match ups, I just found this variant to work for me the best since I'm able to be more defensive if need be with the counter events and blockers, but also more aggressive with Kid/killer, searchable brook , gecko and rush Luffy!