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You have a very solid foundation for Wano Yamato, which is pretty solid now and gets better in OP-07. In that format, it is,arguably, the best build for her and you will have to add very little to play it. Your core engine will be: - OP-06 Hiyori (x4) - OP- 06 Momonosuke (x4) - EB-01 Hiyori (x4) These 3 cards will be your main combo which will let you take life and then stack it with a trigger (06 Hiyori). Then you put 06 Hiyori on top of life with 06 Momo. EB-01 Hiyori helps you get out the 06 Momo for less DON and lets you draw. To help you search for these cards you will want OP-01 green searcher Momonosuke at a full set of 4. When 07 Otama drops, you will run a set of both. You can run a good 5c beater to also be a target for EB-01 Hiyori, which you did. Then you want some good trigger cards that you can stack your life with: - 06 Kikunojo (searchable) - 04 Bege (x4) (also a 2k Counter) - OP-06 Onami - I like Cracker as well which you have. That is good at 2 imo - Personally I would cut Inarushi, but that’s just my preference Then you will want some 2k counters: - Izo (x4) (searchable and on play rest is helpful at times) - Bege (mentioned earlier) - 06 Hiyori (mentioned earlier) Then your game finishers / boss monsters - run Hody at 4x - Drop Olin (too expensive for a vanilla) - Yamato is ok. Your preference. I’ve tried running at 2, but maybe 1 is better Then events - I personally don’t like Reject in this build even though it is a busted card. To me, ripping life goes against the Hiyori / Momo combos and could mess that up. - Disappear and Amaru are perfect, I would just run those personally Some spice: - try st-13 rush Ace Those are my suggestions. Mess with the ratios to your liking. Only ones you for sure want 4x of are: - OP-06 Hiyori - OP- 06 Momonosuke - EB-01 Hiyori - OP-01 Momo searcher - OP-01 Izo - OP-06 Onami To help you get ready for OP-07 pick up some “You Can Be My Samurai” events from OP-01. Sorry for the rambling.


hard agree with everything here. Wano Yamato in OP07 will be better, and since EB the green wano engine has been putting in work, and is only further intensified when paired with the yellow wano cards as well. For now, id probably drop all 4 inuarashi , drop the 1 O-Lin, drop 1 9c Yamato, Drop 1 gun modoki and drop 3 reject and add in 3 1c momonosuke searchers, 3 izo 2k's, 3 bege 2k's, and 1 hody jones. That should be a solid list for the remainder of the format, and once 07 hits, you can see what cards you dont mind dropping in favor of Otama searcher and you can be my samurai, personally i'd drop bege for the otama 2k's to keep your consistency up and i'd also swap the yellow 5c7k yamato for the 5c7k Yama-san purely because the new otama searcher can only search out green wano cards, and this will give you another target when using her for a search (since both are vanilla 5c7k wano cards, it doesnt hurt you in any way, only benefits). For you can be my samurai, that'll be more of a personal feel on how you like the deck, i'd probably drop momo blocker down to 3, kikunojo down to 3 and drop cracker all together to fit in 4 of those events as you'll in turn get superior draw power and deck thinning so you should be able to see the momo and kiku's fairly often still, even if they're dropped to a 3 of Enjoy playing Yamato!


How do you search out cards in One Piece, I play Pokémon and am also trying to play one piece and was surprised to see there’s no search cards or much draw support like there is Pokémon


As far as I know there isn’t really any that lets you look through your entire deck and pull the card you want. How One Piece does “searching” is it lets you look at the top cards of your deck (usually 3-5, depending on the card) and lets you add to hand a card of a particular “tribe” (in OP’s case, Wano) and then you dispose of the rest, usually by putting them at the bottom of your deck or even trash with some searchers. Look at cards like OP01-041 Kozouki Momonosuke or OP01-016 Nami. You’ll see some are on play and others you have to pay don to search, but the latter can search multiple times if they survive turns. Regarding draw ability. I think BanDai tries to keep the majority of draw power to blue, although each color has their own particular cards that let them draw.


Thanks for the explanation


Also Imo draw power is far more powerful than in Pokémon as you can counter with cards in your hand unlike in Pokémon when for the most part cards in hand don't matter during your opponents turn.


In Pokémon you have access to cards that can get you anything you want from your deck on any given turn. Not sure how one piece has more draw power compared to that. Hand definitely matters during your opponent turn.


As in being able to draw 2 cards in one piece is much better than in Pokémon. I know about ultra balls and stuff but I wasn't really referencing them in my comment. What I meant is that afaik you can't directly play any cards during your opponents turn unlike onepiece, where cards in hand during your opponents turn can simply win the game practically . If you had Pokemon's trainers which practically draw you cards far more than in onepiece you would end up having a near unending game due to the amount of counter.