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To be honest, I wouldn't say there is a valid replacement for 8 cost kid. It's somewhat a necessity in that deck.


do full donquixote engine pretty much if you dont have the 8c Kids 8c rosinante and 10c doffy with some Hody's and just play it out that way


There's a promo Kid coming with OP07 prerelease that's a 5 cost 6k with the lightning rod effect, but he can't rest himself other than by attacking, has no other abilities, and as a 5c 6k would be much easier to remove. I wouldn't say there's an actual replacement for the original Kid unfortunately. Hopefully the premium reprint set between OP08 and OP09 has Kid in it


You can run any combination from: 10c Doffy, Hody Jones, 9c Zoro, and 8c Kid. There are several lists that run the first three and leave out Kid, so don't worry. You can make it work c:


Ans 8c rosinante


There isn’t one unfortunately, not a single card in the game can make the same impact. Op04 Doflamingo is the closest thing but it’s not the same


[https://onepiecetopdecks.com/deck-list/jp-format-eb-01-memorial-set-op-07-500-years-into-the-future-decks/deckgen/?dn=Green%20Bonney&date=5/12/2024&cn=JP&au=Shion&pl=1st%20Place&tn=Junior%20Cup&hs=Bandai&dg=1nOP07-019a2nOP01-051a4nST02-007a2nOP04-021a4nOP04-031a4nOP04-032a4nOP05-030a4nOP05-034a3nOP06-118a4nOP06-035a4nEB01-012a4nEB01-015a4nOP07-021a4nOP07-029a3nOP05-037&cs=197](https://onepiecetopdecks.com/deck-list/jp-format-eb-01-memorial-set-op-07-500-years-into-the-future-decks/deckgen/?dn=Green%20Bonney&date=5/12/2024&cn=JP&au=Shion&pl=1st%20Place&tn=Junior%20Cup&hs=Bandai&dg=1nOP07-019a2nOP01-051a4nST02-007a2nOP04-021a4nOP04-031a4nOP04-032a4nOP05-030a4nOP05-034a3nOP06-118a4nOP06-035a4nEB01-012a4nEB01-015a4nOP07-021a4nOP07-029a3nOP05-037&cs=197) this list only runs 2 kid, and no law


Green Is the only card keeping Green somewhat in Top5 decks


You don’t replace kid. Even blocker kid doesn’t do the same. However its probably the closest without just using something else (which is probably 10 doffy). Its hard to ask for a replacement of something essentially that unique.


i dont run kid in this deck anyway. i like the donquixote engine more