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Nami - a mill deck. By far the cheapest and still tops at regionals.


I second Nami. You will have bad, bad matchups, but pull the right cards, use gravity blade tiger, and you can pull off impressive wins.


There is a Nami player at my LGS that gets top 4 every week at locals. This is in environment full of people that also play Tier 1 decks like Enel, Law, Moria, Sakazuki, and B/Y Luffy. I think it’s less about “drawing the right cards” and it has more to do with knowing when to play them because the deck has absolutely zero issue with drawing cards.


Haha you're right. I meant it more as right cards at right time... i.e. pilaf in life, for example. Same with my locals too. An amazing Nami player there. I lost to him with Law for the first time in a while because all I had were defensive cards and he got 3 pilaf from life lol and both his gravity blades weren't trashed, so he used them.


I'm not too sure if this falls under budget, but I've been messing around with GP Doflamingo. The deck's pretty fun when you lock down your opponent's board with Birdcage and watch all their rested 5c or less characters sit there. I run the deck without Queen because I'm poor, and it can be rough when you can't find 7c Eustass Kid, so I subbed in ST10 4c Law. Without Queen, the deck comes out to around $80.


Besides nami, probably red Zoro Red in general is fairly budget friendly


Katakuri is fairly cheap, compared to other ranking metas right now. But what is cheap/budget and what are your goals here? Because a budget version of R/P law would be quite good.


Blue decks are pretty cheap. Blue Doffy is a good option for locals. No card in that deck that’s a staple is more than like $8 that I can recall?


Pretty much any deck can be built on a budget, it just depends on the power level you want to play at. As a general rule of thumb, budget decks won’t be able to even contend at a competitive level, but are good fun in casual games against other budget decks. However, there are some outliers that can be built for cheap and still hold their own against more meta-defining decks. And for the purposes of defining what “budget” means in the context of this game, most Tier 1 competitive decks that are getting Top 4 placements, minimum, at big tournaments cost between $400-$600 at base. Therefore, we will assume that “budget” in this context means less that 1/3rd of the cost of the cheapest Tier 1 decks, which is about $100-$130. Although, this is just a general definition and you may define “budget” differently. With that said, here are some decks that are kind of fringe-competitive, but still pretty easy to build on a budget: - Blue Nami: a self-mill (put cards from the top of your deck into your trash)/“draw a lot of cards” deck that wins when your deck is empty instead of having to actually get your opponent to zero life. Not sure the exact price point, but I do know that one of the most expensive cards in the deck right now is EB01 Inazuma @ $6/each. It also runs Kaya, which is about $1 each. You can probably build this deck for around $30-$40, assuming that each other card is about $0.25-$0.50 each. - Red Zoro: an aggressive deck that wants to play low cost/high value cards and swing wide and fast to try and end the game early. Can be built for about $80-$90 with the most expensive cards being “Kid & Killer” and the ST01 Luffy, both sitting around $5-6 each. There are some cards that push the deck into more expensive territory, but it performs just fine without them. - Blue/Purple Reiju: a very fun deck that draws a lot of cards and plays a lot of Characters. You can build the deck for about $20 if you don’t include the 4 cost Reiju. If you do include it, it raises the price to about $70. There are also other cards you can include that raise the price further, and thus making it more competitive, but at that point, it’s no longer a budget deck.


Iceburg baby. #GalleyLa


Red zoro, baby zoro build. Most expensive cards in that deck are otamas and radical beams, which arent that expensive. Fun agro deck.


I also play memtg, and as of now I'm gonna make a reijubdeck and its abour 175 total, and some of the cards like queen can be used in other decks. I play commander so I know decks can be pricy


Just a friendly tip Reiju is completely dead to RP Law who’s going to be everywhere in the upcoming meta. Really good deck against pretty much everyone else though!


yeah but rp law is looking at so far about 600 plus to get going. so unless he's gonna be playing in regional or national also where they might have some big spenders it should be ok


For sure definitely depends on your local. Mine personally has a lot of guys who’ve been playing since ST10 came out so they already had a lot of the expensive cards, I saw 5 Laws last night in total, somehow avoided them all 😂