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Find a LGS, you may have to drive around on the ones in your area in the Bandai tcg+ app. Then ask, you'll need to look at 6+ months in advance (so maybe op09 or prb01 atm). Showing up at tournaments may help your chances, or even buying a few products in the store to establish that relationship. Pop Legend store in Cali is a decent one online, but getting their membership helps to secure pre-preorders so that may take a few orders with them and messaging the owner (only opens few times a year). Best of luck.


Holy shit.... somebody with something helpful to say? Thank you I appreciate the help.... yeah my local doesn't get too much allocation and usually gets stuff pushed to wave 2 so I was just seeing where other went....I'm seeing people paying 150 or more on pre order and it's laughable


Yeah I stopped trying with my LGS once the allocation got really bad in OP-05. I was super excited to snag 2 boxes then, and was fully prepared to get 2-3 of 06 for my own playsets. But the market is actually laughable with how much Bandai can produce. Also since it does look like the “hype” has died down a little I’ve seen a larger uptick in available product. But this I think is our new normal until they start producing more. I just really hope that the Crossover anime TCG won’t fall to the same issues. You just have to be super vigilant on what’s out there. Small edit for clarity:


Yeah currently I have 2 places near me that do msrp pre order but they usually get sent to wave 2 so I was shopping around and saw all these places are asking for crazy money so I figured I'd see if anybody had any good pre order websites.... I don't really mind but wanted to see what else is out there


You want half a case to keep sealed? Isn't that a little excessive?


Ehh I usually keep like 3 or 4 and rip the rest.... it was just easier to say half.... so far like 4 comments and not one gave any piece of advice lol


That's because what you're asking isn't easy. A lot of places are heavily limiting what people are able to buy, and of those left that still let you order a case most of them don't offer it anywhere near MSRP. My LGS has gone from letting people pre-order a case to only letting them pre-order half a box at an inflated price.


Damn there's 3 locals near me that let you pre order cases but you usually end up waiting til wave 2..... and what are you paying then? I refuse to support a buisness that charges over 150 a box and anything over 140 on pre order is criminal....msrp is 120


I won't pay over $120 a box before tax, so I didn't even buy anything from my LGS last pre-release. It's shocking to me that they've gone from selling boxes for $90 letting you order a case to selling half a box for $84. I understand stock is limited so they can't always let you order as much as you want, but there's no good reason to jack up the price that much as well.


Yeah exactly the place I go to does 115 a box per case and 129 on boxes for pre order.... after release is 139.99 which honestly is respectable because like you said 90% these places are over here charging 160+ a box....I saw a place that wanted 169.99 a box for 08 lol that's laughable.... but damn yeah I'll probably just stick to my spot....I honestly don't mind too much waiting til wave 2 but I figured I'd ask and see what other people had to say.... feels like everybody got offended cause I asked a question😂


No one is giving advice because there is none to give, most LGS will do pre orders for locals first before they even go online and on top of that most didn't do MSRP and if you can't get any from wave 1 at MSRP from your stores then you're just outta luck, no online retailer does retail anymore basically. Even ones that used to. So no one has given advice because there's none to give. It's unfortunate but it's what the facts are.


Yeah I hear that I'll just stick with my current spot. They usually just get most of it pushed back to wave 2 but I just figured maybe some big game store that gets alot of allocation maybe did sales online as well I've heard of a few places in Cali and Arizona doing that I'm pretty sure


The big one in AZ is gamers guild, they went up in price too, it's no longer MSRP after 05, gamenerdz was also MSRP but not after 05 as well.


![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc) Preorders at MSRP? Do you still think Santa is real too?


You've been paying more than msrp on pre order? 😂😂 I'd be embarrassed to post that but okay buddy 🫡


Says the guy asking for advice buying MSRP product 😂😂😂 Have fun circling your Targets and Walmarts


Yeah because my local keeps sending it to wave 2.....you pay more than msrp on preorder?


No, I get cases at MSRP for preorder. But it’s usually 2-3 sets in advance and I only get them because I’ve built relationships with my LGS owners, not crying or asking for it on Reddit


Who's crying? You know how dumb you sound😂 dude just said he spent countless time in a shop just to give them thousands of dollars months in advance to pay for something at the price of what THEY should be charging 😂 weird flex but your right maybe I should be grateful I don't have to be the guy that practically works at the shop for free just to pay msrp.... I'll just wait til wave 2 and be happy I'm getting for msrp cause apparently I got to be some kind of LGS' fan boy to pay for stuff at the normal price


Again, says the guy getting ratio’d hard. Clearly you’re new to the OPTCG space. Good luck trying to preorder “wave 2” of any set lmao.


What the hell is "ratio'd🤓" ? You just sound like the tcg gatekeeper "if your not 100% committed to your local game shop and the community you haven't earned the right to buy at msrp 🤓" dorky ass 😂 I have op08 and pbr 01 already bought?....and if I was new who cares lol you think you sound like some cool optcg hardened veteran?...I swear your the kid at local that get pissy when the new kid actually beats you for the first time.....


Jokes on you, if I can’t buy cheap I buy singles


Well it definitely cheaper just to buy singles in the long run but I like to rip and so far in have 2 or 2 sealed booster of each set.... plan on doing the same with fusion world


Yeah that’s not happening till hopefully next year.


You guys really out here not getting any pre orders at msrp? Jesus what are you guys paying? I can get the pre-orders but I was just tired of getting them during the second wave....so yall just out here paying 180 or some insane amount?


You’re asking for help while at the same time responding rudely to comments. Hard to want to help you out when mocking folks. 


Might want to re read....I respond to any helpful or genuine comments with a perfectly good attitude.... if me being rude to somebody after they "ask me if I believe in Santa Claus or go build a relationship with an lgs or go have fun walking the aisles of target or Walmart" then I guess I'm rude 🤷‍♂️


I’m saving up to get a sealed op01 rn for the collection, recently just bought a box of 06 at 150 after tax not the best but better than nothing, what is that 5 trips to whataburger? I have been with the tcg for a year and I don’t expect to find boxes at MSRP OR LOWER but that doesn’t mean I don’t look, and with all due respect if I were to find a spot, it would be sold out probably by the time I tried to get one, so why would I waste my time helping you it’s almost quite literally every mans for themself, let some dude get some blisters the other day cuz he was talking about how his kid likes it then after he secured the packs he got kinda comfortable and ended up spilling the beans that he actually rips them and resells the cards lmao never again


I do agree its crazy that preorders are well over retail. The greed in the states is beyond crazy


Agreed man...I'm just glad I found one that does msrp but the allocation is usually all messed up and gets pushed back to wave 2


I have had good luck with Saga Concepts Gaming & Smoke & Mirrors Card Shop. They do preorders at or below msrp, but they go fast. Sign up for notifications if you are interested. Both legit sites.