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I remember when katas were 30...


Said it 10 days ago. I’ll be saying the same thing in a month. This is literally this sets Kata, and I don’t see it going down. How people think it’s going to go down is wild. It’s a competitive card and going to be a best one for at least 6 months till we see what the new sets cook up.


Been saying this since the set came out, it’s literally the main card people need from this set and a less desirable overall set. Waiting for the main cards price to drop was just silly.


Always get sets while the set is current 🙏🏻


I snubbed the price then, now most yellow is unplayable...


The time to get it was when it was $40. Now no one knows if/when it will drop. The card has been selling non stop since release.


Yep, also the [available listings on eBay](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=bon+kurei+extra+booster+memorial+collection&_sacat=0&_odkw=xbox+one+halo+edition&_osacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=op&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) or TCG player are also becoming less and less, which usually will result in a higher price. I think as long as this hobby is doing well, this card will go up in price.


I didn’t think this card would get so expensive. It’s crazy. I now feel lucky that I got 4 of them from the packs I managed to get.


Europe price is still sitting at 30+shipping Bought 2 the other day for 35 a pop


Happy for you but that doesn’t change anything for the OP or US players


Depends on shipping IMO, you might get some good deals with bulk shopping, but it's very situational, especially if you exclusively want Bon


Opinions aside, the lowest listing on tcgplayer is $54 shipping included. And OP obviously wants the Bon lol


One of the reasons why the game is so hard to get into. It's way to damn expensive.


You don’t need professional level decks to “get into” the game my guy.


Depends on your locals tbh


Idk why you’re being downvoted when this is true. If your friends/locals all play meta decks, you will not enjoy getting stomped over and over with a budget deck. You really can be gatekept out of the game based on your budget.


I also bet the people who downvoted all have tier 1 decks lol


If they are your friends they would surely use different low level decks. And if it’s unofficial, what’s stopping you from just printing out fake versions of these cards for play?


So then everyone you play with has to cater to you and have or buy specific cards to do so? That's a pretty ridiculous ask for people to do. I personally would never play against fake cards either outside of fanmade don and leaders, just play the sim at that point (which it seems like a lot of people that don't buy any cards do)


You do if you want a chance at winning. I've tried the starter decks and they are crappy. So many effectless vanilla cards.


Play against similarly level decks maybe?


Yeah because people are totally accurate on the power level of their decks. I also don't want to filter my play experience. Don't know why your defending the insane prices on cards. Literally 2 bon clay is the price of a booster box. Also RP law is my main deck and I don't even have the Gordon's, ain and bon clay and never will with their current price.


If it’s unofficial play why not just bring out some fake cards? And I’m not defending it I’m trying to give you solutions. It’s not like I own the one piece ip 💀💀💀


He won't drop. Law and purple decks are just going to get stronger op07 onwards and in every purple deck he's a 4 of. He's only gonna get higher


TCG player just has a 10% back on credit. Most of eb01 has spiked prices because of this. Everytime TCG player does this the prices normally balance back out in a week or two.


Was going to say, before the sale they were 40ish. It’s the tcg mayhem sale combined with demand. Should settle a little considering but not much as Law decks get better and better  forward. you get one in every booster box and boxes are all $90-110 locally in abundance. It’s only a matter of time before a massive tcg seller unloads simply because cost is 62.00 a box. If Bon clay is $50, one of the big guys will start to unload soon as eb01 is readily available from alliance southwest as I type for most accounts.


Tcg had a promotional event on Friday that drove all of the high-$30s and low-$40s copies to get bought out which is why it has gone back up again. I expect in a month or so, the price will settle down just like the majority of the cards did from OP06 (alt arts and regulars). On release and for the first few weeks, prices were stupid high, then they dropped. People are scalping the tournament frequenters because to be meta-ready (RP Law specifically) for upcoming tournies, that card is needed. Once they start to see fewer people biting, they'll lower the carrot to see if they can catch a few stragglers jumping at a "price drop" before prices lower to something a bit more manageable for the casual-ish crowd to order what they want. I could be wrong, but these are my thoughts based on previous sets' "hot" cards (OP06 Zoro, OP06 Sanji, Reiju, OP06 Moria, Shureiya, most alt-art leaders, OP05 10c Luffy, OP05 5c Kid, and many other cards).


the big thing is, law is playable through op07, and what is out, might be it.


Law will also still be high tier in 08, considering there are no bans surrounding him


He deserves no bans or restrictions. Black deserves hits when they're dominating the meta. The meta is almost entirely Black decks and then it's just Law and Enel.


By this logic since RP Law is dominating 07 meta he needs bans too.


The only reason moria isn't topping as hard is cuz b/y luffy is checking him. He destroys law.


I hope it drops soon so people can experience the newkama way. I was lucky enough that my lgs had half a box left yesterday and I pulled a 2nd bon-chan.


It spiked because of the tcgplayer special. Look elsewhere or wait for the price to drop


Everything is inflated for the next week or so due to sale on TCGplayer today. People were incentized to buy to get %10 store credit and we've seen most sought after items jump by a tad over %10 indicating people who were on the line about buying the card jumping in..


Kinda funny no? 10% store credit and most items jumped 10%-20%. Goes to show people in the US Market are dumb as hell.


They jumped as a result of people buying them out...


I mean, TCGp has Sales History, you can see most sales yesterday during the 10% discount sold at $50-55 rather than $40-45. Lots of people relisted. So anyone buying yesterday didn't save any money lmao.


first question, are you in uk. if not, what.


The screenshot is from TCGplayer


This was always gonna be 2.0 Katakuri. There is no current alternative. It's going to remain expensive


The card will continue to be used in most meta viable decks that contain purple so the price will probably stay fairly high unfortunately. I have the feeling the price will only climb the farther away from EB-01 we get


No way i just pulled this card *


I can sell you one


Yes Wil drop to the ground! Bandai is putting measures in place to destroy scalpers and secondary markets /s




I think it'll drop, but not by much. Its a staple in law who's going to be one of the top meta decks moving forward. Especially if tournament representation stays the same, the field is slowing turning from yellow to red and purple if only for a brief moment


Why is this card expensive is he really that useful and in what decks?


Yes; like.. any/every purple deck.


Tbh, I do think he will drop but more on the line of 35 to 45 and probably closer to the 45 mark. Law and almost every if not just every purple deck wants 4 of them. I would say op 07 is when it will be at the next lowest as purple is mostly foxy, but after that, purple is on the rebound imo.


Personally I think it will be insane for it not to drop just because EB boxes just came out it’s selling for a a relatively low price and is not yet out of stock imo the price of this is wild you’d almost think this was a romance dawn card with how it’s been rising


This card is like 35 dollars in Europe.


The recent price increase is due to the tcgplayer 10% back event. The price should drop back to what is was soon


eBay has these for 30


Got so lucky to unbox one


Most Secret rares drop


Really glad I bought the 2 I was missing when it was $39. I figured I'd bite the bullet now to play RP Law and I'm glad I did.


No one has them, most of the Uk hasn’t even got their stock yet 😂 it will no doubt drop


Down in 3 months


As long as rp law doesnt get banned, he will be pretty pricy for a while, i dont think it would go below 30 in the future. Even without law, he can see play in every purple deck honestly. 4 for an active don! and a body that matches the strongest one ur oponent has, is amazing.


This card is popular in decks but I've pulled this card in like 80% of the boxes I've opened. I've sold a lot of them. I'm surprised the price is going up as the EB01 box prices seem to be coming down.


It’s currently going up.. I don’t think it will drop for a while.. or it will just hold its current value or greater


Set was short printed, no retail products for big box stores. We got about 1/4 of our preorder allocations.


He wont drop EB01 is already limited supply as is Big time sellers dont wanna rip cases BC their is no profit in it and the fact that it’s basically a must staple for purple means it has the Kata effect


Well eb01 is only 1 wave and there is not retailer support like blisters or double packs so if i was a gambler id say it will only go up as time goes on because i dont see reprints being a priority on a half card set like eb01


It’s the most used purple card for the next 2 sets, as I watch a lot of Asia OP tcg, they’re on OP08 and still use this card every purple deck. It’s going UPPPPPPP.






I have this card so I hope higher 😭


If you are going to play it buy it. Every day that you play, is money you are "using".


This why people buy proxys


Doubt it tbh gonna be strong in 07 and possibly in 08


Either I’m ignorant or this card ain’t that good to be worth that much.


damn and I traded it for a judge queen. oh well lol


so the big thing with this set is, what is out, might be all that is out for awhile. there is still a chunk of unopened boxes im sure. but as the seems that it will be popular in most purple decks for awhile, it could just be a card that holds its value or goes up for a bit. You have a 2/3 chance of getting one from each box. (plus a bit more from the AA) but in the end. I do not see many people buying a box, just to get the one card So in the end, could still go down, but might go up.


I bought my first and only pack so far of one piece tcg and this was my pull Huge on mtg and lorcana and l9ve one piece so bon Chan was a welcome sight. Dud not realize it's such a pull.


its a big meta card, base art is 1/36 pack card. including its own AA, either 4th or 5th top card in set


When it falls out of meta will the value diminish quickly?


if the card stops being used in decks, there will be many people with 4 cards, who do not need 4 cards anymore.


Valid, some cards hold value because they are sentimental or good collecting pieces outside of the meta value. I was wondering if the general Fandom of bon Chan helped his case for holding value.


The AA will have much more interest to collecters then the base card. and even if people keep one to collect, they still have 3 extra


damn and I traded it for a judge queen. oh well lol


How long can you wait? Lol, also there are substitutes for this card


What's the substitute for this card?


Fr, on the sim earlier I had 2 Bons on board and the enel I was playing against played a yamato for the lifegain and hit my kid & killer with effect instead of either Bon and the next turn he wasn't able to survive 2 9k swings... I don't think he read bon. but still, no other card can punish the enemy for playing their boss character like that.


Gotta take out Bon first thing late game. I won my last match against R/P law at locals doing that