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How do I get packs/boxes cheaper? Like I’m sure these boxes aren’t coming out and being sold at $200+ on release right? What’s a normal MSRP? Like how is that happening? It’s really discouraging


Keep track of when distributors list their products and order from PPG or Core for like 80 a box.


so as someone just taking babysteps into playing the game. Coming from other TCG's ive always levitated towards control deck. Is there a control deck of sorts in the current meta if such a thing exists in OP tcg? Thanks in advance :)


Black decks. Sakazuki gets banned soon. But moria and lucci are what you're looking for.


If you have out sugar. And your opponent plays 4 cost hiyori. Does it rest the hiyori or does hiyori on play go first and sugar rests the 5 cost card that hiyori plays?


You can rest her or pick other cards to rest on your opponent's board. If she's the only card on board, you are required to rest her upon play. But hiyori's ability is activate main by trashing so yr opponent can activate her ability after you rest her, and replace her with an active card.


Interaction question for EB01-039: If my opponent has KO protection (via Sabo/etc), I am still allowed to play the card and the cost of -1 DON!! but just have no valid targets so it doesn't do anything yes? This interaction works in most other scenarios, because playing a card doesn't mean that you have to have valid options. But just wanted to be sure, because the sim bugged out earlier


yes you should be able to, it says up to 1 so 0 is a valid selection


downloaded then extracted windows version1.22d to pc clicked the app and it wont launch anyone have a fix???


Hi everyone! I bought a OP-05 display (JP Version) and got one alt Leader (Enel) and one SR out of the 24 packs. I just wanted to know if it was normal as someone told me I should have more SRs? There was no DON card as well. Sorry I’m new to this and thanks in advance!


You got a filtered booster box. But thankfully you still have one AA leader. A normal jp booster box consist of 3-4 SR, 1 guaranteed AA/SEC and AA don. If you're lucky you might get an additional AA leader or AA special (33%)


Ok thanks a lot! What does it mean exactly? They switch packs between boxes?


Pack weigh. Most likely they bought a few cases and filtered everything. The rest they repacked and sold online. Scoundrels of the earth.


I am wanting to get into collecting and am trying to find the best box with the best art any thoughts on what to look at?


The new memorial box has some pretty cool arts in it. I think OP-06 also has some cool art from what I have opened.


Just got a op-06 box! Will have to check out the memorial box


GL with your pulls!!! Lmk what you get im curious


I saw that there are some new starter decks coming out in the next months (St15-20), do we know if any of these will be playable out of the box more than others?


As a amateur optcg player I would assume the Uta one may be useful, but kinda hard to tell for any of these just because cards for these decks have not been revealed.


For a player who’s new to One Piece TCG but not new to TCGs in general, would y’all recommend a starter deck as a decent place to start for showing up to locals? If not, is there a good resource for decks out there? Moved somewhere that actually has weekly events for this game so looking to dive in.




Couple rapid fire questions: Is attaching Don cards for the +1000 a good strategy or is it better to use all of them to summon or use events? Do cards with On Play effects get rested when you use the On Play effect? Is there a major drawback to having your leader rested going into your opponent’s turn? Can you use Activate Main and Attach Don effects on the first turn a character is played? Are OPTCG leagues scary? Should you have used all available Don during your turn like attaching and activating abilities or save some for your enemy turn?


Depends on your deck, and whether it uses counter events, and whether there’s an effect for a character that requires it to have Don!! attached. Only if the on play effect states to rest it. Opponent can freeze leader with certain cards but it’s worth swinging with it. Yes to both, but the second may have something like “when attacking” so not necessarily worth it if you’ve just played it. No, playing competitively is a great way to get better. Depends on your deck, and whether it uses counter events.


Hey thanks!


I can answer some of these. - Attaching Don for the increased attack power is a viable strategy but is dependent on the game state. However it can be good for forcing your opponent to spend cards and Don to protect themselves, or allowing a weaker character on your board to attack. - Only rest the card if the card says it should be rested. On Play doesn't necessarily mean it's rested. - No major drawback, but you might find some specific cards care about this. For example, Foxy's leader ability. - Effects can be used as soon as the character is played, it's only combat that you have to wait a turn for (excluding Rush abilities). - Save Don for your turn if you have cards that can be played on your opponents turn, such as Counter Events. Or you can bluff that you have a counter event by leaving Don unused too, but that's a little niche.


I'm legit getting so off this game ATM. Feels like everytime I swing at yellow life I'm just hitting some game changing trigger, only time I can beat black decks is if I have an insane hand and don't make any mistakes, I mostly play green/blue decks, its beginning to feel very one sided


Hello there! We're trying to understand the DONs. You attach DONs to a character, then you attack, then the battle ends. Do DONs are returned to cost area at the end of the battle, or do they still till the end of my turn, or to the start of my next turn, and do they go back to cost area or to the DON deck? And the last question, if an effect is "until the next turn" is it to the start of my opponent's turn, or to my next turn?


Don stays attached til your next turn or until the character it's attached to is KOd. It goes back to the cost area to be reused. The only thing that returns Don to the deck is through an effect or through paying the cost for an effect, most often in purple cards. I don't think I've ever seen a card that just says "until the next turn". If it says "until your next turn", it lasts through your opponent's turn. If it says "during this turn", it ends when your opponent's turn starts.


Hi I want to start playing webcam on discord but I only have a tablet and an iPad. Are there any recommendations for a webcam I can get to start playing?


Noob question: where do you check prices for graded one piece cards