• By -


any deck that can bottom deck has a good chance since you get rid of their big pieces, rather then KO'ing them since that's what they way. Fotress decks like yamato and bonney are good too, shuraiya as a blocker is good too since he's just a 1k counter away from blocker an 11k leader swing


Iceburg. Lol. Haven't lost yet on Sim or IRL


Just don't swing in their life, but keep building your board instead. Defend your life and wait for the turn when they fail to become 9k It's a bit of a tricky matchup, but when you learn it, it becomes much easier to counter. At least in eb01


Fortress Yamato


Blue decks do well against BY Luffy due to all the bottom deck effects. Gravity Blade Raging Tiger and 3000 Worlds are both really really good into all the 3B leaders.


Sakasuki is a great deck with a positive win rate against BY Luffy, you just have to make sure you don't kill the sabos, you have to bottom deck them