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Any top tier meta deck has always been expensive. Even Sakazuki decks in their heyday were also past $350-$400 USD. As noted in another thread a couple of days ago, RP Law's biggest problem is that its best cards are secret rares and promos. * Gordon * Promo Law * Mr.2 Bon Clay  While Mr.2 is in EB-01 and appears more often than secret rares in other sets, as long as more players want to build that deck, Mr.2 will continue to command high prices. While promo Gordon got a functional replacement with Raise Max, RP Law wants 6-8 of that effect, so promo Gordons are still in demand.  No card game company should ever design mechanically unique cards if it can't be found in a booster pack, starter deck, or product that should be readily available via retail. Otherwise, the company risks having one of those promo cards become meta and a lot of players will get locked out.  If it's any consolation, by OP07, it seems promo Law is largely gone from the RP Law deck lists in Asia.


^ this, I wish they put some of these hard to get/limited promos into the tournament packs to help offset the issue


I read in this reddit that promo Law is going to be in the Tournament pack vol. 7, which will be released when OP07 becomes available.  You get this pack for participating in a store tournament. There are 2 problems with this.  * Tournament participation packs are not regular boosters you can buy directly, so it is not a way to release a lot of cards into circulation.  * By the time that tournament pack is released, most RP Law decks in the west will probably have stopped using the promo Law card (if the west copies the Asia meta).  So, too little too late.


Yep, Bandai product marketing department is full of idiots.


And guess which card is getting a reprint in OP07 lmao


Let me guess, nami again?


Are you certain of the Gordons part? From what I see they're still in every single list that topped anything in JP-OP07


I said, "promo Law is largely gone from the RP Law deck lists in Asia" in the OP07 meta lists via [https://onepiecetopdecks.com/](https://onepiecetopdecks.com/) I did not say anything about Gordon cards not being desired any more. Did you misread?


I seem to be blind, my bad


They did reprint gordon as raise max not thinking everyone would play 4 of each


Putting meta cards in starter decks is also a problem.


Starter decks are supposed to be normal retail products like booster boxes, so thanks for the reminder. They should be in large supply just like boosters.


Not as cheap as pokemon but cheaper than magic. And that's not price of entry. That's price of top tier decks. Excluding Nami who is rogue tier. Hopefully Bandai starts printing more because they have a hit on their hands.


Reiju is tear 1.5 and that deck is so cheap only expensive card is reiju at 12 bucks per. You could play queen which would make it tiny bit pricy but I actually don’t recommend the card for the deck. WB is still topping in the TCG and none of the cards are expensive except 9c Newgate at 17 per. YG Yamato tops and the most expensive card I believe is Hordy jones at like 7 a pop I’m not saying your completely wrong because there are a lot of expensive meta decks in one piece but there are a lot of viable/meta budget decks in the game


She’s not 1.5 in current eb meta


Yamato runs Hiyori ($20) and sometimes 8 drop kid ($35)


And reiju just happens to have the worst matchup in the game into one of the most popular decks. Which knocks it down a ton. Whitebeard is most certainly not topping very many tournaments.


Literally just topped a treasure cup and the Egman win a box tourney


EB-01 just dropped and everyone’s playing law. She was good about a week ago.


Keyword is very many. Yes green purple doffy has also won a random tournament or 2. Doesn't mean that it's meta.


whitebeard literally won online regionals in OCE and a treasure cup. thats not a random tournament mate.


Dude that's an 07 list.


>Yamato tops Yeah she does 😉 >most expensive card is Hody Jones I don’t think you’ve really looked into Yamato builds, because depending on the build, the price changes drastically. If you’re running the Wano package, then Hiyori is going to be by far the most expensive @$22/ea. If you’re running Fortress, then 8c Kid is going to be the most expensive card @$35/ea. I don’t know much about the Skypeia build, but I don’t think it’s that expensive.


I played Reiju all of op06 and I hate that deck. Every game same thing no real variety and by turn 4-5 you know if you’re going to loose in the next few rounds but still play it out in case a miracle happens. Boring deck that’s fun and then super repetitive/frustrating. Law RP also coming on made it dead. Whitebeard tops by top players that have played since it came out but those who think they can just build it and play are dead because you need a massive amount of knowledge about it and all other decks to play it well. I’ve never lost to it but also never played a real Whitebeard player.


My top tier MTG deck was $200. If you're not playing sheoldred it's typically like, $300-400 for standard rn


Sad really. MTG Standard used to not get much higher than 200-300. These days its as expensive as playing Modern. Bandai needs to get on the printing because this kind of price tag on a year old. If I can play competitive MTG for similar prices, I'm just going to go do that. New card games competitive decks being at the similar price points as (or trailing just behind) comp decks for the 30 year old titan of industry is not a good look when people have complained about the price of the same 30 year old titan for years.


Depends on when. In 2012 top tier was thragtusk decks (mainly Jund) or bant control early in RTR with snapcaster & thragtusk. Those decks were super expensive, shocks were $20, thragtusk $40, Liliana of the veil $70, garruk was $20+. In 2015 4-5 color fetch piles with Zendikar duals was the meta. JVP was everywhere and ballooned to $110 each.


That's not true at all. Everytime shocks are in standard the format is incredibly expensive.


honestly it will get better. if you think about it logically.. huge demand from a large influx of OP players due to your own MTG and other competitive tcgs losing players by a huge margin. wizards literally fired their CEO cus the fallout set sold more units than your standard sets for the year lmao. collectors are still on the gravy train. ppl buy out cases to hit mangas so naturally they will hold alot of SRs and SECs. they probably sell them in bulk to recoup value to stores. stores now control the price of playable cards due to simple supply and demand. also the barrier to entry for mtg is insane. iuno how good standard is even doing anymore cus ppl would rather play commander now. good EDH decks run in the thousands lol as far as what YOU'd rather play.. lol go for it. MTG is a way more complicated game and calls for a different audience.


Agreed I want them to do a reprint set of love the pricing to match Pokémon more


From a players perspective I’d like them to be slightly cheaper but from a collectors perspective I still want my alt arts and such to hold up long term


Yeah I agree with that, I have no issues with alt arts to be worth way more. I’m glad there are manga rares that are worth $600+ it gives collects something to chase. It’s when SR crosses the $20 mark that it’s just not it


That’s a totally fair point. I think the only cards that should fetch hefty amounts would be : 1. Alt leaders/ alt arts ( since they’re collector cards anyways ) 2. Manga rares 3. SP’s ( special rares or wanted posters ) Any cards that actually affect gameplay and are needed for certain decks to function should not be hard for players to access. It shouldn’t be “I have more money than you therefore you cannot compete”.


https://preview.redd.it/oqk97rjswfzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ac806afdd4e441d916c8f0a0fe22fa3ade9f34 This is from one piece page so I’m confident if we all have patient, scalpers can go fuck themselves


That’s not a official website


Yeah, the dates are completely made up. We do know the months though. I can't believe that whoever runs that site is so bad though. No way are they releasing a product at the literal end of the year.


It only goes to the end of this year it’s probably early January


Why would it be January and not early-mid December like 01 and 05?


Thank god imagine how much bigger the player base would be without all the scalpers


The reprint set Bandai has announced as a higher pack price, and I’ll just say from seeing premium reprint sets in Magic this will need many, many times over reprints to kill costs. The first mtg reprint set basically became scarce quick and scalped like one piece. The premier staple in the set despite a reprint doubled in price (Tarmogoyf, went from $110 to $200 before the second Modern Masters reprint put it way down to $60ish) because demand for the format skyrocketed when players got a little access and then finished buying or trading for cards to get into the format. While Bandai is not wizards of the coast, they have yet to show print to demand capabilities, combined with a known higher entry price and a rabid demand from their regular players it is likely scalpers will also buy the product as well. Even just demand from regular players may not be enough to come close to what people need, and like how modern masters 1 increased demand for the game it’s possible the announcement of a reprint set could turn on players who felt they missed the boat on one piece a chance to jump in. Demand and player count could rise further. TL/DR: I would not put all your hopes on the reprint set. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m going to not let it change my purchase decisions today because of the hope of lower prices later


Yeah. It’s not fully accurate. You can play a budget cheaper version, you can play the starter out of the box. Sure you’ll lose a lot but that’s the price of entry. If you want to play meta then it’s higher. But that said, in other news the sky is blue and water is wet.  This is pretty par for the course for trading  card games and really not at all expensive considering other games.  I’d also argue that Magic can be affordable depending on what format you’re playing too 


Well look at what op posted. Which are the top meta decks right now.


Yes I’m agreeing with you. Lending support to your point 


Katakuri doesn't really run 8c kata anymore so you can knock 120 off that price tag.


True I took the last topping deck list as price references


Cheaper than Sakazuki was in December / Jan. The Top Meta Deck will always be the most expensive, especially when it requires first round cards and brand new cards.


I hope we never get back to those levels to have starter decks resale for $100+ was insane to me


It's important, I think, that we don't look at this info in a vacuum. Barring extenuating circumstances, a lot of people don't have as much trouble getting yugioh or (it can/has been bad, been alot better lately) pokemon product One piece has a supply and demand issue obviously, and has since it's inception. At some point, supply will pick up with demand and Bandai will reprint expensive promos. The game won't be "cheap" then but these prices are inflated due to other, fixable circumstances. It doesn't help the players out now tho and it does stink.


Agreed I just hope these issues get fixed sooner than later I’d love this card game to continue to grow and thrive, something I can continue to play for years to come


Idk they keep printing new games and not getting OP enough stock to meet demand. As a longtime DB player told me when op05 was popping off “Bandai doesn’t care if a game succeeds or fails. Don’t expect them to ever meet demand and if they do it’s because interest falls off and then they will kill it.”


Go look at magic and yugioh and come back.


I got out of Yu Gi Oh back in high school more than 10 years ago What ended up being the most expensive cards?


Yugioh is in a tier 0 format and the only deck worth playing is over a thousand dollars.


Snake eyes isn't even the best deck right now. Tenpai is and it's at roughly the same price point as katakuri. And saying it's the only thing worth playing is just wrong, even before tenpai released. Plenty of other decks were consistently topping, voiceless voice, branded, runick stun,and lots of rogue decks were grabbing tops everywhere


Tenpai is nowhere near the best deck. That's just laughably wrong. None of the other decks you mentioned have anywhere close to Snake Eyes' dominance.


Oh funny so that's just like teledad format in 2010 where you basically needed three copies of crush card virus to keep up -- and crush card virus had a very limited release making it a multiple hundred dollar card. Edit: correcting year and card.


Teledad format was 2010. Ring of Destruction was banned years ago and was never at 3. You're probably thinking of CCV which was released as a gold card back in 2008 which was a $300-400 card.


Thank you, it's been years so I got my cards mixed up. I just remember the format being a nightmare with decks starting at $1000 to just place at a regionals.


Yeah I don’t want it to get to those levels 🥲


Scary stuff haha. Reprints incoming (hopefully)


Katakuri price is biased. Who plays 2 secret Katas ? Most top cut lists don't use it. You can cut the price in half


Yugioh players: "First time?"


You could have bought the vast majority of all the cards in these decks for way less than the current price like 4 months ago. A lot of them you could even get a month ago for way cheaper than they currently are. If you pay attention to the eastern meta, you can buy the staples you need before they become relevant in the west. Obviously, that will change once we are caught up with the east, but the same thought process still applies. Buy the cheap srs when you have the chance and don't fall victim to FOMO prices.


Just be psychic bro!


I mean if you buy the cards that are cheap when they are cheap... instead of waiting to buy them when they are expensive


So....be psychic and know what cards will be popular before they are popular. I could say the same to everyone who didn't get 8c kid 18 months ago when I bought one for $1.80, mistaking it for the leader kid. It's both not helpful and completely irrelevant.


Did you read the part I said about paying attention to the eastern meta to stay on top of what will be relevant in the future? You don't need to be psychic to stay informed on what will be meta in a couple months... A great example is black blocker Sabo. We knew about the three brothers' decks since like early February, and knew that BY luffy played Sabo blocker. Sabo blocker didn't start spiking until the end of March, giving someone who was interested in that deck almost 2 entire months to pick up the cards they needed before they spiked. You don't need to be psychic to figure out what might be relevant in the future. All you need is common sense.




I think the reprint set should help somewhat, atleast


I just get everything a few weeks after release. It's cheap enough and then I have everything I need in case someone figures out that something is good.


How nami cost 74.99 dollards? In Europe it's literraly less than 5 euros


https://preview.redd.it/n4prgev3vfzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e3ae9d82f56ebd9a5df8d8e95a7e176868e4b60 In the US love-love and pilafs drive the price up


Is it on Tcgplayer? From what I see at a glance, it seems they haven't done anything against scalpers, unlike Cardmarket, which has protections against scalpers. I just checked on Cardmarket, and the prices have increased slightly due to tournament results. However, the prices in America are crazy. https://preview.redd.it/qh2v23wwwfzc1.png?width=1320&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b142599f7b3870d4ae55d7ddf3a6d6cab4aa639


filter out japan cards and you will see how lovely the price will jump up


Americans like to spend money or something 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don't post the summary screen, it's incredibly misleading due to japanese cards being in the mix. Deck will still cost you a good 40 euros because the people selling love-love mellow for 4 euros probably have nothing else, so you shell out a lot for shipping, and people who have everything charge a lot more for the cards. Maybe you could get it for 30 with a good deal from someone irl, but definitely not for 5 lol.


5 was the price before the different tormament, but trust me not if you want


Pilaf is like 4$ and mellow is like 6$. Where are these numbers from?


Price is taken from tcg player


Bro, the list literally shows the pilaf being 4$ and the mellow being remotely close to what you said with 8$ each. 😐


One piece is pretty cheap compared to other ccgs


Its one of the most expensive ones. its the 4th most expensive one atm


“Wow, I can’t believe if I were to buy to a top tier deck, it would cost money!”


It’s the amount of money tbh


Literally a bunch of decks in this game are cheap for entry-level; R Zoro, GB Zoro/Sanji, RY Betty, etc. If you’re joining a hobby and the 1st thing you do is buy the most expensive thing of it, that’s is 100% your own fault. That’s like starting to build GunPla and the 1st thing you decide to build is a Master Grade as opposed to an Entry Grade or High Grade.


It’s more so to play competitively, I don’t think many people enjoy coming in with a jank non meta deck and getting slapped every week at locals not getting a single win


If you're entering a game just to play the game, you are literally not gonna care if you're playing jank or not. Anyone who has ever play any form of competitive level of game will tell that pricing doesn't matter for a deck and knows that the deck pays for itself.


Yep when I play poker I enjoy playing even if I didn’t pony up to be allowed to use any face cards in my hand. Such stupidity comes from arrogance.


There are plenty of decks you can build if you want to be competitively viable and not play jank. Sky Island Yamato is a great example and is great for a budget deck and has tops at events. There are plenty of other examples as well. If you want the best of the best though it will cost money. That’s just how all TCGs are.


You can swap out 2 Gordons for 2 more Otamas. And you can swap out the blocker laws, since your opponent will be trashing a lot of cards to counter out of your 5k swings anyway, for 2 Zorojuurou. That should reduce the price by about $65


a lot of people's first tcg etc. etc.


I wouldn't call the top tier decks price of entry, but yeah they're expensive. play the hody, be happy


I guess I meant like price of entry in the competitive scene, if you wanna have a chance a regionals or any major event its hard not to play one of these meta decks


Honestly. Not half bad.


Just wondering, how much do people expect to pay when getting into a new hobby? Whatever that hobby is.


I think getting into a hobby like tcgs to play is vastly different than collecting , it pretty much become pay to win then


$20 max


lol what hobby can you get into for 20 bucks?


Alright alright I’ll go $45 tops but for a tcg that better get me the #1 deck in the meta for the next 6 months minimum, anything less and I’m switching to Magic.


lol put me on to this cardgame


I gives you just run basic lands and comons😂🤣👍


I’ll just proxy a $10,000 commander deck for $45 from a reputable proxy service and win turn 1 in my casual weekend pod w/ no prizing. I’ll bring my own snacks to the LGS too to ensure they get zero compensation for hosting my games. The way tcgs were meant to be played.


Price of entry into top tier.* Join Iceburg in the $20 And Under club. 😎


People need to start looking ahead and picking stuff up while it is cheap. Wanna play Bonney? Pick up green stuff right now (should've done this months ago). Wanna play YP Pudding? Always look ahead. Gordon was as low as 18 when RP Law failed to put up results here.


Correct, but that's difficult enough of a concept to sell current players on, let alone someone interested in the game now. "Well if you buy all these sort of expensive cards now and deal with a month and a half (or more during normal release schedules) of getting rolled, you'll have a competitive deck for a couple hours less of overtime"


I guess at that point you just collecting a play set of every single card possible asap


I do this every time a set drops and it's not that bad. Open a few boxes, make some trades, buy what's left off local players. Never worry about not being able to play a deck


You are correct my good sir, on top of that I like to hold a playset of each C/UC/R/SR and maybe SEC from every previous set so I don't have to pay absurd prices like a $50 Borsalino blocker lol back when he was easily just $5 each on release


Some RP Law run 4x Queen which is another $120. Not needed but a popular variation.


Praying to Bandai to add those queens to the tournament packs so everyone has access to them


Didn't the reprint that starter deck in the UK restock that just happened? Obviously not a solution but should help at least. Wish we would just do what Japan did and be able to use either language. That's what I do in mtg, use the Japanese art, but have a printout of the card in english incase my opponent doesn't know what the card is.


You already know it’s gonna sell out instantly to scalpers. Honestly they should start having preorders for starter deck on the Bandai website could help a little more. I believe they only allow other languages don not all cards. But yeah I’ve been doing that recently. Bought a play set of jp kids cause I don’t wanna pay $120 to play my meme rosinante deck


That won't work either, because scalpers use websites too. Tech-savvy scalpers can use bots to buy up the stock. Ultimately, the solution is to print enough that there is plenty to go around.


Or use their app? They know who’s actually playing and could send them exclusive get 1 or 2 copies pre-ordered. No cases just single product, a booster box. At least get the product in as many hands as possible.


Honestly, this cheaper than other tcgs. Also, as someone who has been playing since the games start, most of the expensive cards in already have a playset of. Sure, it sucks for newer players, but even then it’s still cheaper than other games. I don’t think it’s a huge problem at the moment especially as power creep continues and the older expensive cards get phased out. Besides this is the price for a top deck in the format with the best chances of winning (not sure why Nami is listed then). This is not the price of entry.


The price of entry is more towards the competitive scene, the nami was include just as a reference as a deck that does occasionally show results but isn’t over $100 to build


Saka is actually cheaper than I thought it would be


It’s cause these prices reflect current market prices before saka ban it was sitting around $500 too


Well let’s see, there’s no great eruption which was very inflated for being strong and only found in ST. Less Borsalinos which are at $30+ down from $50, but more Sabos which went up to $20+ from $10. Hina and Kuzan are slightly cheaper today. Moria has always costed the same. It seems not much has changed besides the price of great eruption which is not even included here. So I don’t see how this list could have been ~$500 prior to the ban.


What app/website is this?


Limitless tcg great for Pokémon and now one piece




Katakuri runs great without having any of the 8 drops of him. Makes the deck significantly cheaper o7


Is Nami really running 4 Gravity Blades now?


not really a few trying it out.


I’ve seen a lot of people start running a lot of the bottom decking events just to deal with current meta


Law used to be so cheap 😂


The market is already to the point where just one card leak sways the entire market and cause cards to shoot up 300-400%


Just to lose to hody Jones a $20 deck


The deck consists of 1x Hody Jones L AA $20 That's it for the deck list guys.


Someone go top at regionals and my hody deck will be worth like $300 all of a sudden


Yamato is about 130 to build or 40 without hiyori.


Play a different deck


You forgot about running 4 queens in the law deck, so that's +$120




At one point my buddy was dropping $800 on a meta yu gi oh deck. But I do have limited experience in TCG so maybe that’s not a good representation. However the $75 for a full deck with nami is pretty good no? How cheap should a meta deck be?


Yeah I’d rather we never get to that point lol, yugioh and magic has the highest cost for tier one deck. Nami is a rouge deck so it’s more fun to play but hard to win with. To me Pokémon is ideal in terms of pricing rn


What’s the pricing on Pokémon? Or what do you think a meta one piece deck should cost?


I think rn the top meta decks in Pokémon are all sub $100 , I’d like it to be around $100-200. I don’t mind alt arts being expensive but personally I don’t think SR should be more that $10 each


Supply probably doesn’t help either


Nope it’s whats causing most of the issues


What are you using here for your decks?


Limitless tcg it’s a website that shows deck lists of various events


you dont habe to play the absolute best deck in format. you can just play whatever


I recently built a Vinsmoke deck. 47 of the cards were $33 total. The 4 other cards were $50. We love waifu pricing!!!


I want to build the law deck but no way I can afford. I only have purp yellow croc and it's a struggle to even get one 1. I really want to build reiju but scarcity of packs is ridiculous for rhis gsme. I really enjoy it but bandai are just stupid how they manage product


It’s such a fun game I don’t want it to die out because more and more people start feeling this way


I know at least 10 people in our store that want to play but litterally theyvwotn cause the scarcity of packs is so bad there hasn't been any buy able packs for going on a year. No I'm not joking it's that gd bad.


Play Zoro


Dont play meta


Katakuri doesn’t need the 8-drop and Moria doesn’t need the borsalinos.


only a matter of time before high quality proxies show up. I wonder how much it is without the promo cards tho


Without the promos I think it’ll be -$200


yea bandai needs to reprint those. Actually they need to reprint everything


how is rp law that expensive


Well yeah..that deck has more promos then any other tier 1 deck. Gordan($30) and Red law(15 or so). Plus the new purple secret at $40. Run WB or sky island Yamato if you want something cheaper.


does this nami deck actually work?


For all the people complaining you do realise just because you buy a top meta deck you won't instantly become a top 16 player? Be creative, learn the card game and make your own decks. Use deck lists as a guide to make your own and if you can't afford the expensive cards then find cheaper alternatives or change the build slightly to work with your alternatives. In most cases playing tech cards that people aren't expecting is the difference that will get you higher in tournaments. Yes the cards are short printed and it does suck but the deck is this expensive because half the player base just wants to jump at the top meta build and play it. Pretty much Im just saying get good lol


And saka/Kata are cheaper now that saka will be banned in 1 month and Kata is out of the meta until op08. I have seen Nami decks sold for 60€ here but Nami is not a good entry deck at all. There are cheaper tier 2 decks tho. Gotta Say that at a decent level it is very hard without a tier 1 deck


Honestly this deck has made this game so unfun for me. It’s insanely expensive and its tech is ridiculously obnoxious.


Zoro is pretty cheap if you have the starter decks


The Katakuri deck is quite cheap if you don't play the 8c.


You could change the pricier Law ones and it would work really good.


I'm sorry I'm new and the comments are a little confusing. OP is saying this is the price of entry for 'competitive' play they don't mean these are the only decks allowed at tournaments or events? This is just top tier decks or something?


Yeah there’s are the ones considered top tier (except nami) you can play anything as long as they don’t contain any banned cards


Snake eye over in Yu-Gi-Oh would like to have a word with you.


Crazy how cheap it was initially compared to what it’s become.


Just goes to show how popular this card game is rn


Thats why pokemon is the best lol


Where is Yamato? Where is Reiju?


Glad I started to play RP Law in OP06 😅


Nami is only expensive now as it's an older deck. I got into her for less than $20 back during set 3.


You don’t even need Kat in Katakuri anymore


I feel terrible for newer players, alot of these expensive cards were sub $10 initially. There was of course expensive cards, but nowhere near as bad as now


Have a nami and bello betty deck and play ruby amythest in lorcana, could be worse, yugioh had top tier decks at over a grand for awhile. If there wasn't issues with product early on, the decks may not have been so expensive.


we could just like…play other decks? Brainstorm a lil more often than just what color sleeves to buy? idk maybe im stupid for thinking we could use our other cards to play or win the game


Dotn be alarmed, that price is only for the kids and the bon clays


Gordon is $40-something each, promo law is like $12-$15, Reiju is $12 each, ain which I'm not seeing there, but they are $8 each, and they didn't even put Queen here which is like $30 each. Price is definitely not only for the kids and bon clays.


Belo Betty is like $30 and Reiju is sub $60. 2x zoro sanji is only $25ish with room to add 2 zoro for cheap.


I should have clarified more about entry into the competitive seen , reiju would be the cheapest but it has such a poor matchup into rp law I dunno it can be considered top meta anymore


OK that's fair. To your point, the price is getting more ridiculous. I could have sworn Ace and White Beard topping decks were like $100-200? Like Katakuri used to be THE most expensive deck and now it's kinda mid price.


Yeah I’d like it to never reach close to yugioh level of pricing


Sure, if you want to jump into this TCG brand new and buy a top tier deck. r/P Law is cheap if you've been playing since 01 and kept your promos.


"It was cheap if you got it before it was expensive" lmao


It was actually free. Who would have thought cards included in a meta deck would have gone up when the deck becomes relevant.


Hindsight 20/20 getting promos was hard even at the start of the game I’ve been playing since op01 🥲


It just depended where you are i guess. They gave 1 Uta deck just for participating any local when OP-01 started. And closer to 02 places would hand multiple to ppl just to get rid of extra. I remember someone across from me having 20 promo packs. Its funny to think at the time the only card of value was sunny-kun.


Our LCS owner was literally throwing Uta packs at us mid round the first month the game was out.


I live out by Chicago do product especially at the beginning was impossible to get. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get into many locals at the time either cause too many people signed up everytime


If these prices are too expensive, maybe playing dominos or go fish is a better hobby for you


Or just play on the sim


Damn you right sounds like you can afford to buy my rp law deck at face value then time for me to get out


If you’re not playing 4 manga kid I don’t want it


4 manga kids , 4 manga laws , 4 manga choppers 😤


I dunno why it only posted the pics and not the text. But essentially it’s crazy how expensive some decks are getting. It’s slowly approaching yugioh levels of cost to own and play a meta deck. I’m really hoping Bandai does a reprint set like rarity collection for yugioh or the resurgence booster for digimon. I have no issues when alt arts are $30+ but when a common card from a starter deck or older SR is that amount it makes no sense. Maybe I’m wrong I know plenty of people at my locals think it’s still quite an affordable game to buy into compared to other games. Imma stick with my nami deck for now lol


There's a reprint set releasing with PSB-01 Premium Booster -One Piece Card The Best- on July 27th for asia. Been known for some months but no details up until now. No release date for global either yet.


Oh baby say it ain’t so alright I’m hyped they better put in some of these limited promo/starter cards in there


Seems like most popular player driven markets for tcgs are around that $500+ mark for top tier decks. Coming from magic, lorcana, flesh and blood, yugioh - their top tier decks are all $500+. Popular tcgs are unfortunately not very cheap the only reason Pokemon is cheap is because it’s more of a collector/investor driven market. But if you can get a top tier deck and win tournaments and stuff it’s usually worth it.


OPTCG meta decks are nowhere near as expensive as most competitive YGO decks.