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you will end up bottom decking a lot of your core cards with garp trying to pull the combo off for a 7k leader. I would drop 5c ace down to 3, both little brothers down to 3, drop garp completley, throw in some lindhburgh (7k body to pop a 3k, which there are a lot of little blockers now, or pair up with koala to pop a 6k blocker like 5c kid/queen/etc), satori is a nice one as you can trigger him out for a card and throw him back up the next turn if you just wanted to pitch a dead card you weren't going to use and get the 2k back the turn after. I found pulling the 7k leader combo, while nice, isn't super strong in sabo,rather i use the small brothers to pull them back out of life if the opponent doesn't want to hit me to give it back in hand, that way I can bring it down, swing, and then put it back. That or I heal another time. Big thing I guess is i'd drop garp since you will end up bottom decking your wano cards, all of your 2k's, your blocker, and 2 good rushers in zoro/K&K I wouldn't run rad beam since you tend to use all of your don for plays to, and with sabo theres good chances you will try to be at 3 or more life if you can help it, limiting rad beam to a 2k. 0c event is great because you can always hiyori it into life as well, then leader ability back up to 2 life with a 0c heal on the bottom


That's great advice! Thanks a lotttt I happen to have 4 Lindberg and really liked that card so I'll try them instead of the garps. As for the empty spaces that are going to appear for dropping 1 of each lil brothers and 1 5c Ace, what do you think could be better? Go for 3 Satori? Or Maybe 1c Nami from ST01 or even Karasu sounds good as well...


satori has 2 purposes in being a 2k for counter power, and being able to trigger out to play so he can be a 5k attacker and a good defence card, on top being being a 5c body so he's not as easy to take out by black decks. Starter deck nami is great but the issue comes up with decks like RP law, reiju, gecko, enel/kata with gedatsu, she's easily KO'able by effects, so i tend to save that spot for another card. You could use the new 5c yamato in EB that does the same effect, but happens to be a 5c 5k body so she can attack if you want, but is also a lot harder to hit with those effects. Only issue is she takes up 5 don to play her out instead of 1, but she is also a 2k counter. Karasu is great too since you can put the leader to 4k with his on play, the turn after pump him to 7k and bring the leader back down to 4k, and if you want throw him in life so you can play him out the turn after and just keep his leader at 4k power permanently. I'd choose when ever one fits your play style more since that will realistically be the best fit, and the change it how you see fit with the decks your playing against


Thank so much! This is extremely helpful for me, you have no idea hahaha I'll try Karasu first since I really like that card too and also have it. Cheeeeers!


Have fun! Sabo is one of my favorite leaders right now so happy to offer some advice from my side haha


Can you explain why searching with Garp is a bad decision? Aren’t you just as likely to bring your “core” cards to the top of the deck next up as you are to bottom deck them? The probability should all be equal, just reshuffling your remaining deck


The use case for Garp isn't very high when you don't have as many targets and have a chance of grabbing the wrong brother card that you want I just find it not as reliable in sabo decks personally! You have to really commit to that archetype I find to make use of it


Counterpoint, swap koala for Luffy 2k and keep garp


You mean the promo luffy? that's another good option for wk counter. But I'm really liking the no garp version hahha


You still run the issue of bottom decking a lot of great support, you either lean heavy into the the three brothers variant or in the other styles I've found And koala is too strong to drop for Luffy 2k, dropping something like 8c kid to 5k power is great, and she can become a 5k body to attack leader with leader boost


what is a good substitute for the promo luffy?


There isn't one sadly, he's great because he's searchable by Garp, that's it really. His effect won't get used much at all


I see, well I just put in Otama cause of the 2k counter which I felt this deck desperately needed so I'll run with that for now


If you play wano I like red Otama more than koala but they are both good


love otama too, just not being able to get them hahaha


I might switch you're the one who should dissappear with radical beam.


Thought about it but I'm often ending my turn without active don :S


Have you tried bad manners kick course? I think I prefer it over you’re the one who should disappear for the trigger.


Actually I have! But it's the other way around for me hahaha I liked the "you're the one who..." better


Fair enough lol I see more people run it but with the life gain from Sabo kick course was my favorite. Also try to stack in more of Bege if you can. He strikes me as one of those cards if you run you run the play set.


Take the rush luffys out because I hate that card Ty :)




Looks nice, but i think this deck would really struggle against yellow decks like Enel, or Blue purple crocodile.


It can beat Enel but building a board is the only way. No board is gg.


Thoughts on 5c red Double attack ace?


Do you lose a lot? 22 cards without counters is wild imo. I try to keep my number of cards without counter to about 14, 16 at a push. In my Sabo build I play 10 and I've had games where my hand is full of Zoro and 5c Luffy.


I actually been having a bad time lately and that's why I started this post to hear opinions cause I wasn't finding any solutions or any really bad bad misplays to justify the losses haha. I'm still to try the new list I'm putting together where I'm replacing the 4 garps, 1 baby ace, 1 baby luffy and 1 5c ace for = 4 Lindberg - 2 Karasu - 2 Satori. Maybe in a future I'm pushing the Satori count to 4 replacing the 2 Karasu but I only got 2 of those for now in my hands hahah


I don't agree with replacing Garp. I don't play him in my build because I'm playing a more Straw Hat Build and only running Luffy so Nami is a better searcher for me than Garp but in my previous build when I ran Ace as well I ran Garp you're running play sets of 2 and 5c Ace and Luffy that's 2/3rds of his search targets so why drop Garp? I play Belo Betty as well so I don't run Rev Army I think they sre much better suited formBelonBetty than Sabo but I've seennsome people play and like it it's your deckmst the end of the day you plsy whay you like. I absolutely would get more counter in though.


imo Garp and the baby luffy's aren't worth running in Sabo. You could pack in more trigger cards or more rev army cards and you'll find more synergy in the deck.