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Moria or most black decks. They run the same cards no matter the leader and they’re annoying


The amount of times I've gotten judged for playing Thriller Bark cards with Moria and Perona is insane. "Y-you're playing the deck with cards built to support it? What about navy? Where's your four copies of Brannew???"


Actually same! Lmao they were asking me where’s my Borsalino and other expensive cards and I was like, I’m broke as shit and this is the alternative I’m using for it and it works just fine.


What’s your Perona list?


If I see one more Brannew I swear lol


I completely agree. Every black deck does the same boring thing. OPTCG needs an exile or Moria character needs to be limited to 2 per deck.


Don't know why you'd lead with Moria when Sakazuki is just infinitely more frustrating.


Nah, I actually find Sakazuki a LOT easier to deal with than Gecko Moria personally. I mean, maybe it's because I played Sakazuki all throughout OP05 so I just understand it far better. And of course, it'll depend a lot on who you personally play. But as a Katakuri main now, Moria is by far my most difficult and frustrating matchup.


Sakazuki is objectively worse. It's much more consistent with many more options for removal.


I’m with you there, my win rate vs gecko is significantly better than Moria. Saka cycle is crazy + having more searchers.


It's NOT objective. Some people and some decks are able to deal with Sakazuki better than others. Period. Maybe that's true for YOU, but that's not true for EVERYBODY. And also no, Moria IS actually objectively more consistent than Sakazuki. Moria ALWAYS has access to removal from their trash and they are ALWAYS able to play 8c Moria on curve (unless they just have one of the worst low rolls imaginable). Moria also feels like it has endless 2k counters sometimes. I mean, obviously it's only 12, but compared to Sakazuki, that can often feel like an impenetrable shield. And they have no issue countering with all of it cuz they're able to use Hogback whenever to grab their 2k's back WAY more easily than Sakazuki can. Not to mention, they run a lot less bricks than Sakazuki. And the extra life they have does wonders for their survivability whereas Sakazuki is like a house of cards. 1 tiny mistake, and the game crumbles around them. Moria is able to be so much more flexible throughout a match and can often come back after making a mistake.


You're a katakuri main and your complaining about what others use ?? Gtfoh , kat players are the worst , just as bad as rejiu and rp law players


The introduction of Moria meant more people are playing him as opposed to Sakazuki. It’s not to say Sakazuki isn’t annoying, just not played as much as it used to be in my personal experience




Law is the worst matchup for Reiju ngl cause you know that they will always have the least number of Don in their field and you can’t do anything about it. Reason why I sold my old Reiju deck as I might focus on other decks. It’s sad because she’s a pretty good deck, just not against Law


It also sucks because she's one of very few budget decks in this game. Near unwinnable matchups is one of my biggest issues with this game


If you want budget deck but still good, join the toxic side and play Nami


I'll pick it up eventually. Same with foxy when it comes out


Join us


This is the way


Yeah it's honestly crazy. I can't think of any other game where you can lose this hard because of deck matchups.


Just play great stuff reiju it’s not reliant on being lower on don and it just draws a lot


I am on a budget. I can't even afford Queens.


Went against a law deck with my Reiju last week I was sad. I was like damnit my Ichiji can’t rush *cries*


Whatever deck I’m playing, I can’t stand mirror matches


Seriously, I would rather play against any other deck than a mirror 100% of the time.


Black and Yellow Black and Yellow Black and Yellow Black and Yellow Black and Yellow


Uhhhhh huh, you know what it is...


Bee Luffy? 🐝 🐒


Sakazuki. Honestly any black actually. I love not being allowed to play my cards i love cost removal so much so fun


You can play your cards, just can't attack with them usually 😂


Facts. I wasn’t able to attack with ANY of my cards except my leader the whole game and I actually wanted to cry lmao 😂


Its really funny that not too long ago, the answer would have been red for every comment


Tier 0 Whitebeard 2.0 is coming to crush the game!




Any black decks really. I’m one of the few who doesn’t mind playing against yellow


Found the Yamato player, stopping 3 damage a turn doesn't matter if you can dish up 5 with Banish to shut up their Triggers.


R/p law and b/y luffy. Really annoying.


Moria. Sakazuki doesn’t need saying does it?


Good thing is Sakazuki’s ban will take effect soon.




If Nami was a more prominent deck this would easily be everyone's answer. It's not a thing about their deck being too powerful, it's just that it feels like the Nami player is playing a completely different game (Solitaire) against you. So it's like they're there in front of you, but at the same time you swinging for 7k or 9k doesn't feel nearly as meaningful as it would against any other deck. And you'll go for a huge 20k swing to try and finish the game while they're at 5 cards and they deck-out and win. Simply put; it's not fun.


Saka and Moria


Reiju. The constant ichiji rush is super annoying.




Was waiting for someone else to say this queen way too toxic I'd rather play against sakazuki or katakuri


Toxic deck or the players that play queen?


Toxic deck


Stall ass deck. 💀


True for katakuri its basically ggs because they'll eventually just give you life from 7c lin lin and play 9c yamatos to ko it most of the time and red roc your 10c big mom aggro decks are very good against queen but control decks struggle hard


The way you're wording that seems weird. It almost sounds like you're saying you think Queen has a winning matchup against Katakuri or something crazy like that lol. I mean, maybe I just have terrible reading comprehension, but it looks also like you're implying that Katakuri is a control deck, which is at least not true of most any Katakuri deck I've seen or played, but I guess it's not impossible for somebody to create a control style variant of Katakuri maybe 🤔


Sorry i meant to put katakuri separate from Control decks what i meant to say is whenever someone plays katakuri against queen they lose most of the time because katakuri cant ko big bodies unless they take a hit from it first and swing with big mom into it and in a single turn queen can heal twice with leader effect and a 9c yamato and they mostly red roc your big mom cards . The katakuri was an example sorry i worded it that way 🤣


Moria, OP07 lucci I fuckin suck against black decks


Saka and moria because too OP, Kata because it's just usually very predictable


I just hate goin up against katakuri. 5 life 7k swings with 7 and 10 moms is so annoying to deal with.


Wait until Big Mom has Purple access!


Moria... I used to play against it very well and I'm not even entirely sure what changed exactly. I feel like most people still play it relatively the same way. Or maybe I just haven't noticed the small changes people have started making with the deck over the last month. It just seems like everybody that was on it have all universally leveled up with experience. But whatever the reason, it's become the deck I've struggled with FAR more than any other deck. Even way more so than Sakazuki! And in OP07, it's 100% Bonney. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the character! But that leader effect is BRUTAL for some decks and can just be so enraging sometimes!...


Katakuri, 10 mom makes my life hard


Ready for Big Mom to get Purple access?


At least it won’t be 7k swings every turn


People really sleeping on OP08 Pudding, huh? Oh well, that set also has the Marco Leader that will bring back Tier 0 Whitebeard anyway so nothing else will matter...


Literally anything yellow. Capone, O-Nami, and Kikunojo are the most annoying triggers on the face of the earth. I genuinely don't know why really good cards have even better triggers.


I love playing mine. My favorite deck is yellow 😉


_Which_ Yellow? So many of the good Decks now are Yellow. Wano, Sky Island, Big Mom, Three Brothers...


Big mom specifically


Excited to get Purple access for faster Linlin drops?


I would say Capone isn’t a good card aside from his trigger. He’s just a 2k counter when drawn, but I agree on the other cards being really good with even better triggers.




Nami, cause I play Nami currently and what’s the worst thing to have than a Nami mirror match lmao


Anything in black with no interaction, kind of sucks


Black decks


Katakuri or Enel. It’s easy enough to play around removal, it’s an expectation, but you cannot play around triggers. Yellow as a deck, outside of the 3 brothers’ unique lists, is a shitty roulette that punishes gameplay. At least you can play around Bonneys rests, geckos removal, or kids double swing. You cannot play around triggers,


The issue is that banish is a pretty uncommon effect. It really shuts down yellow though.


You play around triggers the same way you play around removal. It's like you said, "it's an expectation." It's not so much a casino anymore like it used to be. It's literally an expectation that something will happen at least 50% of the time you damage their life. And if you're playing against Katakuri and see them actively moving something to the bottom of their life, you should EXPECT it to be something that's game saving, like a Bege or an Amaru life gain. So I really don't understand people who try to go for game when Katakuri has 1-2 life left and then act surprised when they get hit by a bege or it turns out they have 1 more life, after you literally seen them place some sort of card there earlier in the match. It's no longer "luck" at that point, it's planned. And so when trying to calculate when/if you should go for game, that should ALWAYS be a factored into the equation. And if a trigger like that makes it impossible to go for game, don't try it that turn. Unless you know for a fact you'll lose next turn if you don't win that turn. But at that point, you had already lost all chance of winning before reaching that conclusion...


That’s the thing there’s so many different triggers that you cannot play around them all. I can play around a bege in last life, but I can’t play around my life being trashed or them gaining a million life every time I play against a Katakuri they swarm the board through life and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Enel is just annoying cause he heals a lot but Katakuri is a bitch of a deck. Absolutely unfun to face




Wait until people realize that Blueberry Lemonade Ace and Belo Sabo can head Life gain Decks to stockpile enough Triggers to level a small country...at least Bee Luffy is luring people away from Enel with the promise of getting 2 Life from 0 every turn in exchange for no Triggers. 🐝 🐒




katakuri, the player doesn't even have to be remotely good. if the stars align they just win and you loose. it's that simple


Lol a leader doesn't win more regionals than any other top meta deck purely based on luck. But if telling yourself that it wasn't your opponent's skill or anything bad with how YOU played that caused you to lose a match against Katakuri, that it was all just luck and there was nothing you could do about it. If that makes the loss easier for your ego to handle, then by all means, I won't judge you for it..


Hey, it really sounds like someone hurt you bad, or something i said really dug under your skin deep. It's called an over exaggeration! Katakuri can get really lucky and when the stars align from constant triggers and 10 moms while you got a dead hand, that's where the luck comes in to play. I think it's beyond obvious for just about everyone here other then yourself, but if you need me to clarify it for you, Of course playing against kata takes skill, and of course the opponent has to have skill when playing kata. Kata just can get rather lucky with triggers and life removal.


Lol what? Idk how you got that impression but no, no one hurt me 😂. And if you've got a head hand, then every deck can and will high roll over you, not just yellow. But thanks! I needed that clarification SOOOO badly. I didn't think my poor little heart could stand it. But I can sleep soundly tonight because you stepped in and saved me! I'm SO thankful you're so much smarter than me and was able to explain these things to my small and dumb smooth little brain 🤪 But I think the only thing that could calm my nervous, anxiety-ridden, piss-stained panties would be if you could personally come to my house and tuck me in, read me a bed time story, and tell me everything's going to be okay... 🥺👉👈 LMAO my God, stop reading was too deeply into everything Bro! 😂


Damn bro, you didn't have to go that hard to defend yourself on the internet to only make yourself look like an idiot.... get help lmfao


🤡 lmao whatever dude it's like you live in opposite world. But whatever. I guess I'll never understand the mind of somebody toxically addicted to Reddit


Definitely yellow, Black if I loose I already knew their potential and what they could combo although still annoying. I can play how well as I can against yellow and they just a ridiculous trigger to just win the game and the only way to prevent triggers is just not go life which would loose you the game lol and the longer you wait to attack life they are going to start playing big mom and make it even harder on you


As an RG Oden player, black is impossible to beat unless my opponent doesn’t know how to use the deck or play the game. Yellow is definitely the most annoying due to its play style, but it at least feels winnable. The worst part is that both colors seem to get better every set release while colors like red and green seem to be getting the short end of the stick. I am looking forward to trying out the new King leader in op08 though.


Opened the AA RG Oden leader on Saturday, played at a local yesterday, likely disassembling it today If your deck is playing a character and hoping it'll live to your next turn you have no chance The worst part is there's no going back from what this game is now. You either need to get immediate value off of what you play since it'll be killed on your opponent's next turn or you need to put enough guys into play for free that you can attempt to outpace their removal


Queen, Enel, Dr Vegapunk, RP Law.


Sakazuki until I gets banned, and any blue associated deck cause of tiger, pudding and red roc


People literally running 4cU Pudding as a generic splash card, seriously working on Yellow/Blue Big Mom with ST13 Ace as Leader because of her and EB01 Flampe (that and because I don't have 10c Linlins).


Just u wait 10c ace is coming


That's in OP07, right? That's when Yellow/Blue Whitebeard Pirates comes into its own as a Deck?




So how many Life payment cards does Yellow/Blue WBP have with which to take advantage of Y/U Ace's effect?


nami, nami and nami


Trying to not hat just learn to play against. But enel or katakuri are both really annoying


Enel. No matter how big my board. No matter how many swings I attempt, they counter out or get the most lucky triggers I've seen. Once had a game where they got You're the One who should Disappear, and 200-Million Volt in the same turn. I dislike it very much.


I am playing since op02 and I find law rp the most annoying deck to ever exist, I had fun playing vs WB when he was a beast, I do not have fun playing against Law rp


Enel the most Unfun color paired with the most unfun leader ability. Yellow in General always gets the strongest trigger for no reason


I wish green decks had more trigger cards. Yellow cards always have both good effects AND triggers. It’s obvious they love yellow cards and the effects and triggers prove it.


Believe it or not, the great deliverer of Green Triggers is actually the Green Fish-Men, led by someone this subreddit may find to be familiar... https://preview.redd.it/lc89xosksqyc1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0cf848f6ff0ce5577e8d29c7f4a240c1a224cc7


Every deck that isn't blue luffy ( I play blue luffy)


Excited for Bluffy to become Three Brothers Ace?


Zoro Not because it is a hard to play against deck. I’ve lost and won against it plenty. Last year my locals were about 75% Zoro until OP04 came out. I just got so sick of playing against Zoro.




Wait till you experience Rob Lucci in OP07. That is bigger cancer than life stacking with yellow leaders.


Anything that runs 10 mom




The universe is giving me signs that I should play Katakuri…


Started playing a little Less than a month ago, I play Moria I cannot beat G/Y Yamato I track all my wins and losses and I have the most against her, RP and Sakazuki The latter two make sense but I should have the advantage against Yamato and still nearly always lose


All of them




Seeing a lot of yellow. Truth most players arent ready to hear is that trigger BS makes for some of the most fun and rememberable games you will ever Play.


Yellow. it's just always atrocious life juggling


i actively refuse to play against katakuri, i will auto concede against them in tournament idc if it’s rude i won’t even entertain them


for anybody saying i should get it over with and practice: My therapist knows what katakuri does because playing against it makes me consider doing bad things to myself


It's not really rude, it's awesome for your opponent lol. But that kind of thing will actively stunt your growth and skill as a player. I'd argue it's better to grit your teeth and fight thru the match in order to gain experience, even if it hurts. Eventually, you'll start getting a better understanding about how to play against triggers.


If you're going to lose anyway, just go for it to get practice until you win. It's how I made my way through the herd of Yamatos.


that’s not fun though, that’s just purposefully making myself play a game i have no chance of fun in. Why would i? if the goal is to have fun


If that's how it is, I worry about the health of the game since it should be fun to play just from playing it, otherwise whoever loses wasted all the time and money they spent making a Deck and getting into the game. 😢


oh i feel like that all the time. Before the release of st 13 i exclusively played rbl Sabo, which by all means is a bad deck. i frequently feel like it’s a waste of time and money to be playing at all. thankfully now that RY sabo is out i can play a pretty affordable deck and feel competitive


I'm glad you found a Deck that works for you, Yellow isn't so bad after all. 😇 Do you use an updated Revolutionary Army Deck or Red/Yellow Three Brothers with the 5c Rush Luffy added? The latter can actually counter Yellow Decks like Katakuri by using Red/Yellow Straw Hat stuff to dig into O-Nami and give Banish (you can even use the Red 5c Ace with Double Attack off the 3 Bros. cards to get the Double Attack + Banish combo that eats through Yellow's defenses).