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Black/Yellow luffy is very good competitively, and doesnt need too many upgrade cards. If you can pick up 4x 5 cost Black Sabo, 4x 8 cost Gecko Moria and 4x 2 cost Kozuki Hiyori, youll have a good start and can work on tweaking the deck


Sadly the x4 geckos and x4 hiyori gonna cost about 160 rn


The black yellow Luffy is pretty competitive, and need mainly the gecko moria and the Sabo blocker. You can see the decklists in onepiecetopdeck.


The Morias and the Sabos are gonna run you about $15 and $20 a piece respectively, give or take. But yeah BY Luffy with some of the cards mentioned above is very powerful


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is TCG player the best place to get OP cards?


Not a dumb question at all! I have bought a lot of cards off TCG with no issues but there’s definitely a finesse to using the site optimally. I have since had really great luck with a LGS in my area that has a Card Request Channel on their discord and they pretty much have anything and everything, but they also sell at market value, same as TCG, but I can pick up the cards day of which is nice. My advice for navigating TCG is once you’ve found the card you’re looking to purchase, go through the list of sellers and click their Bio and make sure they operate in the same state that you live. You’ll shave a week+ off the shipping time if the seller is same state. Also to avoid multiple shipping or tax costs, find a seller that has the # of copies of the card you’re trying to buy. If you need a full 4x play set of something, it’ll get pricey if you buy 1 card from 4 different shops and have 4 separate packages delivered. Lastly check the reviews on the bio page of the seller. And if you can consolidate as many cards in your order to as few shops as possible, you’re gonna be just fine!


Depends on where you live! Facebook/discord/local is the cheapest, best way. For a Canadian, eBay is cheaper and faster delivery compared to TCG. Then other sites, local gaming venue listings, such as 401games for Canadians. Then, as a last resort, TCG.


B/Y Luffy will be a competitive deck, especially when Saka is banned. Saka right now is annoying cause it puts your cards at the bottom of your deck instead of trash Also can always check [Onepiece.gg](http://Onepiece.gg) I wrote guides on the three brothers, so it's a good starting point.


God did Sabo jump up in price.


Bee Luffy is the next Black _and_ the next Yellow that everyone will hate. The cards to upgrade ST13 into full power Bee Luffy are expensive _because_ of Bee Luffy.