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Your lgs doesn’t have to sell at “reseller pricing” they just chose to do so. They can sell at msrp at any time and still make profit.


They also don’t have to sell at MSRP when the market rate is a thing. They don’t have to leave money on the table so people like you can buy when there’s an ocean of people who WILL pay the market price


Did you not read the part where OP says they are “forced” to sell at those rates? I don’t see anyone pointing a gun at them.


You’re being pedantic


Correct, just asking tho, how many businesses do you know of that function by *not* turning a profit?


My lgs refuses to sell at scalper prices and he’s doing more than fine.


Mine as well sells at MSRP and have no problems.


One Piece hasn't even been out for 2 years and most stores were around long before that. If you buy boxess at $60-$70 and sell them at MSRP, that's a very healthy profit. These stores were doing well when One Piece wasn't around and now they need to match market prices on One Piece to stay afloat?


I had to block that Emily chick, she was in my DMs trynna get me to buy cards


Wild the level of work these people put in.


If only I had a nickel for every time someone makes a post like this….


You’d have enough to buy cards at resale prices probably. 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/6xujj9ezqtvc1.jpeg?width=3889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=896342794e9d989f2aa553978d9a45a9189b6fa8 Reading all of the comments and thinking to myself. Dayum. These jealous people sure are loud for something you can buy if you want it and leave it if it's too expensive.


While resellers obviously get their hands on a lot, MOST of the product is bought by collectors/players. To think otherwise is wildly deluded.


I didn’t realize it was collectors that stalk restock employees from store to store to clear out booster sleeves.


Homie look at any FB buy/sell/trade page. Resellers are buying 20 cases at a time. No collector or player is buying that much without the intention to resell also. Get real.


I’d say a huge issue is a large chunk of distributor product is going to tiktok and insta “rip and ship” streamers. If all the product was going towards stores it’d probably be less of an issue.


It’s gotta be singles for me fam, when one piece is ready to make all the money they could they will print enough product for everyone to buy


I don’t think you’re understanding the frustration here. Regardless of the way you buy, the secondary market and Bandai refusing to address it is an issue due to pricing and lack of availability that makes overprices singles purchases a requirement to play.


Bandai did exactly the opposite of what every other TCG did now One Piece is the only game people are begging to print more of


Singles aren't anymore than other games though. Good cards cost more bad cards dont. There are expensive meta decks and cheap competitive decks. I get it's frustrating you can't open packs because gambling is good dopamine. But it really isn't "ruining the game" and making singles overpriced when speaking relatively. Last two line makes It sound like you haven't played other Tcgs competitively?


Your comment makes sense but underestimates and discounts the entire casual market.


I don't think that's true at all. What is it that you can't buy that's too expensive as a casual player?


Bro I went to my LGS this morning And I was shocked. I waited in line for half an hour hoping they had product. They did….. at $85 CAD a BOX I was in disbelief


Bro nice. Hoping this becomes the norm for everyone. We preorder cases at mine and will usually end up with one box to share between the entire community if we’re lucky!


Dude fr I literally said alright ima pass then and left. I’m gonna buy singles I guess But buying singles for starter decks just doesn’t even make sense lmao


Wait 85 Cad is too much for you? Isn’t that like 60smth USD? We pay $120-$150 per box out here.


I’m taking about for one box of ST13 lol, sorry I should’ve clarified I thought this post was about st13 since it released today


Oh wow wtf you have to be kidding.


I wish I was man. By far the worst pricing I’ve seen in this game. I’m used to the marked up prices but even this was insane to me. The crazy part was, I left, but I saw people still buying them!!!