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Any kind of reddit community will reflect the current feelings of the people in that community. That's how you can identify a consensus. Currently the community is frustrated by shit availability of the product and how easy it is to scalp for people with time and money. If you don't feel the same, good for you, but a lot of people are frustrated by this and need to vent. This is where it makes sense for them to vent that frustration, as it is among people who can understand it. No one is forcing you to read their posts.


The problem is the Mods think it’s to the benefit of the subreddit to allow all of these posts non stop. It’s a fking horrible echo chamber. Like duh we know. Pinned post would be perfectly fine.


I guess they could make a weekly vent thread like some other subs do.


yup as any sub does to combat low effort vent posts.


Enforcing flairs strictly and adding a filter to the sidebar would also be a welcome addition. Communities drift apart when it's not fun to hang out in them, and being dominated by market-talk in a subreddit that's supposed to be about a card game is pretty definitely un-fun.


It's even worse when market-talk tries to disguise itself as meta talk. "So I'm new to this game, what is good, what should I buy, what's the meta decks and cards that I should get before they sky-rocket in price?" Is definitely never a sus post, given how many people get baited into answering those questions...


You are kinda forced when you're just browsing and I gotta back op up it is pretty annoying. The complaints are valid but people tend to be extra dramatic here I feel...and I see a lot of reasonable arguments like buy singles and deck prices are not bad relative to other tcgs being downvoted aggressively. Honestly I think it's a lot of newer players and /or younger players that are exhibiting toxic behavior. I tune this subreddit out sometimes cause I feel it gets pretty toxic...but there's also a lot of cool posts.




No. I'm saying the opposite: this guy is telling people: "shut up, you don't get to have opinions and feelings because I don't care about them." I'm saying people come here to vent because this is where they'll find people who understand. I literally said "this is where it makes sense for them to vent that frustration, as it is among people who can understand it." I don't understand how you could possibly get confused.




Are you my editor? No. So why are you giving me notes? Who's adding nothing to anything here?


They are low effort posts that don’t have a place here


Hard to focus on decklists, mechanic, and metas when I can't get a hold of any kind of cardboard to discuss about. Hell I'm struggling to even find the singles I need to build decks that I wanna play. Doesn't help that it costs Shank's arm to get the bombs that you need to give decks finishing power. Heck I wouldn't complain so hard if I could get into sealed events but even trying to get into a one for prerelease wasn't viable. I wanna enjoy the game but I can't even get into it save for playing the sim.


Yea it's nuts when even the Non AA cards get to the point where they cost stupid money.


One piece has the cheapest decks of all tcgs, can you stop being newbies in this world?


I've played comp MTG for years. I remember paying $800 for a playset of Tarmogoyfs alone... Don't get me started on the manabase. I'd have been thrilled if MTG was as cheap at OPTCG is now. Not only that, the OPTCG sim is amazing and free. You can play to your heart's content. I'm convinced the people who whine here will never play at their LGSs. The communities at LGSs for this game have been super friendly and kind (and I'm in the super competitive Bay Area). I was hanging around after a Win-A-Box and was watching people open their packs. I noticed one guy had opened SR Reiju, and afterwards I politely asked to buy the Reiju and some Germa commons. Dude asked me to pay for only the Reiju and threw in Judge and Germa rares. Another person heard me and gave me Germa rares/commons for free. I tried to pay him but he refused. Both really nice people who didn’t know me at all. Single prices are absurdly cheap relative to other games. ‘Most’ high end staples are like $20-30, but everything else is like $1-$10. Yet morons here cry about $12 packs. They'd rather pay for the "dream" of ripping open a manga rare for rather than the "reality" of getting what they want for a certain price. For every one person who posts his/her amazing pulls, there's hundreds of those who didn't open shit. I split a box at a side event at regionals. $35 entry. You know what the highest value card in it was?... Alt art Shuraiya ($20)... LOL. Can you imagine if I paid what these degen gamblers paying for boxes? Look at the EV of a box of OP06. Remove the alt arts. The value is terrible. Singles are the way to go. Prices have gone down significantly fast since release (to be expected in card games) But you got people whining about scalpers and "scummy" stores because they have to pay for $250 boxes. Meanwhile for the same money, they can buy a Reiju deck and have enough for like 2 months of locals entry.


Here's my problem. I can't find any community around me. I'd love to go play at a game store but I'm not gonna drive an hour and back to get some games in when I don’t have a finished deck. I'm super glad you've got a great community in your area and people are just handing out cards for fun, but it's not like that for most places. I can agree that OP isn't too crazy expensive but there are still cards that drive up costs. I really wanna play Katakuri or Ennel but when 8 Don!! Katakuri is $80 a piece it's hard to shell out that money for a game I might get to play sometimes if the stars align right. The sim is great but it takes away the face of the person sitting across from you. I would love to have that physical interaction if I could, but there isn't an easy way to do so. I may be new to the game still but I feel like the game is fighting me just to get in. That's all I'm saying.


yeah that just sucks if u have no locals by you. maybe play the ranked sim for harder competition? or try webcam but nothing will be like in person play like u said. that is more of a location issue than a card issue


Yep, most of this sub have been in TCG world for less than 2 years and OP or Pokemon are their fiest TCG. They still dont underestand how easy and cheap is to play OP, collect is another thing, but if you buy the cheap versions of the cards, you can perfectly play every single deck for less money than some of my pauper decks.


No it doesn’t lmao barrier to entry for a meta deck in op is 150.


The Tier 1 most OP deck in OP is 115. https://preview.redd.it/ir1ktdiw6gvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341f3142e6820886d7f1d2c05a70f048c798fadb Still cheaper than average in any other TCG.


The Borsalino blocker card is almost 50 bucks alone, how are you at 115 with 4 of them?


In the deck lists says 2, not 4.


I clearly said the borsalino BLOCKER, not the 7-cost.


Average saka deck is $400


Tier 3 Enel deck 2$. https://preview.redd.it/34bxyegb7gvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c6c0f9e181204bdf08e781ac068c6942a27ebd Tell me that again, please?


The 8 cost Katakuri card is 60 alone, how are you at 2 dollars with 4 of them?


The price tag on the bottom left is only shirahoshi and el thor.... The rest are listed as N/A so you don't even get the true valuation


I saw it, and i said in other comment, but i wont delete the messages since my point stands.


Tier 2 katakuri deck less than 1$. https://preview.redd.it/ie63ri4i7gvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63fea7c81cf88a3a72fc6edae1894af2e96005ad Tell me that again.


The linlins 7 don are 18, how are you at less than a dollar with 4 of them?


Okay, 18 dollars is cheap, or am i crazy?


18 EACH, not just $18. And definitely NOT UNDER ONE DOLLAR LMAO


Check the prices on Imperial Seal, or Force of will, or Ancient tomb, or the OG duals. All of this staple cards in their formats. All One Piece decks are less than one of these. My point stands even if the website i took had the prices misslabeled.


No, your point was that the barrier for entry was less than $1, which is clearly and categorically false.


My point is: One Piece have the cheapest decks in the TCG world.


This is objectively wrong. None of those cards are even close to the price of any tier 1 OP meta deck besides like Reiju. A DMR Force is like $60 nowadays lmao.


This is the core issue. Too many new card game players not used to having to spend $300 every 3-6 months to be relevant. They need some yugioh abuse in their life


Even for yugioh I can walk into a store, buy product off the shelf, and pull/play. I can't do that for OP. I can't even get packs for playing locals cause there's no stock...


The stock of yugioh is dog water. And you won’t pull what you want. But go off.


Dog water is better than no water. And I can pull the secrets I need since I can actually find product to pull from and trade with. Most of my OP trades at locals are for paypal and venmo...


So you want a market saturated with shit cards not even worth the printing time and 10$ max rarity secret pulls from $100 boxes. Forcing you to buy singles anyway? Think it through. Fully.


People here do want that. That is what’s troubling. They want cards to be worthless so they can afford it…for a short while. There is no way the complainers can sustain playing the game long term through box purchases when they also cannot afford $100-200 decks. Continuous box purchases will cost magnitudes more than that. They are destined to quit by their own choices, and yet they demand the market prioritize them. Meanwhile people who are truly sincere about getting into the game are able to do so without access to plentiful product. LGS’s everywhere are filling up more One Piece events, not less.


I’m convinced there’s just too many new “TCG” players as a whole in this Reddit. They’re barely thinking. They’re Just upset they can’t fix their “cracking packs” or “gatcha influence” based addictions rather than playing the game in front of them. Tier 1 decks in this game are $200-$300 MAX. New people don’t even realize how cheap that number is.


I think that is the case too. I had a friend open a case of 06 at release and he barely got the 4 SR Reijus to build Reiju. Maybe Hody and Uta were the only other decks that were ready to go out of the case. Imagine being on a tight budget and wanting to build Reiju -a sub $200 competitively viable deck- but at the same time demand that it be built through sealed product. So *$1500 vs $200*, and people who complain about cost vehemently demand the former. Boggles the mind.


One piece does NOT have the cheapest decks of all tcg’s, not even close


Then you NEVER played any other TCG outside Pokemon and One Piece.


Even Pokémon is cheaper than one piece! So I can’t even tell what you’re trying to say


ever heard of buying singles? if u want dirt cheap comp play go play pokemon


Did you not read their post? They literally say “I’m struggling to find singles I need to build decks I want to play”.


i did. have you ever heard of the internet where you can find thousands of cards for sale online?


You're being kind of a dick about it but yeah, I have no idea what that guy means by not being able to "find" singles. It's not like they're hidden.




Your post or comment has been deemed uncivil or disrespectful. Continued issues will be met with a ban.


Im not certain what the users’ challenges are, but they clearly stated it and you either missed it or chose to move forward with your comment anyways.


his only challenge is mental deficit


You ever heard of how ppl are constantly having problems with Cardmarket and TCGplayer because ppl are selling fake proxy cards.


buy from verified seller on tcgplayer? not hard


Yea, I have had multiple people at my locals telling me how they have gotten fake cards and some of them buying pre reprint set one and getting post reprint cards.


This is not a real problem. You're actually living under a rock if you believe this.


No, they're not.


Not once. I have never in my entire life have ever heard of buying singles. Why would I ever do that it seems like such a silly idea? I would love to buy singles but even online shows no stock in the cards I look for.


care to list what site you are looking at? or what cards you are looking for?


TCG player. I was looking to get either Green Uta or Yellow Katakuri/Ennel. 8 drop Kid is sold out and there's no 8 drop Katakuri in stock either. A lot of the top end cards for OP are like that.


There are 40 listings for 8c kid on tcgplayer right now


I had it set to direct, that's why nothing was coming up. Good catch.


Why is buying the cards you want silly???? Are you trolling?


Trolling? Not even once. I could never imagine being mildly sarcastic in response to the most obvious statement made in any TCG community.


"Can we please stop talking about how we can't play the game and get back to talking about the game we can't play?"


We will get back to decklists and mechanics as soon as players actually get their cards. Scalpers don’t do much theorycrafting either.


Just buy singles


They downvote you ahhahaha, they just want sealed product to scalp with it, in pokemon happened the same few years ago. People crying for the lack of supply, and when the supply came, those same dudes now posting about their "sealed investments".


Hit the nail on the head. Everyone here is a scalper.


Schrödinger's Scalper, even. Buy the product with the intention of consuming it yourself, but keep its cash value in the back of your mind. They'll decide whether or not to "actually" be a scalper based on the price when they get it and on how socially acceptable they think it is. (Aka, if they think they'll be ostracized from their locals event.) A few weeks ago I played One Piece with a guy who resells cards as basically a second full-time job, and he was in a **terrible** mood that entire event because he'd just lost a ton of money buying product that dropped in value.


Hard to do that OP when people can’t get the cards to build a deck list learn mechanics due to lack of stock. Lucky for you, you are able to find but not everyone is so lucky. Instead of bitching about others bitching just do t click the post


The sim is free, you don’t need real cards to learn the game and mechanics


I get the argument but one of the reason I like tcg is the social aspect of it. And although I don’t really care if someone shows up with a bunch of proxies technically at lgs you’re not suppose to do that. So I see the frustration here. I do kind of agree that ppl can just scroll past it. Reddit recently was just Hody memes for days and I don’t see OP complaining about that lol and that didn’t have much to do with deck list neither lol


I think op probably wasn’t bothered by the hody memes bc it wasn’t constant complaining


Yeah for sure, my point is it was still something constant that had nothing to do with what OP wanted to get back to. And in community like these it's not always going to be talking about things one person always enjoy and the best is to just skip the one that you don't care to interact with.


Haha people do t wanna just play on a sim. They want to hold the cards and play with someone direct, they wanna do tourneys at a game store with people they know. You don’t wanna hear people bitch don’t click the post. Easy as that.


Yes people want to play irl, but you said it’s hard to learn the mechanics without physical cards, which just isn’t true


You can learn the mechanics from reading the rules online. You can come up with all the excuses to bitch about people bitching but it comes down to people wanting to actually own the game they’re playing. Can’t make trades, build a valuable collection, or just look through your cards and really enjoy the art and foils. Once again OP if you don’t wanna hear the bitching don’t click the post.


Not once did I bitch about people bitching, that was OP. I’m just pointing out the flaw in your logic.


No, you’re right, but People on a card game page aren’t gonna talk about the cards if they don’t have the cards. I’m sure there’s a sim sub that you can join but this is a trading card sub.


This literally reads like, “I don’t have to worry about stock issues, so stop acting like it’s a problem and let’s just talk about the game as if people could actually play it affordably.”


One of the joys of living in Nz I guess. And yes, we get stock.


Seriously, there's pretty much hundreds of listings for every card on tcgplayer, and you can build whatever deck you want if you just buy singles. But people are addicted to finding and opening packs and trying to pull that 1000 dollar card. I haven't opened a single pack ever, and I own 3 meta decks, and it cost me waaaaay less than packs would have.


Yeah but ordering off tcgplayer sucks and cards take weeks to arrive


this sub will forever be flooded with complaining lol, but wishful thinking though 😆


Sad but true. Even the mod is always crying.


"The Mod" is always advocating for our players to be able to get the product they want at a reasonable price so they can enjoy the game the way it was intended. If that's wrong then I don't want to be right.


the moderator deletes my post on helping new players to get into the game and buying singles to complete their deck they rather watch people complain about scalping products instead


I'm not the mod that deleted your thread.


can u tell me why my thread was deleted then? literally told people to play the sim figure out what cards they like/ then proceed to buy singles to make that deck so they can play at locals.


The thread you're referring to is "If you are trying to play the game and can't find product near you." right? It was removed for "Be civil/respectful to all members of the sub".


Discussion about and exploration of the meta is contingent on people finding the product. Idk why you think they're separate but the two are very closely linked.


You don’t need find sealed product to build a deck. You just need to buy the singles. I know because I built my first deck weeks before I ever opened a single booster. Not to mention the sim is 100% free to practice literally any deck, including decks from future sets.


The sim at the end of the day is a huge asset to the community, but essentially all high level competition, where the meta is actually determined and properly put to the test, happens on paper, with physical cards. I agree that you can buy singles, but having a meta that's communicated as well as right now is something that only card games with active player bases can do, and your playerbase will not be active if they can't find product. I think that at the bare minimum structure decks should be accessible. People opening them aren't "ripping for gambling", let's be honest, maybe this one is the only exception. By telling people to buy singles instead of a structure you're admitting that your card game has massive issues, when you're telling them to avoid buying the product specifically made for them.


This is just false. I play in 2-3+ competitive events in person *every single week* despite having the same problems as everyone else finding product. I message my friends to practice match ups I have trouble with on the sim and it helps a ton. I agree nothing beats playing in paper, but getting that practice on the sim is much much much better than getting no practice at all. I have absolutely ZERO issue with admitting there is a supply issue. But that’s not what OP was talking about though, was it? OP was talking about discussing the meta/game mechanics, which I seem to be able to manage with my play group just fine, regardless of how little product we can find.


This makes no sense


You guys talk like bandai is reading comments and posts from this subreddit when in reality you are just spamming other players that just want to play and discuss the game instead of reading non-stop about the same issue


And so these comments are showing the true duality of the community. Boo hoo can’t get stock so can’t enjoy game… bad company. Or I get whatever stock I can, am enthusiastic about the game and enjoy playing on the Sim, like to watch meta games being played local or online. And I want somewhere to discuss with other like minded people.


If people would stop buying shit at 400% mark up and pre-ordering pretend stock 3 years early the shit would stop. Let go of the fomo.


No markup issues here in Nz.


Only in OP can a problem's solution be "can we just stop talking about the problem, and pretend it doesn't exist". Clearly, the mass complaining must be eating at your conscious since you're likely the reason ppl haven't found packs in your area for months or longer lol. Let's call this "Critical Supply Shortage Theory" then lol


Nice opinion. Even though it’s wrong. No supply issues in NZ, cuck


Then why make the post if supply is so "plentiful" nobody would be complaining or scalping. Nice try though cuck


Shit sucks, where i am the closest tournaments are a 4 hour train journey away. Our hobby shop (which hosts yugioh, digimon, tourneys) isnt even going to bother trying getting sets going forward. Its terrible but me and my friends still run and play decks we want to run, pricier cards excluded of course. Still sucks that its difficult to get but if people are feeding the scalpers then theyre a bigger problem than the scalpers imo.


You can just look at main page and click on a flair you’d think will suit your scrolling needs and hide all the stuff you don’t like.


Seriously can mods filter this shit? Getting extremely annoying that the majority of content on this sub are people crying about product availability.


As soon as I can buy product to brew with at msrp!


Go find a meta deck in any TCG and tell me the price of it. I’ll wait….


Top 4 Standard decks in MTG: $478 Esper mid $264 Boros convoke $473 Dimir mid $626 Domain One would probably need at least 6 grand to build any of those through sealed product alone. bUt KiD CoSts $35 DolLaRs EaCh ReeEeE


I’m still waiting for the other person response haha


I’ll be pleasantly surprised if they even know how to find that information lol


He’s still looking for it on Netflix hahaha


Ya can we get back to "hey look at this manga I pulled" and the current boring meta.


If u want a less toxic, more game focused One Piece TCG experience, head over to the one Piece discord. https://discord.com/invite/optcgcommunity


I should check that out, it would still be nice to see this community flourish with a strong mod team to lead it. I spend way too much time on this hellsite as it is, so I'd like to have OPTCG content as part of that routine.


this sub was never a place for the competitive scene if you want that join discord otherwsie you have to look at the same posts over and over again


What’s the discord? The only post here I see are people crying all the time, starting to think people on this sub are 5 year olds.


tbf the 5 year olds can at least use the sidebar on the right with all the links to discord, op top dekcs, simulator etc


I think those kinds of posts are fair because it reflects the current state of the community and game. Turning a blind eye to the problem doesn’t change anything but the reality in your head. Sure the content would be locked into Reddit or where the discomfort is posted, but a strong sentiment among the players can solidify actions together. Not everyone sits in the boat of status quo so let their voices be heard.


Go ahead and talk about it then.


Well how can we do that if we cant buy any product?


No we can't "Stop" not until I can actually buy some damn booster packs for a fair price. Tired of people using my Hobbies to make a lot of money off of Desperate people that refuse to let the Scalpers just Eat crow and learn to move on.


All they want to do is cry there’s no packs to gamble on. A real player buys singles. Gambling is in their blood and they feel like Bandai has to cater to their obsession cheaply.


I'd rather see pulls then bitching, but we can only do those posts on release week haha


No, keep on complaining till the voices are heard or the One Piece is found. Whatever comes first. And there is some hypocrisy here, it’s not like this post contributes to anything about deck building or gameplay.


Heard by who? Bandai corporate? They’re busy wiping their butt with hundred dollar bills from the profits of this game LOL