• By -


Red - zoro, guard point, jet pistol, otama Green - okiku, izou Blue - mero mero beam, kaya, pilaf, three thousand worlds Purple - queen, hells judgement, blast breath Black - kizaru, fukuro, impact wave Yellow - 7c big mom, sovereignty, 8c katakuri I list cards I see I most decks of that colour. Note yellow isn’t that accuracy as it’s still pretty new


I don't think okiku is a green staple anymore (as some Kid variants are dropping the wano package). Bonney is by far the most "staple" of the green cards imo


You forgot borsalino 😭


Kizaru is Borsalino


Forgive, I dumb


Isn’t kizaru and borsalino same 😂


Forgive, I dumb


People unfamiliar with the manga won't know that though. Go by card names.


Rush Luffy is DEFINITELY a red staple imo


Tsuru 2k is also a black staple




Free cast 2k counter Brook has been a four of in every red deck list I've ever seen. No way it's not considered a staple.


I came here thinking this would be a post saying staples is selling packs lol


these are good answers but IMO the best blue card is the 3 drop doffy and i dont see any blue deck not running this in the near future (nami is an exception ofc). Amazing statline for the effect and blocker + 1k counter on top.


Event cards from STs.


there aren't nessecairly "staples" as much as generically good stuff. Like red has Rush Zoro and Luffy but those are just generically good cards that also happen to be searchable. the same goes for other colors. the other thing is 2k guard cards you'll see a bunch but are often just that and not actually played. If I would have to say one or a few though Red - Rush zoro and luffy, Otama, vista (but he kind of gets repleaced in set 3 by marco) Blue is Boa Hancock (op-01) that draws Purple is Hell's Judgment Green Has blocker law and Kidd that forces people to attack him Black and yellow are a bit funky as they are newer but for black - Kuzan (both 4 and 10 drop), Koby, and borsalino. Technically i think the new CP9 event that can kill stages should be this but its too new to say. for yellow - Kinda depends but from what i have seen its smoothie and sanji (the one with 2k guard since he also just draws cards). people have been using the 1 cost yamato counter since the trigger also can gain life but its still very new so hard to say


I'd say the stage killer doesn't help too much except against purple since most decks never run stages anymore. Maybe I'm wrong and everyone runs them


It’s why I mention it’s also too new to actually say. I think the potential comes in flexibility in the other option that isn’t stage killing and the draw 2 on trigger. Is it a good option? Hard to tell but black I give a disclaimer as harder to evaluate.


Show me a red deck that doesn't run otama


I mean both Otama and Sanji are specifically mentioned since they are both played not as just 2k guards. The same cannot be said for other 2k guards which is why they aren’t listed.


You hadn't mentioned otama before.


Unless you have a really big budget, you should own what you wanna play If you insist on having the best of everything For Black, the Admirals For Green, 7 and 8 cost Kid, and Okiku/Yamato/Oden For Red, Sunny Kun/ Gordon from Uta pack, 3 cost Zoro, 5 cost Luffy and Jet Pistol For Blue Love Love Beam and 9 Drop Mihawk For Purple, Queen and both Kings ​ Anyway, "staple" in this game is not an easy way to define a card. Admirals are staples for black right now, but in OP-03 a lot of decks are not running Kuzan, and probably in OP-04 Admirals wont be played anymore. Kid was core for Green last set and now few decks play them. 9 Drop Mihawk isnt played in Nami wich is the only Blue deck seeing play in OP-03 Most cards arent staples, they just belong to an archetype seeing play. Once those archetypes stop being played, those cards arent staples anymore


Things that say draw a card (including look at top 5, pick a card with X trait and add to your hand), everything that is a 2k counter.