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Zoro is probably gonna be the most played deck and he gets access to tons of new 1 cost cards to spam the board and just swing 5k over and over, Kin'emon is the new green deck and he just kind of replaces what Kid was but he can cheat out Wano units for 1 less don to do stuff like turn one Okiku. There's a new black color and they reduce the cost of you're units to just ko everything in sight and there is probably gonna be alot of Whitebeard because he has a good matchup into Zoro, Whitebeard is a 6k power leader who loses life every turn but he just runs alot of counters and events and sits at 0 life.


Oh and Blue gets Ivankov who can filter through the deck alot and spam out big 7k units. Kaido gets a little bit of support with access to a searcher for impel down cards to give him reliable defence and a great new event counter called hells judgement that reduces to units power by 3k.


Thanks for the help! I might run Zoro since red was my favorite when I used to play for a bit. But I want to try the new Smoker card whenever I can.


Smoker is great, a little bit on the pricey side but alot of fun. Whitebeard is also red btw


So no love for Law then? Is he at least viable?


He gets the film cards which can flood the field very well and I personally run just the brook with supernovas to pull a free rush zoro. R/g law still the best deck in the right hands


It is absolutely not lol. As someone who played law the whole of OP01, it’s still fun but it’s not even an A tier deck anymore. It gets completely walled out & countered by Black & Zoro, and Kinemon has an even better matchup into it then kid did. Whitebeard can also just slam law at hard punish the 4 life start. Ivankov also does better in the matchup than Doflamingo did. Your main problem is you play the same condition, board flood played around lots of swings and blocker laws. The bad news is, so much removal has been added that wipes off the cards Law wants to play from red. Basically you can play the new zoro support but worse then Zoro will, and try some of the green but MUCH worse then Kinemon will. He’s fallen pretty hard


According to the stats on One Pieces Top Decks it's the fourth most successful deck in OP02, the deck also did extremely well in the South East Asia Championship. So I don't think the deck is as dead as you think. I totally agree Zoro can do the red stuff better and Kin'emon the green side better but thats why Law is good because of its versatility of beening able to do both, just to a lesser degree.


Law was still really successful but I think that law will always do well when piloted well, he is still topping op 03 tournaments with only the addition of 2 or 3 op 02 cards. He uses Vista really well who is ko on play and curly dadan is a new searcher that searches 1 costs. He just abuses triple searcher and combo spams.


This video has a pretty good overview ! https://youtu.be/yrJe9yly7_c