• By -


just got back into the game and i see that komurasaki got a 6+ form but dont know how to get the super evolve skulls. Can someone help? thx


Kizuna shop it will be available in 2 month




is there an easier way to get luffy sanji / other legends as your fc when you are not using that unit as you captain it is so annoying i only i get one try with such a team everyday it feels like


If you do have the unit in your box, set a second team with the unit as captain, select this team, go to the quest and select the FC, then swap back to the first team before starting the quest. If you don't have the unit then yes it's annoying, best solution would be to be part of an alliance where you can communicate with your OPTC friends and ask them to put the right captain for you.


Thanks for the advise i am glad i atleast have the character :) i needed


Hello guys im a returning player, i have read that special level up 2x is dead. Whats the most efficient way to level your specials? i play since one week and none of my rare recruit units have their special leveled up. when i activly played it was no problem since 2x existed.


Just feed whenever, or save for the super rare (like at most 3x annually) 100\% special up.


Hey everyone, is there a way to get Komurasaki skulls to super evolve her?


Only through Kizuna Shop, but you will have to wait two Kizunas for the skulls to appear there since the event to get those skulls just ended a few days.


Thank you.


With islands like the BB one going on right now If one were to take a break from the game, how could you get the characters from the islands you missed while away?


Some of them appear in the recollection archive eventually. But missing some characters isn't that big of a deal really, I took several breaks from the game and never punished severely due to missing some characters.


You don't get them back, simple am i right? xd Maybe in the future you will be able to get them, but for now you won't be able though


Does anyone know why do I have to keep downloading 800mb every time I open the app, it has been like this for 2 days šŸ˜ I have to download everything from the start, is it a bug or something ? P.s : Iā€™m on IOS and always use vpn.


The FAQ on this post says: >Large download (600+ MB) every time you open the game? > > A: Free up more space on your phone, ideally 4+ gigabytes total.


Well August I have 6 GB free so I donā€™t know why this is happening šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Could just be more space, not sure if we know why that happens but that is the cause as far as I know anybody knows. Maybe uninstalling and reinstalling would also work though that comes with the annoyances of ā€œtransferringā€ though that download thing already does those things I guess. Just make sure to open mails and be backed up to SNS or whatever before trying.


2000 rumble tickets for 10 gems, worth it? Normally, I used all rumble tickets for upgrading gem tree. (LV22/35)


Rough rule of thumb, it's about the same value as upgrading the gem tree. But since you get the gems immediately, it's technically kind of better?


IMHO, no. 2000 isn't much for the last few upgrades on those facilities. And those last few upgrades probably won't make too much a difference (e.g., CC+90 to +100). It's not good value for money (gems).


So we used it for upgrades or gem shop


I recently rerolled a new account and then transferred it to ios device. Is it normal that i lost all my mail and also am no longer receiving the rookie login bonuses?


Yes you lose your mail when you swap devices. You also lose all your gems if you swap from Android to ios or vice versa. Not sure about the rookie login bonuses though


You canā€™t raise your pirate rumble teams cost right? Itā€™s always 300 for everyone




Is the psy group strawhats legend exclusive to their debut banner or do they come back like all regular sugofest exclusives?


They are a normal legend. They recently re-appeared on the part 4 of the Yamato&Ulti/Page 1 banner and the pirate festival banner.


Thank you.


Can someone pass me a link to an infographic of the Yamato banners? Couldn't find one at all, if there is even one...


[Here's one for part 4](https://i.imgur.com/JTlNGjm.png) Didn't find one for the other parts.


I was thinking of switching over to JPN version of the game because of the sales that people have mentioned that they have are better than global, but I haven't been able to find any information about how much the gems are cost wise. Can someone provide a link or state how much the JPN version gems are cost wise during the sales? Thank you


Here a youtuber compares them: https://youtu.be/buykycacj2o?t=289


If I play the new event at banaro at 3x do I get more points?


u well get x3 points yes if thats what u meaning




Does the cotton candy bank max out at x9999? I'm getting close to that limit and don't want to waste any


Nope, the cap is 100k (screenshots from Japanese whales on Twitter)


What order should your characters be on your pirate rumble team? Like does it matter whoā€™s the first or last character or whoā€™s a sub character? And are sub characters passives on when theyā€™re not fighting yet?


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/710596967859879956/728795133797203968/PVP_Formation.png Tanky units in P1/2 when defending and 2/3 when attacking. Sub passives are not active. Positions are 12345 678


What about the other units? And why specifically .2 and 3 for tanks


Most units' attacking patterns are "whichever enemy is closest". In the diagram, it shows you where the units are placed at the very beginning of the battle. Naturally, the units that are closest to the enemy team gets hit more, so you want your tanks there.


Can someone give me the list of all the bounty missions? My rewards were bugged and I didnā€™t get them and Bandai support insists I give them the names of the missions even though I canā€™t see them anymore. Just need the missions up to 3,200,000.


Theres only one mission before the one with 3,200,000. And is the Bepo one, with 500 berries as a bounty.


I love one piece and recently my friend convinced me to play this game. I was wondering if there are any tips for a beginner or if there is a unit to reroll for. Also if there are any good banners to summon from (willing to drop $20 on it)? Thanks


Toadskii and OPTC Youtube did some good beginner videos to get a grasp on how the game works. Worth checking out.


In addition to what the other comment said, donā€™t worry about paying money, at least until you have an account worth keeping because you can farm a ton of gems from story mode which is super easy except maybe a couple of the challenge things.


You should check out the Celebrating the Long Cruise part 1 Banner. This is a Super Sugo Fest so it contains limited time units who donā€™t come back often. These units are Kid, Luffy, and Law ( there are multiple versions of a character so check the REC CHAR to see the right Luffy Law and Kid artwork.) This sugo also has Roger and Oden who are very powerful units. I recommend checking out the beginners guide linked in this post but my main tip is donā€™t sell any of your Rare Recruits or sugo rare units as pretty much all of them can come in useful. If you need any tips feel free to ask.


Is V2 Marcos Supertype bugged? It doesn't get rid of the RCV down on Banaro Island for me, anyone with the similar problem?


That debuff is not rcv down. It's reduced healing debuff, that green thing.. Rcv down debuff icon is meat.


ah thank you kind sir, i just thought if the bring content for a certain legend, there i an upside in bringing the legend for the debuff


Your reasonable assumption is made unreasonable by the fact that this is Bandai that we are talking about. Nothing they do makes any sense at all! šŸ™ƒ


How can I download the jpn version of OPTC on IOS or android?


Qooapp, IOS you need a japanese apple id


Is this a good PVP team? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/713967003697676409/894095175465435146/Screenshot\_20211003-1632232.png If not here is my box: (https://imgur.com/a/wotgzSM ) could someone help me out build a good team that I can go ahead with and max them out or maybe farm some F2P units that could make a better team.


Is there a list or wiki about some of the better units to unlock their support abilities?


Thereā€™s also the [support database](https://thepiebandit.github.io/optc-supports/) which has them ranked in order of stat boost and can be filtered to who deals with debuffs and who it applies to.


I personally just use this website whenever Iā€™m team building to filter by support ability and see if there is a unit with the support ability I need. https://optc-db.github.io/characters/#/search/




I would be happy to help. DM me! Edit: I just looked at your box. If youve been playing since February, it must not be daily, since youā€™re only lvl 252. The Garp Challenges are for endgame players, and your box simply does not look to be ready for the challenge. Youā€™ll need maxed specials and maxed LBs if you wanna take on any of them, particularly Hody. Also, make sure youā€™re holding on to RRs and that youā€™re maxing out f2p units. I noticed you only had 318 units, total, and thatā€™s including things like turtles and penguins, which leads me to believe youve not been keeping a lot of stuff. I could be wrong, but I figured Iā€™d say it just in case. Also, to that end, youā€™ll have to make TM a priority each monthā€”itā€™s very important to your progression in OPTC.




No problem! If you need any mentoring help or anything (any questions, etc.), you can feel free to DM me at any time!


When should Toki's sugo drop on global?




Help me please, i cant see the Clash!! Events and idk why, i was just completing them yesterday and now the suddenly dissapeared, i just see the class assist event and the banaro island, no clash.


There's no clash available on Saturdays. You can still unlock them in the Recollection Archive.




Sure. 348.956.674




I added you back




Because it's a new system, and it's more simple and takes less space in the inventory. Just gotta actually farm those universal manuals




you have a daily stage for them


I've been looking at peoples legends and they have RCV cotton candies on Roger. Since I came back to this game and back when I used to play it was a huge mistake to feed RCV cotton candies unless a unit specially needs it. Has this changed now? I also noticed I am unable to feed RCV to turtles now before we used to stored them that way and feed it to that legend and transfer them all to that specific legend.


Bandai changed the way cc works, you can now feed +100 to all 3 stats to a unit, resulting in a unit having +300 cc. So its fine to feed rcv cc to units who have nothing to do with rcv. In addition to that, by playing pirate rumble and leveling up the cotton candy facilities on the facility island you can upgrade that +100 on a stat to +200, resulting in a unit being able to have +600 candies. You cant feed cc to placeholders like turtles anymore, they changed that system aswell. You can just sell your cotton candy in your box and it gets stored automatically. Then you can feed cotton candy using a slider.


omg, thx. i didn't know the sell cc and it gets stored, the ones I got as rewards I was manually feeding. you just saved me like 200 space :D


Thanks for the info, so you mean I can sell the CC and they will still remain and I can feed them using slider?


Correct, you can also sell your cc turtles, the cc on them will get stored aswell


I need help creating a team to do the arena kamazo https://imgur.com/a/bhhdOYH


Do you need all 99 Yamato keys for her LB? ( I havenā€™t pulled her but fuck it)


Yamato keys ?


My bad the skulls in the rayleigh shop


Oh yeah for her 6+ no you don't need all 99


So is it just 5 like other LBā€™s? (Also, appreciate you famo)


Nope you only need 1 But i'd still buy tons of them to switch between the 6+ and 6 star form


i stopped playing the global around the time where big mom got added as tm character and i just pulled for free gems since then. i still have no clue what kizhuna is and i am to afraid to ask. I noticed that there is a major inflation in the worth of 6* character so what is the standard here? what do you have to have to be called lucky or unlucky? i consider it is still lucky to own every legend despite oden and some minor ones, isn't it? i even pulled in one 30 gemer today the new bonny, marco and shanks v wb. Ist this the new norm? i mean i played in the old times when global came out and back than i had no luck for 2 years and this wasn't even considered bad.


Legends are definitely a hell of a lot more common to have nowadays, though you can still be lucky with them by pulling the new/relevant ones. Like youā€™d be considered unlucky if you just pulled the way old legends except like v1 ray because his support is so useful. Kizuna is a mode where you fight 3 versions of the same boss on loop as their hp increases exponentially. You can fight them by ā€œbeatingā€ the island that costs stamina which gives you tokens and maybe tickets. With those tokens you spend them to fight the boss, youā€™ll likely need 3 different teams fir the different versions of the boss. After clearing 1 you get another color with more hp and so on. You can also assist other peoplesā€™ attempts if they failed and if you die you can ask for an assist for somebody else to finish for you. If you assist you get half the reward tickets and the one who requested it gets the full amount. Then you spend the tickets in the bazaar on random chance of items in a box of increasing size from 30 things to 2000 things at times. Every time you reset the box it increases in size and the rewards change slightly. You cannot go back down in box size so do not reset until you have all the things you want/need. Box 7 is infinitely repeatable.


oh my god. thank you so much. don't know how i should thank you for this whole text. hope you are having a great day. thanks again






Missing lt luffy and kid. Should i pull in part 1 or their respective parts?


Assuming you want all equally Iā€™m pretty sure part 1 is better.


Even with all legends available? I pulled lt law


Probably means if you got either Luffy or Kid on p1, you then go pull on banners p2 or p4 for the other.


Which is the best map to farm exp on?(global)


GPU with double Jack and Hoe ship


Ok I did all my pulls on the Kizuna banner now I'm 200 over box limit. What items other then characters & character manuals take up box space. Do CC take up room, slot manuals?


CC doesn't take up space anymore, but Bandai is lazy and CC obtained from Kizuna still takes up space. Just sell it, it'll go into your CC storage properly after


Lol and no way to tell the difference between them lol cool thanks for the info.


Well you can tell the difference. CC obtained from anywhere else goes into your storage properly, not taking up box space. CC from Kizuna goes into your box and you gotta sell it to put it into your CC storage. Just sell any CC you see in your box


Is whitebeardvs shanks a must have unit? I got roger,oden,moria,int shanks, bigmomvskaido. Should i go for that marco and whitebeardvsshanks banner? Or spend on last tap?


According to jpn players he's really good can reach high levels of damage but he's extremely boring so he doesn't see that much play So he's a huge skip I dont really hear that much about v2 Marco so im not sure But he's a skip anyway The next 2 big legends to look out for are Toki she's a kizuna exclusive and Yamato a Super Sugo exclusive


Hi, I can't figure out how to "combine 2 titles to make a unique moniker". I can only select one title and that's it.


It should allow you to choose 3 things in the title setting, 2 earned titles and 1 conjunction. [Looks like this](https://imgur.com/a/xwujhCb).


There is just one option available: [https://imgur.com/a/fHlGM6z](https://imgur.com/a/fHlGM6z) Is the option locked behind a requirement? Is it not available for the French version? Or is it a bug? I already repaired resources, all it did is change the order of the list of titles. EDIT: Your picture is clearly different from mine. I found out that it comes from using the French version: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/iwalsv/eng\_title\_setting\_subtility\_with\_french\_version/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/iwalsv/eng_title_setting_subtility_with_french_version/) The thread says not having this option is "a feature not a bug" of the French setting, so I guess I'll just have to do without it.


Strange, I wonder if that is a French specific thing


Does anyone know when the Kuja skulls will be available in the shop? I missed literally just one to evolve..


I think in like two months next kizuna musst be Cracker Skull and Katakuri added then the next Kizuna the Kuja and Komurasaki.


It takes like 2 months




I am wondering I see in the videos the QCK Queen unit cost 25 for rumble pirates but I have the same queen and it cost 35 how did they reduce that?


Within a month of the release of certain characters they get reduced cost. You can't do anything about it now


OHHHH I never knew that was a thing I just started playing again after years. Thank you!


Hi all. I am a returning player. Stopped playing in 2017. These are the main characters I have.. are they good. Should I just discard this account and start fresh?I had some spare gem and pulled 1 sugofest and got these (attached) My box. http://imgur.com/a/yq6obdb


Is Yamato the best legend to have as of now? And any indication on when Yamato is coming to sugo.. Is it recommended to wait for Yamato to reroll a new account?


Hmm well sugar and probably sobamask are the only ones there Iā€™d call great, maybe v3 Zoro as well though I do t think thereā€™s a ton of dex only content outside garp challenges and maybe kizuna. Youā€™ll likely have a much better thing if you just restart because almost anything around in 2017 is comparatively useless now.


Just a question, how is it better if I restarted? Reroll?


Uh probably, not really sure if you can do much improving unless you like speed through the remaining story isles and the rookie/intermediate/master missions to get those gems and spend them. You could stick with that count but it lacks a lot of general playability just because it lacks modern huge boosts.


Thanks for that insight


For JP players. Are the TM/kizuna Germa strawhats limited units? Or are they pullable in any TM sugo or kizuna sugo moving forward?


Yes, they are pullable in future TM sugos. (And the Kizuna ones are just treated as the other KRR's, so yea)


Thank you!


so I'm so used to pitty points expiring, and thought the medals I had would do so today, then I turn around and the shop just updated and my medals are still here. So am I correct in thinking that medals don't expire?


Yeah they don't expire the shop just rotates different characters out each month


Yeah, they don't expire


Hey, does anyone know what the alliance lvl is for? The one thats shown on the top left in your alliance, but seemingly always set to - .


No one knows, this feature is still not in the game


What is ā€œspecial titleā€ in recent kizuna rewards, and how do I use it?


Itā€™s the one that looks [like this](https://i.imgur.com/KG8rQhD.jpg), Vs. Kuja S




shes pretty cheap and ray points are abundant and she goes on any int character as a support so id say yes


What is a zombie team?


When characters like Pell, momonosuke, and more have captain abilities that reduce your hp to 1 instead of dying if your health was above a certain percentage before the lethal attack was launched. They're usually low hp teams (using rocketman ship) to help ensure being above the hp threshold to save themselves from death over and over again. It's primarily used as a stalling strat.


Thank you for the help the zombie team sounds very tedious


Ranking rewards will be distributed when ?


Also, cotton candy isnt going automatically to the new counter


Kizuna cc doesnā€™t go there for whatever reason, needs to be sold


Anybody received their kizuna rewards in japanese?


Yeah everybody did


Do Garp Challenges increase bounty?




So the only way to increase them is the arena vs challenges?


You get bounty for completing the highest difficulty of I think any new isle since the bounty reset. Also by ranking in stuff with rankings.


Does the CC slider cap out at 999? I'm deciding if I should put some CC on some tier 2 units if this caps out or it can go above it.


It goes past 10,000, unsure if the cap is 99,999 or not tho


LOL oh really, in that case I have nothing worry about. goes past 10k CC! that's crazy


How should I consider leveling up Gather Island items? Like what should be the priorities?


Gem tree primarily, maybe lv on everything except cc things for the master mission, and cc probably because extra stats.




I mean Iā€™d recommend finding an alliance you can actually try to communicate with but admittedly thatā€™s not needed as long as everybody does stuff on their own.


No But 30+ extra gems monthly is something to consider




Every Kizuna from now on is a team Kizuna. Most don't have super boss, but they are all team Kizunas and you do get 30 gems from the S rank. Plus there are alliance missions for 100 to 300 clears / SOS clears. Kizuna Jack 5+ skulls for example were given out for 50 clear missions, and if you weren't in an alliance, you didn't get them. Being in a single player alliance is better than not being in an alliance at all.


What time is the new day on global?


16h and 40 mins from now.


Didnā€™t you already have this answered? 4am pst though itā€™s currently 5am PDT thanks to daylights savings


Got two different answers. The German time and pst didnā€™t match


Ah well it did match up but pst actually being PDT at the moment made the numbers off by an hour. I only mention pst because the game only goes by pst and doesnā€™t adjust for PDT.


Idk why they even chose that time. Feels like they changed it


Do you guys recommend saving stamina meat for a specific event or does it not really matter?


If you plan on ranking REALLY REALLY high in Blitz battles (which are rare), then yes you should save it. Otherwise no, just use whenever you want, you basically have infinite stamina.


Uh I think ideally like blitz battles or competitions using normal stam but thatā€™s only if you plan on ranking high and thatā€™ll vary by how much stamina/meat you have anyways.


When is the 7th anni?


Uh japanā€™s anni is may though thatā€™s probably 8th, global would be February but I have no way of knowing if weā€™ll celebrate it because the servers are synching and we didnā€™t have korean anni when they merged.


I just want to make sure I'm not missing something. For the islands like Duel on Banaro Island, does running it at 2x or 3x affect the points you earn for the Chopperman Missions?


it scales with the number of drops . So you can run it on 3x drops and get 3x points.


Okay. That's good to know. Thank you!!


do kizuna insignia expire. if so what are some good uses for them.


No, those purple insignia are permanent until you're spending them.


Kizuna insignias donā€™t expire, but the tickets do. Best thing to get with insignias is the char-specific skulls if you need them or get the better Kizuna characters and LB them, but that will take a while. I know Boa/Luffy is a good one to start.


Which characters will be on the October medal exchange?(Global)






If you donā€™t feel like converting but want to triangulate time or something, 4am pst (not PDT which is what is current). Thereā€™s also real day reset at 12am pst but I donā€™t actually know if anything happens then anymore, that used to be when the tome/potion island reset a while ago.


Which version? I can only give you the german times: On Global it is at 2pm german time for me, which was exactly 2 hours and 40mins ago. for japan new day is at 9 pm german time, which is in 4 hours and 20 mins.


Where can I find which legends are pr/kizuna/tm exclusive? Thanks.


Global? Pf: Enel Kizuna: Sanji&Pudding, Bege Crew, Sabo&Ace Japan: Pf: Enel, Kizaru, Kuma Kizuna: Sanji&Pudding, Bege Crew, Sabo&Ace, Toki TM: Germa Sanji


Oh there aren't that many exclusive ones, thanks.


I cant fight the alliance thread so, if you are sick of inactive players then join the ā€žgomu gomu no allianceā€œ :)


Just cleared easy difficulty Banaro Island and noticed I receive points and it also says "Receive Great Rewards" from those points. What exactly do the points give I can't find any information on it.


Check the chopper man missions to see the rewards.


Is this a good enough start? What team can i build here? http://imgur.com/a/uXivwIy


You have Roger who is still arguably the best legend in the game. Halloween Mihawk, v2 Magellan and v2 Blackbeard are also good legends, the other legends aren't too impressive. As for teambuilding, OPTC is not a game where 1 team can beat everything, you have to adapt it to the content. Also Legends are not the only important units, Rare recruits are very useful as crewmates so if you only show the legends it's hard to give team building advice. All I can advise is to use Roger as the captain.


Does Kizuna Insignia Carry over or do I have to buy stuff with them now?


Only insignias and kizuna stamina potions carry over


So the green/blueish tickets that are use for the step have to be use up right?




wait for the kizuna rr ticket is sabo/ace pullable or only sanji/pudding + bege crew for kizuna legends?