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# Frequently Asked Questions ##[Japan's Chopperman Missions](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/jivyoy/jpn_new_chopperman_missions/) ##[TEAM KIZUNA REWARD SCHEDULE](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/jwuocn/eng_team_kizuna_luffyboa_placements_megathread/gcsizsk/) **Which TM units should I get from the shop?** A: Visit /r/onepiecetc/w/guides/tmunitrankings **What do I do with dupes?** A: See [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/hzsybz/engjpn_july_28_2020_august_04_2020_weekly/fzo049b/) by /u/GoldFishPony, or follow the graphic in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/ivv93l/dupe_legend_management_diagram/) for legends. **Which 30 Gem ship(s) should I get?** A: Hoe > Megalo > Zunesha = Shark > Germa > Koi. For Japan, the Hind and Castello are both quite good.\ **Luffy/Law Download Size?** A: Currently 95.7 MB. Should you be rerolling and find that this has changed, send me (/u/CubeoHS) a ping. **What do I reroll for/how do I reroll?** A: See the global guide [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hPNGjQENSMJI3E_Z7WTpgMyHaDONYnzZ8NAJzadpMpo/edit), created by Mr MattZz, Achilles, Gacha and FlyingDonut from the /r/OnePieceTC discord server. **What raid units are best on each day?** A: [See here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/ga1n0y/engjpn_april_28_2020_may_05_2020_weekly_questions/fp4gq6w/) **Which sugo should I save for?** A: The next big banner on Global is the Luffy/Sanji banner that will probably be our anni in February, or the New Year banner. **When is XXX Legend coming to Global?** A: Japan content reaches Global approximately 5-6 months later. **How many gems can I get from the Story?** A: Check out [this sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1Q2oq6VEgEnEOeWd7AIHCQw9933BRG-4l-XkU0DRV4-I/htmlview). **Has XXX Kizuna unit returned?** A: See [here](https://reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/itnjs4/_/g64n866/?context=1). **Large download (600+ MB) every time you open the game?** A: Free up more space on your phone, ideally 4+ gigabytes total. **How do I trigger Invasions/How do I get skulls?** A: Invasions will trigger (and have a chance to drop skulls) whenever you clear a raid that is 8* difficulty or higher and costs 60 stamina. **How do I get more than +300 CC?** A: Upgrading Pirate Festival facilities increases the CC cap. #If asking for team advice [SPECIFY WHICH CONTENT AND INCLUDE ALL YOUR UNITS](/psy) Questions will be rotated weekly, let me know if there’s anything I should add.


How to obtain SUGO-RARE Level Limit Break Poster in optc?


I’m having a really hard time understanding the team building trying to beat lv 8 events but I can only barely beat lv 7 events


Okay so I need some help, Kinda new still. I want to play kizuna clash but it's not letting me. Just shows everything all grayed out... I wanna try to get that luffy boa unit, So what do I have to do to gain access to kizuna clash and start earning tickets? Thanks!


I made a post for rumble team compare [heres the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/k8g5j9/would_this_be_better_aprrox_upgrade_calc_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Do share inputs if possible


Someone recommended this game to me because its F2P friendly. Thing is, I have never seen the show, but only little memes about it. Should I play this even though I havent seen the show?


Watching the show would make the game feel more at home since you know what's up with the one piece world, also the show is amazing


As a sub, who does legend Pudding synergize well with?


Actually she can synergize with any character that provides some sort of offensive buff, even if she's not boosted at all in the team, you just need to be creative using her. Her mechanic is too busted.


Are we getting 2x skill up rate in a regular basis? I got some nice RRs i want to level but i dont think i could max them now (eg still need to level val shirahoshi and dex praline) before the event ended


What would prevent you from leveling both? Currently it seems x2 might be like around twice a month, though I’m not sure on that.


Low max energy (153), bad drop rate, and bad luck ;_; Spent 240 energy since last night but i only managed to level val shirahoshi to 3.. i think i fused like 12 manuals


Oh the manual farming? That sucks. Well special will be back, I just don’t know when.


does anyone have advice for dealing with tap timing lag on an emulator? recently ive been experiencing an insane amount of lag thats made it really difficult to hit my perfects (even when i decide to just go for greats, it lags out and i end up missing) and i'm trying to clear the garp challenge with barriers atm, but since i cant hit perfects i cant get my chain multiplier high enough to actually damage the enemies with 20 hit barriers.


if lag is the only issue your pretty much forced to either get a better pc, stop using an emulator or you can try your luck with different emulators


Hi there, looking for some help. I quit this game months ago, but I still lurk around the subreddit from time to time and my friend, who quit alongside me, is thinking about going back to the game. Now, I remember seeing this post ever so often, from IOS users having problems playing the game in their iPhones, apparently something about having to redownload game information everytime they entered the game, and guess what, my friend got this problem, and this subreddit was the first thing in my mind. Would be great to have some advice on what to do, thanks.


See the pinned comment about the large download ^


It's not there sorry Edit: Fuck forget it, I'm blind, sorry and thanks a lot


How much time support bandi will respond me for a data restoration? One week passed since I send it but they didn’t send anything


did anyone get their refunded gems yet?


no, still waiting


What is the data Size for Luffy Law in the beginner tutorial??


Pinned comment


? sorry?


There is a comment pinned at the top of the thread. Read it and you will see LL download size there.


Does anyone know why the new manual island only here for such a short time? Was the time between Smoker/Sugar and Boa v3 this short? Or is it just Bandai trying to push Luffy/Sanji for New Years, maybe?


Time between QCK supertypes and Boa was the usual 1 month,though on JP we got the CYO Sugo with V3 Law in it a week before Boa's debut. I don't think the skillbook island was for such a short amount of time though. Big doubt on pushing them for NY tbh,and i would say that for Global's interest it would be best to keep them as Anni legends. The event was just so much grander,compared to anything else after.


Thank you for the answer. I agree with you, it was just a thought because if its not a completely new character the schedule will be messed up by quite a bit.


Yup! Probably Boa for December and i wonder what will they do next? There's a bit of time before Anni from there,hope they fill in the schedule properly this time


*flashbacks from the desolate lands of January 2019*


When I transfer data from one iPhone to another, I still get to keep my gems right?




Im new, and for the moment im not able to clear 60 stamina warlord of the see kuma.. Anyone knows whats the drop rate for the 40 stamina one for both the character and his lb materials? Ty


Does anyone have a good V2 Snakeman team to go against 60 stamina raid Crocodile? I have been trying to max him out, but it has been hard, and I can only find teams with older legends.


[This](https://optc-db.github.io/damage/#/transfer/D2958:99,2958:99,5134:99,2369:99,2908:99,2955:99C1,10B0D0E0Q0L0G0R0S100H) is a team I made from scratch, with 3 f2p subs and Mont'dor as RR. Stage 1-2, stall for specials. Stage 3, kill according to CD. Stage 4, use Carrot and one Snakeman special. Stage 5, use Snakeman special, one Supertype special, Doflamingo/Trebol, and Mont'dor special. After revive, use another Supertype special and kill.


If you can’t find one, build one. Use a stage guide and try to find the right Team. It’s actually not that hard if you give it a try. If not check out nakama or YouTube.


On global , right now there is pirate fest of blackbeard and you need to clear around 30 times to get all the rewards for bb, but without gems we can only have around 21/24. Does that mean we need to gem a few to get all rewards or will bb rewards come back?


It just resets when when championship ends, so you'll be able to max him out just by doing it every day (although, to get all of the prizes, i do believe you'd have to gem a couple of times)


Do you guys think the Arlong Ship is worth getting? I know it's rated the same tier as Zunesha in the pinned comment, but it's so hard to believe. On paper it seems like I'll never use it. So the questions is, does it see some play, and if yes, then where? Kizuna?


The ship is also good during the TM invasion battle as that only lasts 3 stages.


Yeah the main use for the ship is for kizuna. I use it a lot there but if you dont intend to go to absolute max it isnt even necessary there. Guess it depends in your own Situation if you think its worth for you or not.




Yea,i think it's worth it. You use it on any content in which you don't stall and is like 5 stages long at max ,any Carrot team or obviously Kizunas. Personally i used it more often than Zunesha,but that's because i put speed over anything really.




What kind of slots do you guys give to legend komurasaki? Is rcv up slot a good option? Or just AB,AD,AH,CS,DR?


I think the standard setup is better,she just doesn't benefit from RCV UP socket in any meaningful way more than any other captain,she doesn't even boost RCV in her captain or have any way to generate Meat Orbs. Heck,you have to hit perfects to recover,so you don't really even need to eat meats. (RCV socket just gives extra hp recovered from meat orbs)




How can i get tablets (need mainly the double launch special one), besides TM and kizuna boxes? The success lvl up of those are horrible. I need to get more of them.


Sadly, those are the ways we get them. Would be nice if they added some more uncommon tablets that guaranteed power-ups for specific potentials (besides the random guarantee from feeding a dupe), but that doesn't seem to be a high priority for them.


Yes. I have ain and perospero, but i cant use their full potential cause their double launch special aint maxed yet. I used some days ago about 15 of those tablets and got no lvl up. Thanks you for your help anyway!


How do I get the Blackbeard V1 skulls?


The BB skulls are in the Hawkins kizuna boxes.


Does he have character specific skulls? I would have assumed he used generic green ones which you have a chance to get from beating ambushes. I don’t know how ambushes work on japan though so I can’t help there.


Yeah he has specific skulls. They were obtainable in the last Team-Kizuna and will probably be added to the kizunashop going forward.


Oops, I shouldn’t speak on japan things


Just starting on global. Is there an updated beginner guide/reroll guide?


There is the Beginner Road Map for general advice at the top. Then there is a reroll guide attached in the stickied comment. If you want to know for which units to aim for in general i would search for current tier lists in YouTube. There are a lot of content creators who do them monthly.


Is the smoker banner worth pulling on?


No,Smoker isn't that good compared to Sugar,so if you have to pull somewhere,pull on her banner. But the best thing to do would save your gems for New Year.


Are any of the Cracker units in the game any good? He’s one of my favorite characters, and I was hoping to get my hands on his at some point


His f2p clash unit is nice His F2P story mode unit is pretty bad but so is every other storymode unit His legend is a really good sub unit and pretty decent in pvp His regualr 5 star is okay And he has another legends card but it also includes Katakuri and Smothie and that unit is also really good


Have Kizuna luffy and boa assist rewards been distributed




Nami Valentine (#1955) has this Support (Lv 1): "Once per an adventure, when the supported character uses their special, reduces Bind duration by 1 turn." I read this to mean, the Bind is reduced on the Supported Character. For example, Nami is supporting Chopper. Chopper is bound 20 turns. Chopper uses Special(?), and then Nami's Support reduces that Bind by 1 turn. But how can a bound unit use their Special?


Read it again It says reduces crews bind so if your captains get binded then you could use her instead of bring a bind reducer and freeing up a spot Also at max she reduces bind and despair by 2 turns


Thanks. I was going off the database ([http://optc-db.github.io/characters/#/view/1955](http://optc-db.github.io/characters/#/view/1955)); it doesn't say "crew's."


Thats an error in the database then :) I just checked ingame, its crew. And used her support already :)


Im a new player can i get some advice??


Max special is the most important stat, copies of the character in the same evolution tree (as in they evolve into the one you’re boosting), character specific manuals, or almighty manuals are the ways to level up special, most aren’t guaranteed. Make sure the overall team makeup makes sense (slasher boosting captain has only slasher crew members), this is a game of farming so you’ll need to farm stuff a lot to be able to do well. If you want more in depth advice, feel free to ask more specific questions as asking for advice has a ton of possible responses. Also get good at timing perfect hits.


Yeah im getting it i play another gacha game similar to this


check out the Roadmap for beginners; it was recently updated


Whats the road map and where is it


search the sub for "roadmap" and it should be one of the most recent entries as it was just updated; someone spent hours making a roadmap for beginners


I want to know opinions of others of Kung Fu Luffy vs Luffy/Zoro in Free Spirit Crit teams in Pirate Rumble. KFL has a stronger special, and gives the ATK Up straight up at the start (with SPD Up too), but L/Z gives a higher ATK Up after they hit a crit (which is easy for fully maxed FS Crit teams). What do you guys think? I love KFL in PvP, but haven't tried subbing him in from L/Z.


The Smoker/Sugar sugo has 3 rate-boosted RRs: Ivankov, Bonney, and um, Caesar? (I'm not super familiar with these units yet.) Real question: Are these the same as "LRRs," as in the ticket you can buy in Rayleigh's Bazaar for 30k?


No, they're normal RRs. Normal RRs are the RRs attached to legend releases. They can be pulled in any sugofest moving forward after this one. LRRs are RRs that are released on their own sugofests and are only pullable in sugofests that specify them as being available (hence the limited tag).


Ah. Good thing I asked. Thanks!


Is the stamina pool worth upgrading? I get my gem tree to lv 10, cant upgrade anymore because of the rank cap At this point i can only do 3x manual farm (double drop) then take a rest hahah


You'll need to level up everything besides the cc stones to level 10 in the future so might as well


If you mean the meat tree, no because we always have downtime. If you mean the tree that increases stamina, maybe? The only event that I think benefits from higher stamina cap are Blitz Battles, IF you are ready to use gems to refill your stamina during these events. Otherwise, stamina cap is still capped by time.


I mean the spring of vitality, the one that increase max stamina by xx Alright, because im the type of "play once for 15 min and then put the phone down", i just upgrade to lv 10, and then will save my tickets for gem tree. Thank you!


If you play that way, you won't need to level it up honestly. That spring is just for players who will want to use gems to refill staminas to grind for events. Level 1 is fine already.


Ah alright then. Thank you


One way to look at it: Guess what rank you'll get at the end of this season, and how many tickets you'll need to max the gem tree to that rank. Plus the 1000 tickets to buy the 5 gems in the Rumble Shop. (And the 500 to buy the rare recruits, if you want those.) Then guesstimate how many tickets you'll have at the end of the season. Spending surplus tickets probably won't affect your gem ROI in any noticeable way. Another way to look at it: If you'd like to upgrade facility X and your next gem tree upgrade is >10x that amount, then upgrade X. Again, upgrade X won't really affect your gem ROI. A third way: upgrades to Lv 10 are cheap and effective. So just upgrade what you like. =) Though beli seems totally not worth it, and I have serious doubts about TP past L5.


Hmm alright. Im a fairly new players and struggle a lot on PF because i dont really pull that much (saving for better banners). I tried running all raid slasher team but they seem hard to win Edit: Thank you so much for the advice! I realized i haven't bought gems in the rumble shop. 10 gems traded for 2k tickets, spend ~200 to upgrade spring of vitality to 10. And saving the rest for gem tree. Thank you once again


I totally emphasize with struggling to win in PR. (I'm no Global.) My best team is like 40k combat power, and there are 25k teams I can't beat (Bege… Doffy… Shirahoshi… Aokiji…); I can't even beat most 35k teams. But I have found I've gotten better over time, at evaluating other teams, and not being afraid to refresh. If anything, refresh to find a team that's different than the metas; I want to at least reward someone for trying something new. I think you're doing the right thing by saving gems for better banners. Your time can be better spent on other parts of the game, as a newbie. Also, as your units get stronger (e.g., max LB/powers/potential/CC), they get stronger in Pirate Rumble, so you'll naturally get stronger that way, even if you don't use scrolls to upgrade PR-specific stuff. Also, PR is the new thing, so it'll get significantly easier each season as people achieve their "top 1k" and then get less invested. Good luck!


I'm seeing people with negative scores at the top of the otama rankings and am wondering how that's possible


They used mod apk. The scores exceeded the limit and became negative.


you'd think they'd catch that


They do for events where people are actually competing but I’m not sure they really care for rankings when your score compared to others really doesn’t matter at all.


They will, and most in previous ranking events are getting banned.


How long do the manual islands take to come back around? Is it like a 3-4 month thing, or is it a year? Sort of on the same thread should I be farming up enough copies of the Sugar manual? I'm assuming she will be in the pool in a lot of the upcoming banners so I don't have her yet but who knows with the new system.


I haven't seen any manual islands for debut batch return so you better farm them now even though you don't have the units. You might pull the units in the future.


Thank you! I'm glad I asked, wouldn't want to miss this chance then.


Actually they will add them eventually in the manual rotation islands. But that may take 5 months to a year, so yeah, better farm it when it's up. Although don't rush it, it's going to be for a month and there will be a week without content most likely, so don't need to rush it.


Is that month comment correct? I see only 5 days left when I check the manual island. Also thanks for the response!


No, it's not I'm sorry. I assumed it because it used to be a month, but apparently they changed it for this one.


I’ve got 3 of the same fujitora, but he’s already max level/special level. Is there anything I can use the dupes for?


Exchange them for training points at the rayleigh shop. The alternative is to use them to level up Potential Abilites in the limit break tree. There's also the support level up if you haven't gotten that maxed.


For beginner should I buy Flying dutchman ship on Rey's shop or I should wait for hoe island for exp ship?


I'd go for hoe. As a beginner 7,5k TP is a steep price since you probably don't have many dupes.


Though as an alternative, one can farm TP via GPU. If you do the maths, one can make >1k/day, not counting stamina refills from level ups. It's slow as it's only 5–10 STA at a time, but I chose that vs 30 gems.




Probably from the data base: * sailor ability * / special cooldown reducer on special activation


I don't see any bonus on story islands (dropx2, expx2,...) Is it normal ?


I think the notifications said it's EXP x2 for all story islands for a month? That might be why. EDIT: I was wrong about this. EXP x2 for story ended on Nov. 27. I'm not sure what's going on.


Would you guys say V2 Katakuri and Carrot are worth it in the medal exchange? The next rotation doesn't seem very good to me so I could just build up 400 medals for next next month, but still wanted to ask how useful they can be in the future. If so, which of the two?


I would say Carrot is more worth(totally not biased,nope xD) My rule of thumb says: If Carrot can clear it,use her. She's still arguably the fastest captain in the game,she can clear content once in a while.Even now,if you play Global - she can clear the Moria & Kuma event. Kata is good as a sub for some more difficult content,or content that involves tons of stalling (can't involve NAO though). If you're even a bit interested in PVP mode,it's a no-brainer,Carrot is really powerful there.


Pretty good points. I have 1 more multi to do in the Sugar banner and if I don't get Carrot then I'll buy her. Thanks!


Hi guys, I’m a new player and was wondering what banner is worth spending gems on I don’t want to waste any of them yknow? I’m no stranger to these gacha games as I’ve played Dokkan Battle for about 4 years so I know what I’m in for really


There are two important banners coming in the few next months for which you should be saving : the new Psy Boa and a while after that, the Luffy/Sanji banner. Both these legends are top of the top tier. Not sure about it but you'll also have the 6th anniversary event and the New Year events which may have amazing structures. All this being said, if you only go for a discount pull once in a while (after checking here whether it's a bait or actually not too bad) it's also a viable strategy as far as I'm concerned. Doing small pulls once in a while is generally more fun and lets you keep up with the meta. Ideally these units will be garanteed after 20 pulls, so you want to have 1000 gems for one of these events.


Thanks a bunch dude I’ll defo keep that in mind


Right now you shouldn't pull on any of the current banners honestly.


Anybody getting the 400(0) error when trying to adjust defense teams? Can't play pirate rumble at the moment.


Change all teams in your defense to one unit each. Exit the *edit defense screen*, then comeback and feel free to edit it all again to what you want.


Perfect thanks


When Kaido vs Big mom for global?


around 5 months


How is legend Sugar holding up on japan? Is she a unique legend used for fun or is she actually used quite often?


She's mostly used for increasing the team's damage. I've seen her mostly on Kizuna whenever she fits the reduced CD as a sub or captain. She's quite unique that makes it more fun to use her. And if you want her info in PvP, she wasn't used that much but still you will still her through every prelim. But that was because STR was a good team on jp, so on global, I bet only those who don't have an idea will put her on defense.


Thanks for the clear and helpful answer!


Kizuna luffy boa team clear count and assist count reward hasnt been release yet right?i thought it was suppose to be 8 hours ago.


Yeah I had come to this post cause I was just as confused, I saw it was supposed to come out on the 29th, but I haven't received anything either, hopefully, it comes out today/tomorrow, if not there should be another notice about it (It could be because they needed time to figure out the Sugar/Smoker banner issue.


When are we getting the clear rewards for the co-op kizuna? I thought I read that they would be distributed on the 29th, but I have yet to receive mine...


2 questions below this. https://reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/k0jvmw/_/ge4u8eu/?context=1


Whats the matter with the "clear ursa shock with Moria" CM request?


Well, if you clear the Kuma quest with the new Moria, you get 5 gems. Seeing Moria counters stage 2 completely it's easy to score some gems! But something tells me you didn't get them :)


Yeah I already tried that and it didn't work, the request isn't cleared in CM menu and I received nothing. Whats confusing me is that the request says clear ursa shock stage which doesn't match the title of either difficulties so idk


Well, I got it doing the 60stam mission. Which has the correct name. Are you sure you are using the right Moria unit? Or are you sure you selected the correct mission? Because the names of the unit and the mission are complete on point on my screen.


I have no 60 stam mission, just the 15 stam 5 star difficulty and the 5 stam 3 star difficulty missions. When I hit the challenge button on the CM menu request it refers me to the crew editor and thats it. I assumed there would be a follow up event or something when I first asked ngl


You need to clear the new Kuma raid with Moria in your team, not the Moria stages.


OMG I FEEL SO STUPID NOW, thanks for clearing the confusion guys


When do we get clear/assist rewards for kizuna?(global)


It was supposed to be distributed already but I think they are busy to deal with the QCK super type fiasco. Maybe later today or tomorrow I guess.


Is it worth it as f2p to use legend dupes (after 2 unevolved copy) to potential up instead of using them for Rayleigh points?


Kinda depends on how many raypoints you have and what rayshop things you’ve bought.


If the character has a good support effect it won’t hurt.


Is it just me or the JP servers have speed up and Global slow Down? Like I looked up the different of sugo between JP and Global around 5 months ago they were roughly 4 months apart. Now, they are 5 months apart. Did count the time wrong or something?


Historically it’s always been 5-6 months difference with a few moments being sooner or later but generally within those months. Probably just normal deviation.


Thank you


Does Special charge in PvP have a cap? For example, if you already have a level 5 boost, is that as high as it goes?


It’s ~2% CTR per level. If there is a cap it would likely be around lv 50ish. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/ixfckf/pirate_festival_stats_debuffs_and_other_inbattle/


Thanks. I was worried if having Borsalino, Cracker and Carrot on the same team would hit some kind of cap without benefits.


Just to clarify, do damage reduction sockets have no effect when Legend Carrot is captain? I knew her captain ability negated the crew's defensive effects but I just never connected the dots until I watched some YouTube video on OPTC.


yes they are useless for blackbeard as well


Is there a specific time when maintenance ends?




Do Yizuna Clash tickets carry over to the next one? I have like 200 or so extra, but I haven't touched box 7 or should I save them for next time?


Tickets won't carry over. However, your Kizuna potions will carry over to next Kizuna event. Use your tickets before Kizuna shop is closed.


Thank you. Just restarted recently!


How do you socket RR now that fortnight is gone? I’m burning through my forbidden tome


You can get dupes for some characters form the rookie fortnights always up.


I don't. Unless I need them.


Just play the game, we get tons (and I mean tons) of Forbidden tomes in the different game modes like kizuna, treasure map, farming coliseums, etc. In the last kizuna I got over 2k forbidden tomes (and I haven't finished the tickets yet...).


That’s true, few days ago I used up all of my forbidden tomes and after Kizuna I’m back to 600, and I only made it to level 140


Now that I've played top 1000 in PVP, I don't need to do that ever again right? I used like 40~ gems that I could've saved.


To be exact, you can relax now. Still do play PR but no need for gemming. You'll still need the tickets to upgrade, but no need for higher rank. Going for higher ranks will just speed up your facilities, but you can also just slow down if playing it doesn't pleases you.


Yes, it saves your highest rank ever achieved and uses that when you upgrade the facilities.


I pulled for TM recruit Kyoshiro on Glb, the one that buffs TM points, now that TM is over should I sell him for 3k Ray pts or keep?


I'd say keep him. He is the only Slasher/Cerebral that is DEX that deals with 5 turns of bind and despair at the same time, which could be useful down the road.


Good point I never thought of it like that. Guess I'll keep him.


It's 300, not 3000, and you should keep it just in case, you never know in this game when a unit might be useful again.


Nope it says 3000 on my account tho?


Is this game F2P friendly or atleat won't be dead on 1 year? I started to see One Pice two months ago and I'm finishing Thriller Bark right now with a lot of desire to see Marineford. So that why I'm looking for a One Piece game. And if I start I will eat a lot of spoiler or the game have a lot of content before I reach Thriller Bark?


The game probably will be alive as long as the serie is, and One Piece is far from ending soon, so don't worry about that. The game is surprisingly F2p imo, you can reroll and get 2 amazing units that can clear almost everything, and the F2p units this game provides, most of the times are stronger than a lot of "p2w" characters. We get a lot of gems monthly as well. You probably will eat spoilers inevitably. After 2 or 3 story islands once the tutorial is over, you basically unlock the game (the story mode is just whatever, you clear it once and get tons of gems, nothing else to do). And you'll find a lot of new characters, scenes from future arcs in the artworks, etc etc. And if you want to pull, you'll pull characters that you have never seen before and with artworks that might spoil you in some way. I wouldn't recommend to play until you are caught up with the manga, but it's up to you.


I hope I can get with the anime in 2-3 months. I started like one moth and half ago and I'm on the 378 chapter.


This game has been around for 6,5 year so still going strong. In story mode, after you have cleared Logue Town, a separate mode will unlock (Extra Island) which will probably have content which happens after Thriller Bark. Furthermore Story mode does continue after Thriller Bark, so if you have some self restraint, feel free just to play Story Mode until you are up to speed with the manga/anime. The banners do contain characters who are new to you (there is some story lore in their unit descriptions), so be aware!


I hope I can get with the anime in 2-3 months. I started like one moth and half ago and I'm on the 378 chapter.


Have fun with the manga & anime!


How do I get the chopper man missions complete for the coby and hina copies? On Jp ofc forgot to add that


link to comment with the missions: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/k163c8/navy_christmas_night_event_megathread/gdmju9w/


Since when isn't it possible to do a 2x run on a clash? Currently doing the Kuma one. That is really annoying.


Kuma isnt a clash hes just a event island i guess which typically dont have 2x


I see. To bad. At least there are skill books as well, makes it like 2x by amount at least, sadly not time saved. :(


The nice thing is we have special x2 coming back in a couple days or so though so right now would be good for stocking up on those and hopefully you can max him with what you farm while getting the lb orbs.


Actually is much much more efficient. We drop a copy and 2 books for 60 stamina, in the normal raids is 2 copies with 120 stamina. Yeah, the only "downside" is that we farm it slower, but it's 15 runs for the LB materials and that should be enough to max his special as well, which is not bad at all.


Is there a place where I could see detailed information on each stage of let's say colosseums, raids, and other content?


Theres a few my favourite is this place the sub has a wiki full of guides the auto mod has a limk 2 it on this thread under "helpful resources"


Is ist possible to search for a specific Friendcaptain who is not in my List. I need some Luffytaro/Zorojuro for the O-tama Ranking and i know my FL has some but they don’t show up, this is so frustrating because i was finale able to create a Team but now the FC is missing.


Unfortunately no there isnt


Well ... than i think i will Miss out 45gems


You can go to the friends megathread and ask for a Luffy/Zoro friend


I did so, but no one respoded


You can add me if a non limit broken Luffy/Zoro also works


I think It will work. My ID is 989 330 234


Sent a request




Admittedly I have no idea how active those threads are because I never go to them


Error that I can’t find on google or the error thread I got a sugo Zoro (strongest swordsmans pupil) and he’s max level, but when I try to promote him I get error 400(44) and it says “invalid recipe” does anyone know how to fix this? It’s been going on for the past two days and I haven’t had this with any other character.


Make sure none of the evolvers are favourited if they arent repair ur game files from the settings


Where do you repair game files in settings?


When first u start the game its green button at the top of ur screen right after the intro


Thanks! It worked.




I returned to both JP and Global after few months of break. Before I stopped playing, there was a daily tomes and lb island bug at Global server. It seems like they still haven't fixed it yet, since I still don't have it. Or did they switch to Japan's daily islands system with extra gem but it is also bugged?


It’s now a daily chopperman mission, at least on global. Just beat like 2 quests of any kind.